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Drekkana significance- To \Imran ji

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decanatesystem of delineation. Western scholars used decanatetechnically

identical to Jagannath Drekkana, in orderto unveil native’s character. Among

Sun, Moon andAscendant if all three or two fall into decanate(Jagannath

drekkana) of malefic planets then thenative would be evil minded, sinner and

wrathful. Iftrend is mixed then native will be lazy, back biterand ill-behaved.

But if all three (among Sun, Moon andAscendant) rises into benefic drekkana (and

their lordof drekkan are also powerful) then native would beblessed,

intelligent, softspoken and successful.Extracting Parashri Drekkana:Sage

Parashar named the three decanates Naarada,Aghastya and Durvaasa for movable

signs (Ar, Cn, Li,Cp). For fixed signs they are Aghastya, Durvaasa andNaaada.

Whereas for dual signs Durvasa, Naarada andAghastya lords the three drekkana

respectively.-------Rasi 1st Drek 2nd

Drek 3rd Drek 0* – 10* 10* - 20* 20* -

30*-------Ar Ar Le

Sg Narada Agastya

Durvasa-------Ta Ta Vi

Cp Agastya Durvasa

Narada-------Ge Ge Li

Aq Durvasa Narada

Agastya-------Cn Cn Sc

Pi Narada Agastya

Durvasa-------Le Le Sg

Ar Agastya Durvasa

Narada-------Vi Vi Cp

Ta Durvasa Narada

Agastya-------Li Li Aq

Ge Narada Agastya

Durvasa-------Sc Sc Pi

Cn Agastya Durvasa

Narada-------Sg Sg Ar

Le Durvasa Narada

Agastya-------Cp Cp Ta

Vi Narada Agastya

Durvasa-------Aq Aq Ge

Li Agastya Durvasa

Narada-------Pi Pi Cn

Sc Durvasa Narada

Agastya-------Significance of Lordship: What

is the significance of these three personalities?Narada Muni was the receptor

of the Bhakti-khanda,that is, he received from his father, Brahma theknowledge

of devotion to the Supreme Lord. Bhakti isthe prime necessity of the soul;

therefore Naradamight represent the Atma, or the soul. Agastya Muni islined

with Manas, or the mind in many places in theVedas. And Durvasa Muni was famous

from his efforts tocontrol his senses, therefore he represents theIndriyas, or

senses. So we might say that the threeDrekkanas of the signs may

refer to the soul, the mindand the senses.Parasara Rishi states that the

Drekkana Chakra shouldbe analyzed with regard to siblings, or co-borns. Wemight

conclude that the planets in the Drekkanas ruledby Narada would denote the

spiritual/karmic relationsto the native's brothers, and may even

signifyGodbrothers (disciples of the same Guru), those in theDrekkanas ruled by

Agastya would signify themental/psychological effects from brothers, and thosein

the Drekkanas ruled by Durvasa would refer to thesensual/physical comfort or

discomfort caused by thebrothers and sisters. (above two paras are fromGauranga

Das article).Lord of 22nd Drekkana:22nd Drekkan is also called Khara and its

lord isknown as Kharesh. It is considered one of thespecially-ranked malefic

planet for the native. Thereare various methods of counting 22nd drekkana, but

avery short cut technique is to look the lord of

8thhouse in D3. The planet would be lord of 22nd drekkanafrom the rising sign in

Rashi.Kharesh is specially associated with cause of death.In general condition

when ayur is not reached optimumit is concerned with bodily discomfort,

healthmatters, and threat to longevity of the native.Some clues to use 22nd

Drekkana:* Dasha/antar of lord of 22nd drekkana generallyafflicts native’s

health and yield mental agony,provide they are devoid of benefic aspects. If

theconcerned planet is also a natural malefic and positedin malefic rashi then

intensity of evil woulddefinitely higher than expected.* Occupation of natural

malefic (Sat, Mar, Rah, Ket)in 22nd drekkan, in Rashi, reduces the potential

ofthe chart upto great extant (unless there is nocounter relief).* Whenever

lord of langa transits the 22nd drekkan;loss, bodily discomfort, grief and

quarrel results.For example at birth someone has

25* of Pisces asascendant. Then Scorpio rises as D3 langa and Geminibecomes the

22nd drekkana. Therefore whenever lord ofD1 lagna Jupiter transits the Gemini,

native wouldencounter obstacles and losses.* In a similar fashion transit of

lord of 22nd drekkanin ascendant produces trouble regarding significanceof 1st

house.* Like ascendant, obtain 22nd drekkanas of otherplanets specially Moon

and Sun. Transit of graha intorespective 22nd drekkana always mar the

significanceof planet transited. Avoid starting any new task whenyour

luminaries are transiting their 22nd drekkanaor/and Kharash moving over Sun or

Moon.With Regards,M. Imran--- pankaj sharma

<astrologerpankaj (AT) (DOT) co.in>wrote:> Respected Sir,> In my case lagan risig

