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vargas to Pradeep,Anurag etc/Anil ji

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Dear Anil kumar ji


What is the duration of a Bhava Lagna.If it is 120 minutes - where do you see a

Bhava.Hora Lagna on the other hand is half of a Bhava ie 60 minutes making it

more clear.


Tanu Bhava results are to be guessed through the ascending '''RASHI''' as per

Parashara.Is ascending Navamsha also a Rashi?If yes ,how many Rashis do you

expect to rise at a point in time?


Many Libra navamshas are present in the Zodiac - Can you differentiate between

them without the help of a Rashi.Pushkara/Vargottama or take any concept in

Jyotisha - can you understand a varga without linking it with Rashi.


There is a clear distinction between Rashis and Amshas.As per Mahamuni - Amshas

are divisions of individual rashis.Rashi/Kshethra/Griha have equal span.A Rashi

is Griha(House) for a Planet.An amsha is not.


If you want to know how amshas are used,please go thorugh classics.If you go

with a fresh mind you will find hundred housands of shlokas.If you want to find

bhavas in amshas you have to hunt for years and when not found,for self

consolation - have to say - Shubha Varga means - ''Houses in Divisional



How can a learned person like you conclude such?You can imagine such, only if

you are so obsessed with bhavas in Vargas,which has no classical nor logical

basis - and so is the case here.






vedic astrology, "aokedia" <anilkedia@i...> wrote:


> Re: Queries about Event-Dasha-Transit


> 1.The changes I make in the DATA sheet do not affect the other

> sheets. Unprotecting helps but only if I refresh cell by cell. What

> should I do to modify all calculations at the same time?

> Anil: Goto tools-option-calculation and choose auto then OK and save

> sheet.


> 2. Any way to get South Indian format charts?

> Anil: You try to get excel sheets from Imran/Visti. they give it but

> you

> will need to adjust the code.


> 3.Also, I would like to learn about using all the features in the

> program eg.muhurta. I have PVRN's book but that's not exhaustive. Can

> you suggest any websites that give info about the different features?

> Anil: I collected this from several sources. Get a good book on

> Muhurta

> and Panchang.


> 4. can you consider adding horary number feature too.BTW which cusp

> system is implimented in Event hora IN KP calculation.

> Anil: Can you explain more about horary number. I am not aware of

> this.

> I have given 108/1800/249.

> You can enter any number even for above cases and it will be

> converted to

> desired range automatically. Placidus system has been used with KP

> ayanansha. You try to check with manual calculation and if there is

> some

> difference let me know.


> Thanks for your interest.


> Anilkumar



> -------------------------------

> Dear Pradeep,




> Varg is different from division or Amsha. Varg means class.

> eg. Vargeekaran=classification. so the word divisional chart is not

> correct for varg charts.


> Main chart is just the Bha-chakr without any division. It contains

> only grahas and bhavas. Just mark the longitude on circle calibrated

> into

> 360 degrees where each degree is again maked with 60 minutes and each

> minute

> is in 60 seconds. so we calibrate Bha-chakr in 360*60*60=1296000

> points and

> mark the location of all planets and houses as per their longitude.

> Here we

> can see which planet is in which house on the basis of longitude and

> we do

> not need any signs here. This is actual representation of sky map

> visible

> at the time of birth.


> Sage Parashar has not defined the starting point of Bha-chakr.This is

> why any point as per convenience can be choosen.We have Sayan and

> Niryan(here also many variations) based on starting point.Then we

> have Bhrigu system

> where Natural lordship of houses is very important. Some people use

> Lagn=Mesh(starting point).This is the basis for Arun-Sanhita (Lal-

> Kitab).

> One can also count from some Nakshatr to see relevent good/bad

> effects.

> See concept of Sthunas etc. in Prashn-Marg and Different Dashas start

> from different Nakshatras in BPHS.Thus Main chart only has BHAV and

> Grah.


> Now sage Parashar says 1/12th of Bha-chakr is Rashi.So when we divide

> it

> in 12 parts,we get first division.Now we classify planets and houses

> as per

> their placement into different divisions. This classification is

> called

> Rashi varg. Similarly,we can divide it further to get other vargas.

