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Why Ketu cannot be atmakaraka?- Query by Ms.Jyothi Lakshmi.

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Dear Ms.Jyothi Lakshmi,


Even Rahu cannot become a karaka unless there is a tie

up between two planets for a karakatwa thereby leaving

some karakatwa vacant by Jaimini Muni Pramana.


I will quote Adhyaya 1 Pada 1 Sutra 11 for your



"Aathmadikah kalaadibhirna bhogah saptaanaam



meaning of the seven planets from Sun to Saturn, or

the eight planets from Sun to Rahu, whichever get the

highest number of degrees becomes the atmakaraka.


Another point you should note is that Rahu and Ketu

are deemed to have got higher number of degrees in the

reverse order ( I mean to say, subtract the longitude

of Rahu from 30 deg. The resultant is to be taken as

the degrees attained by Rahu for the purpose of

determining whether it has got more degrees or not).

This is my view which was corroborated also by Dr.

B.V.RAMAN of revered memory (Ofcourse you must be

aware of that Great Man!).


These are axioms not theorems. (Mathematics students

will know it. An axiom is a First principle that is

assumed to be true and that cannot be proved as

opposed to a theorem for which a logical proof can be



Though I appreciate your enthusiasm and research bent

of mind, kindly differentiate between an axiom and a

theory while discussing these topics.


Another point is interesting to note. Even in Prasna

shastra (in ashtamangala prasna) only eight planets

are included (excluding Ketu) while deriving various

significations. The savants must have had their own

reasons for that.


Or, may be as Ketu is a significator for ultimate

realization and final emancipation and Eternal Wisdom,

he may not have a portfolio for mundane events. For

instance, you cannot have an ascetic as a head of a

charitable trust! (Though you see Godmen managing

ashrams and other grand things, it is against the

basic tenet of real ascetism. Lord Dattatreya -

considered to be the adi guru of ascetism says that

even the company of 2 persons may lead to unnecessary

words and strife and deviate one from the real Goal of

Realization). This is only my humble logic which

ofcourse may not be correct. The rishis would have

DEFINITELY had their own higher logics for that.


Blessed be.


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Namaste Sri Dakshinamoorthi,


> Even Rahu cannot become a karaka unless there is a tie

> up between two planets for a karakatwa thereby leaving

> some karakatwa vacant by Jaimini Muni Pramana.


> I will quote Adhyaya 1 Pada 1 Sutra 11 for your

> reference:


This is consistent with the way I understand Parasara's teachings in

BPHS on chara karakas.


My guru Pt Sanjay Rath maintains that one should always take 8 chara

karakas including Rahu in human charts and that 7 karakas are

applicable in some non-human charts. While I have great respect for

him, my reading of Parasara suggests to me that Sanjay ji is not

correct. In fact, my sincere belief is that neither Pt Sanjay Rath

nor Sri KN Rao got this one correctly.


Jaimini is cryptic and can be interpreted in multiple ways. Parasara

is more verbose. If you carefully read Parasara's words on chara

karakas, he talked about when to use 8 karakatwas vs 7 karakatwas

and when to take Rahu and when not to. Have you studied Parasara's

verses carefully? If you have, can you share your understanding with

the list?


May Jupiter's light shine on us,



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vedic astrology, dakshinamoorthi r

<dakshinastrologer> wrote:


> Dear Ms.Jyothi Lakshmi,


> Even Rahu cannot become a karaka unless there is a tie

> up between two planets for a karakatwa thereby leaving

> some karakatwa vacant by Jaimini Muni Pramana.


> I will quote Adhyaya 1 Pada 1 Sutra 11 for your

> reference:


> "Aathmadikah kalaadibhirna bhogah saptaanaam

> ashtaanaamva"


> meaning of the seven planets from Sun to Saturn, or

> the eight planets from Sun to Rahu, whichever get the

> highest number of degrees becomes the atmakaraka.


> Another point you should note is that Rahu and Ketu

> are deemed to have got higher number of degrees in the

> reverse order ( I mean to say, subtract the longitude

> of Rahu from 30 deg. The resultant is to be taken as

> the degrees attained by Rahu for the purpose of

> determining whether it has got more degrees or not).

> This is my view which was corroborated also by Dr.

> B.V.RAMAN of revered memory (Ofcourse you must be

> aware of that Great Man!).


> These are axioms not theorems. (Mathematics students

> will know it. An axiom is a First principle that is

> assumed to be true and that cannot be proved as

> opposed to a theorem for which a logical proof can be

> derived).


> Though I appreciate your enthusiasm and research bent

> of mind, kindly differentiate between an axiom and a

> theory while discussing these topics.


> Another point is interesting to note. Even in Prasna

> shastra (in ashtamangala prasna) only eight planets

> are included (excluding Ketu) while deriving various

> significations. The savants must have had their own

> reasons for that.


> Or, may be as Ketu is a significator for ultimate

> realization and final emancipation and Eternal Wisdom,

> he may not have a portfolio for mundane events. For

> instance, you cannot have an ascetic as a head of a

> charitable trust! (Though you see Godmen managing

> ashrams and other grand things, it is against the

> basic tenet of real ascetism. Lord Dattatreya -

> considered to be the adi guru of ascetism says that

> even the company of 2 persons may lead to unnecessary

> words and strife and deviate one from the real Goal of

> Realization). This is only my humble logic which

> ofcourse may not be correct. The rishis would have

> DEFINITELY had their own higher logics for that.


> Blessed be.


> Send instant messages to your online friends


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Dear Shri. Narasimha Rao,


When to take 7 karakatwas and when to 8 karakatwas are

mentioned in the karakatwa adhyaya of BHPS Chapter 32.

