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To RK Dash..some similar thoughts

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Dear RK dash,


Isn't it OUR fault that we expect the scholars to be like Sri

Rama krishna Paramhamsa/ Vivekananda /Sivananda sarswati (list

extends...)and the like? We should have realised that the world is

changing, where scholars take pride in their knowledge, not willing

to share anything unconditionally. (Not forgetting the exceptions).

They regret that they wasted their time in case unknowingly (by

mistake?)they happened to share their knowledge to people in lower



People who take astrology as a PROFESSION have the right to

ask for money. I dont find any thing wrong in that. (We are taking

salary for our profession.) But it is upto OUR discretion whether to

learn something from a person who takes it as a PROFESSION OR from a

person who takes it as a PASSION!! (It does make a big difference!!)


I remember now two lines which I studied in school.

"Gurostu mounam vyakhyanam, sishyastu chinna samshaya". (Since I dont

know sanskrit, the verse may have spelling mistakes. My teacher used

to say that earlier gurus were such that their mere silence was

eloquent enough to clear all the doubts of students!!). I doubt if

there are any such gurus now.


When I come to know of the latest scholars' attitude, I feel

like prostrating at the feet of Narasimhji who gives his Jhora

software for free enabling thousands of people to use it without any

cost!! In my native place 'Professional astrologers' charge 300Rs -

600 Rs to prepare a horoscope chart for one person that too with one-

fourth of the details in Jhora.


In a group like this where I have so far encountered only

people who are always willing to share their knowledge without any

expectation, it was really disturbing to see a 'canvassing mail'

which appeared like an advertisement. As many people had felt, I too

felt that though asking money 'as a profession' is not wrong, THIS

group WAS NOT the right platform to do that. I felt it like polluting

a sacred place!!


Lets try to maintain this group unpolluted!!


I think Narasimhji should highlight in bold and in bigger fonts the

following text in home page which is at present too minute for people

to read!! (the reason why people overlook it!)


"This discussion group discusses the principles of Vedic astrology

(Jyotish) in a HERMITAGE-LIKE atmosphere of devoted learning,

selfless sharing, courtesy and mutual respect. People freely ask VERY

BASIC questions and get answers, while very advanced discussions are

going on alongside."











vedic astrology, rk dash <arkaydash>




> Dear group members,

> I am just a day old at the group and getting to see what seems a

mercernary jamboree in places. These exchanges/postings shine some

light. I'm highligting the words for members' consideration.



> If Divine Will is that I must guide you in

> Pancha Pakshi system, I will certainly do it. But,

> currently I am not conducting the course on Pancha

> Pakshi Shastram as there were not enough persons

> willing to take the email-based course. You see I

> need enough people to sponsor the course inorder to cover my

expenses arising out of internet usage and also

> to compensate me atleast to some extent for the time

> invested. I know that this is not the way to look at

> this, but, I am a professional astrologer and this

> is my full-time profession. When I run a course, I have

> to compromise my practice by limiting my appointments

> and utilize that time to chart out course material

> that could be of use to my students. I thought that

> if I get at least 10 students willing to enrol and

> more importantly if they are found suitable by me, a

> charge of US$100 per person will be feasible for

> them (US$1000 may be too high for most persons, but

> US$100 *10 will make it a win-win situation and I will get the

satisfaction of throwing light on this wonderful

> branch of astrology!), and enough for me to cover my

> time and efforts invested in this regard. But, as

> this has not been the case, I decided against the

> email-based course for the time-being.


> The excerpt is taken from the exchange below my message.

> Sri Dakshnamoorthi is entitled to his fee, for the vidya he is

condescending to teach for $100 (down from $1,000) must be precious

(short of 'valuable'). I wish I had a better way to express my

dissent. My submission is the wielder of the particular speciality

jyotih shastra -- many of us still hold it to be a divine vidya* --

has pecuniary consideration uppermost in agreeing to part (?) (as

different from 'share' ) with his vidya. Teaching-learning is not

quid pro quo. The teacher does not part. Shradhhaa and paatrataa

should guide those of us who want to enlighten one another. But then

Sri Dakshnamoorthi is entitled to his fee: he is a professional and

has to earn his keep.Fair enough. Let me point out two things -- 1.

the amount of $100 is still beyond the means of many who are

eminently qualified to receive such specialised knowledge in jyotih

shastra; 2. I urge on the teacher here to be equal to his spiritual

quotient and not insist on amount. Who knows by not insisting, he

> may come upon greater wealth by way of reward, monetrary not ruled

out. It could at least be a 'sukrut' a beau geste on his part that

the speciality will be ably wielded by one or two after him. For that

he may have to teach scores; for such will be the limiting nature of

online tutorial -- the farthest cry from the upanishad mode (the face-

to-face, interactive one).