> This classification is based on Ansha/parts/divisions in which

> planets etc.

> are placed. Collective name for a classification containing all

> planets etc. based on same method of division is called varg. For the

> sake of clear

> differentiation,we call them D1,D2,D60,Dn etc. Here n shows no of

> divisions

> within a sign.When we divide on the basis of Navmansh,we call it

> Nav-Navmansh,Navmansh dwadashansh etc.Similarly we can further divide

> any varg in 16 types as we do with Rashi.


> Now you can see that in D1,we assign Rashis to 12 divisions of Bha-

> Chakr

> and consider their lords as Bhavesh. We similarly consider signs in

> vargas

> and therefore they also have lords which by same logic are bhavesh

> for that

> varg.Following verse clearly shows that vargas are different from

> Anshas.


> par5160.itx(283): lagnAdupachaye ketau yogakArakasaMyute |

> shubhAMshe shubhavarge cha shubhakarmaphalodayaH || 62||


> Meaning : Ketu in upachaya with Yogakaaraka in benefic Ansha

> (division)

> and benefic varga gives fruits of good Karma. I consider Ansha as sign

> and varga as house in divisional chart.


> Now why we do so many divisions? This has been already explained using

> example of world map. Can we define a map in different ways? Yes.

> If we need to see natural land/hills/river etc,we use different map

> while

> we use different map for showing matters like population etc. Even

> though area is same,we use different colour codes etc to show

> different matters.

> Similarly,we can find vargas based on division in different ways to

> see

> different things. This is why we have several variations of some

> charts

> like D3. In short,D1 is parent and other 15 vargas are children.Some

> children are twins. Children can have grand-children as well.


> Hope you are satsfied now.


> Thank you for your interest


> Anilkumar



> -----------

> I am appending earlier mail below:


> On the map of world you locate country eg. India.

> Then you magnify India region to locate state eg. Delhi.

> Then you magnify Delhi region to locate different villages/towns.

> Then you magnify the town region to locate your street.

> Then you magnify the street to locate your home.

> Then you magnify your home to see different rooms.

> Then you magnify your bed-room to see your bed.


> Theorotically, your bed has a unique lattitude and longitude so it is

> possible to see it on the map of world but no one can do not.So based

> on what we want to see we magnify the map selectively untill desired

> thing

> is visible.If I just want to locate delhi,there is no point in

> magnifying

> further but when I want to locate an address in delhi,I have to do

> that.


> Now as you know that the area of view is fixed(size of your

> monitor/paper).

> So on world map, India may appear in East but in map of India,Delhi

> will

> appear in north while your town may be seen in west in the map of

> Delhi.


> You can argue that it has only one longitude so it must appear at same

> point but depending on magnification,it will change its direction. Now

> as you know that we locate exact direction on 360 degree circle,the

> longitude of place will change from map to map. This new longitude is

> MUST for you if you want to know exactly where it is located.


> Now apply it to birth-map of sky i.e. birth-chart.

> you can easily understand the need of varg-charts and varg-

> longitudes.

> You can still give one argument:

> Instead of changing longitude,we should magnify the scale of map so

> that

> with same longitude,we can locate the place in each map.

> While this is acceptable,there is a big problem of recalibration of

> scale

> for each map. To avoid this,we use same scale and re-calculate the

> longitude. This is much easier as our canvass remains same.

> Would you like to change your moniter every time you find that entire

> document is not visible on screen? It is definatly better to scroll

> the documents instead of changing screens.

> All attributes of world map are preserved in every magnified map. Only

> the area covered by map is different. Same applies to varg-charts.

> Anilkumar

> -------------------------------

> UL in D1 and D9


> Dear Anurag,I am giving some hints for better understanding.


> (1) You know about UL in D1 and from it,time *your* marriage.

> (2) Now, in D9,take 7th as lagn of spouse and consider it as her D1.

> (3) Using rules as in D1, find time of *spouse* marriage.

> (4) If you wish,you can find varg vinshottary dasha using varg

> longitude of Chandr and time her marriage.

