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Ratna Dana Vidhi: Gomeda to leper, Yellow Sapp to Brahm...

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|| Hare Rama Krishna ||


Namaste Richard and Swee ji,


What Richard proposes is very interesting and new to me. Essentially, he is

suggessting to relate each gem/planet to its "ppl karkatwasa" i.e. bhramin for

jupiter, bhramchari for mars etc for donating the gem as oppose to donating

all the gems to a bhramin.


If we think about it logically, it would make sense, however, the puranas

have no mention on this..or do they?



Gaurav jain

In a message dated 2/21/2006 12:00:40 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

rsbj66 writes:


Dear Swee,


Namaste!!! It is more than just a gomeda to a leper. The exact process

of "pleasing" Rahu (which can only happen when our karma permits) is as

follows (note...there is some interesting info AFTER the mantras):


Propitiation of Rahu (Saturday)


CHARITY: Donate a hessonite or another fine orange gem, a coconut, old

coins or coal to a leper on Saturday.


FASTING: On the first Saturday of the waxing moon, especially during

major or minor Rahu periods.


MANTRA: To be chanted on Saturday, two hours after sunset, especially

during major or minor Rahu periods:




(The 108 names of Rahu)


Om rahave namah

Om saumhikeyaya namah

Om vidhuntudaya namah

Om surashatrave namah

Om tamase namah

Om phanine namah

Om gargyaynapa namah

Om surapye namah

Om nibajimutasamkashaya namah

Om caturbhujava namah

Om khangakhetaka-dharine namah

Om varadayakahastakaya namah

Om shulayudhaya namah

Om megha-varnaya namah

Om krishna-dhvajapatakavate namah

Om dakshinashamukharathaya namah

Om tikshnadamshtakarallakaya namah

Om shupokarasansthaya namah

Om gomedha-bharana-priyaya namah

Om mashapriyaya namah

Om kashyaparshinandanaya namah

Om bhujageshvaraya namah

Om ulkapatayitre namah

Om shuline namah

Om nidhipaya namah

Om krishna-sarpa-raje namah

Om vishajvalavrita ' asyaya addhashariraya namah

Om shatravapradaya namah

Om ravindubhikaraya namah

Om chaya-svarupine namah

Om kathinangakaya namah

Om dvishacchatracchedakaya namah

Om karallasyaya namah

Om bhayamkaraya namah

Om krura-karmane namah

Om tamo-rupaya namah

Om shyam-atmane namah

Om nila-lohitaya namah

Om kiritine namah

Om nilavasanaya namah

Om sanisamntavartmagaya namah

Om candala-varnaya namah

Om ashvyriksa-bhavaya namah

Om mesha-bhavaya namah

Om shanivat-phaladaya namah

Om shuraya namah

Om apasavyagataye namah

Om uparagakagaya namah

Om soma-surya-cchavivimardakaya namah

Om nila-pushpa-viharaya namah

Om graha-shreshthaya namah

Om ashtama-grahaya namah

Om kabamdhamatradehaya namah

Om yatudhanakulodbhavaya namah

Om govinda-vara-patraya namah

Om deva-jati-pravishtakaya namah

Om kruraya namah

Om gharaya namah

Om shanir-mitraya namah

Om shukra-mitraya namah

Om agocaraya namah

Om mani ganga-snanadatre' namah

Om svagrihe' pravaladhyadaya namah

Om sad-grihe'anyabaladhrite' namah

Om caturthe matri-nashakaya namah

Om candrayukte candalajati sihmajanmane rajyadatre namah

Om mahakayaya namah

Om janma-kartre' namah

Om vidhuripave' namah

Om madakajnanadaya namah

Om janmakanyarajyadatre' namah

Om janmahanidaya namah

Om navame pitrihantre' namah

Om pancame' shokadayakaya namah

Om dhyune' kalatrahantre' namah

Om saptame kalahapradaya namah

Om shashthe' vittadatre' namah

Om caturthe' vairadayaka namah

Om navame' papadatre' namah

Om dashame shokadayakaya namah

Om adau yashah pradatre' namah

Om ante vairapradayakaya namah

Om kalatmane' namah

Om gocaracaraya namah

Om ghane' kakutpradaya namah

Om pancame' ghishanashringadaya namah

Om svarbhanave' namah

Om baline' namah

Om maha-saukhya-pradayine' namah

Om chandra-vairine namah

Om shashvataya namah

Om surashatrave' namah

Om papagrahaya namah

Om shambhavaya namah

Om pujyakaya namah

Om patirapuranaya namah

Om paithinasakulodbhavaya bhakta-rakshaya namah

Om rahu-murtaye' namah

Om sarva-bhishta-phala-pradaya namah

Om dirghaya namah

Om krishnaya namah

Om atanave' namah

Om vishnu-netraraye' namah

Om devaya namah

Om danavaya namah.

Rahu seed mantra: Om bhram bhrim bhraum sah rahave namah.


RESULT: The planetary deity Rahu is pleased granting victory over

enemies, favour from the King or government, and reduction in diseases

caused by Rahu.


I not only in doing this kind of yajna or graha-shanta, but I

advise Royalty, heads of state, Bank Presidents, and VVIPs to do it



In case of pleasing Jupiter the gem would be Yellow Sapphire or topaz

to be given to a brahmin on Guruvar at late afternoon during Shukla

paksha, along with all the other items and mantras listed for Guru.


And for pleasing Rahu it is giving a Gomeda to a leper as described

above. Another example is to please Mars one gives a red coral to a

Sannyasi, to please Saturn a blue sapphire and black cow given to a

"poor young man" on Shanivar, etc.


I have seen these different graha yajnas performed for many different

planets, and always with obvious results. In fact, the last time I

helped arrange one such yajna was for a lady in America who was in Rahu

Dasha and had Rahu debilitated in the 8th house. I advised the Rahu

Yajna or Ratna arpana to please Rahu. She already had a fine Gomeda

weighing 7 carats, but she couldn't find a leper to give it to in the

USA. So I told her to send the gem to me, and I would arrange it.

According I got the gomeda, and with a desire to participate in the

Rahu ratna arpana myself, I had it set in silver and put with a silver

chain. I was ready, but, alas, in Bangkok, Thailand you cannot find a

single leper. So I sent the gem set with chain by hand to a friend in

Mumbai. This friend also had Rahu in the 8th and also wanted to

participate in the Rahu Yajna by actually finding a leper and giving

them the gem set pendant over their necks on a chain. This person

waited until Shukla Paksha Shanivar and then went and gave the Rahu

ratna talisman to a real leper, and said, Om ram rahave namah!" They

took a picture of when giving to the leper. The whole thing took about

4 months to complete (from when the Gomeda was sent to me until it got

given to a leper).


Result: For my little part I played in pleasing Rahu by participating

in this ratna dana I was rewarded with a real Valampuri Lakshmi Conch

that I had been seeking for 30 years, and I got it without even asking

or knowing within ONE WEEK of the Rahu Ratna Dana. Now, it didn't take

away my karma, no one can take away your karma, if we change our karma,

that is also our karma. So it was ripe for me to please Rahu, and the

result was sudden and surprising, including other signs of increased

good fortune too, and for all concerned.


We all know that "ratna-dana-vidhi" has suggested donating gems to

please Grahadevas. And it was in Graha Gochar Jyotish that I could find

the further details of complete yajna-japa-recepient, which are

different for each planet.


For complete information on Ratna Dana, please see this page of my 1995




Note: I transliterated the 108 slokas for each planet, although I

didn't use diacritical fonts, that would be better still.


Best rgds,



sacred-objects, "Swee Chan" <swee wrote:


> Jaya Jagannatha




> Dear Richard and Arjun,


> Namaste




> I do not to donating a gomeda to a leper. Do you? What's he


> to do? Take away your bad karma on your behalf when he himself is


> with disease?


> We need to be more realistic here. The Puranas do not to


> remedies. Instead, they do suggest dakshina to a Brahmana/Purohit.

This is

> so that we hope the Brahmana/Purohit can take away some of our bad


> This can be done in one of several ways: When transits are averse or


> before the person dies/or during a shraddha.


> My suggestion is that, gifts (of gems and other items) have to be

new and

> not your cast offs.




> Regarding the slokas sent by Richard (embedded below), these are my


> thoughts:




> The language is not ancient Sanskrit where there was less tendency of


> synonyms there (an opinion after reading tomes of it; but am no



> The slokas are more modern phenomenon to use words like "Avaneya". It


> interesting to note that midway in the first line of shloka 81 the


> has forgotten that he is writing for Viguna graha Dharanaa. Certainly


> something the ancients would do! I venture a guess that this comes


> Jaina source of astrological texts which are of a much later origin.


> what do you think?




> But there does not appear to be any variance about the ratnas that

need to

> be worn from that of Narada Purana as long as we relate the Ratnas

which are

> recommended for Dana as they relate to the grahas.




> What is in variance is in the matter of those that need to be worn.




> A careful look indicates that the shlokas are describing Viguna -


> that when the grahas are inimical - for example, Jupiter is malefic

> (functional malefic), the recommendation is to wear Pearl. For Cancer


> Jupiter will be malefic being the 6th moolatrikona lord, and here

> strengthening Moon will certainly make sense as Jupiter is going to


> health problems and also since Moon does not own any bad house. More

so if

> Jupiter is occupying the 8th House!




> In the 3rd sloka, the author appears to have changed the basis on

which he's

> written the first two shlokas.




> For the meaning to be clear, one must also get the shlokas, that


> what is Viguna. I assume that it must be given the book. Much would


> on which position of a graha or its rasi is called as Viguna.




> Love,


> Swee






> vedic astrology

> [vedic astrology] On Behalf Of panditarjun2004

> Tuesday, February 21, 2006 5:28 AM

> vedic astrology

> [vedic astrology] Re: Translation of slokas from Mani Mala


> Planetary G...




