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Vistiji Help - Curse from Previous birth

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Thu, 24 Nov 2005 05:15:43 +0000 (GMT)

Axel Kuerngen kuerngen

Curse from Previous birth

visti ||Hare Krishna|| Guru Vistiji: Namaste.

10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial">My daughter who is three now has her UL in the 8th and

has Saturn and Rahu in the second from there [9th house]. I know this does not

augur well for marriage. Will her marriage be happy and long lasting? I know

this would be hard for us parents, but what could be the worse result of this

placing. I feel that since the 9th house involved this could be the curse of

Brahmin from a previous birth, could that be the case? Further and most


Guruji, we specifically want to know what remedies have to be undertaken by us

as parents and she herself so that the effect of this ominous placing can be

rectified. We are God fearing people and we do pray regularly and are trying to

bring her up the same way. Do let us know what has to be done additionally. I

attach her JHD for your study, but please reconstruct the horoscope if you do

so desire. Sincere Regards,

0in 0pt"> Axel Kuerngen

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Attachment: (application/octet-stream) Ponnu.jhd [not stored]

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