> May larger considerations guide us at this forum.


> Sincerely

> RK Dash


> Raghunatha RaoNemani <raon1008> wrote:

> Om Krishna Guru


> Namaste Dakshinamoorthi Ji,


> Thanks for the note in the list and hope enough students will

respond to you soon. I think, Mohanraaam Ji and I am already

interested in this e-mail course, so you have already 2 students. I

would also encourage my fellow students to take this opportunity to

learn this wonderful brach of Jyotish and contact you soon

directly,if they are interested. I am very keen on learning this as I

have seen it working like any other branch of Jyotish.


> If you do not mind keep me posted on how many responses you have

received periodically so that I know the status. Please let us know

when you get enough responses, so that I can send you the money.


> Thanks again for your willingness to share your knowledge in



> Regards

> Raghunatha Rao


> dakshinamoorthi r <dakshinastrologer> wrote:

> Mon, 2 Jan 2006 07:57:01 +0000 (GMT)

> dakshinamoorthi r <dakshinastrologer>

> Re: Thank You Sir

> Raghunatha RaoNemani <raon1008>

> CC: vedic astrology


> Dear Members,


> Shri. Mohanraaam and Shri. Raghunatha Rao are

> pressurizing me to start an email-based course on

> Panchapakshi shastra. I wrote back saying that I will

> be most willing to start the email-based course if I

> get a minimum of 10 SUITABLE candidates for a fee of

> US$100 each. It is not feasible for me to allocate my

> time otherwise. Shri. Rao suggested that I put a note

> in the vedic astrology list to this effect so that

> other members who are willing to learn this shastra

> from me can also contact me to join the course for a

> fee of US$100, and I can start the course when 10

> students join the course. Already some members of

> this forum contacted me regarding the course, but

> unfortunately, due to some practical considerations I

> could not consider their requests favourably.


> Original message of Shri. Raghunatha Rao has been

> attached with this post.


> God Willing, I shall start the course. Kindly note

> that I may require my students to solemnly assure me

> that they will not misuse the shastra (this shastra

> can be used for mantrik purposes,and countering a

> kritya done with the aid of this shastra is

> impossible!) and also that they will not divulge the

> secrets of this shastra to ANYONE without my express

> consent. Those for whom the above conditions are

> acceptable may contact me.



> Blessed be.

> --- Raghunatha RaoNemani wrote:


> > Om Krishna Guru

> >

> > Namaste Dakshinamurthy Ji,

> >

> > Thanks for the quick reply and for the content.

> > Also thanks for compliments on my papers. I work

> > full time here and do Jyotish learning and help in

> > my free time for FREE. I do not charge any money

> > from any one, as that is what I am following per my

> > Guru Ji's suggestions.

> >

> > It is a wonderful idea of you willing to teach us

> > the "Pancha Pakshi Principles", I will be happy to

> > pay $100 as Guru Dakshina along with the other 9

> > more studetns in this e-mail course to you. So may

> > I request you to please write a note in the Vedic

> > Astrology List saying that you are willing to start

> > an e-mail course with $100 and with minimum 10

> > students and I am already confirmed as a student for

> > this couse.

> >

> > So that interested studetns can contact you

> > directly and once you got interest from 10 studetns

> > as per your requirement, then let me know, so that I

> > can send the money along with other studetns and get

> > started in your e-mail course.

> >

> > Looking forward for your announcement and shall

> > pray to my Mother Mahalakshmi to find another 9

> > fellow studetns so that we all can benefit from your

> > teachings on this branch of Jyotish.

> >

> > Thanks for your time and help in advance.

> >

> > Regards

> > Raghunatha Rao

> >

> >

> > dakshinamoorthi r

> > wrote:

> > DEar Shri. Raghunatha Rao,

> >

> > I read your papers which are well-conceived and

> > well-written. I have had some previous association

> > with Shri. R.G.Rao and I have attended his

> > conference

> > which he organized in Bangalore 7 years back along

> > with Dr. K.Parthasarathy - another famous astrologer

> > from Chennai who is now of revered memory. Shri.