> (5) Now find the overlapping period in both charts to fix the date.

> -----

> Additional Hints:

> once you have D1 for spouse with longitudes,you can find her D9 too!

> This will again show YOU! D9 of spouse is your D81 and D81 lagn must

> show her spouse ie YOU. So this must be like your D1 lagn.


> This is the very basis for Kund-Rectification.


> Now we know that exact longitudes are calculated for Kund-

> Rectification.

> This clearly shows existance of longitudes in vargas.


> In kund-Rectification,trines are also allowed. This 120 degree change

> in D81 corresponds to 120/81 degrees in D1. It takes about 6 minutes

> time.


> Now you see that this is the duration for PranPad lagn!


> In practise,we can choose nearest time so just +/- 3 minutes are

> enough

> for Rectification.


> Similarly, you can find D3 of your spouse to see her brother,D12 for

> mother

> D7 for children etc.Thus we can easily understand the meaning of

> vargas from

> the calculation method.


> I will give another example.

> Hora chart is much disputed but I found 2 charts giving good results.


> Yavan Hora: First hora of same sign and second hora of 11th.

> 11th house shows Income/Profits. This Hora gives excellent results for

> income.


> Another Hora: First hora same sign and second hora 2nd(next) sign.

> 2nd shows accumulation etc. This hora gives good results for wealth.

> This may be called Garg-Hora but I do not have classical proof.

> -----------------------

> Dear Vasu, you wrote:

> "On computation of formula (CxPxA)+M+G+L, dividing by

> 12, if we get remainder as 0, what does it denote."


> Anil: In Jyotish whenever you find such case of 0 remainder,

> you ALWAYS take it equal to the divisor. In the above case, it is 12.

> -----------------------

> Dear Jyothi, you wrote:


> "shouldn't there be an indication in Rasi chart to show what sort of

> treatment the native receives from people with whom he interacts

> including all types of partners? If yes, what or where is that

> indicator?"


> Anil: Note "Navamansh Rashi of 7th bhav-bhavesh-karak of D1" in D1.

> If it is well placed then predict good results.

> Similarly treat D9 as D1 of spouse and find interaction from

> partner's view.

> See my reply to Anurag for more detail.


> " Do you mean such an indication can be received only from Navamsa

> and not from Rasi? If Rasi shows only a one way relationship (outward

> from native), then how can it give an outline of what are the factors

> that affect a

> native? For eg, how can one say a divorce from a Rasi chart as

> divorce is an outcome of the bitter experiences a native receives


> from his/her partner? Shouldnt there be an indication of the

> partners' reaction to the native in the Rasi chart?"


> Anil: You can see everything from native's point in D1. From spouse's

> point you can see it in D9.Similarly extend to other vargas.


> "Doesn't the `marital environment' which was on the

> `OTHER side(=spouse's side=Navamsa) before marriage

> come to ones own side(=native's =Rasi) after marriage?

> Where does that clubbing occur in Rasi chart? Or where in Rasi

> chart, the line is drawn? (Can we differentiate so?)

> Or is the interpretation time-dependant?"


> Anil: What about parents,co-borns etc. of native? There is no change

> in sides for any one(chart). Interpretation depends on Dasha and

> transit

> which are based on time.


> "In the case before marriage, I understand that the Navamsa shows the


> marital environment (spouse, spouse's relatives, family etc).

> But after marriage if one needs to check the `marital environment' of


> a person, which will you check? Rasi or Navamsa of that person? (as


> the spouse's environment now has a significant effect on ones'own


> environment.)

> For eg:, Say a couple is undergoing a bad married life, one of them


> approaches you to check the prospects of their life.

> Which will you check? You will check the 'environment' in Rasi or


> Navamsa of that person?"


> Anil: You check D1 for native and D9 for spouse.They may be different.

> eg. wife may be enjoying fan in winter but husband is feeling cold in

> same

> room. Similarly many things can be different from physical/mental

> areas.


> "I believe Rasi should definitely be checked. If correct, then isn't


> Rasi chart also showing the 'marital envronment' you mentioned? Not


> only the Navamsa? Or is it again time dependant - before marriage

> Navamsa and after marriage Rasi?"


