Guest guest Posted December 16, 2005 Report Share Posted December 16, 2005 Dear Ms.Jyothi, Lagna lord in 4th does not harm parents. ON the contrary the native will experience joyful relation with parents, have materialistic tendencies, fair-looking and well-behaved. Lagna lord in 7th DOES AFFECT marital bliss. Either the wife does not live long, or there will be more than one marriage in most cases. The native will lead a detached life in his later years and if other yogas support it, may even become an ascetic. There will also be too much intereference in his life from his in-laws. Lagna lord in 9th indicates a generally fortunate person. It DOES NOT indicate strained relations with father/ danger to father. Lagna lord in 1st house will have wealth gained by his own exertions (as opposed to inherited wealth), will possess an independent spirit, and curiously .... may be married more than once! Thus you will see that Lagna lord's placement in various houses have different effects - some auspicious and some not so auspicious! I will give you one hint as to how identify which placement is good and which is bad. Identify those areas in life where blatant and strong expression of self-ideals will be welcome... Lagna lord's placement in such bhavas signifiying those areas is auspicious. Otherwise, it will be inauspicious. For example, 5th house denotes progeny. Children are considered to be amsas of oneself (You may refer Sri Adisankara's Viveka Choodamani in this regard). So, it is a bhava which requires self-sacrifice for careful nurturing of the aspects. Any parent has to adjust a lot after birth of progeny. There are karmic matters also here. For instance, it is believed that the accumulation of certain sins in the past lives will affect progenic bliss in this birth. The presence of Lagna lord in 5th indicates the following sin: "The sin of teasing (playful teasing is different; what is implied here is purposeful teasing to irritate the child's relatives when they cannot be directly harmed) and misbehaving infants below 5 years either in this birth or the previous birth". YOu can refer Agasthiar's karma kanda- a tamil classical work on remedies in this regard. Similarly 7th house aspects (marriage/ partnership) also require a lot of adjustments and the blatant show of unjustified self-importance will definitely mar happiness in this regard. Mother or father or even a benevolent Guru will understand the childishness/ immaturity of the person (blatant show of unjustified self-importance is a show of immaturity; this is a stage of play acting, the person wanting to express their inner thoughts and desires and inflate their ego to motivate themselves). Have we not all played the game of loser with children by saying they have won when infact, they cannot win us! Atleast, I think that might be the logic how this works! What I have written in the general results of lagna lord's placement is not based on these logics! They are in various classics. Ofcourse, even rishis SEEM to differ in their opinions sometimes... but that is not true! What is infact true is that each seer has approached the house from different aspects because each house has different significations. A careful perusal of the classics will reveal the truth. No placement is completely auspicious and vice versa. I appreciate your curiosity and research bent of mind. Blessed be. Send instant messages to your online friends http://in.messenger. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 16, 2005 Report Share Posted December 16, 2005 color:#FF0080">||Hare Rama Krsna|| Dear Dakshinamoorti, Namaskar I was taught a dictum by my guruji. I think he was referring to chandra kala nadi. >If the lagnesh is in the ninth house, and rahu associates with the pitrupada, the native will see premature demise of the father.< The reason given was that lagnesh in the ninth house damages the fathers longevity, and further if Rahu associates with the Pitrupada, there can be eclipse of the father and his longevity. Otherwise the native enjoys wealth from father, if lagnesh is in the ninth house, but at his demise one must worship Vishnu. Best wishes, *** 10.0pt;font-family:bookman;color:navy">Visti Larsen 10.0pt;font-family:bookman;color:navy">For services and articles visit: color:navy"> or *** font-family:Tahoma;font-weight:bold">dakshinamoorthi r [dakshinastrologer (AT) (DOT)] 16 December 2005 15:03 jyothi_b_lakshmi (AT) (DOT) Cc: vedic astrology [vedic astrology] placement of lagna lord 12.0pt"> Dear Ms.Jyothi, Lagna lord in 4th does not harm parents. ON the contrary the native will experience joyful relation with parents, have materialistic tendencies, fair-looking and well-behaved. Lagna lord in 7th DOES AFFECT marital bliss. Either the wife does not live long, or there will be more than one marriage in most cases. The native will lead a detached life in his later years and if other yogas support it, may even become an ascetic. There will also be too much intereference in his life from his in-laws. Lagna lord in 9th indicates a generally fortunate person. It DOES NOT indicate strained relations with father/ danger to father. Lagna lord in 1st house will have wealth gained by his own exertions (as opposed to inherited wealth), will possess an independent spirit, and curiously .... may be married more than once! Thus you will see that Lagna lord's placement in various houses have different effects - some auspicious