> > R.G.Rao, out of his high opinion regarding us

> > invited

> > us to participate in the seminar and he refused to

> > get

> > any registration fee from us at all out of respect!

> > His interest and enthusiasm regarding Nadi astrology

> > is phenomenal. However, to be frank with you, I

> > honestly feel that he needs a good proof reader who

> > is

> > proficient in both English and Astrology. Though his

> > knowledge in astrology is second to none, the

> > language

> > he uses in some of his books is such that it is

> > really

> > difficult to understand what he is trying to convey!

> >

> > But, no doubt, he has rendered a great service by

> > popoularising the nadi system of astrology. His

> > childlike enthusiasm is to be seen to be believed!

> >

> > Kindly accept my congratulations for your

> > well-written

> > papers. If Divine Will is that I must guide you in

> > Pancha Pakshi system, I will certainly do it. But,

> > currently I am not conducting the course on Pancha

> > Pakshi Shastram as there were not enough persons

> > willing to take the email-based course. You see I

> > need

> > enough people to sponsor the course inorder to cover

> > my expenses arising out of internet usage and also

> > to

> > compensate me atleast to some extent for the time

> > invested. I know that this is not the way to look at

> > this, but, I am a professional astrologer and this

> > is

> > my full-time profession. When I run a course, I have

> > to compromise my practice by limiting my

> > appointments

> > and utilize that time to chart out course material

> > that could be of use to my students. I thought that

> > if I get at least 10 students willing to enrol and

> > more importantly if they are found suitable by me, a

> > charge of US$100 per person will be feasible for

> > them

> > (US$1000 may be too high for most persons, but

> > US$100

> > *10 will make it a win-win situation and I will get

> > the satisfaction of throwing light on this wonderful

> > branch of astrology!), and enough for me to cover my

> > time and efforts invested in this regard. But, as

> > this has not been the case, I decided against the

> > email-based course for the time-being.

> >

> > I believe that the book "Biorythms of the natal

> > moon"

> > will be more than adequate for most practical

> > applications. After receiving the book, you may get

> > back to me in case you are stuck up with some

> > doubts.

> > But, honestly I feel the best course of action would

> > be probably to get back to the author himself! I may

> > charge you for clearing your doubts. Maybe, US$500

> > (US Dollars five hundred only) might be fair enough

> > for availing this service of clearing doubts

> > regarding

> > intricacies for a period of 1 year. I do not know if

> > it will be acceptable to you.....

> >

> > Blessed be.






> Photos

> Ring in the New Year with Photo Calendars. Add photos, events,

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> To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-



> ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......










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> vedic astrology


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But it is upto OUR discretion whether to learn something from a person who takes

it as a PROFESSION OR from a person who takes it as a PASSION!! (It does make a

big difference!!) I remember now two lines which I studied in

school."Gurostu mounam vyakhyanam, sishyastu chinna samshaya". (Since I dont

know sanskrit, the verse may have spelling mistakes. My teacher used to say

that earlier gurus were such that their mere silence was eloquent enough to

clear all the doubts of students!!). I doubt if there are any such gurus now.

When I come to know of the latest scholars' attitude, I feel like

prostrating at the feet of Narasimhji who gives his Jhora software for free

enabling thousands of people to use it without any cost!! In my native place

'Professional astrologers' charge 300Rs -600 Rs to prepare a horoscope chart

for one person that

too with one-fourth of the details in Jhora. In a group like this where

I have so far encountered only people who are always willing to share their

knowledge without any expectation, it was really disturbing to see a

'canvassing mail' which appeared like an advertisement. As many people had

felt, I too felt that though asking money 'as a profession' is not wrong, THIS

group WAS NOT the right platform to do that. I felt it like polluting a sacred

place!! Lets try to maintain this group unpolluted!!I think Narasimhji should

highlight in bold and in bigger fonts the following text in home page which is

at present too minute for people to read!! (the reason why people overlook

it!)"This discussion group discusses the principles of Vedic astrology

(Jyotish) in a HERMITAGE-LIKE atmosphere of devoted learning, selfless sharing,

courtesy and mutual respect.

