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Mahabharata War

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Dear friends,


The Ancient Indian History has been founded on strong grounds as the

seers recorded the events in terms of tithis etc.


The Mahabharata war has occured 5000 years ago and the dating of

list of events have been compiled based on the panchang description

given in the epic.


There are various groups in You can also check my groups on

ancienthistory of INdia GRoups. or

for further details.


I am not elaborating here coz I thought this is the not the

appropriate forum for discussing dating of mahabharat war.


Kishore patnaik





-- In vedic astrology, "Swee Chan" <swee@c...> wrote:


> Jaya Jagannatha


> Dear Smt. Laksmi,

> Namaste


> I am reading the Mahabharata on line.....in the Bhisma Parva,

Section 10 of

> the Jamvu-kanda Nirmana Parva talks about the longevity of the

people during

> the Dvapara era (Mahabharata) http://www.sacred-


> While the Bhumi Parva talks about Saptamsa (the 7 islands of



> The date suggested in the link you've given is not being

substantiated with

> the exact references.

> From Narada Purana Purva Bhaga Adhyaya 56 sloka 147-148, days of the

> commencement of the Yugas and days of the commencement of the Manus

in the

> same chapter, slokas 149 -152 are quoted as below. However, it maybe

> pertinent for us to ascertain which Manu we are in...... any ideas?


> Vedavyasa catalogued all the events of the Mahabharata long before


> happened, we should really be looking at one of the Vedas (which


> written first) or perhaps in the Puranas. Just my thoughts.


> kArtike shuklanavamI tvAdiH kR^itayugasya ca|

> tretAdirmAdhave shukle tR^itIyA puNyasaMj~nitA||56.147||


> kR^iShNA pa~ncadashI mAghe dvAparAdimudIritA|

> kalpAdiH syAtkR^iShNapakShe nabhastasya trayodashI||56.148||


> dvAdashyUrje shuklapakShe navamyaccheshvayujyapi|

> caitre bhAdrapade caiva tR^itIyA shuklasaMj~nitA||56.149||


> ekAdashI sitA pauShe hyAShADherdeshamIsitA|

> mAghe ca saptamI shuklA nabhasye tvasitAShTamI||56.150||


> shrAvaNe mAsyamAvAsyA phAlgune mAsi paurNimA|

> AShDhe kArtike mAsi jyaShTe caitre ca paurNimA||56.151||


> manvAdayo mAnavAnAM shrAddheShvatyantapuNyadA|

> bhAdre kR^iShNatrayodashyAM maghAminduH kare raviH||56.152||


> Love,

> Swee


> p/s Bipin was taken into sanctum sanctorum yesterday at Jagannatha




> sohamsa [sohamsa] On

Behalf Of

> B Lakshmi Ramesh

> Monday, January 23, 2006 11:45 AM

> sohamsa

> Re: Mahabharata War


> Om Gurave Namah


> Dear Swee,


> I am forwarding the message I had sent to some other list. Hope you

> find the link useful.


> regards,

> Lakshmi


> --


> The following extract, regarding lunar fortnight of 13 days, is from

> from the site http://india.krishna.org/Articles/2003/01/018.html

> Please do visit it, because a person like you, with a penchant for

> research, would find it very interesting.



> Strange phenomenon

> -------------------


> Astrologically a strange phenomenon occurred during the Mahabharata

> war.


> The lunar cycle (paksha - normally is 15 days) sometimes happens in

> fourteen days. But during the time of the Mahabharata war- a rare

> thing happened - the paksha got compressed to 13 days. (May be 13 is

> an inauspicious number). This aspect has been discussed in the

> Bhishma parva - 3rd Adhyaaya.


> Guru and Shani are in Vaishaaka, Moon and the Sun entered in the


> house one after the other making amaavaasya on the Trayodasi day

> itself. This peculiar condensation of the tithis into thirteen from

> fifteen is a rare phenomenon. Vyaasa in the Mahabharata discussed

> this subject and this was inevitably followed by mass destruction


> to the war. This incident provided a direct means to establish the

> precise date of Mahabharata war.


> According to Julian calendar this type of planetary collusion

> occurred definitely in 3076 BC in November. Vyaasa writes:


> Caturdashiim panchadashiim

> Bhuuta puurvamca shoodhashiim

> Imaantu naabhi jaaneham

> Amaavaasyaam trayodashiim

> Chandra suurya bhougrastou

> Ekamevam trayodashiim

> AparvaNi grahaNe tou

> Prajaa sakshapaishyataH


> "I have seen fourteen days a paksha, fifteen day completion or

> extension to sixteenth day also. This amaavaasya falling on the

> thirteenth day itself, I have never seen before"


> Vyasa says that, Sun and Moon eclipses falling on the same month

> during the missing tithis is a rare phenomenon, resulting in large-

> scale disasters to people.



> Yadu dynasty destroyed

> -----------------------


> 36 years after the Mahabharata war, the Yadu dynasty was destroyed.

> Lord Krishna predicted this happening in astrological terms.


> "Rahu has compressed Purnima on Chaturdasi day. This happened once

> before the Mahabharata war and will be happening again soon. This

> will lead to our destruction".


> By mentioning the forthcoming destruction of the Yadu dynasty Lord

> Krishna was remembering Gandhari's curse on the Yadu dynasty.





> sohamsa, "Swee Chan" <swee@c...> wrote:

> >

> > Jaya Jagannatha

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Lists,

> >

> > Namaste

> >

> >

> >

> > Does anyone have the indicative date of the Mahabharata War? If


> do,

> > please give references from the books.

> >

> >

> >

> > Thank you.

> >

> >

> >

> > Love,

> >

> > Swee

> >

> >

> > --

> >

> >

> > Version: 7.1.375 / Virus Database: 267.14.21/236 - Release Date:

> 1/20/2006

> >



*tat savitur varenyam*

> Links




> Version: 7.1.375 / Virus Database: 267.14.21/236 - Release Date:




> --



> Version: 7.1.375 / Virus Database: 267.14.21/236 - Release Date:



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