> namaste richard ji




> the simple rule of anukul/pratikul remedies are clear like this.




> retain or wear the objects of a beneficial planet.


> donate or throw in water the objects of a malefic planet.




> in lalkitab system of remedies, this is what is followed precisely.




> after years of research through lalkitab remedies, i found stones


> would work positively only if those planets are beneficial to the


> native in a chart. when the planets are malefic, since natives


> cannot afford donating precious stones, they can donate objects


> related to those malefic planets. this is where lalkitab comes


> handy.




> i do not agree with gauravji's observation that if you wear a pearn


> for moon, besides moon, jupiter would also be benefited and at the


> same time mars gets debilitated. in my knowledge stones have


> scientific properties and their single objective is to


> receive/absorb the cosmic energies of the respective planets.


> simply put, if you wear a stone for a particular planet, if that


> planet is a benefic the native gets positive results, and if that


> planet is malefic, the native gets negative results.




> because of these ambivalence in stone recommendations, i recommend


> rudraksha as several puranas attribute lords to each rudaksha and


> also attribute what benefits the wearer gets. no anukul, no


> pratikul. also it has no negative affects.




> with best wishes


> arjun


> --- In vedic astrology, "Richard Shaw-Brown II"


> <rsbj66@> wrote:


> >


> > Dear Sriman,


> >


> > The translations of Mani Mala by Tagore - Verses 79-81 are


> correct. I have uploaded the


> > original Sanskrit texts to the PHOTOS section of this group for


> anyone to check.


> >


> > Verses 80-81 make no sense. Therefore it appears that Mani Mala is


> an imperfect source


> > of gem knowledge. And it should not be followed as is.


> >


> > One thing interesting is that books on Indian gemology, like Mani


> Mala, they only talk


> > about adverse planets. And they never mention what to do for


> Anukul planets (which is


> > obviously to wear the gem for the Anukul graha, viz., Anukula-


> vad)!??


> >


> > Point is that for Pratikul Graha we DONATE the gem (ratna-arpana),


> and for Anukul Graha


> > we WEAR the gem. Based on the philosophy that gems strengthen


> their plant when worn,


> > and reduce their planet when donated. One is accepting, other is


> giving away.


> >


> > Best rgds,


> > Richard


> >


> > vedic astrology, yobrevol@ wrote:


> > >


> > >


> > > || Hare Rama Krishna ||


> > >


> > > Namaste Richard Ji,


> > >


> > > So they are actually correct. Please understand that my


> reservations were


> > > not personal towards you in nature, rather towards the stated


> translation. I am


> > > in agreement with you with the sloka 79 as I also come from


> Anukul school of


> > > thought as taught by my guru.


> > >


> > > I am just trying to figure out why would mani mala say what it


> states in


> > > sloka 80+...have you read another version of mani mala


> translated by another


> > > author...?


> > >


> > > To think that we should wear Blue sapphire for adverse moon is


> beyond my


> > > limited understanding, specially when we make a blunt general


> statement like


> > > that...I mean moon is neither exalted nor debilitated in saturn


> signs, and then


> > > the author of mani mala further suggests wearing a pearl for


> adverse


> > > Jupiter...where jupiter gets exalted, so their is inconsistency


> here...


> > >


> > > Having said that, may be Guru Ji and other learned will throw


> some light...


> > >


> > > Namaste


> > > Gaurav Jain


> > >


> > > In a message dated 2/20/2006 3:57:55 P.M. Eastern Standard


> Time,


> > > rsbj66@ writes:


> > >


> > > Dear Sriman,


> > >


> > > Namaste!!! I am not suggesting anything, these are three slokas


> taken from


> > > Mani Mala


> > > written by SM Tagore published in 1879. I'm just putting these


> slokas out


> > > for comment.


> > >


> > > I personally agree with the first sloka 79. When Sun is adverse


> one should


> > > DONATE a ruby,


> > > for adverse Moon one should donate a pearl, as in Ratna-dana-


> vidhi


> > >


> > > And when these planets are beneficial (anukul) then one should


> WEAR the


> > > associated gem,


> > > as if Sun is anukul in the chart then Ruby can be worn, as in


> ratna-dharana.


> > >


> > > Gem should be WORN for good planet / gem should be DONATED for


> bad planet.


> > >


> > > I personally disagree with slokas 80-81. But as they are from


> the famous


> > > Mani Mali so I


> > > have put them for your interest.


> > >


> > > Best regards,


> > > Richard


> > >


> > > vedic astrology, yobrevol@ wrote:


> > > >


> > > >


> > > > || Hare Rama Krishna ||


> > > >


> > > > Namaste richard ji,


> > > >


> > > > If I am reading it correctly , what you are suggesting via


> these slokas is


> > >


> > > > that we should give away diamond to propitiate venus, and at


> the same time


> > > wear


> > > > diamond when venus is adverse? and that we wear blue


> sapphire to nullify


> > > > adverse effects of moon?....lets not forget that jupiter


> exalts in


> > > cancer, so


> > > > how in the right mind can we suggest wearing pearl to "ward


> off" the


> > > adverse


> > > > effects of jupiter...?


> > > >


> > > > are you sure about the authenticity of the translations?


> > > >


> > > > Also, to the learned, where can I get a copy of Mani mala?


> > > >


> > > > Namaste


> > > > Gaurav Jain


> > > >


> > > > In a message dated 2/20/2006 2:50:03 P.M. Eastern Standard


> Time,


> > > > rsbj66@ writes:


> > > >


> > > > Translation 79: Ill Stars and how to propitiate them by


> bestowal (dana)


> > > > of gems:


> > > >


> > > > When the Sun is hostile (donate) a pure ruby; when the Moon,


> a good


> > > > pearl; when Mangala, a good coral; when Budha, a good


> emerald; when


> > > > Brihaspati, a good yellow sapphire; when Shukra, the


> diamond; when


> > > > Shani, a good blue sapphire; when Rahu, the gomeda; and when


> Ketu, a


> > > > good cat's eye, should be donated


> > > >


> > > > Translation 80-81: Ill Stars and how to ward them off by


> wearing


> > > > (dharan) of gems:


> > > >


> > > > If the Sun is adverse, (wear) the cat's eye; if the Moon,


> the blue


> > > > sapphire; if Mangala, the ruby; if Budha, the ruby too; if


> Vrihaspati,


> > > > the pearl; if Shukra, the diamond; if Shani, the great blue


> sapphire;


> > > > if Rahu, the gomeda, and if Ketu, the emerald, should be


> worn.


> > > >


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|| Hare Rama Krishna ||


Namaste Bharat Bhayia, :)


Precisely my point! We must understand the differentiation between dana as

service and ratna dana. For saturn, helping poor people is good to pacify it,

but to donate a blue sapphire to a beggar is not supported by puranas, as I

understand it. That must be done after proper puja/homa etc with complete vidhi

to a bhramana.


Unless, that is, we can convince ourselves otherwise...:)


Best Wishes;

Gaurav Jain


In a message dated 2/21/2006 12:51:40 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

hinduastrology writes:


Namaskaar Sri Gaurav


This is not what Sri Richard is proposing. This is known to many pundits.

Infact, each and every pundit who has come to our home since I was born, has

d to the idea.


That the above works is okay.The important thing to remember is not only

people's karakatwa, but the nature of service is based on karakatwa too.


Like for Saturn, provide service in a temple of the diety or to the ppl

representing it. So daana to Help Age foundation, getting cataract operation

of old people (helps Sun, Venus and Saturn) Similarly for other grahas.


But when you are doing dana of Gemstones, it is better be donated to the

diety of the planet itself. You should not make a distinction while giving

donation (this is the uttam donation wherein the person getting it does not

know that it is from you). When you donate it to the diety, the temple trust

may adorn the diety with it or give it to poor or use sale proceeds to help

the poor. The only thing you can make a distinction about is the form of God

based on the dieties of grahas.


That something is followed over the years does not make it the Uttama



Thanks and Regards



On 2/21/06, yobrevol <yobrevol wrote:



> || Hare Rama Krishna ||


> Namaste Richard and Swee ji,


> What Richard proposes is very interesting and new to me. Essentially, he

> is

> suggessting to relate each gem/planet to its "ppl karkatwasa" i.e. bhramin

> for

> jupiter, bhramchari for mars etc for donating the gem as oppose to

> donating

> all the gems to a bhramin.


> If we think about it logically, it would make sense, however, the puranas


> have no mention on this..or do they?


> Namaste

> Gaurav jain

> In a message dated 2/21/2006 12:00:40 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

> rsbj66 writes:


> Dear Swee,


> Namaste!!! It is more than just a gomeda to a leper. The exact process

> of "pleasing" Rahu (which can only happen when our karma permits) is as

> follows (note...there is some interesting info AFTER the mantras):


> Propitiation of Rahu (Saturday)


> CHARITY: Donate a hessonite or another fine orange gem, a coconut, old

> coins or coal to a leper on Saturday.


> FASTING: On the first Saturday of the waxing moon, especially during

> major or minor Rahu periods.