People freely ask VERY BASIC questions and get answers, while very advanced

discussions are going on alongside."Regards,Jyothi. --- In

vedic astrology, rk dash <arkaydash> wrote:>> > Dear

group members,> I am just a day old at the group and getting to see what

seems a mercernary jamboree in places. These exchanges/postings shine some

light. I'm highligting the words for members' consideration. > > > If

Divine Will is that I must guide you in> Pancha Pakshi system, I will

certainly do it. But,> currently I am not conducting the course on Pancha>

Pakshi Shastram as there were not enough persons> willing to take the

email-based course. You see I> need enough people to sponsor the course

inorder to cover my

expenses arising out of internet usage and also> to compensate me atleast to

some extent for the time> invested. I know that this is not the way to look

at> this, but, I am a professional astrologer and this> is my full-time

profession. When I run a course, I have> to compromise my practice by limiting

my appointments> and utilize that time to chart out course material> that

could be of use to my students. I thought that> if I get at least 10 students

willing to enrol and> more importantly if they are found suitable by me, a>

charge of US$100 per person will be feasible for> them (US$1000 may be too

high for most persons, but> US$100 *10 will make it a win-win situation and I

will get the satisfaction of throwing light on this wonderful> branch of

astrology!), and enough for me to

cover my> time and efforts invested in this regard. But, as> this has not been

the case, I decided against the> email-based course for the time-being.> >

The excerpt is taken from the exchange below my message. > Sri Dakshnamoorthi

is entitled to his fee, for the vidya he is condescending to teach for $100

(down from $1,000) must be precious (short of 'valuable'). I wish I had a

better way to express my dissent. My submission is the wielder of the

particular speciality jyotih shastra -- many of us still hold it to be a divine

vidya* -- has pecuniary consideration uppermost in agreeing to part (?) (as

different from 'share' ) with his vidya. Teaching-learning is not quid pro quo.