and some not so auspicious! I will give you one hint as to how identify which placement is good and which is bad. Identify those areas in life where blatant and strong expression of self-ideals will be welcome... Lagna lord's placement in such bhavas signifiying those areas is auspicious. Otherwise, it will be inauspicious. For example, 5th house denotes progeny. Children are considered to be amsas of oneself (You may refer Sri Adisankara's Viveka Choodamani in this regard). So, it is a bhava which requires self-sacrifice for careful nurturing of the aspects. Any parent has to adjust a lot after birth of progeny. There are karmic matters also here. For instance, it is believed that the accumulation of certain sins in the past lives will affect progenic bliss in this birth. The presence of Lagna lord in 5th indicates the following sin: "The sin of teasing (playful teasing is different; what is implied here is purposeful teasing to irritate the child's relatives when they cannot be directly harmed) and misbehaving infants below 5 years either in this birth or the previous birth". YOu can refer Agasthiar's karma kanda- a tamil classical work on remedies in this regard. Similarly 7th house aspects (marriage/ partnership) also require a lot of adjustments and the blatant show of unjustified self-importance will definitely mar happiness in this regard. Mother or father or even a benevolent Guru will understand the childishness/ immaturity of the person (blatant show of unjustified self-importance is a show of immaturity; this is a stage of play acting, the person wanting to express their inner thoughts and desires and inflate their ego to motivate themselves). Have we not all played the game of loser with children by saying they have won when infact, they cannot win us! Atleast, I think that might be the logic how this works! What I have written in the general results of lagna lord's placement is not based on these logics! They are in various classics. Ofcourse, even rishis SEEM to differ in their opinions sometimes... but that is not true! What is infact true is that each seer has approached the house from different aspects because each house has different significations. A careful perusal of the classics will reveal the truth. No placement is completely auspicious and vice versa. I appreciate your curiosity and research bent of mind. Blessed be. Send instant messages to your online friends http://in.messenger. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 17, 2005 Report Share Posted December 17, 2005 COLOR: #ff0080; FONT-FAMILY: 'Bookman Old Style'">||Hare Rama Krsna|| Dear Dakshinamoorti, Namaskar I was taught a dictum by my guruji. I think he was referring to chandra kala nadi. >If the lagnesh is in the ninth house, and rahu associates with the pitrupada, the native will see premature demise of the father.< The reason given was that lagnesh in the ninth house damages the fathers longevity, and further if Rahu associates with the Pitrupada, there can be eclipse of the father and his longevity. Otherwise the native enjoys wealth from father, if lagnesh is in the ninth house, but at his demise one must worship Vishnu. Best wishes, *** Visti Larsen For services and articles visit: bookman"> or *** dakshinamoorthi r [dakshinastrologer (AT) (DOT)] 16 December 2005 15:03To: jyothi_b_lakshmi (AT) (DOT) co.inCc: vedic astrologySubject: [vedic astrology] placement of lagna lord Dear Ms.Jyothi,Lagna lord in 4th does not harm parents. ON thecontrary the native will experience joyful relationwith parents, have materialistic tendencies,fair-looking and well-behaved.Lagna lord in 7th DOES AFFECT marital bliss. Eitherthe wife does not live long, or there will be morethan one marriage in most cases. The native will leada detached life in his later years and if other yogassupport it, may even become an ascetic. There willalso be too much intereference in his life from hisin-laws. Lagna lord in 9th indicates a generally fortunateperson. It DOES NOT indicate strained relations withfather/ danger to father. New">Lagna lord in 1st house will have wealth gained by hisown exertions (as opposed to inherited wealth), willpossess an independent spirit, and curiously ..... maybe married more than once!Thus you will see that Lagna lord's placement invarious houses have different effects - someauspicious and some not so auspicious!I will give you one hint as to how identify whichplacement is good and which is bad. Identify thoseareas in life where blatant and strong expression ofself-ideals will be welcome... Lagna lord's placementin such bhavas signifiying those areas is auspicious. Otherwise, it will be inauspicious.For example, 5th house denotes progeny. Children areconsidered to be amsas of oneself (You may refer SriAdisankara's Viveka Choodamani in this regard). So,it is a bhava which requires self-sacrifice forcareful nurturing of the aspects. Any parent has toadjust a lot after birth of progeny. There are karmicmatters also here. For instance, it is believed thatthe accumulation of certain sins in the past liveswill affect progenic bliss in this birth. Thepresence of Lagna lord in 5th indicates the followingsin: "The sin of teasing (playful teasing isdifferent; what is implied here is purposeful teasingto irritate the child's relatives when they cannot bedirectly harmed) and misbehaving infants below 5 yearseither in this birth or the previous birth". YOu canrefer Agasthiar's