is Gemini16 degrees.> therefore, lagan is rising in 2nd decante.In my> case,All

the planets except moon

and rahu are in 8> th house from ascendent. Only 2 planets i.e. sun and> venus

are at 11 degrees whereas mars,mer, jup, sani> and ketu at 0,29,22,9 and 25

degrees. It means only> venus & sun which are 2nd decante in 8th house fall>

within in10-20 degrees. So means 22nd drekkana will> be taurus. Here what is

the importance of Narda,> Agasthya and durvasa drkkana w.r.t. proper sense of>

my query? Pl. guide.> Pankaj Sharma> > dakshinastrologer

<dakshinastrologer (AT) (DOT) co.in>> wrote:> Dear Shri. Pankaj:> > What you are

referring to in your case is the> Drekkana chart which is > a varga chart to

study the prospects of siblings.> > There are ofcourse some decantes that are

not> classified as sarpa, > chatushpada, etc. But, even in cases where these>

classifications have > been made, it is

not based on the planetary> rulership of the > drekkanas. There are 36

Drekkanas-3 for each of the> 12 rasis. From > the rising drekkana in your

horoscope count till> the 22nd Drekkana ( > for example if your ascendant is

in the first 10> degrees you are born > in the first decante. From that count

the no. of> decantes.... 3 for > each rasi. So, in this case, the 22nd decante

will> be the 1st decante > of the 8th house for your horoscope; if your birth>

is in the second > decante, i.e. between 10 and 20 deg. of a sign, the> 22nd

decante will > fall in the 2nd decante of the 8th sign; if your> birth is in

the third > decante, the 22nd decante will be in the 3rd decante> of the 8th

sign > from your rising sign) The 22nd Drekkana is called> the "Niryaana >

Drekkana" which will give clues to the likely

cause> of death to a > native. Specific causes have been given for each of> the

drekkanas > which may fall as the 22nd drekkana for a horoscope.> Brihat

Parasara > Hora Shastra itself gives these results.> > Blessed be.> --- In

vedic astrology, pankaj> sharma > <astrologerpankaj>

wrote:> >> > Respected Sir,> > Thanks for the prompt reply. In continuation

of> my queries, can > any drekkana escape from these drekkana> categories.To

understand the > concept I am quoting example from my horoscope.In my> case in

D-3, > libra is rising and and lord of libra, the venus, is> lying in eight >

house along with sun. Both of these planets have not> been assigned any > of

these drekkana like chatuspada or phansi or any> other kind. The >

lord of 22nd drekkana is venus (As per Jhora). What> should be the > expected

interpretation.? Had any body used these> drekkanas during > their research.?

Do we find it in PRACTICAL> experience.? Is there > any published work on

it?> > Pease advise. Thanks in advance.> > Pankaj Sharma> > > >

dakshinastrologer <dakshinastrologer> wrote: > > Om Nama Shiva:> > Shri.

Pankaj Sharma:> > > > Drekkanas as you might be aware is 1/3 of a sign. >

Drekkanas have an > > important role in Prasna astrology... especially> medical

astrology. > > The classical work on Prasna astrology> "Krishneeyam" details

methods > > of using Drekkana significations in horary> astrology.> > > > In

natal astrology, the nature of the

22nd> Drekkana from the > drekkana > > of the lagna indicates the source/ manner

of> death. Ayudha drekkana > > indicates injury with weapons as cause of death

/> accidents, and so > > on. > > > > If the lagna drekkana is Pasha drekkana,

then the> native may > > experience bondage/ incarceration. Curiously> there

is an > astrological > > alibi that I have found in operation in real life>

circumstances.... > If > > a child is born under pasha drekkana, it has been>

found that the > > parents tie up the child due to its overactivity> when they

cannot > pay > > close attention to its activities due to their> preoccupations

> > considering the child's safety. Such children do> not get > incarcerated >

> actually!> > > > Sarpa

drekkana falling in the 22nd decante can> mean danger from > > poisonous

reptiles that could be life threatening.> > > > > If the birth is in

Chatushpada drekkana (quadraped> drekkana) or if > the > > 7th lord is in the

Chatushpada Drekkana, then the> sexual activity of > > the native will resemble

that of a quadraped> animal, etc. This has > > been explained in various

classics including> Brihat Parasara Hora > > Shastra, Sarvartha Chintamani,

etc.> > > > Ofcourse, in the varga analysis, Drekkana is used> to study the > >

prospects of siblings.> > > > Blessed be.> > > > -- In

vedic astrology, pankaj> sharma > > <astrologerpankaj>

wrote:> > >> > > Respected Gurus,> > > What are the

results of drekkanas? What does a> planet going to > > sarp drekkana indiactes?

> > > Ayudha Drekkana?> > > Nigada Drekkana?> > > Pakshi Drekkana?> > >

Chatuspada DRekkana?> > > Varaha?> > > Pasha ??etc> > > Whether they can

be used for inference on> nativity in birth > chart?> > > Anybody please

explain or tell the source> where relavent > > information can be found> > > >

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