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Where is Muladharam? (Rasi and div charts...)

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Dear Vishnu,


> > With some time to reflect upon, innumerable evidences can be given. Great> >

Mother is making them ask more and more questions so that we may become more> >

and more thorough with the intricacies. So Narasimha is most welcome again> >

to say that all that is said above is rubbish and Muladharam is at 180. >>> > I

fail to understand how all this long, winding and serpetine philosophy has>

proved that Mooladhaara is at 240 and particularly in Dhanus! Where are the>

other chakras if Mooladhaara is in Dhanus?


I agree with you. Chandra Hari's long list of points proves precious nothing.

Unfortunately, I find this to be a characteristic of his, judging by the

umpteen write-ups he sent me. He is often long-winded and writes many many

points. Some of his points are quite meaningful and genuine, but they don't

prove anything and there is no coherent logic in his writings most of the time.

His so-called "proofs" and expositions often seem to me like trying to tie down

an elephant with a thin straw. I read the 44 page document referred to by

Prashant. Except for one debatable point about Surya Siddhantic "synodic super

conjunction", I see no worthy point in favor of Chandra Hari ayanamsa in it. In

fact, he spent most of the 44 pages blasting other ayanamsas and his ayanamsa

was introduced and supported in the last 2-3 pages. Apart from the debatable

point about "synodic super conjunction", his arguments boil down to Mooladharam

of Kala Purusha being in Moola nakshatram.


Given the length of the paper and the presence of a lot of technical terms and

equations, some people may be impressed and get carried away. But, to me, it

was like trying to tie a mighty elephant with a straw.


Unfortunately, I have already antagonized Chandra Hari a lot by speaking my mind

sincerely, judging by his private mails to me. From his horoscope, I feel that

he is a highly evolved soul and a very spiritual and sincere person. It is

painful for me to offend him, but I cannot jump on his bandwagon when I see no

merit in it. Unfortunately, I see a lot of fluff and extremely thin logic in

the writings of Chandra Hari.


I sincerely pray to the Mother to remove the obstacles so that all the genuine

souls that are currently being pulled in various directions can join forces and

progress in unison. If She wills it, it will happen...


BTW, my view is that 28 nakshatras correspond to the 14 worlds/chakras.


May Jupiter's light shine on us, Narasimha


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> || Hare Rama Krishna ||> > Dear Sri Prashant,> > Namaste,> > > Narasimha had