> MANTRA: To be chanted on Saturday, two hours after sunset, especially

> during major or minor Rahu periods:


> Rahva-astottara-shata-nama-vali


> (The 108 names of Rahu)


> Om rahave namah

> Om saumhikeyaya namah

> Om vidhuntudaya namah

> Om surashatrave namah

> Om tamase namah

> Om phanine namah

> Om gargyaynapa namah

> Om surapye namah

> Om nibajimutasamkashaya namah

> Om caturbhujava namah

> Om khangakhetaka-dharine namah

> Om varadayakahastakaya namah

> Om shulayudhaya namah

> Om megha-varnaya namah

> Om krishna-dhvajapatakavate namah

> Om dakshinashamukharathaya namah

> Om tikshnadamshtakarallakaya namah

> Om shupokarasansthaya namah

> Om gomedha-bharana-priyaya namah

> Om mashapriyaya namah

> Om kashyaparshinandanaya namah

> Om bhujageshvaraya namah

> Om ulkapatayitre namah

> Om shuline namah

> Om nidhipaya namah

> Om krishna-sarpa-raje namah

> Om vishajvalavrita ' asyaya addhashariraya namah

> Om shatravapradaya namah

> Om ravindubhikaraya namah

> Om chaya-svarupine namah

> Om kathinangakaya namah

> Om dvishacchatracchedakaya namah

> Om karallasyaya namah

> Om bhayamkaraya namah

> Om krura-karmane namah

> Om tamo-rupaya namah

> Om shyam-atmane namah

> Om nila-lohitaya namah

> Om kiritine namah

> Om nilavasanaya namah

> Om sanisamntavartmagaya namah

> Om candala-varnaya namah

> Om ashvyriksa-bhavaya namah

> Om mesha-bhavaya namah

> Om shanivat-phaladaya namah

> Om shuraya namah

> Om apasavyagataye namah

> Om uparagakagaya namah

> Om soma-surya-cchavivimardakaya namah

> Om nila-pushpa-viharaya namah

> Om graha-shreshthaya namah

> Om ashtama-grahaya namah

> Om kabamdhamatradehaya namah

> Om yatudhanakulodbhavaya namah

> Om govinda-vara-patraya namah

> Om deva-jati-pravishtakaya namah

> Om kruraya namah

> Om gharaya namah

> Om shanir-mitraya namah

> Om shukra-mitraya namah

> Om agocaraya namah

> Om mani ganga-snanadatre' namah

> Om svagrihe' pravaladhyadaya namah

> Om sad-grihe'anyabaladhrite' namah

> Om caturthe matri-nashakaya namah

> Om candrayukte candalajati sihmajanmane rajyadatre namah

> Om mahakayaya namah

> Om janma-kartre' namah

> Om vidhuripave' namah

> Om madakajnanadaya namah

> Om janmakanyarajyadatre' namah

> Om janmahanidaya namah

> Om navame pitrihantre' namah

> Om pancame' shokadayakaya namah

> Om dhyune' kalatrahantre' namah

> Om saptame kalahapradaya namah

> Om shashthe' vittadatre' namah

> Om caturthe' vairadayaka namah

> Om navame' papadatre' namah

> Om dashame shokadayakaya namah

> Om adau yashah pradatre' namah

> Om ante vairapradayakaya namah

> Om kalatmane' namah

> Om gocaracaraya namah

> Om ghane' kakutpradaya namah

> Om pancame' ghishanashringadaya namah

> Om svarbhanave' namah

> Om baline' namah

> Om maha-saukhya-pradayine' namah

> Om chandra-vairine namah

> Om shashvataya namah

> Om surashatrave' namah

> Om papagrahaya namah

> Om shambhavaya namah

> Om pujyakaya namah

> Om patirapuranaya namah

> Om paithinasakulodbhavaya bhakta-rakshaya namah

> Om rahu-murtaye' namah

> Om sarva-bhishta-phala-pradaya namah

> Om dirghaya namah

> Om krishnaya namah

> Om atanave' namah

> Om vishnu-netraraye' namah

> Om devaya namah

> Om danavaya namah.

> Rahu seed mantra: Om bhram bhrim bhraum sah rahave namah.


> RESULT: The planetary deity Rahu is pleased granting victory over

> enemies, favour from the King or government, and reduction in diseases

> caused by Rahu.


> I not only in doing this kind of yajna or graha-shanta, but I

> advise Royalty, heads of state, Bank Presidents, and VVIPs to do it

> also.


> In case of pleasing Jupiter the gem would be Yellow Sapphire or topaz

> to be given to a brahmin on Guruvar at late afternoon during Shukla

> paksha, along with all the other items and mantras listed for Guru.


> And for pleasing Rahu it is giving a Gomeda to a leper as described

> above. Another example is to please Mars one gives a red coral to a

> Sannyasi, to please Saturn a blue sapphire and black cow given to a

> "poor young man" on Shanivar, etc.


> I have seen these different graha yajnas performed for many different

> planets, and always with obvious results. In fact, the last time I

> helped arrange one such yajna was for a lady in America who was in Rahu

> Dasha and had Rahu debilitated in the 8th house. I advised the Rahu

> Yajna or Ratna arpana to please Rahu. She already had a fine Gomeda

> weighing 7 carats, but she couldn't find a leper to give it to in the

> USA. So I told her to send the gem to me, and I would arrange it.

> According I got the gomeda, and with a desire to participate in the

> Rahu ratna arpana myself, I had it set in silver and put with a silver

> chain. I was ready, but, alas, in Bangkok, Thailand you cannot find a

> single leper. So I sent the gem set with chain by hand to a friend in

> Mumbai. This friend also had Rahu in the 8th and also wanted to

> participate in the Rahu Yajna by actually finding a leper and giving

> them the gem set pendant over their necks on a chain. This person

> waited until Shukla Paksha Shanivar and then went and gave the Rahu

> ratna talisman to a real leper, and said, Om ram rahave namah!" They

> took a picture of when giving to the leper. The whole thing took about

> 4 months to complete (from when the Gomeda was sent to me until it got

> given to a leper).


> Result: For my little part I played in pleasing Rahu by participating

> in this ratna dana I was rewarded with a real Valampuri Lakshmi Conch

> that I had been seeking for 30 years, and I got it without even asking

> or knowing within ONE WEEK of the Rahu Ratna Dana. Now, it didn't take

> away my karma, no one can take away your karma, if we change our karma,

> that is also our karma. So it was ripe for me to please Rahu, and the

> result was sudden and surprising, including other signs of increased

> good fortune too, and for all concerned.


> We all know that "ratna-dana-vidhi" has suggested donating gems to

> please Grahadevas. And it was in Graha Gochar Jyotish that I could find

> the further details of complete yajna-japa-recepient, which are

> different for each planet.


> For complete information on Ratna Dana, please see this page of my 1995

> book:

> http://www.agt-gems.com/Book/Appendage/Appendage.html


> Note: I transliterated the 108 slokas for each planet, although I

> didn't use diacritical fonts, that would be better still.


> Best rgds,

> Richard


> sacred-objects, "Swee Chan" <swee wrote:

> >

> > Jaya Jagannatha

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Richard and Arjun,

> >

> > Namaste

> >

> >

> >

> > I do not to donating a gomeda to a leper. Do you? What's he

> going

> > to do? Take away your bad karma on your behalf when he himself is

> riddled

> > with disease?

> >

> > We need to be more realistic here. The Puranas do not to

> such

> > remedies. Instead, they do suggest dakshina to a Brahmana/Purohit.

> This is

> > so that we hope the Brahmana/Purohit can take away some of our bad

> karma.

> > This can be done in one of several ways: When transits are averse or

> just

> > before the person dies/or during a shraddha.

> >

> > My suggestion is that, gifts (of gems and other items) have to be

> new and

> > not your cast offs.

> >

> >

> >

> > Regarding the slokas sent by Richard (embedded below), these are my

> initial

> > thoughts:

> >

> >

> >

> > The language is not ancient Sanskrit where there was less tendency of

> using

> > synonyms there (an opinion after reading tomes of it; but am no

> expert!!)

> >

> > The slokas are more modern phenomenon to use words like "Avaneya". It

> is

> > interesting to note that midway in the first line of shloka 81 the

> author

> > has forgotten that he is writing for Viguna graha Dharanaa. Certainly

> not

> > something the ancients would do! I venture a guess that this comes

> from

> > Jaina source of astrological texts which are of a much later origin.

> Gaurav,

> > what do you think?

> >

> >

> >

> > But there does not appear to be any variance about the ratnas that

> need to

> > be worn from that of Narada Purana as long as we relate the Ratnas

> which are

> > recommended for Dana as they relate to the grahas.

> >

> >

> >

> > What is in variance is in the matter of those that need to be worn.

> >

> >

> >

> > A careful look indicates that the shlokas are describing Viguna -

> meaning

> > that when the grahas are inimical - for example, Jupiter is malefic

> > (functional malefic), the recommendation is to wear Pearl. For Cancer

> lagna

> > Jupiter will be malefic being the 6th moolatrikona lord, and here

> > strengthening Moon will certainly make sense as Jupiter is going to

> create

> > health problems and also since Moon does not own any bad house. More

> so if

> > Jupiter is occupying the 8th House!

> >

> >

> >

> > In the 3rd sloka, the author appears to have changed the basis on

> which he's

> > written the first two shlokas.

> >

> >

> >

> > For the meaning to be clear, one must also get the shlokas, that

> indicate

> > what is Viguna. I assume that it must be given the book. Much would

> depend

> > on which position of a graha or its rasi is called as Viguna.

> >

> >

> >

> > Love,

> >

> > Swee

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > vedic astrology

> > [vedic astrology] On Behalf Of panditarjun2004

> > Tuesday, February 21, 2006 5:28 AM

> > vedic astrology

> > [vedic astrology] Re: Translation of slokas from Mani Mala

> on

> > Planetary G...

> >

> >

> >

> > namaste richard ji

> >

> >

> >

> > the simple rule of anukul/pratikul remedies are clear like this.

> >

> >

> >

> > retain or wear the objects of a beneficial planet.

> >

> > donate or throw in water the objects of a malefic planet.

> >

> >

> >

> > in lalkitab system of remedies, this is what is followed precisely.

> >

> >

> >

> > after years of research through lalkitab remedies, i found stones

> >

> > would work positively only if those planets are beneficial to the

> >

> > native in a chart. when the planets are malefic, since natives

> >

> > cannot afford donating precious stones, they can donate objects

> >

> > related to those malefic planets. this is where lalkitab comes

> >

> > handy.

