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Three Lingas of Subtle Body (Body parts and houses)

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Respected sirs,


I do not know whether I am competent to intervene in the discussion

but let me try to say few things. If I am out of context or wrong,

kindly forgive me.


Mooladhara chakra is above the anal plane at the lowest end of the

spinal cord.


The vidhyullekhe vabhaswara- shining like a lightening is the real

manifestation of paramatma, who is spread parellel to the spinal cord.

Thus perhaps, the actual and exact mooladhara must be somewhat to the

left of the lowest end of spinal cord. The Upanishads and suktams

point out that the Lord resides in the heart in the form of smoke in

the size of a thumb.(hence, we worship the Linga, which is often

mistaken for the sexual organ)


In Vedic astrology, anahata is represented by Sun and mooladhara by

saturn. Saturn rules the west and thus, mooladhara is the 7th house,

which incidentally represents the more base and secret aspects of

the life namely desire, which marks the beginning of the spiritual




I will post more after hearing from the Learned of the group.



I once again seek forgiveness if I am out of context.


Kishore patnaik







vedic astrology, "Narasimha P.V.R. Rao"

<pvr@c...> wrote:


> Dear Pradeep,


> > > > Linga and anus is in Scorpio(210- 240).*Mooladhara can lie at

any point

> > > > between 210 and 240*.How did shri Nrasimha place this is in


> > > > Some''IMAGINARY'' Linga?!!!.Well forget 210 how can one fix

this at 180

> > > > degrees!!!


> Mooladhara chakra is in the vicinity of the external genital (Sc),

but it is not IN it. Just as buttocks (Vi - kati) are in the vicinity

of anus (Sc - guhya), Mooladhara chakra in vasti (Li) is in the

vicinity of genitals (Sc). If something shown by Vi can be in the

vicinity of something shown by Sc, then something shown by Li can

certainly be in the vicinity of something shown by Sc. In order to be

in the vicinity of things shown by Sc, Mooladhara chakra does not

have to be IN Sc.


> Secondly, it is true that a linga called "Swayambhoo Linga" is

placed at the center of Mooladhara chakra. Some people are probably

confused by this fact and think that this linga must be the external

genital and hence they think that Mooladhara chakra is linked to



> However, I clearly stated my view in the past that this "Swayambhoo

Linga" in Mooladhara chakra has nothing to do with the external



> Please remember that Mooladhara chakra is not part of the gross

physical body. All the chakras and nadis exist in the subtle body

(sookshma sareera) that is separate from the gross body.

Thus, "Swayambhoo Linga" that is at the centre of Mooladhara chakra

is NOT the physical linga (genital). It is a part of the subtle body.

You may very well call it an "imaginary linga" like you did.


> The word linga means a mark or an emblem or a characteristic sign.

It does not just mean a genital. The genital is just ONE of one's

characteristic signs/marks. But there are others. Swayambhoo linga in

Mooladhara chakra is a characteristic mark/sign of one in the subtle



> In fact, Mooladhara chakra is not the only chakra that is supposed

to contain a linga. A linga called "Bana linga" is supposed to be

placed in Anahata chakra and a linga called "Itara linga" is supposed

to be placed in Ajna chakra. It will be silly to suggest that these

two lingas are also the external genital. Obviously, all the three

said lingas in the three chakras are some characteric marks of one's

self in the subtle body.


> Kundalini is the energy of one's ego, which separates one from the

supreme soul (Brahman) and which can result in a merge back. These

three lingas of the subtle body are the three levels of self-

identification that are found in people. Swayambhoo linga in

Mooladhara chakra is the self-identification found in most normal

people. Most people think of the apparent body, name etc to be self

and their ego identifies with that concept of self. That concept of

self is symbolized by the Swayambhoo linga. Kundalini

coiling/embrancing that linga means that our ego (i.e. sense of

separate existence) embraces that concept of self! As Kundalini wakes

up and rises upto Anahata, one's self-identification undergoes a

transformation. One starts to shed the previous concept of self-

identification and starts to identify with the soul. One has atma

darshana and sees self as a soul. This concept of self is symbolized

by Baana Linga. When Kundalini rises upto Anahata, She has a union

with Baana linga. In other words, one's ego (i.e. sense of separate

existence) embraces the concept of self that involves soul.