The teacher does not part. Shradhhaa and paatrataa should guide those of us who

want to enlighten one another. But then Sri Dakshnamoorthi is entitled to his

fee: he is a professional and

has to earn his keep.Fair enough. Let me point out two things -- 1. the amount

of $100 is still beyond the means of many who are eminently qualified to

receive such specialised knowledge in jyotih shastra; 2. I urge on the teacher

here to be equal to his spiritual quotient and not insist on amount. Who knows

by not insisting, he> may come upon greater wealth by way of reward, monetrary

not ruled out. It could at least be a 'sukrut' a beau geste on his part that the

speciality will be ably wielded by one or two after him. For that he may have to

teach scores; for such will be the limiting nature of online tutorial -- the

farthest cry from the upanishad mode (the face-to-face, interactive one). >

> May larger considerations guide us at this forum. > > Sincerely> RK

Dash> > Raghunatha RaoNemani

<raon1008> wrote:> Om Krishna Guru> > Namaste Dakshinamoorthi Ji,>

> Thanks for the note in the list and hope enough students will respond to

you soon. I think, Mohanraaam Ji and I am already interested in this e-mail

course, so you have already 2 students. I would also encourage my fellow

students to take this opportunity to learn this wonderful brach of Jyotish and

contact you soon directly,if they are interested. I am very keen on learning

this as I have seen it working like any other branch of Jyotish.> > If you

do not mind keep me posted on how many responses you have received periodically

so that I know the status. Please let us know when you get enough responses, so

that I can send you the money.> > Thanks again for your

willingness to share your knowledge in advance.> > Regards> Raghunatha

Rao> > dakshinamoorthi r <dakshinastrologer> wrote:> Mon, 2

Jan 2006 07:57:01 +0000 (GMT)> dakshinamoorthi r

<dakshinastrologer>> Re: Thank You Sir> Raghunatha RaoNemani

<raon1008>> CC: vedic astrology> > Dear Members,> >

Shri. Mohanraaam and Shri. Raghunatha Rao are> pressurizing me to start an

email-based course on> Panchapakshi shastra. I wrote back saying that I will>

be most willing to start the email-based course if I> get a minimum of 10

SUITABLE candidates for a fee of> US$100 each. It is not feasible for me to

allocate my> time otherwise. Shri. Rao suggested that I put a note> in the


astrology list to this effect so that> other members who are willing to learn

this shastra> from me can also contact me to join the course for a> fee of

US$100, and I can start the course when 10> students join the course. Already

some members of> this forum contacted me regarding the course, but>

unfortunately, due to some practical considerations I> could not consider their

requests favourably.> > Original message of Shri. Raghunatha Rao has been>

attached with this post.> > God Willing, I shall start the course. Kindly note>

that I may require my students to solemnly assure me> that they will not misuse

the shastra (this shastra> can be used for mantrik purposes,and countering a>

kritya done with the aid of this shastra is> impossible!) and also that they

will not divulge the> secrets of this shastra to ANYONE without my express>

consent. Those for

whom the above conditions are> acceptable may contact me.> > > Blessed be.> ---

Raghunatha RaoNemani wrote:> > > Om Krishna Guru> > > > Namaste Dakshinamurthy

Ji,> > > > Thanks for the quick reply and for the content. > > Also thanks for

compliments on my papers. I work> > full time here and do Jyotish learning and

help in> > my free time for FREE. I do not charge any money> > from any one, as

that is what I am following per my> > Guru Ji's suggestions.> > > > It is a

wonderful idea of you willing to teach us> > the "Pancha Pakshi Principles", I

will be happy to> > pay $100 as Guru Dakshina along with the other 9> > more

studetns in this e-mail course to you. So may> > I request you to please write

a note in the Vedic> > Astrology List saying that you are willing to

start> > an e-mail course with $100 and with minimum 10> > students and I am

already confirmed as a student for> > this couse. > > > > So that interested

studetns can contact you> > directly and once you got interest from 10

studetns> > as per your requirement, then let me know, so that I> > can send

the money along with other studetns and get> > started in your e-mail course.>

> > > Looking forward for your announcement and shall> > pray to my Mother

Mahalakshmi to find another 9> > fellow studetns so that we all can benefit

from your> > teachings on this branch of Jyotish.> > > > Thanks for your time

and help in advance.> > > > Regards> > Raghunatha Rao> > > > > >

dakshinamoorthi r > > wrote:> > DEar Shri. Raghunatha Rao,> > >

> I read your papers which are well-conceived and> > well-written. I have had

some previous association> > with Shri. R.G.Rao and I have attended his> >

conference> > which he organized in Bangalore 7 years back along> > with Dr.

K.Parthasarathy - another famous astrologer> > from Chennai who is now of

revered memory. Shri.> > R.G.Rao, out of his high opinion regarding us> >

invited> > us to participate in the seminar and he refused to> > get> > any

registration fee from us at all out of respect! > > His interest and enthusiasm

regarding Nadi astrology> > is phenomenal. However, to be frank with you, I> >

honestly feel that he needs a good proof reader who> > is> > proficient in both

English and Astrology. Though his> > knowledge in astrology is second to none,

the> > language> > he uses in

some of his books is such that it is> > really> > difficult to understand what

he is trying to convey!> > > > But, no doubt, he has rendered a great service

by> > popoularising the nadi system of astrology. His> > childlike enthusiasm

is to be seen to be believed!> > > > Kindly accept my congratulations for your>

> well-written> > papers. If Divine Will is that I must guide you in> > Pancha

Pakshi system, I will certainly do it. But,> > currently I am not conducting

the course on Pancha> > Pakshi Shastram as there were not enough persons> >

willing to take the email-based course. You see I> > need> > enough people to

sponsor the course inorder to cover> > my expenses arising out of internet

usage and also> > to> > compensate me atleast to some extent for the time> >

invested. I know

that this is not the way to look at> > this, but, I am a professional astrologer

and this> > is> > my full-time profession. When I run a course, I have> > to

compromise my practice by limiting my> > appointments> > and utilize that time

to chart out course material> > that could be of use to my students. I thought

that> > if I get at least 10 students willing to enrol and> > more importantly

if they are found suitable by me, a> > charge of US$100 per person will be

feasible for> > them> > (US$1000 may be too high for most persons, but> >

US$100> > *10 will make it a win-win situation and I will get> > the

satisfaction of throwing light on this wonderful> > branch of astrology!), and

enough for me to cover my> > time and efforts invested in this regard. But, as>

> this has not been the case, I decided

against the> > email-based course for the time-being.> > > > I believe that the

book "Biorythms of the natal> > moon"> > will be more than adequate for most

practical> > applications. After receiving the book, you may get> > back to me

in case you are stuck up with some> > doubts. > > But, honestly I feel the best

course of action would> > be probably to get back to the author himself! I may>

> charge you for clearing your doubts. Maybe, US$500> > (US Dollars five

hundred only) might be fair enough> > for availing this service of clearing

doubts> > regarding> > intricacies for a period of 1 year. I do not know if> >

it will be acceptable to you.....> > > > Blessed be.> > > > >


Photos> Ring in the New Year with Photo Calendars. Add photos, events, holidays,

whatever. > > Archives: vedic astrology> > Group

info: vedic astrology/info.html> > To UNSUBSCRIBE:

Blank mail to vedic astrology-> > ....... May Jupiter's

light shine on us .......> > || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri

Krishnaarpanamastu || > > > > > !