> >

> >

> >

> > i do not agree with gauravji's observation that if you wear a pearn

> >

> > for moon, besides moon, jupiter would also be benefited and at the

> >

> > same time mars gets debilitated. in my knowledge stones have

> >

> > scientific properties and their single objective is to

> >

> > receive/absorb the cosmic energies of the respective planets.

> >

> > simply put, if you wear a stone for a particular planet, if that

> >

> > planet is a benefic the native gets positive results, and if that

> >

> > planet is malefic, the native gets negative results.

> >

> >

> >

> > because of these ambivalence in stone recommendations, i recommend

> >

> > rudraksha as several puranas attribute lords to each rudaksha and

> >

> > also attribute what benefits the wearer gets. no anukul, no

> >

> > pratikul. also it has no negative affects.

> >

> >

> >

> > with best wishes

> >

> > arjun

> >

> > --- In vedic astrology, "Richard Shaw-Brown II"

> >

> > <rsbj66@> wrote:

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Dear Sriman,

> >

> > >

> >

> > > The translations of Mani Mala by Tagore - Verses 79-81 are

> >

> > correct. I have uploaded the

> >

> > > original Sanskrit texts to the PHOTOS section of this group for

> >

> > anyone to check.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Verses 80-81 make no sense. Therefore it appears that Mani Mala is

> >

> > an imperfect source

> >

> > > of gem knowledge. And it should not be followed as is.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > One thing interesting is that books on Indian gemology, like Mani

> >

> > Mala, they only talk

> >

> > > about adverse planets. And they never mention what to do for

> >

> > Anukul planets (which is

> >

> > > obviously to wear the gem for the Anukul graha, viz., Anukula-

> >

> > vad)!??

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Point is that for Pratikul Graha we DONATE the gem (ratna-arpana),

> >

> > and for Anukul Graha

> >

> > > we WEAR the gem. Based on the philosophy that gems strengthen

> >

> > their plant when worn,

> >

> > > and reduce their planet when donated. One is accepting, other is

> >

> > giving away.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Best rgds,

> >

> > > Richard

> >

> > >

> >

> > > vedic astrology, yobrevol@ wrote:

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > || Hare Rama Krishna ||

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > Namaste Richard Ji,

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > So they are actually correct. Please understand that my

> >

> > reservations were

> >

> > > > not personal towards you in nature, rather towards the stated

> >

> > translation. I am

> >

> > > > in agreement with you with the sloka 79 as I also come from

> >

> > Anukul school of

> >

> > > > thought as taught by my guru.

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > I am just trying to figure out why would mani mala say what it

> >

> > states in

> >

> > > > sloka 80+...have you read another version of mani mala

> >

> > translated by another

> >

> > > > author...?

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > To think that we should wear Blue sapphire for adverse moon is

> >

> > beyond my

> >

> > > > limited understanding, specially when we make a blunt general

> >

> > statement like

> >

> > > > that...I mean moon is neither exalted nor debilitated in saturn

> >

> > signs, and then

> >

> > > > the author of mani mala further suggests wearing a pearl for

> >

> > adverse

> >

> > > > Jupiter...where jupiter gets exalted, so their is inconsistency

> >

> > here...

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > Having said that, may be Guru Ji and other learned will throw

> >

> > some light...

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > Namaste

> >

> > > > Gaurav Jain

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > In a message dated 2/20/2006 3:57:55 P.M. Eastern Standard

> >

> > Time,

> >

> > > > rsbj66@ writes:

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > Dear Sriman,

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > Namaste!!! I am not suggesting anything, these are three slokas

> >

> > taken from

> >

> > > > Mani Mala

> >

> > > > written by SM Tagore published in 1879. I'm just putting these

> >

> > slokas out

> >

> > > > for comment.

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > I personally agree with the first sloka 79. When Sun is adverse

> >

> > one should

> >

> > > > DONATE a ruby,

> >

> > > > for adverse Moon one should donate a pearl, as in Ratna-dana-

> >

> > vidhi

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > And when these planets are beneficial (anukul) then one should

> >

> > WEAR the

> >

> > > > associated gem,

> >

> > > > as if Sun is anukul in the chart then Ruby can be worn, as in

> >

> > ratna-dharana.

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > Gem should be WORN for good planet / gem should be DONATED for

> >

> > bad planet.

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > I personally disagree with slokas 80-81. But as they are from

> >

> > the famous

> >

> > > > Mani Mali so I

> >

> > > > have put them for your interest.

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > Best regards,

> >

> > > > Richard

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > vedic astrology, yobrevol@ wrote:

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > || Hare Rama Krishna ||

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > Namaste richard ji,

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > If I am reading it correctly , what you are suggesting via

> >

> > these slokas is

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > > that we should give away diamond to propitiate venus, and at

> >

> > the same time

> >

> > > > wear

> >

> > > > > diamond when venus is adverse? and that we wear blue

> >

> > sapphire to nullify

> >

> > > > > adverse effects of moon?....lets not forget that jupiter

> >

> > exalts in

> >

> > > > cancer, so

> >

> > > > > how in the right mind can we suggest wearing pearl to "ward

> >

> > off" the

> >

> > > > adverse

> >

> > > > > effects of jupiter...?

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > are you sure about the authenticity of the translations?

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > Also, to the learned, where can I get a copy of Mani mala?

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > Namaste

> >

> > > > > Gaurav Jain

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > In a message dated 2/20/2006 2:50:03 P.M. Eastern Standard

> >

> > Time,

> >

> > > > > rsbj66@ writes:

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > Translation 79: Ill Stars and how to propitiate them by

> >

> > bestowal (dana)

> >

> > > > > of gems:

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > When the Sun is hostile (donate) a pure ruby; when the Moon,

> >

> > a good

> >

> > > > > pearl; when Mangala, a good coral; when Budha, a good

> >

> > emerald; when

> >

> > > > > Brihaspati, a good yellow sapphire; when Shukra, the

> >

> > diamond; when

> >

> > > > > Shani, a good blue sapphire; when Rahu, the gomeda; and when

> >

> > Ketu, a

> >

> > > > > good cat's eye, should be donated

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > Translation 80-81: Ill Stars and how to ward them off by

> >

> > wearing

> >

> > > > > (dharan) of gems:

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > If the Sun is adverse, (wear) the cat's eye; if the Moon,

> >

> > the blue

> >

> > > > > sapphire; if Mangala, the ruby; if Budha, the ruby too; if

> >

> > Vrihaspati,

> >

> > > > > the pearl; if Shukra, the diamond; if Shani, the great blue

> >

> > sapphire;

> >

> > > > > if Rahu, the gomeda, and if Ketu, the emerald, should be

> >

> > worn.

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > Send instant messages to your online friends

> >

> > > > http://uk.messenger.

> >

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> >

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Namaskaar Sri Gaurav


This is not what Sri Richard is proposing. This is known to many pundits.

Infact, each and every pundit who has come to our home since I was born, has

d to the idea.


That the above works is okay.The important thing to remember is not only

people's karakatwa, but the nature of service is based on karakatwa too.


Like for Saturn, provide service in a temple of the diety or to the ppl

representing it. So daana to Help Age foundation, getting cataract operation

of old people (helps Sun, Venus and Saturn) Similarly for other grahas.


But when you are doing dana of Gemstones, it is better be donated to the

diety of the planet itself. You should not make a distinction while giving

donation (this is the uttam donation wherein the person getting it does not

know that it is from you). When you donate it to the diety, the temple trust

may adorn the diety with it or give it to poor or use sale proceeds to help

the poor. The only thing you can make a distinction about is the form of God

based on the dieties of grahas.


That something is followed over the years does not make it the Uttama



Thanks and Regards



On 2/21/06, yobrevol <yobrevol wrote:



> || Hare Rama Krishna ||


> Namaste Richard and Swee ji,


> What Richard proposes is very interesting and new to me. Essentially, he

> is

> suggessting to relate each gem/planet to its "ppl karkatwasa" i.e. bhramin

> for

> jupiter, bhramchari for mars etc for donating the gem as oppose to

> donating

> all the gems to a bhramin.


> If we think about it logically, it would make sense, however, the puranas


> have no mention on this..or do they?


> Namaste

> Gaurav jain

> In a message dated 2/21/2006 12:00:40 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

> rsbj66 writes:


> Dear Swee,


> Namaste!!! It is more than just a gomeda to a leper. The exact process

> of "pleasing" Rahu (which can only happen when our karma permits) is as

> follows (note...there is some interesting info AFTER the mantras):


> Propitiation of Rahu (Saturday)


> CHARITY: Donate a hessonite or another fine orange gem, a coconut, old

> coins or coal to a leper on Saturday.


> FASTING: On the first Saturday of the waxing moon, especially during

> major or minor Rahu periods.