> As Kundalini rises further and reaches Ajna chakra, one's self-

identification undergoes further transformation. One's concept of

self encompasses all the souls in the universe. One starts to see all

the individual souls as self. When Kundalini reaches Ajna chakra, She

has a union with Itara Linga, i.e. one's sense of self (ego) embraces

the concept of self that includes all beings of the universe. This is

still not moksha, as one has ego and a separate existence from the

Brahman (as various individual souls of the universe).


> As Kundalini rises further and reaches Sahasrara, She has a union

with Sadashiva and She becomes one with Him. At that point, there is

no ego. There is no sense of separate existence. One does not feel

that one is the apparent body. One does not feel that one is the soul

that has had many existences. One does not even feel that one is all

the souls of the universe. One does not feel that one has a separate

existence whatsoever. This is samadhi. If one permanently remains in

that state, THAT is moksha.


> If one understands all the three lingas and their relationship with

Kundalini, one can appreciate the fact that the Swayambhoo Linga in

Mooladhara chakra is not associated with the external genital and is

a conceptual characteristic mark that identifies "self".


> > > > Shri Vishnu i would sincerely like to know your opinion.

> > > >

> > > My own position is that Mooladhaara is in Libra and Sri.

Narasimha has also

> > > made his position clear. I don't think there should be any

confusion going

> > > forward. I don't know if Narasimha, had explicitly said

Moolaadhara is "at"

> > > 180 and not between 181-210. He needs to clarify his position.

However, I

> > > and Narasimha seem to agree that Moooladhaara is "in" Libra.

> >

> > Shri Narasimha had infact said - it is at 180 degrees.You can

check hi

> > mails.But today he has spoken only about Lbira .Hope he will

come to

> > Scorpio.He has to.


> You are right. I did say 180 deg specifically. However, when I

think deeper, I am afraid I didn't have solid reasons for picking up

that specific longitude and I may have jumped to conclusions.


> All I can say confidently is that Libra contains Mooladhara chakra,

Virgo contains Swadhishthana chakra, Leo contains Manipoora chakra,

Cancer contains the Anahata chakra, Gemini contains the Visuddhi

chakra, Taurus contains the Ajna chakra and Aries contains the

Sahasrara chakra of Kala Purusha. I am not sure of the specific



> > Now when Linga and Guda falls in(210 -240) how do you agree to

> > Mooladhara(which is between Linga and Guda) in Libra(180-210).Pls

> > dont make me work hard regarding this point.Please.


> Mooladhara chakra is neither in anus nor in genitals. I reject the

notion that everything in between the height of anus and the height

of genitals is in Sc as those two are in Sc. That way, buttocks

should be in Sc or Li based on their height, but Parasara assigned

them ("kati" includes buttocks and hips) to Vi. The boundaries

between signs in human anatomy are not horizontal planes. They are

more crooked planes. Please read the other mail I wrote to Mike.


> The internal body parts like colon, uterus, prostate etc belong to

the sac of lower abdomen (vasti) that extends upto the genitals and

anus. Mooladhara chakra is in this sac and hence belongs in Li.


> You guys said that Mooladharam of Kala Purusha is in Moola

nakshatram. This nakshatram extends from 240 deg 253.333 deg, i.e.

completely in Sg. You were talking of Sg as swasaana or yuddha bhoomi

and what not. You have now come to Sc. This is better.


> May Jupiter's light shine on us,

> Narasimha

> -------------------------------

> Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

> Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

> Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org

> -------------------------------


> > Dear Shri Vishnu

> >

> > See my replies.