been persistent with the statement of placing Muladharam at> > 180 and as I

found he is asking evidence for Muladharam to be at 240. In my> > Malayalam

article Jyoti_33, I have given a number of important tantrik> > precepts. I

have referred to one important aspect in the context of birth> > time, the

verse – "Muladharat pradhamamudito yascha bhavah parakhya…"> > meaning when a

child is born, the Kundalini manifests as Para and evolves> > into Pasyanti,

Madhyama and Vaikhari at throat and that is the audible first> > cry that marks

birth time. >>> >> >> >> First cry marks birth time? Hmmm> > krite tvaadhaana

lagnasche tretaayaaMtu jalodayaH> > sirodaye dwaaparetukalau bhupatanaM

smritaM> > > § If still someone has doubt about the relation between

Muladharam> > and Genitals vis-à-vis bottom of spine which is called

Kanda_Moolam where> > the nervous knot is formed and the tantrik verse quoted

"Muladharad…", evidence> > is the change of sound that happens in children when

they attain puberty.> > Simultaneously changes at genitals and also at the

Visuddhi where from> > Vaikhari is released. >>> >> § Pradakshina at

Siva temples is only 2/3rd of the periphery and> > then anticlockwise to

emulate the course of rising Kundalini. Ganga cannot> > be crossed as she

crosses over Mula whose deity is Nirrti or death and the> > devotee of Siva

becomes Mrtyunjaya by the grace of Ma Kunadalini and the> > anticlockwise

pradakshina ends in front of Siva_Lingam, the Mangala_Murthy.> > In no Siva

temple Sri Mulasthanam is at 180 degrees, where Siva and Parvati> > are

installed they will be in opposite directions and 180 degree is ruled> > out as

the position of Ganga. Linga is called Gangadhara and it can only be> > 240

degree in the sky and also on the ground. >>> >> > § Rudra_Linga_Kumara

tantrik secret is recorded even in> > Satapathabrahmana. Kumara received the

name Rudra as he cried. And the> > Ruddra are 11, 10 indriyas and mind together

born as Kumara. First cry arise> > from Muladhara at 240 degree and Linga and

thus Ruddra or the Kundalini as> > fierce male power came to be worshipped as

Linga. >>> >> > § Muladharam is the spot where Pancheekaranam takes

place in the> > body and is therefore called Smasanam. It is therefore the

death point> > (Nirrti) and in Jyotisha death is the 8th house and hence the

terrestrial> > sojourn of the soul ends at 240 degree with Pancheekaranam at

Muladharam. >>> >> > § In Agamic worship, the deepa_arati as per

Srsthikrama and> > Samharakrama, both use 2/3circles of Deepams in clockwise

and anticlockwise> > directions and something similar we see in defining the

Kalachakra Navamsas> > and Dasa cycles. >>> >> > § Look at the

secret and sacred Number 18 as 18 Nakshatras of> > 13:20 = 240. Kundalini is

Sarvavidya and she has 18 folds as 18 Vidyas> > (Ashtadasa_Mahavidya), 18 steps

of Kalari, 18 Puranas, 18> > Jyotihsastra_pravartakas etc. 18 and 81 are occult

numbers of Jyotisha just> > as 15 mantra_varnas of Sri Vidya and 51

varna_matrka hold the secret of Sri> > Vidya tantram. >>> >> Why only 18? Each

and every number can represent divinity!> > To list a few..........> > 1 -

Parabrahma> 2 - Siva & Sakti/ Vishnu & Lakshmi/ Brahma & Saraswati> 3 - Tri

Murti(Brahma, Siva & Vishnu)/ Tri Guna (Satwa/ Rajo/ Taamsa)> 4 - Chatur

Veda(Rig, Yajuh, Sama, Atharvana)> 5 - Pancha Bhootas(Earth, Wind, Fire, Air,

Ether)/ Pancha Ganga> > There are 14 Nakshatra Aswini to Chitra, these

represent the Ida-Pingala> pair in the seven rasis rising from Tula! Now, I

will put Mooladhaara in> Swati and say 15 nakshatras and equate it to

Panchadasi! Swati is ruled by> Rahu, Aswini by Ketu. Hence, this represents the

"true serpentine path" of> kundalini and as Prashant Nair equated to 18 steps at

Sabarigiri, I will> equate it to seven steps(mountains) at Tirupati/ Tirugiri

and the seven> rasis as below> > Tula: Vrishabhaadri: Mooladhaara(Hasta,

Chitra) - Lower Mukti-Triveni> Kanya: Neelaadri: Swadhishtaana(Purva Phalguni,

Uttara Phalguni)> Simha: Anjanaadri: Manipooraka(Aslesha, Makha)> Karkaataka:

Seshaadri: Anaahaata(Punarvasu, Pushyami)> Mithuna: Garudaadri:

Visuddha(Mrigasira, Ardra)> Vrishabha: Narayanaadri: Agna(Krittika, Rohini) -

Upper Mukti-Triveni> Mesha: Venkataadri: Shasraara(Aswini,Bharani)> > There is

an Aakasa-Ganga at Tirupati too! More learned members can tell> where exaclty

this is.> > § Think over the Rudra_Siva Ashta_Murthy Samkalpam which

is solar> > aspect of the divinity considered in terms of the Rasis from

Scorpio to> > Aries while Devi_Kundalini and 18 Mahavidyas represent the lunar

aspect> > considered in terms of the Nakshatras. >>> >> Ashta moorthy

sankalpam? Surya is also called "Sapta aswaarudham"(driven by> a 7 horse

chariot). Those 7 horses represent 7 chakras of Kundalini.> Ashtadasa

mahavidya? I've know of Ashtadasa Sakti Peetha and Dasa Maha> Vidya.> > > With

some time to reflect upon, innumerable evidences can be given. Great> > Mother

is making them ask more and more questions so that we may become more> > and

more thorough with the intricacies. So Narasimha is most welcome again> > to

say that all that is said above is rubbish and Muladharam is at 180. >>> >> > I

fail to understand how all this long, winding and serpetine philosophy has>

proved that Mooladhaara is at 240 and particularly in Dhanus! Where are the>

other chakras if Mooladhaara is in Dhanus?> > warm regards,> Vishnu> > > --> Om

Akhanda mandalaakaaram> vyaptam yena charaa charam> tatpadam darsita yena>

tasmai sri gurave namah

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