GROUPS LINKS > > > Visit your group "vedic astrology" on the web.> >


from this group, send an email to:>

vedic astrology> > Your use of

Groups is subject to the > > >

> > > > > > Send instant messages to your

online friends http://in.messenger.>

Photos Ring in the New Year with Photo Calendars. Add photos, events, holidays, whatever.

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Dear Jyothi ji,

I absolutely agree with your comments and urge the moderator to

maintain the sanctity of this group.


Best Regarda,



vedic astrology, "jyothi_b_lakshmi"

<jyothi_b_lakshmi> wrote:


> Dear RK dash,


> Isn't it OUR fault that we expect the scholars to be like


> Rama krishna Paramhamsa/ Vivekananda /Sivananda sarswati (list

> extends...)and the like? We should have realised that the world is

> changing, where scholars take pride in their knowledge, not willing

> to share anything unconditionally. (Not forgetting the exceptions).

> They regret that they wasted their time in case unknowingly (by

> mistake?)they happened to share their knowledge to people in lower

> levels.


> People who take astrology as a PROFESSION have the right to

> ask for money. I dont find any thing wrong in that. (We are taking

> salary for our profession.) But it is upto OUR discretion whether


> learn something from a person who takes it as a PROFESSION OR from


> person who takes it as a PASSION!! (It does make a big difference!!)


> I remember now two lines which I studied in school.

> "Gurostu mounam vyakhyanam, sishyastu chinna samshaya". (Since I


> know sanskrit, the verse may have spelling mistakes. My teacher


> to say that earlier gurus were such that their mere silence was

> eloquent enough to clear all the doubts of students!!). I doubt if

> there are any such gurus now.


> When I come to know of the latest scholars' attitude, I


> like prostrating at the feet of Narasimhji who gives his Jhora

> software for free enabling thousands of people to use it without


> cost!! In my native place 'Professional astrologers' charge 300Rs -

> 600 Rs to prepare a horoscope chart for one person that too with


> fourth of the details in Jhora.


> In a group like this where I have so far encountered only

> people who are always willing to share their knowledge without any

> expectation, it was really disturbing to see a 'canvassing mail'

> which appeared like an advertisement. As many people had felt, I


> felt that though asking money 'as a profession' is not wrong, THIS

> group WAS NOT the right platform to do that. I felt it like


> a sacred place!!


> Lets try to maintain this group unpolluted!!


> I think Narasimhji should highlight in bold and in bigger fonts the

> following text in home page which is at present too minute for


> to read!! (the reason why people overlook it!)


> "This discussion group discusses the principles of Vedic astrology

> (Jyotish) in a HERMITAGE-LIKE atmosphere of devoted learning,

> selfless sharing, courtesy and mutual respect. People freely ask


> BASIC questions and get answers, while very advanced discussions


> going on alongside."



> Regards,

> Jyothi.

vedic astrology, rk dash <arkaydash>

> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Dear group members,

> > I am just a day old at the group and getting to see what seems


> mercernary jamboree in places. These exchanges/postings shine some

> light. I'm highligting the words for members' consideration.

> >

> >

> > If Divine Will is that I must guide you in

> > Pancha Pakshi system, I will certainly do it. But,

> > currently I am not conducting the course on Pancha

> > Pakshi Shastram as there were not enough persons

> > willing to take the email-based course. You see I

> > need enough people to sponsor the course inorder to cover my

> expenses arising out of internet usage and also

> > to compensate me atleast to some extent for the time

> > invested. I know that this is not the way to look at

> > this, but, I am a professional astrologer and this

> > is my full-time profession. When I run a course, I have

> > to compromise my practice by limiting my appointments

> > and utilize that time to chart out course material

> > that could be of use to my students. I thought that

> > if I get at least 10 students willing to enrol and

> > more importantly if they are found suitable by me, a

> > charge of US$100 per person will be feasible for

> > them (US$1000 may be too high for most persons, but

> > US$100 *10 will make it a win-win situation and I will get the

> satisfaction of throwing light on this wonderful

> > branch of astrology!), and enough for me to cover my

> > time and efforts invested in this regard. But, as

> > this has not been the case, I decided against the

> > email-based course for the time-being.