> >

> > Pradeep

> > vedic astrology, Vishnu Jandhyala

<jvishnu@g...> wrote:

> > >

> > > || Hare Rama Krishna ||

> > >

> > > Dear Sri. Pradeep,

> > >

> > > Namaste,

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > >>>As Vi shows the hip/buttock area and Sc shows the genitals

and anus, Li

> > > > shows >>>whatever is in between.

> > > >

> > > > Libra shows whatever that is in between Virgo and Scorpio -

Not whatever

> > > > that is *''WITHIN''* Scoprio.

> > > >

> > > > *Virgo(150 -180)degrees;Libra(180 -210);Scorpio(210 -240)

> > > > *

> > > > Linga and anus is in Scorpio(210- 240).*Mooladhara can lie at

any point

> > > > between 210 and 240*.How did shri Nrasimha place this is in

Libra.Some''IMAGINARY'' Linga?!!!.Well forget 210 how can one fix

this at 180

> > > > degrees!!!

> > > >

> > > > Shri Vishnu i would sincerely like to know your opinion.

> > > >

> > > My own position is that Mooladhaara is in Libra and Sri.

Narasimha has also

> > > made his position clear. I don't think there should be any

confusion going

> > > forward. I don't know if Narasimha, had explicitly said

Moolaadhara is "at"

> > > 180 and not between 181-210. He needs to clarify his position.

However, I

> > > and Narasimha seem to agree that Moooladhaara is "in" Libra.

> >

> > Shri Narasimha had infact said - it is at 180 degrees.You can

check his mails.But today he has spoken only about Lbira .Hope he

will come to Scorpio.He has to.

> > Now when Linga and Guda falls in(210 -240) how do you agree to

Mooladhara(which is between Linga and Guda) in Libra(180-210).Pls

dont make me work hard regarding this point.Please.

> > >

> > > Now i request every member to kindly go through this link and

see how

> > > > mooladhara is bordering thighs.

> > > >

> > > > http://www.kheper.net/topics/chakras/chakras-Shakta.htm

> > > >

> > > > If you still don't beleive, please stand naked in front of a


> > > > the path from anus to Linga.We can easily find that,the point

where linga

> > > > begins is above the plane of Guda.Now if you look at inner

thighs,you can

> > > > see that they are exactly conjuncting linga.So origin of

thighs too are

> > > > above the plane of Guda.We can beautifully place a slanted

triangular area

> > > > between the said places.What can be the logitude where thighs

are joining

> > > > Linga - It is the border between Vrischika and Dhanu - 240

degrees - Moola

> > > > Nakshathra.This is exactly what shri Chandrahari is talking.

> > > >

> > > Again, you are making a basic error. It has been clearly

pointed out Coccyx

> > > is above Guda. How can you demand to trace a path "from" anus

and not

> > > "above" anus? In the same vein, I ask you to take a string,

place one end of

> > > the string "above" Guda and run it around your hips. Make sure

it "straight"

> > > enough, and not "slanted"! BTW, I just collected a couple of x-

ray films in

> > > JPG will post them tomorrow. I hope I will be able to put

across my point

> > > clearly!

> > >

> > There is no basic error.The link that i had sent were from 18th

century paintings.They have ancient wisdom.

> > Now if you dont trust the painting - Pls stand in front of the

mirror and see.

> > No picture can convince each other.I place full trust in

you.Please do this test.

> >

> > 1)Linga is above Guda? - You will find yes.

> > 2)Is inner thighs conjuncting origin of Linga? - You will find


> >

> > Now if both are yes,what is the doubt left with.

> >

> > > warm regards,

> > > Vishnu

> > >

> > >

> > > --

> > > Om Akhanda mandalaakaaram

> > > vyaptam yena charaa charam

> > > tatpadam darsita yena

> > > tasmai sri gurave namaha


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