karma kanda- a tamil classical workon remedies in this regard.Similarly 7th house aspects (marriage/ partnership)also require a lot of adjustments and the blatant showof unjustified self-importance will definitely marhappiness in this regard.Mother or father or even a benevolent Guru willunderstand the childishness/ immaturity of the person(blatant show of unjustified self-importance is a showof immaturity; this is a stage of play acting, theperson wanting to express their inner thoughts anddesires and inflate their ego to motivate themselves).Have we not all played the game of loser withchildren by saying they have won when infact, theycannot win us! Atleast, I think that might be thelogic how this works!What I have written in the general results of lagnalord's placement is not based on these logics! Theyare in various classics. Ofcourse, even rishis SEEMto differ in their opinions sometimes... but that isnot true! What is infact true is that each seer hasapproached the house from different aspects becauseeach house has different significations. A carefulperusal of the classics will reveal the truth. Noplacement is completely auspicious and vice versa.I appreciate your curiosity and research bent of mind.Blessed be. Send instant messages to your online friends http://in.messenger. Saumya Ray ChaudhuriIMTECH,Sector 39A, Chandigarh-160036ph 0172 690751(lab)Do You ? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 17, 2005 Report Share Posted December 17, 2005 color:#FF0080">||Hare Rama Krsna|| Dear Saumya, Namaskar We can use any point of the chart, as long as we know what it means. The dispositor of the lagnesh is understood on the basis of the kalpadruma yoga. This is explained in my article on the website. The nakshatra of the lagnesh is used to see the ‘way the dhi is working’, and this i have explained in my articles on Jnana yoga, again on the website. Here are the links: Best wishes, *** Visti Larsen For services and articles visit: bookman;color:#993366"> or *** font-family:Tahoma;font-weight:bold">saumya ray chaudhuri [saumya (AT) rocketmail (DOT) com] 17 December 2005 09:22 vedic astrology RE: [vedic astrology] placement of lagna lord 12.0pt"> 12.0pt">Respected Guruji, 12.0pt">Do you recommend to see the strength of the depositor of lagna lord (for that matter any lord) as well as the nakshatra it occupies. 12.0pt">I appreciate your comments on it. 12.0pt">With personal regards 12.0pt">Saumya Visti Larsen <visti (AT) (DOT) org> wrote: margin-left:3.75pt;margin-top:5.0pt;margin-bottom:5.0pt"> color:#FF0080">||Hare Rama Krsna|| Dear Dakshinamoorti, Namaskar I was taught a dictum by my guruji. I think he was referring to chandra kala nadi. >If the lagnesh is in the ninth house, and rahu associates with the pitrupada, the native will see premature demise of the father.< The reason given was that lagnesh in the ninth house damages the fathers longevity, and further if Rahu associates with the Pitrupada, there can be eclipse of the father and his longevity. Otherwise the native enjoys wealth from father, if lagnesh is in the ninth house, but at his demise one must worship Vishnu. Best wishes, *** 10.0pt;font-family:bookman;color:navy">Visti Larsen 10.0pt;font-family:bookman;color:navy">For services and articles visit: color:navy"> or *** font-family:Tahoma;font-weight:bold">dakshinamoorthi r [dakshinastrologer (AT) (DOT)] 16 December 2005 15:03 jyothi_b_lakshmi (AT) (DOT) Cc: vedic astrology [vedic astrology] placement of lagna lord 12.0pt"> Dear Ms.Jyothi, Lagna lord in 4th does not harm parents. ON the contrary the native will experience joyful relation with parents, have materialistic tendencies, fair-looking and well-behaved. Lagna lord in 7th DOES AFFECT marital bliss. Either the wife does not live long, or there will be more than one marriage in most cases. The native will lead a detached life in his later years and if other yogas support it, may even become an ascetic. There will also be too much intereference in his life from his in-laws. Lagna lord in 9th indicates a generally fortunate person. It DOES NOT indicate strained relations with father/ danger to father. Lagna lord in 1st house will have wealth gained by his own exertions (as opposed to inherited wealth), will possess an independent spirit, and curiously .... may be married more than once! Thus you will see that Lagna lord's placement in various houses have different effects - some auspicious and some not so auspicious! I will give you one hint as to how identify which placement is good and which is bad. Identify those areas in life where blatant and strong expression of self-ideals will be welcome... Lagna lord's placement in such bhavas signifiying those areas is auspicious. Otherwise, it will be inauspicious. For example, 5th house denotes progeny. Children are considered to be amsas of oneself (You may refer Sri Adisankara's Viveka Choodamani in this regard). So, it is a bhava which requires self-sacrifice for careful nurturing of the aspects. Any parent has to adjust a lot after birth of progeny. There are karmic matters also here. For instance, it is believed that the accumulation of certain sins in the past lives will affect progenic bliss in this birth. The presence of Lagna lord in 5th indicates the following sin: "The sin of teasing (playful teasing is different; what is implied here is purposeful teasing to irritate the child's relatives when they cannot be directly