> Anil: What happens when wife goes to meet her parents or husband is

> out

> of station for business? Aren't both feeling differently?

> Just stick to the words of sage Parashar.Every one else can be wrong.

> -----------------------

> Dear Pradeep, you wrote:

> "Navamsha charts that we are deriving are infact representing aspects.

> Aspects need not be Grahadrishti alone."


> Anil: This is totally wrong thinking. Drishty is well defined in BPHS.

> It is seen in all vargas because it is based on sign which exist in

> all

> divisions. According to finn, in western system also aspects are used

> in harmonics. There it is based on mutual placement of signs and

> Anshas.

> so your idea of aspect do not match with vedic and western methods.

> If your understanding of aspect is different from Drishty of

> grah/rashi

> kindly use specific words to avoid any confusion.


> "Nava-Navamsha is just the navamsha of navamsha- another

> ninth harmonic of navamsha.It can just go on like this.

> One can use navamsha as a chart if one can understand the

> interlinkage.

> But when one understands this, he will not see them in isolation.


> Planets that we see from varga lagnas,are harmonic influences on the


> said signs."


> Anil: Thanks for accepting navamsha as a chart.

> Now can you give me any quote from BPHS to justify your claim that

> vargas are not to be seen in isolation? It is solely your personal

> view.


> "Regarding your Kosha grouping - i have no idea.It need not stop at


> Shashtyamsha.There are higher divisions as per nadi.Then why are we


> stopping at shashtyamsha."


> Anil: I do not accept this view of Kosha grouping. There may be some

> link

> between 5 koshas and 5 levels of Dashas given by sage Parashar. Our

> Karmas

> are stored in Manomay kosh.Unless Dasha activates our past karmas,how

> can

> we experience the results. It is for this reason, Moon is selected for

> calculation of dashas and interpretation of transits.


> However if one accept it, 5 koshas are over upto D60.It must stop at

> that point.Higher anshas in nadi are just the extention of these

> basic vargas given in BPHS as I have explained in this mail to Surya

> Rao.


> According to Puranas,5 koshas are divided into 3 shariras like this:

> Sthool sharir: Annamay kosh

> Sookshm Sharir: Pranmay,manomay,vigyanmay kosh

> Karan sharir: Anandmay kosh


> Only sthool sharir changes in different births. Other shariras remain

> permanantly with Atma. They never separate atleast untill Moksh is

> obtained.


> "If you are trying to bring furhter degrees - It is nothing but

> MOVEMENT from one NAVAMSHA to another NAVAMSHA.This has not been


> sanctioned by Sage and please don't make any such assumptions.This


> will create further problems similar to ''TWO ZODIACS concept''.


> Anil: I have explained degrees in D81 with classical reference to

> Kunda.

> I have also explained that Bha-chakr is same but it can be divided

> into

> different vargas based on different anshas.So it creates no problem at

> any level but you have to admit vargat-vargam as given in Prashn-Marg.


> -----------------------

> Dear Surya Rao, you wrote:

> "So even if someone follows logic, Vimsottari can have a

> max longevity of only 13.33 years with Navamsa Chandra."


> Anil: Please read my earlier post comparing birth map with world map.

> Vargas are just enlargement of selected points in birth map.

> Is there any rule that the map of world lasts longer then map of city?

> If both are of same quality,they will last for equal duration.


> "See how many signs are involved even if we consider Rasi

> alone. It can be more than 8 if we take AVmax sign of Guru also.

> just imagine someone applies such formulae to Vargas treated as

> independent. Guru shall cause children in all rasis? Then how shall

> one predict?"


> Anil: We have to carefully select stronger sign.

> Then in both D1 and D7 you take those which are present in both

> charts.

> Trikon shodhan and Ekadhipatya shodhan are used for similar purpose

> in AV.

> However, in many cases,translators change AND into OR.In some

> cases,AND

> is clearly mentioned and in others,we need to conclude from

> references.


> "Rajayoga have been predicted in respect of what - Rasi or other

> Vargas?"