> MANTRA: To be chanted on Saturday, two hours after sunset, especially

> during major or minor Rahu periods:


> Rahva-astottara-shata-nama-vali


> (The 108 names of Rahu)


> Om rahave namah

> Om saumhikeyaya namah

> Om vidhuntudaya namah

> Om surashatrave namah

> Om tamase namah

> Om phanine namah

> Om gargyaynapa namah

> Om surapye namah

> Om nibajimutasamkashaya namah

> Om caturbhujava namah

> Om khangakhetaka-dharine namah

> Om varadayakahastakaya namah

> Om shulayudhaya namah

> Om megha-varnaya namah

> Om krishna-dhvajapatakavate namah

> Om dakshinashamukharathaya namah

> Om tikshnadamshtakarallakaya namah

> Om shupokarasansthaya namah

> Om gomedha-bharana-priyaya namah

> Om mashapriyaya namah

> Om kashyaparshinandanaya namah

> Om bhujageshvaraya namah

> Om ulkapatayitre namah

> Om shuline namah

> Om nidhipaya namah

> Om krishna-sarpa-raje namah

> Om vishajvalavrita ' asyaya addhashariraya namah

> Om shatravapradaya namah

> Om ravindubhikaraya namah

> Om chaya-svarupine namah

> Om kathinangakaya namah

> Om dvishacchatracchedakaya namah

> Om karallasyaya namah

> Om bhayamkaraya namah

> Om krura-karmane namah

> Om tamo-rupaya namah

> Om shyam-atmane namah

> Om nila-lohitaya namah

> Om kiritine namah

> Om nilavasanaya namah

> Om sanisamntavartmagaya namah

> Om candala-varnaya namah

> Om ashvyriksa-bhavaya namah

> Om mesha-bhavaya namah

> Om shanivat-phaladaya namah

> Om shuraya namah

> Om apasavyagataye namah

> Om uparagakagaya namah

> Om soma-surya-cchavivimardakaya namah

> Om nila-pushpa-viharaya namah

> Om graha-shreshthaya namah

> Om ashtama-grahaya namah

> Om kabamdhamatradehaya namah

> Om yatudhanakulodbhavaya namah

> Om govinda-vara-patraya namah

> Om deva-jati-pravishtakaya namah

> Om kruraya namah

> Om gharaya namah

> Om shanir-mitraya namah

> Om shukra-mitraya namah

> Om agocaraya namah

> Om mani ganga-snanadatre' namah

> Om svagrihe' pravaladhyadaya namah

> Om sad-grihe'anyabaladhrite' namah

> Om caturthe matri-nashakaya namah

> Om candrayukte candalajati sihmajanmane rajyadatre namah

> Om mahakayaya namah

> Om janma-kartre' namah

> Om vidhuripave' namah

> Om madakajnanadaya namah

> Om janmakanyarajyadatre' namah

> Om janmahanidaya namah

> Om navame pitrihantre' namah

> Om pancame' shokadayakaya namah

> Om dhyune' kalatrahantre' namah

> Om saptame kalahapradaya namah

> Om shashthe' vittadatre' namah

> Om caturthe' vairadayaka namah

> Om navame' papadatre' namah

> Om dashame shokadayakaya namah

> Om adau yashah pradatre' namah

> Om ante vairapradayakaya namah

> Om kalatmane' namah

> Om gocaracaraya namah

> Om ghane' kakutpradaya namah

> Om pancame' ghishanashringadaya namah

> Om svarbhanave' namah

> Om baline' namah

> Om maha-saukhya-pradayine' namah

> Om chandra-vairine namah

> Om shashvataya namah

> Om surashatrave' namah

> Om papagrahaya namah

> Om shambhavaya namah

> Om pujyakaya namah

> Om patirapuranaya namah

> Om paithinasakulodbhavaya bhakta-rakshaya namah

> Om rahu-murtaye' namah

> Om sarva-bhishta-phala-pradaya namah

> Om dirghaya namah

> Om krishnaya namah

> Om atanave' namah

> Om vishnu-netraraye' namah

> Om devaya namah

> Om danavaya namah.

> Rahu seed mantra: Om bhram bhrim bhraum sah rahave namah.


> RESULT: The planetary deity Rahu is pleased granting victory over

> enemies, favour from the King or government, and reduction in diseases

> caused by Rahu.


> I not only in doing this kind of yajna or graha-shanta, but I

> advise Royalty, heads of state, Bank Presidents, and VVIPs to do it

> also.


> In case of pleasing Jupiter the gem would be Yellow Sapphire or topaz

> to be given to a brahmin on Guruvar at late afternoon during Shukla

> paksha, along with all the other items and mantras listed for Guru.


> And for pleasing Rahu it is giving a Gomeda to a leper as described

> above. Another example is to please Mars one gives a red coral to a

> Sannyasi, to please Saturn a blue sapphire and black cow given to a

> "poor young man" on Shanivar, etc.


> I have seen these different graha yajnas performed for many different

> planets, and always with obvious results. In fact, the last time I

> helped arrange one such yajna was for a lady in America who was in Rahu

> Dasha and had Rahu debilitated in the 8th house. I advised the Rahu

> Yajna or Ratna arpana to please Rahu. She already had a fine Gomeda

> weighing 7 carats, but she couldn't find a leper to give it to in the

> USA. So I told her to send the gem to me, and I would arrange it.

> According I got the gomeda, and with a desire to participate in the

> Rahu ratna arpana myself, I had it set in silver and put with a silver

> chain. I was ready, but, alas, in Bangkok, Thailand you cannot find a

> single leper. So I sent the gem set with chain by hand to a friend in

> Mumbai. This friend also had Rahu in the 8th and also wanted to

> participate in the Rahu Yajna by actually finding a leper and giving

> them the gem set pendant over their necks on a chain. This person

> waited until Shukla Paksha Shanivar and then went and gave the Rahu

> ratna talisman to a real leper, and said, Om ram rahave namah!" They

> took a picture of when giving to the leper. The whole thing took about

> 4 months to complete (from when the Gomeda was sent to me until it got

> given to a leper).


> Result: For my little part I played in pleasing Rahu by participating

> in this ratna dana I was rewarded with a real Valampuri Lakshmi Conch

> that I had been seeking for 30 years, and I got it without even asking

> or knowing within ONE WEEK of the Rahu Ratna Dana. Now, it didn't take

> away my karma, no one can take away your karma, if we change our karma,

> that is also our karma. So it was ripe for me to please Rahu, and the

> result was sudden and surprising, including other signs of increased

> good fortune too, and for all concerned.


> We all know that "ratna-dana-vidhi" has suggested donating gems to

> please Grahadevas. And it was in Graha Gochar Jyotish that I could find

> the further details of complete yajna-japa-recepient, which are

> different for each planet.


> For complete information on Ratna Dana, please see this page of my 1995

> book:

> http://www.agt-gems.com/Book/Appendage/Appendage.html


> Note: I transliterated the 108 slokas for each planet, although I

> didn't use diacritical fonts, that would be better still.


> Best rgds,

> Richard


> sacred-objects, "Swee Chan" <swee wrote:

> >

> > Jaya Jagannatha

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Richard and Arjun,

> >

> > Namaste

> >

> >

> >

> > I do not to donating a gomeda to a leper. Do you? What's he

> going

> > to do? Take away your bad karma on your behalf when he himself is

> riddled

> > with disease?

> >

> > We need to be more realistic here. The Puranas do not to

> such

> > remedies. Instead, they do suggest dakshina to a Brahmana/Purohit.

> This is

> > so that we hope the Brahmana/Purohit can take away some of our bad

> karma.

> > This can be done in one of several ways: When transits are averse or

> just

> > before the person dies/or during a shraddha.

> >

> > My suggestion is that, gifts (of gems and other items) have to be

> new and

> > not your cast offs.

> >

> >

> >

> > Regarding the slokas sent by Richard (embedded below), these are my

> initial

> > thoughts:

> >

> >

> >

> > The language is not ancient Sanskrit where there was less tendency of

> using

> > synonyms there (an opinion after reading tomes of it; but am no

> expert!!)

> >

> > The slokas are more modern phenomenon to use words like "Avaneya". It

> is

> > interesting to note that midway in the first line of shloka 81 the

> author

> > has forgotten that he is writing for Viguna graha Dharanaa. Certainly

> not

> > something the ancients would do! I venture a guess that this comes

> from

> > Jaina source of astrological texts which are of a much later origin.

> Gaurav,

> > what do you think?

> >

> >

> >

> > But there does not appear to be any variance about the ratnas that

> need to

> > be worn from that of Narada Purana as long as we relate the Ratnas

> which are

> > recommended for Dana as they relate to the grahas.

> >

> >

> >

> > What is in variance is in the matter of those that need to be worn.

> >

> >

> >

> > A careful look indicates that the shlokas are describing Viguna -

> meaning

> > that when the grahas are inimical - for example, Jupiter is malefic

> > (functional malefic), the recommendation is to wear Pearl. For Cancer

> lagna

> > Jupiter will be malefic being the 6th moolatrikona lord, and here

> > strengthening Moon will certainly make sense as Jupiter is going to

> create

> > health problems and also since Moon does not own any bad house. More

> so if

> > Jupiter is occupying the 8th House!

> >

> >

> >

> > In the 3rd sloka, the author appears to have changed the basis on

> which he's

> > written the first two shlokas.

> >

> >

> >

> > For the meaning to be clear, one must also get the shlokas, that

> indicate

> > what is Viguna. I assume that it must be given the book. Much would

> depend

> > on which position of a graha or its rasi is called as Viguna.

> >

> >

> >

> > Love,

> >

> > Swee

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > vedic astrology

> > [vedic astrology] On Behalf Of panditarjun2004

> > Tuesday, February 21, 2006 5:28 AM

> > vedic astrology

> > [vedic astrology] Re: Translation of slokas from Mani Mala

> on

> > Planetary G...

> >

> >

> >

> > namaste richard ji

> >

> >

> >

> > the simple rule of anukul/pratikul remedies are clear like this.

> >

> >

> >

> > retain or wear the objects of a beneficial planet.

> >

> > donate or throw in water the objects of a malefic planet.

> >

> >

> >

> > in lalkitab system of remedies, this is what is followed precisely.

> >

> >

> >

> > after years of research through lalkitab remedies, i found stones

> >

> > would work positively only if those planets are beneficial to the

> >

> > native in a chart. when the planets are malefic, since natives

> >

> > cannot afford donating precious stones, they can donate objects

> >

> > related to those malefic planets. this is where lalkitab comes

> >

> > handy.

> >

> >

> >

> > i do not agree with gauravji's observation that if you wear a pearn

> >

> > for moon, besides moon, jupiter would also be benefited and at the

> >

> > same time mars gets debilitated. in my knowledge stones have

> >

> > scientific properties and their single objective is to

> >

> > receive/absorb the cosmic energies of the respective planets.

> >

> > simply put, if you wear a stone for a particular planet, if that

> >

> > planet is a benefic the native gets positive results, and if that

> >

> > planet is malefic, the native gets negative results.