> >

> > The excerpt is taken from the exchange below my message.

> > Sri Dakshnamoorthi is entitled to his fee, for the vidya he is

> condescending to teach for $100 (down from $1,000) must be precious

> (short of 'valuable'). I wish I had a better way to express my

> dissent. My submission is the wielder of the particular speciality

> jyotih shastra -- many of us still hold it to be a divine vidya* --

> has pecuniary consideration uppermost in agreeing to part (?) (as

> different from 'share' ) with his vidya. Teaching-learning is not

> quid pro quo. The teacher does not part. Shradhhaa and paatrataa

> should guide those of us who want to enlighten one another. But


> Sri Dakshnamoorthi is entitled to his fee: he is a professional and

> has to earn his keep.Fair enough. Let me point out two things -- 1.

> the amount of $100 is still beyond the means of many who are

> eminently qualified to receive such specialised knowledge in jyotih

> shastra; 2. I urge on the teacher here to be equal to his spiritual

> quotient and not insist on amount. Who knows by not insisting, he

> > may come upon greater wealth by way of reward, monetrary not


> out. It could at least be a 'sukrut' a beau geste on his part that

> the speciality will be ably wielded by one or two after him. For


> he may have to teach scores; for such will be the limiting nature


> online tutorial -- the farthest cry from the upanishad mode (the


> to-face, interactive one).

> >

> > May larger considerations guide us at this forum.

> >

> > Sincerely

> > RK Dash

> >

> > Raghunatha RaoNemani <raon1008> wrote:

> > Om Krishna Guru

> >

> > Namaste Dakshinamoorthi Ji,

> >

> > Thanks for the note in the list and hope enough students will

> respond to you soon. I think, Mohanraaam Ji and I am already

> interested in this e-mail course, so you have already 2 students.


> would also encourage my fellow students to take this opportunity to

> learn this wonderful brach of Jyotish and contact you soon

> directly,if they are interested. I am very keen on learning this as


> have seen it working like any other branch of Jyotish.

> >

> > If you do not mind keep me posted on how many responses you


> received periodically so that I know the status. Please let us know

> when you get enough responses, so that I can send you the money.

> >

> > Thanks again for your willingness to share your knowledge in

> advance.

> >

> > Regards

> > Raghunatha Rao

> >

> > dakshinamoorthi r <dakshinastrologer> wrote:

> > Mon, 2 Jan 2006 07:57:01 +0000 (GMT)

> > dakshinamoorthi r <dakshinastrologer>

> > Re: Thank You Sir

> > Raghunatha RaoNemani <raon1008>

> > CC: vedic astrology

> >

> > Dear Members,

> >

> > Shri. Mohanraaam and Shri. Raghunatha Rao are

> > pressurizing me to start an email-based course on

> > Panchapakshi shastra. I wrote back saying that I will

> > be most willing to start the email-based course if I

> > get a minimum of 10 SUITABLE candidates for a fee of

> > US$100 each. It is not feasible for me to allocate my

> > time otherwise. Shri. Rao suggested that I put a note

> > in the vedic astrology list to this effect so that

> > other members who are willing to learn this shastra

> > from me can also contact me to join the course for a

> > fee of US$100, and I can start the course when 10

> > students join the course. Already some members of

> > this forum contacted me regarding the course, but

> > unfortunately, due to some practical considerations I

> > could not consider their requests favourably.

> >

> > Original message of Shri. Raghunatha Rao has been

> > attached with this post.

> >

> > God Willing, I shall start the course. Kindly note

> > that I may require my students to solemnly assure me

> > that they will not misuse the shastra (this shastra

> > can be used for mantrik purposes,and countering a

> > kritya done with the aid of this shastra is

> > impossible!) and also that they will not divulge the

> > secrets of this shastra to ANYONE without my express

> > consent. Those for whom the above conditions are

> > acceptable may contact me.

> >

> >

> > Blessed be.

> > --- Raghunatha RaoNemani wrote:

> >

> > > Om Krishna Guru

> > >

> > > Namaste Dakshinamurthy Ji,

> > >

> > > Thanks for the quick reply and for the content.

> > > Also thanks for compliments on my papers. I work

> > > full time here and do Jyotish learning and help in

> > > my free time for FREE. I do not charge any money

> > > from any one, as that is what I am following per my

> > > Guru Ji's suggestions.