> Anil: Raj-yoga in D-chart is for that chart only. Read the story of

> Kalidas

> how a poor and fool was married to most intelligent princess.


> Here D9 will indicate raj-yoga but not D1. Can someone provide his

> chart?

> Regarding houses, It is not neessary that all signs must be present

> to calculate Bhavas.In Chalit/KP you can have 3 houses lorded by

> single planet and some signs do not have any house cusp.


> "A planet is beneficial for the native based on Lagna -is it? Can

> that change in the case of Varga where Lagna may be different?

> See for Kanya Lagna is Mars is dire malefic and so it

> will be for the native. Now say Kanya has navamsa

> in Leo. Shall malefics Mars become benevolent for spouse?"


> Anil: Yes. Functional nature changes with Lagn as per the rules of


> This is a good situation for chart-matching. eg. If one has bad

> health,

> other will have good health and can take care of spouse.


> "it must be clearly understood that Gemini Lagna_Libra navamsa is not

> the same as Aries Lagna_Libra Navamsa."


> Anil: There is no difference as far as D9 is concerned. If you

> consider

> D1,they are different.Acid and alkali retain their properties when

> they are

> separate. When you mix them,they loose their identity and a new

> product

> is formed.This is what happens by mixing different vargas.An expert

> can still predict the product that is formed.Have you read different

> results

> of above Karakanshas? I have only seen the result of Libra Karakansha.


> "All predictive logics are derived from the basic Rasi_Nakshatra

> mathematical strucutre of the Zodiac."


> Anil: You are correct but Rasi_Nakshatra are the basic divisions of

> Zodiac.

> They are First divisions of Bha-chakr. They are further divided to

> find

> Anshas and subs. We calculate Sub,Sub-sub etc. in KP. This only shows

> finer divisions. Similarly,we have Week-day divided into 24 horas

> (called Kshna-var or temporary week-day).In fact Horas are

> more strong then week-day. Similarly,we can divide Rashis into

> vargas and they are stronger then Rashi(D1) when it comes to the

> area of significance indicated by that varg.


> "There is only one Lagna in a Kundali and that is the rising point

> over East which renders the Karmic qualities to the chart and

> associated parameters.

> If for Aries_Lagna with Navamsa in Libra, there is no Libra rising

> and any extrapolation of the Rasi concepts to other Vargas is an

> unscientific step.

> Can you see that Navamsa in the East in Libra? Libra_navamsa in such

> a case is rising in Aries on the East."


> Anil: I agree with your first line but second line is incorrect

> extention.

> Aries rises in east as per Rashi division of Zodiac while Libra rises

> as per

> Navamansh division of Zodiac.


> Parashar said 1/12 th part of Bha-chakr is Rashi. This is first

> division of

> Bha-chakr. Rules that are applied to first division are applicable to

> all

> divisions. For first division,we have only 12 signs but for other

> divisions

> we have 2,3 or more cycles of these signs in the order given in

> classics.

> Each sign is of 30 bhagas(parts) which we normally call degrees but

> in Hindi, it is called Ansh which means part. Also see my mail to

> Pradeepji.


> So when you are saying Aries_Lagna with Navamsa in Libra I consider

> it unnecessary. It is Aries Lagn in D1 and Libra in D9. The

> calculation of Libra using longitude in Aries gives you this

> impression that it is part of Aries.Instead of 12 parts,here Zodiac

> is divided into 108 parts.

> Sage has classified calculations just for the sake of clarity and

> compactness. Imagine listing of 60 cycles of signs for D60 and the

> possibility of remembring 720 signs in correct order! In Prashn-Marg,

> calculation of some higher vargas are based on D9.It is just

> convenience.


> Here is the verse from BPHS after description of Meen Rashi:


> Trinshad-bhagatmakanam ch Sthool-sookshm-phalay ch ||4-24||


> Here the Sage has clearly said that each sign has 30 bhagas and are

> used

> to see sthool(macro) and sookshm(micro) results. Macro results can be

> from D1 while micro from vargas. This verse further justifies

> longitude in vargas.


> Thanks for your interest.


> Anilkumar



> ------------------------------


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