> >

> >

> >

> > because of these ambivalence in stone recommendations, i recommend

> >

> > rudraksha as several puranas attribute lords to each rudaksha and

> >

> > also attribute what benefits the wearer gets. no anukul, no

> >

> > pratikul. also it has no negative affects.

> >

> >

> >

> > with best wishes

> >

> > arjun

> >

> > --- In vedic astrology, "Richard Shaw-Brown II"

> >

> > <rsbj66@> wrote:

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Dear Sriman,

> >

> > >

> >

> > > The translations of Mani Mala by Tagore - Verses 79-81 are

> >

> > correct. I have uploaded the

> >

> > > original Sanskrit texts to the PHOTOS section of this group for

> >

> > anyone to check.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Verses 80-81 make no sense. Therefore it appears that Mani Mala is

> >

> > an imperfect source

> >

> > > of gem knowledge. And it should not be followed as is.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > One thing interesting is that books on Indian gemology, like Mani

> >

> > Mala, they only talk

> >

> > > about adverse planets. And they never mention what to do for

> >

> > Anukul planets (which is

> >

> > > obviously to wear the gem for the Anukul graha, viz., Anukula-

> >

> > vad)!??

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Point is that for Pratikul Graha we DONATE the gem (ratna-arpana),

> >

> > and for Anukul Graha

> >

> > > we WEAR the gem. Based on the philosophy that gems strengthen

> >

> > their plant when worn,

> >

> > > and reduce their planet when donated. One is accepting, other is

> >

> > giving away.

> >

> > >

> >

> > > Best rgds,

> >

> > > Richard

> >

> > >

> >

> > > vedic astrology, yobrevol@ wrote:

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > || Hare Rama Krishna ||

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > Namaste Richard Ji,

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > So they are actually correct. Please understand that my

> >

> > reservations were

> >

> > > > not personal towards you in nature, rather towards the stated

> >

> > translation. I am

> >

> > > > in agreement with you with the sloka 79 as I also come from

> >

> > Anukul school of

> >

> > > > thought as taught by my guru.

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > I am just trying to figure out why would mani mala say what it

> >

> > states in

> >

> > > > sloka 80+...have you read another version of mani mala

> >

> > translated by another

> >

> > > > author...?

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > To think that we should wear Blue sapphire for adverse moon is

> >

> > beyond my

> >

> > > > limited understanding, specially when we make a blunt general

> >

> > statement like

> >

> > > > that...I mean moon is neither exalted nor debilitated in saturn

> >

> > signs, and then

> >

> > > > the author of mani mala further suggests wearing a pearl for

> >

> > adverse

> >

> > > > Jupiter...where jupiter gets exalted, so their is inconsistency

> >

> > here...

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > Having said that, may be Guru Ji and other learned will throw

> >

> > some light...

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > Namaste

> >

> > > > Gaurav Jain

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > In a message dated 2/20/2006 3:57:55 P.M. Eastern Standard

> >

> > Time,

> >

> > > > rsbj66@ writes:

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > Dear Sriman,

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > Namaste!!! I am not suggesting anything, these are three slokas

> >

> > taken from

> >

> > > > Mani Mala

> >

> > > > written by SM Tagore published in 1879. I'm just putting these

> >

> > slokas out

> >

> > > > for comment.

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > I personally agree with the first sloka 79. When Sun is adverse

> >

> > one should

> >

> > > > DONATE a ruby,

> >

> > > > for adverse Moon one should donate a pearl, as in Ratna-dana-

> >

> > vidhi

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > And when these planets are beneficial (anukul) then one should

> >

> > WEAR the

> >

> > > > associated gem,

> >

> > > > as if Sun is anukul in the chart then Ruby can be worn, as in

> >

> > ratna-dharana.

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > Gem should be WORN for good planet / gem should be DONATED for

> >

> > bad planet.

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > I personally disagree with slokas 80-81. But as they are from

> >

> > the famous

> >

> > > > Mani Mali so I

> >

> > > > have put them for your interest.

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > Best regards,

> >

> > > > Richard

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > vedic astrology, yobrevol@ wrote:

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > || Hare Rama Krishna ||

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > Namaste richard ji,

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > If I am reading it correctly , what you are suggesting via

> >

> > these slokas is

> >

> > > >

> >

> > > > > that we should give away diamond to propitiate venus, and at

> >

> > the same time

> >

> > > > wear

> >

> > > > > diamond when venus is adverse? and that we wear blue

> >

> > sapphire to nullify

> >

> > > > > adverse effects of moon?....lets not forget that jupiter

> >

> > exalts in

> >

> > > > cancer, so

> >

> > > > > how in the right mind can we suggest wearing pearl to "ward

> >

> > off" the

> >

> > > > adverse

> >

> > > > > effects of jupiter...?

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > are you sure about the authenticity of the translations?

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > Also, to the learned, where can I get a copy of Mani mala?

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > Namaste

> >

> > > > > Gaurav Jain

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > In a message dated 2/20/2006 2:50:03 P.M. Eastern Standard

> >

> > Time,

> >

> > > > > rsbj66@ writes:

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > Translation 79: Ill Stars and how to propitiate them by

> >

> > bestowal (dana)

> >

> > > > > of gems:

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > When the Sun is hostile (donate) a pure ruby; when the Moon,

> >

> > a good

> >

> > > > > pearl; when Mangala, a good coral; when Budha, a good

> >

> > emerald; when

> >

> > > > > Brihaspati, a good yellow sapphire; when Shukra, the

> >

> > diamond; when

> >

> > > > > Shani, a good blue sapphire; when Rahu, the gomeda; and when

> >

> > Ketu, a

> >

> > > > > good cat's eye, should be donated

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > Translation 80-81: Ill Stars and how to ward them off by

> >

> > wearing

> >

> > > > > (dharan) of gems:

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > If the Sun is adverse, (wear) the cat's eye; if the Moon,

> >

> > the blue

> >

> > > > > sapphire; if Mangala, the ruby; if Budha, the ruby too; if

> >

> > Vrihaspati,

> >

> > > > > the pearl; if Shukra, the diamond; if Shani, the great blue

> >

> > sapphire;

> >

> > > > > if Rahu, the gomeda, and if Ketu, the emerald, should be

> >

> > worn.

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > Send instant messages to your online friends

> >

> > > > http://uk.messenger.

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > >

> >

> > > > >

> >

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> >

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> >

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Jaya Jagannatha


Dear Gaurav,



If we think about it logically, it would make sense, however, the puranas

have no mention on this..or do they?


Yes, but only to a Brahmana. The Yellow Sapphire is only that - Pushparag

and not a yellow Topaz - a statement made up by modern translators. What??

According to the logic, why not gift a lame or an old man for Saturn? He is

not a leper!

Let's not forget that the emphasis is either gold, ghee, sesame - a gift a

poor person can always afford.


My well known clients (that also reaches the Queen or one of the richest

people in the world) would be very upset with me if I was to name drop.


Without skirting the issue here, so what about the modern writings from Mani


Who is the author? Any luck yet?







Gaurav jain

In a message dated 2/21/2006 12:00:40 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

rsbj66 writes:


Dear Swee,


Namaste!!! It is more than just a gomeda to a leper. The exact process

of "pleasing" Rahu (which can only happen when our karma permits) is as

follows (note...there is some interesting info AFTER the mantras):


Propitiation of Rahu (Saturday)


CHARITY: Donate a hessonite or another fine orange gem, a coconut, old

coins or coal to a leper on Saturday.


FASTING: On the first Saturday of the waxing moon, especially during

major or minor Rahu periods.


MANTRA: To be chanted on Saturday, two hours after sunset, especially

during major or minor Rahu periods:




(The 108 names of Rahu)


Om rahave namah

Om saumhikeyaya namah

Om vidhuntudaya namah

Om surashatrave namah

Om tamase namah

Om phanine namah

Om gargyaynapa namah

Om surapye namah

Om nibajimutasamkashaya namah

Om caturbhujava namah

Om khangakhetaka-dharine namah

Om varadayakahastakaya namah

Om shulayudhaya namah

Om megha-varnaya namah

Om krishna-dhvajapatakavate namah

Om dakshinashamukharathaya namah

Om tikshnadamshtakarallakaya namah

Om shupokarasansthaya namah

Om gomedha-bharana-priyaya namah

Om mashapriyaya namah

Om kashyaparshinandanaya namah

Om bhujageshvaraya namah

Om ulkapatayitre namah

Om shuline namah

Om nidhipaya namah

Om krishna-sarpa-raje namah

Om vishajvalavrita ' asyaya addhashariraya namah

Om shatravapradaya namah

Om ravindubhikaraya namah

Om chaya-svarupine namah

Om kathinangakaya namah

Om dvishacchatracchedakaya namah

Om karallasyaya namah

Om bhayamkaraya namah

Om krura-karmane namah

Om tamo-rupaya namah

Om shyam-atmane namah

Om nila-lohitaya namah

Om kiritine namah

Om nilavasanaya namah

Om sanisamntavartmagaya namah

Om candala-varnaya namah

Om ashvyriksa-bhavaya namah

Om mesha-bhavaya namah

Om shanivat-phaladaya namah

Om shuraya namah

Om apasavyagataye namah

Om uparagakagaya namah

Om soma-surya-cchavivimardakaya namah

Om nila-pushpa-viharaya namah

Om graha-shreshthaya namah

Om ashtama-grahaya namah

Om kabamdhamatradehaya namah

Om yatudhanakulodbhavaya namah

Om govinda-vara-patraya namah

Om deva-jati-pravishtakaya namah

Om kruraya namah

Om gharaya namah

Om shanir-mitraya namah

Om shukra-mitraya namah

Om agocaraya namah

Om mani ganga-snanadatre' namah

Om svagrihe' pravaladhyadaya namah

Om sad-grihe'anyabaladhrite' namah

Om caturthe matri-nashakaya namah

Om candrayukte candalajati sihmajanmane rajyadatre namah

Om mahakayaya namah

Om janma-kartre' namah

Om vidhuripave' namah

Om madakajnanadaya namah

Om janmakanyarajyadatre' namah

Om janmahanidaya namah

Om navame pitrihantre' namah

Om pancame' shokadayakaya namah

Om dhyune' kalatrahantre' namah

Om saptame kalahapradaya namah

Om shashthe' vittadatre' namah

Om caturthe' vairadayaka namah

Om navame' papadatre' namah

Om dashame shokadayakaya namah

Om adau yashah pradatre' namah

Om ante vairapradayakaya namah

Om kalatmane' namah

Om gocaracaraya namah

Om ghane' kakutpradaya namah

Om pancame' ghishanashringadaya namah

Om svarbhanave' namah

Om baline' namah

Om maha-saukhya-pradayine' namah

Om chandra-vairine namah

Om shashvataya namah

Om surashatrave' namah

Om papagrahaya namah

Om shambhavaya namah

Om pujyakaya namah

Om patirapuranaya namah

Om paithinasakulodbhavaya bhakta-rakshaya namah

Om rahu-murtaye' namah

Om sarva-bhishta-phala-pradaya namah

Om dirghaya namah

Om krishnaya namah

Om atanave' namah

Om vishnu-netraraye' namah

Om devaya namah

Om danavaya namah.