There is no ambiguity regarding what the Maha muni

Parashara thinks about the matter. I will translate

the opening verses of the chapter on karakatwas for

the benefit of members of this list:


Verses 1 and 2:

" I now detail below Atma Karak etc., obtainable from

among the 7 Planets, viz. Sun to Saturn. Some say,

that Rahu will become a Karak, when there is a state

of similarity in terms of longitude between (two)

Planets. Yet some say, that the 8 Planets, including

Rahu, will have to be considered irrespective of such

a state."


It is clear that the rishi is of the view that the 7

planets from Sun to Saturn are to be considered for

assigning chara karakatwas.

He also mentions about Rahu becoming a karaka based on

two different views (which is hotly debated by learned

astrologers of this day!) which seem to have existed

even in his days!


Some verses later (17th verse in Chapter 32 to be

precise).... he says " If two Planets have the same

longitude, both become the same Karak, in which case

there will be a deficit of one Karak. In that

circumstance consider constant significator in the

context of benefic/malefic influence for the concerned



While assigning the karakas of 12 houses, Rishi

Parashara has clearly left out Rahu and has

distributed the karakatwas only among the 7 planets.


Muni Parashara's works are verbose as Shri.Narasimha

Rao has said and need no complicated logic to work

out. Jaimini Maharishi on the other hand, is very

cryptic and his verses are open to different

interpretations! As Jaimini Maharishi is the disciple

of Sage Veda Vyasa who himself was a direct descendant

of Sage Parasara, we can safely assume that when he

has cryptically indicated something in his sutras, we

may get benefitted by referring to sage Parashara's

works for a better clarity.


By the way, with all respect to Pt. Sanjay Rath, I do

not know, how he says that 7 karakas are to be taken

for non-human (or does he mean superhuman souls and

avatars?) horoscopes and 8 karakas for all other



To put it in a nutshell, my understanding is that the

karakatwas are distributed ONLY among the seven

planets from Sun to Saturn as per my reading of both

classics viz. BHPS and Jaimini Sutras. Rahu comes in

ONLY when two planets are in exactly the same degrees

and hence acquiring the same karakatwa and then, Rahu

fills up the deficient karakatwa.


Blessed be.



Namaste Sri Dakshinamoorthi,


> Even Rahu cannot become a karaka unless there is a


> up between two planets for a karakatwa thereby


> some karakatwa vacant by Jaimini Muni Pramana.


> I will quote Adhyaya 1 Pada 1 Sutra 11 for your

> reference:


This is consistent with the way I understand

Parasara's teachings in

BPHS on chara karakas.


My guru Pt Sanjay Rath maintains that one should

always take 8 chara

karakas including Rahu in human charts and that 7

karakas are

applicable in some non-human charts. While I have

great respect for

him, my reading of Parasara suggests to me that Sanjay

ji is not

correct. In fact, my sincere belief is that neither Pt

Sanjay Rath

nor Sri KN Rao got this one correctly.


Jaimini is cryptic and can be interpreted in multiple

ways. Parasara

is more verbose. If you carefully read Parasara's

words on chara

karakas, he talked about when to use 8 karakatwas vs 7


and when to take Rahu and when not to. Have you

studied Parasara's

verses carefully? If you have, can you share your

understanding with

the list?


May Jupiter's light shine on us,



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vedic astrology,

dakshinamoorthi r

<dakshinastrologer> wrote:


> Dear Ms.Jyothi Lakshmi,


> Even Rahu cannot become a karaka unless there is a


> up between two planets for a karakatwa thereby


> some karakatwa vacant by Jaimini Muni Pramana.


> I will quote Adhyaya 1 Pada 1 Sutra 11 for your

> reference:


> "Aathmadikah kalaadibhirna bhogah saptaanaam

> ashtaanaamva"


> meaning of the seven planets from Sun to Saturn, or

> the eight planets from Sun to Rahu, whichever get


> highest number of degrees becomes the atmakaraka.


> Another point you should note is that Rahu and Ketu

> are deemed to have got higher number of degrees in


> reverse order ( I mean to say, subtract the


> of Rahu from 30 deg. The resultant is to be taken


> the degrees attained by Rahu for the purpose of

> determining whether it has got more degrees or not).


> This is my view which was corroborated also by Dr.

> B.V.RAMAN of revered memory (Ofcourse you must be

> aware of that Great Man!).


> These are axioms not theorems. (Mathematics


> will know it. An axiom is a First principle that is

> assumed to be true and that cannot be proved as

> opposed to a theorem for which a logical proof can


> derived).


> Though I appreciate your enthusiasm and research


> of mind, kindly differentiate between an axiom and a

> theory while discussing these topics.


> Another point is interesting to note. Even in


> shastra (in ashtamangala prasna) only eight planets

> are included (excluding Ketu) while deriving various

> significations. The savants must have had their own

> reasons for that.


> Or, may be as Ketu is a significator for ultimate

> realization and final emancipation and Eternal


> he may not have a portfolio for mundane events. For

> instance, you cannot have an ascetic as a head of a

> charitable trust! (Though you see Godmen managing

> ashrams and other grand things, it is against the

> basic tenet of real ascetism. Lord Dattatreya -

> considered to be the adi guru of ascetism says that

> even the company of 2 persons may lead to


> words and strife and deviate one from the real Goal


> Realization). This is only my humble logic which

> ofcourse may not be correct. The rishis would have

> DEFINITELY had their own higher logics for that.


> Blessed be.


> Send instant messages to your online friends










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