> > >

> > > It is a wonderful idea of you willing to teach us

> > > the "Pancha Pakshi Principles", I will be happy to

> > > pay $100 as Guru Dakshina along with the other 9

> > > more studetns in this e-mail course to you. So may

> > > I request you to please write a note in the Vedic

> > > Astrology List saying that you are willing to start

> > > an e-mail course with $100 and with minimum 10

> > > students and I am already confirmed as a student for

> > > this couse.

> > >

> > > So that interested studetns can contact you

> > > directly and once you got interest from 10 studetns

> > > as per your requirement, then let me know, so that I

> > > can send the money along with other studetns and get

> > > started in your e-mail course.

> > >

> > > Looking forward for your announcement and shall

> > > pray to my Mother Mahalakshmi to find another 9

> > > fellow studetns so that we all can benefit from your

> > > teachings on this branch of Jyotish.

> > >

> > > Thanks for your time and help in advance.

> > >

> > > Regards

> > > Raghunatha Rao

> > >

> > >

> > > dakshinamoorthi r

> > > wrote:

> > > DEar Shri. Raghunatha Rao,

> > >

> > > I read your papers which are well-conceived and

> > > well-written. I have had some previous association

> > > with Shri. R.G.Rao and I have attended his

> > > conference

> > > which he organized in Bangalore 7 years back along

> > > with Dr. K.Parthasarathy - another famous astrologer

> > > from Chennai who is now of revered memory. Shri.

> > > R.G.Rao, out of his high opinion regarding us

> > > invited

> > > us to participate in the seminar and he refused to

> > > get

> > > any registration fee from us at all out of respect!

> > > His interest and enthusiasm regarding Nadi astrology

> > > is phenomenal. However, to be frank with you, I

> > > honestly feel that he needs a good proof reader who

> > > is

> > > proficient in both English and Astrology. Though his

> > > knowledge in astrology is second to none, the

> > > language

> > > he uses in some of his books is such that it is

> > > really

> > > difficult to understand what he is trying to convey!

> > >

> > > But, no doubt, he has rendered a great service by

> > > popoularising the nadi system of astrology. His

> > > childlike enthusiasm is to be seen to be believed!

> > >

> > > Kindly accept my congratulations for your

> > > well-written

> > > papers. If Divine Will is that I must guide you in

> > > Pancha Pakshi system, I will certainly do it. But,

> > > currently I am not conducting the course on Pancha

> > > Pakshi Shastram as there were not enough persons

> > > willing to take the email-based course. You see I

> > > need

> > > enough people to sponsor the course inorder to cover

> > > my expenses arising out of internet usage and also

> > > to

> > > compensate me atleast to some extent for the time

> > > invested. I know that this is not the way to look at

> > > this, but, I am a professional astrologer and this

> > > is

> > > my full-time profession. When I run a course, I have

> > > to compromise my practice by limiting my

> > > appointments

> > > and utilize that time to chart out course material

> > > that could be of use to my students. I thought that

> > > if I get at least 10 students willing to enrol and

> > > more importantly if they are found suitable by me, a

> > > charge of US$100 per person will be feasible for

> > > them

> > > (US$1000 may be too high for most persons, but

> > > US$100

> > > *10 will make it a win-win situation and I will get

> > > the satisfaction of throwing light on this wonderful

> > > branch of astrology!), and enough for me to cover my

> > > time and efforts invested in this regard. But, as

> > > this has not been the case, I decided against the

> > > email-based course for the time-being.

> > >

> > > I believe that the book "Biorythms of the natal

> > > moon"

> > > will be more than adequate for most practical

> > > applications. After receiving the book, you may get

> > > back to me in case you are stuck up with some

> > > doubts.

> > > But, honestly I feel the best course of action would

> > > be probably to get back to the author himself! I may

> > > charge you for clearing your doubts. Maybe, US$500

> > > (US Dollars five hundred only) might be fair enough

> > > for availing this service of clearing doubts

> > > regarding

> > > intricacies for a period of 1 year. I do not know if

> > > it will be acceptable to you.....

> > >

> > > Blessed be.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Photos

> > Ring in the New Year with Photo Calendars. Add photos, events,

> holidays, whatever.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-


> >

> > ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Visit your group "vedic astrology" on the web.

> >

> >

> > vedic astrology

> >

> > Terms of

> Service.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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