Rahu seed mantra: Om bhram bhrim bhraum sah rahave namah.


RESULT: The planetary deity Rahu is pleased granting victory over

enemies, favour from the King or government, and reduction in diseases

caused by Rahu.


I not only in doing this kind of yajna or graha-shanta, but I

advise Royalty, heads of state, Bank Presidents, and VVIPs to do it



In case of pleasing Jupiter the gem would be Yellow Sapphire or topaz

to be given to a brahmin on Guruvar at late afternoon during Shukla

paksha, along with all the other items and mantras listed for Guru.


And for pleasing Rahu it is giving a Gomeda to a leper as described

above. Another example is to please Mars one gives a red coral to a

Sannyasi, to please Saturn a blue sapphire and black cow given to a

"poor young man" on Shanivar, etc.


I have seen these different graha yajnas performed for many different

planets, and always with obvious results. In fact, the last time I

helped arrange one such yajna was for a lady in America who was in Rahu

Dasha and had Rahu debilitated in the 8th house. I advised the Rahu

Yajna or Ratna arpana to please Rahu. She already had a fine Gomeda

weighing 7 carats, but she couldn't find a leper to give it to in the

USA. So I told her to send the gem to me, and I would arrange it.

According I got the gomeda, and with a desire to participate in the

Rahu ratna arpana myself, I had it set in silver and put with a silver

chain. I was ready, but, alas, in Bangkok, Thailand you cannot find a

single leper. So I sent the gem set with chain by hand to a friend in

Mumbai. This friend also had Rahu in the 8th and also wanted to

participate in the Rahu Yajna by actually finding a leper and giving

them the gem set pendant over their necks on a chain. This person

waited until Shukla Paksha Shanivar and then went and gave the Rahu

ratna talisman to a real leper, and said, Om ram rahave namah!" They

took a picture of when giving to the leper. The whole thing took about

4 months to complete (from when the Gomeda was sent to me until it got

given to a leper).


Result: For my little part I played in pleasing Rahu by participating

in this ratna dana I was rewarded with a real Valampuri Lakshmi Conch

that I had been seeking for 30 years, and I got it without even asking

or knowing within ONE WEEK of the Rahu Ratna Dana. Now, it didn't take

away my karma, no one can take away your karma, if we change our karma,

that is also our karma. So it was ripe for me to please Rahu, and the

result was sudden and surprising, including other signs of increased

good fortune too, and for all concerned.


We all know that "ratna-dana-vidhi" has suggested donating gems to

please Grahadevas. And it was in Graha Gochar Jyotish that I could find

the further details of complete yajna-japa-recepient, which are

different for each planet.


For complete information on Ratna Dana, please see this page of my 1995




Note: I transliterated the 108 slokas for each planet, although I

didn't use diacritical fonts, that would be better still.


Best rgds,



sacred-objects, "Swee Chan" <swee wrote:


> Jaya Jagannatha




> Dear Richard and Arjun,


> Namaste




> I do not to donating a gomeda to a leper. Do you? What's he


> to do? Take away your bad karma on your behalf when he himself is


> with disease?


> We need to be more realistic here. The Puranas do not to


> remedies. Instead, they do suggest dakshina to a Brahmana/Purohit.

This is

> so that we hope the Brahmana/Purohit can take away some of our bad


> This can be done in one of several ways: When transits are averse or


> before the person dies/or during a shraddha.


> My suggestion is that, gifts (of gems and other items) have to be

new and

> not your cast offs.




> Regarding the slokas sent by Richard (embedded below), these are my


> thoughts:




> The language is not ancient Sanskrit where there was less tendency of


> synonyms there (an opinion after reading tomes of it; but am no



> The slokas are more modern phenomenon to use words like "Avaneya". It


> interesting to note that midway in the first line of shloka 81 the


> has forgotten that he is writing for Viguna graha Dharanaa. Certainly


> something the ancients would do! I venture a guess that this comes


> Jaina source of astrological texts which are of a much later origin.


> what do you think?




> But there does not appear to be any variance about the ratnas that

need to

> be worn from that of Narada Purana as long as we relate the Ratnas

which are

> recommended for Dana as they relate to the grahas.




> What is in variance is in the matter of those that need to be worn.




> A careful look indicates that the shlokas are describing Viguna -


> that when the grahas are inimical - for example, Jupiter is malefic

> (functional malefic), the recommendation is to wear Pearl. For Cancer


> Jupiter will be malefic being the 6th moolatrikona lord, and here

> strengthening Moon will certainly make sense as Jupiter is going to


> health problems and also since Moon does not own any bad house. More

so if

> Jupiter is occupying the 8th House!




> In the 3rd sloka, the author appears to have changed the basis on

which he's

> written the first two shlokas.




> For the meaning to be clear, one must also get the shlokas, that


> what is Viguna. I assume that it must be given the book. Much would


> on which position of a graha or its rasi is called as Viguna.




> Love,


> Swee






> vedic astrology

> [vedic astrology] On Behalf Of panditarjun2004

> Tuesday, February 21, 2006 5:28 AM

> vedic astrology

> [vedic astrology] Re: Translation of slokas from Mani Mala


> Planetary G...




> namaste richard ji




> the simple rule of anukul/pratikul remedies are clear like this.




> retain or wear the objects of a beneficial planet.


> donate or throw in water the objects of a malefic planet.




> in lalkitab system of remedies, this is what is followed precisely.




> after years of research through lalkitab remedies, i found stones


> would work positively only if those planets are beneficial to the


> native in a chart. when the planets are malefic, since natives


> cannot afford donating precious stones, they can donate objects


> related to those malefic planets. this is where lalkitab comes


> handy.




> i do not agree with gauravji's observation that if you wear a pearn


> for moon, besides moon, jupiter would also be benefited and at the


> same time mars gets debilitated. in my knowledge stones have


> scientific properties and their single objective is to


> receive/absorb the cosmic energies of the respective planets.


> simply put, if you wear a stone for a particular planet, if that


> planet is a benefic the native gets positive results, and if that


> planet is malefic, the native gets negative results.




> because of these ambivalence in stone recommendations, i recommend


> rudraksha as several puranas attribute lords to each rudaksha and


> also attribute what benefits the wearer gets. no anukul, no


> pratikul. also it has no negative affects.




> with best wishes


> arjun


> --- In vedic astrology, "Richard Shaw-Brown II"


> <rsbj66@> wrote:


> >


> > Dear Sriman,


> >


> > The translations of Mani Mala by Tagore - Verses 79-81 are


> correct. I have uploaded the


> > original Sanskrit texts to the PHOTOS section of this group for


> anyone to check.


> >


> > Verses 80-81 make no sense. Therefore it appears that Mani Mala is


> an imperfect source


> > of gem knowledge. And it should not be followed as is.


> >


> > One thing interesting is that books on Indian gemology, like Mani


> Mala, they only talk


> > about adverse planets. And they never mention what to do for


> Anukul planets (which is


> > obviously to wear the gem for the Anukul graha, viz., Anukula-


> vad)!??


> >


> > Point is that for Pratikul Graha we DONATE the gem (ratna-arpana),


> and for Anukul Graha


> > we WEAR the gem. Based on the philosophy that gems strengthen


> their plant when worn,


> > and reduce their planet when donated. One is accepting, other is


> giving away.


> >


> > Best rgds,


> > Richard


> >


> > vedic astrology, yobrevol@ wrote:


> > >


> > >


> > > || Hare Rama Krishna ||


> > >


> > > Namaste Richard Ji,


> > >


> > > So they are actually correct. Please understand that my


> reservations were


> > > not personal towards you in nature, rather towards the stated


> translation. I am


> > > in agreement with you with the sloka 79 as I also come from


> Anukul school of


> > > thought as taught by my guru.


> > >


> > > I am just trying to figure out why would mani mala say what it


> states in


> > > sloka 80+...have you read another version of mani mala


> translated by another


> > > author...?


> > >


> > > To think that we should wear Blue sapphire for adverse moon is


> beyond my


> > > limited understanding, specially when we make a blunt general


> statement like


> > > that...I mean moon is neither exalted nor debilitated in saturn


> signs, and then


> > > the author of mani mala further suggests wearing a pearl for


> adverse


> > > Jupiter...where jupiter gets exalted, so their is inconsistency


> here...


> > >


> > > Having said that, may be Guru Ji and other learned will throw


> some light...


> > >


> > > Namaste


> > > Gaurav Jain


> > >


> > > In a message dated 2/20/2006 3:57:55 P.M. Eastern Standard


> Time,


> > > rsbj66@ writes:


> > >


> > > Dear Sriman,


> > >


> > > Namaste!!! I am not suggesting anything, these are three slokas


> taken from


> > > Mani Mala


> > > written by SM Tagore published in 1879. I'm just putting these


> slokas out


> > > for comment.