harmed) and misbehaving infants below 5 years either in this birth or the previous birth". YOu can refer Agasthiar's karma kanda- a tamil classical work on remedies in this regard. Similarly 7th house aspects (marriage/ partnership) also require a lot of adjustments and the blatant show of unjustified self-importance will definitely mar happiness in this regard. Mother or father or even a benevolent Guru will understand the childishness/ immaturity of the person (blatant show of unjustified self-importance is a show of immaturity; this is a stage of play acting, the person wanting to express their inner thoughts and desires and inflate their ego to motivate themselves). Have we not all played the game of loser with children by saying they have won when infact, they cannot win us! Atleast, I think that might be the logic how this works! What I have written in the general results of lagna lord's placement is not based on these logics! They are in various classics. Ofcourse, even rishis SEEM to differ in their opinions sometimes... but that is not true! What is infact true is that each seer has approached the house from different aspects because each house has different significations. A careful perusal of the classics will reveal the truth. No placement is completely auspicious and vice versa. I appreciate your curiosity and research bent of mind. Blessed be. Send instant messages to your online friends http://in.messenger. 12.0pt"> 12.0pt"> Saumya Ray Chaudhuri IMTECH,Sector 39A, Chandigarh-160036 ph 0172 690751(lab) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 18, 2005 Report Share Posted December 18, 2005 Dear Sir, Thanks for sharing your knowledge. It was really informative. Regards, jyothi vedic astrology, dakshinamoorthi r <dakshinastrologer> wrote: > > Dear Ms.Jyothi, > > Lagna lord in 4th does not harm parents. ON the > contrary the native will experience joyful relation > with parents, have materialistic tendencies, > fair-looking and well-behaved. > > Lagna lord in 7th DOES AFFECT marital bliss. Either > the wife does not live long, or there will be more > than one marriage in most cases. The native will lead > a detached life in his later years and if other yogas > support it, may even become an ascetic. There will > also be too much intereference in his life from his > in-laws. > > Lagna lord in 9th indicates a generally fortunate > person. It DOES NOT indicate strained relations with > father/ danger to father. > > Lagna lord in 1st house will have wealth gained by his > own exertions (as opposed to inherited wealth), will > possess an independent spirit, and curiously .... may > be married more than once! > > Thus you will see that Lagna lord's placement in > various houses have different effects - some > auspicious and some not so auspicious! > > I will give you one hint as to how identify which > placement is good and which is bad. Identify those > areas in life where blatant and strong expression of > self-ideals will be welcome... Lagna lord's placement > in such bhavas signifiying those areas is auspicious. > Otherwise, it will be inauspicious. > > For example, 5th house denotes progeny. Children are > considered to be amsas of oneself (You may refer Sri > Adisankara's Viveka Choodamani in this regard). So, > it is a bhava which requires self-sacrifice for > careful nurturing of the aspects. Any parent has to > adjust a lot after birth of progeny. There are karmic > matters also here. For instance, it is believed that > the accumulation of certain sins in the past lives > will affect progenic bliss in this birth. The > presence of Lagna lord in 5th indicates the following > sin: "The sin of teasing (playful teasing is > different; what is implied here is purposeful teasing > to irritate the child's relatives when they cannot be > directly harmed) and misbehaving infants below 5 years > either in this birth or the previous birth". YOu can > refer Agasthiar's karma kanda- a tamil classical work > on remedies in this regard. > > Similarly 7th house aspects (marriage/ partnership) > also require a lot of adjustments and the blatant show > of unjustified self-importance will definitely mar > happiness in this regard. > > Mother or father or even a benevolent Guru will > understand the childishness/ immaturity of the person > (blatant show of unjustified self-importance is a show > of immaturity; this is a stage of play acting, the > person wanting to express their inner thoughts and > desires and inflate their ego to motivate themselves). > Have we not all played the game of loser with > children by saying they have won when infact, they > cannot win us! Atleast, I think that might be the > logic how this works! > > What I have written in the general results of lagna > lord's placement is not based on these logics! They > are in various classics. Ofcourse, even rishis SEEM > to differ in their opinions sometimes... but that is > not true! What is infact true is that each seer has > approached the house from different aspects because > each house has different significations. A careful > perusal of the classics will reveal the truth. No > placement is completely auspicious and vice versa. > > I appreciate your curiosity and research bent of mind. > > Blessed be. > > > > Send instant messages to your online friends http://in.messenger. > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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