> > >


> > > I personally agree with the first sloka 79. When Sun is adverse


> one should


> > > DONATE a ruby,


> > > for adverse Moon one should donate a pearl, as in Ratna-dana-


> vidhi


> > >


> > > And when these planets are beneficial (anukul) then one should


> WEAR the


> > > associated gem,


> > > as if Sun is anukul in the chart then Ruby can be worn, as in


> ratna-dharana.


> > >


> > > Gem should be WORN for good planet / gem should be DONATED for


> bad planet.


> > >


> > > I personally disagree with slokas 80-81. But as they are from


> the famous


> > > Mani Mali so I


> > > have put them for your interest.


> > >


> > > Best regards,


> > > Richard


> > >


> > > vedic astrology, yobrevol@ wrote:


> > > >


> > > >


> > > > || Hare Rama Krishna ||


> > > >


> > > > Namaste richard ji,


> > > >


> > > > If I am reading it correctly , what you are suggesting via


> these slokas is


> > >


> > > > that we should give away diamond to propitiate venus, and at


> the same time


> > > wear


> > > > diamond when venus is adverse? and that we wear blue


> sapphire to nullify


> > > > adverse effects of moon?....lets not forget that jupiter


> exalts in


> > > cancer, so


> > > > how in the right mind can we suggest wearing pearl to "ward


> off" the


> > > adverse


> > > > effects of jupiter...?


> > > >


> > > > are you sure about the authenticity of the translations?


> > > >


> > > > Also, to the learned, where can I get a copy of Mani mala?


> > > >


> > > > Namaste


> > > > Gaurav Jain


> > > >


> > > > In a message dated 2/20/2006 2:50:03 P.M. Eastern Standard


> Time,


> > > > rsbj66@ writes:


> > > >


> > > > Translation 79: Ill Stars and how to propitiate them by


> bestowal (dana)


> > > > of gems:


> > > >


> > > > When the Sun is hostile (donate) a pure ruby; when the Moon,


> a good


> > > > pearl; when Mangala, a good coral; when Budha, a good


> emerald; when


> > > > Brihaspati, a good yellow sapphire; when Shukra, the


> diamond; when


> > > > Shani, a good blue sapphire; when Rahu, the gomeda; and when


> Ketu, a


> > > > good cat's eye, should be donated


> > > >


> > > > Translation 80-81: Ill Stars and how to ward them off by


> wearing


> > > > (dharan) of gems:


> > > >


> > > > If the Sun is adverse, (wear) the cat's eye; if the Moon,


> the blue


> > > > sapphire; if Mangala, the ruby; if Budha, the ruby too; if


> Vrihaspati,


> > > > the pearl; if Shukra, the diamond; if Shani, the great blue


> sapphire;


> > > > if Rahu, the gomeda, and if Ketu, the emerald, should be


> worn.


> > > >


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........ May Jupiter's light shine on us .......


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dear bharat ji


while subscribing to what all you said, it is my personal wont to

appreciate people from foreign lands who not only master our holy

sciences but also write books and give wide publicity and spread its

knowledge across the world. the spreading of knowledge by swee ji

and richard ji in their own ways is a great contribution for the

holy sciences. in my childhood c.p.brown's english-sanskrit lexicon

was the only dictionary available and i was amazed at the great

contribution by sri brown who wrote several dictionaries in all

major indian languages.


let us all appreciate their efforts in their never ending research.


with best wishes



vedic astrology, "Bharat Hindu Astrology"

<hinduastrology wrote:


> Namaskaar Sri Gaurav


> This is not what Sri Richard is proposing. This is known to many


> Infact, each and every pundit who has come to our home since I was

born, has

> d to the idea.


> That the above works is okay.The important thing to remember is

not only

> people's karakatwa, but the nature of service is based on

karakatwa too.


> Like for Saturn, provide service in a temple of the diety or to

the ppl

> representing it. So daana to Help Age foundation, getting cataract


> of old people (helps Sun, Venus and Saturn) Similarly for other



> But when you are doing dana of Gemstones, it is better be donated

to the

> diety of the planet itself. You should not make a distinction

while giving

> donation (this is the uttam donation wherein the person getting it

does not

> know that it is from you). When you donate it to the diety, the

temple trust

> may adorn the diety with it or give it to poor or use sale

proceeds to help

> the poor. The only thing you can make a distinction about is the

form of God

> based on the dieties of grahas.


> That something is followed over the years does not make it the


> method.


> Thanks and Regards

> Bharat


> On 2/21/06, yobrevol <yobrevol wrote:

> >

> >

> > || Hare Rama Krishna ||

> >

> > Namaste Richard and Swee ji,

> >

> > What Richard proposes is very interesting and new to me.

Essentially, he

> > is

> > suggessting to relate each gem/planet to its "ppl karkatwasa"

i.e. bhramin

> > for

> > jupiter, bhramchari for mars etc for donating the gem as oppose


> > donating

> > all the gems to a bhramin.

> >

> > If we think about it logically, it would make sense, however,

the puranas

> >

> > have no mention on this..or do they?

> >

> > Namaste

> > Gaurav jain

> > In a message dated 2/21/2006 12:00:40 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

> > rsbj66 writes:

> >

> > Dear Swee,

> >

> > Namaste!!! It is more than just a gomeda to a leper. The exact


> > of "pleasing" Rahu (which can only happen when our karma

permits) is as

> > follows (note...there is some interesting info AFTER the


> >

> > Propitiation of Rahu (Saturday)

> >

> > CHARITY: Donate a hessonite or another fine orange gem, a

coconut, old

> > coins or coal to a leper on Saturday.

> >

> > FASTING: On the first Saturday of the waxing moon, especially


> > major or minor Rahu periods.

> >

> > MANTRA: To be chanted on Saturday, two hours after sunset,


> > during major or minor Rahu periods:

> >

> > Rahva-astottara-shata-nama-vali

> >

> > (The 108 names of Rahu)

> >

> > Om rahave namah

> > Om saumhikeyaya namah

> > Om vidhuntudaya namah

> > Om surashatrave namah

> > Om tamase namah

> > Om phanine namah

> > Om gargyaynapa namah

> > Om surapye namah

> > Om nibajimutasamkashaya namah

> > Om caturbhujava namah

> > Om khangakhetaka-dharine namah

> > Om varadayakahastakaya namah

> > Om shulayudhaya namah

> > Om megha-varnaya namah

> > Om krishna-dhvajapatakavate namah

> > Om dakshinashamukharathaya namah

> > Om tikshnadamshtakarallakaya namah

> > Om shupokarasansthaya namah

> > Om gomedha-bharana-priyaya namah

> > Om mashapriyaya namah

> > Om kashyaparshinandanaya namah

> > Om bhujageshvaraya namah

> > Om ulkapatayitre namah

> > Om shuline namah

> > Om nidhipaya namah

> > Om krishna-sarpa-raje namah

> > Om vishajvalavrita ' asyaya addhashariraya namah

> > Om shatravapradaya namah

> > Om ravindubhikaraya namah

> > Om chaya-svarupine namah

> > Om kathinangakaya namah

> > Om dvishacchatracchedakaya namah

> > Om karallasyaya namah

> > Om bhayamkaraya namah

> > Om krura-karmane namah

> > Om tamo-rupaya namah

> > Om shyam-atmane namah

> > Om nila-lohitaya namah

> > Om kiritine namah

> > Om nilavasanaya namah

> > Om sanisamntavartmagaya namah

> > Om candala-varnaya namah

> > Om ashvyriksa-bhavaya namah

> > Om mesha-bhavaya namah

> > Om shanivat-phaladaya namah

> > Om shuraya namah

> > Om apasavyagataye namah

> > Om uparagakagaya namah

> > Om soma-surya-cchavivimardakaya namah

> > Om nila-pushpa-viharaya namah

> > Om graha-shreshthaya namah

> > Om ashtama-grahaya namah

> > Om kabamdhamatradehaya namah

> > Om yatudhanakulodbhavaya namah

> > Om govinda-vara-patraya namah

> > Om deva-jati-pravishtakaya namah

> > Om kruraya namah

> > Om gharaya namah

> > Om shanir-mitraya namah

> > Om shukra-mitraya namah

> > Om agocaraya namah

> > Om mani ganga-snanadatre' namah

> > Om svagrihe' pravaladhyadaya namah

> > Om sad-grihe'anyabaladhrite' namah

> > Om caturthe matri-nashakaya namah

> > Om candrayukte candalajati sihmajanmane rajyadatre namah

> > Om mahakayaya namah

> > Om janma-kartre' namah

> > Om vidhuripave' namah

> > Om madakajnanadaya namah

> > Om janmakanyarajyadatre' namah

> > Om janmahanidaya namah

> > Om navame pitrihantre' namah

> > Om pancame' shokadayakaya namah

> > Om dhyune' kalatrahantre' namah

> > Om saptame kalahapradaya namah

> > Om shashthe' vittadatre' namah

> > Om caturthe' vairadayaka namah

> > Om navame' papadatre' namah

> > Om dashame shokadayakaya namah

> > Om adau yashah pradatre' namah

> > Om ante vairapradayakaya namah

> > Om kalatmane' namah

> > Om gocaracaraya namah

> > Om ghane' kakutpradaya namah

> > Om pancame' ghishanashringadaya namah

> > Om svarbhanave' namah

> > Om baline' namah

> > Om maha-saukhya-pradayine' namah

> > Om chandra-vairine namah

> > Om shashvataya namah

> > Om surashatrave' namah

> > Om papagrahaya namah

> > Om shambhavaya namah

> > Om pujyakaya namah

> > Om patirapuranaya namah

> > Om paithinasakulodbhavaya bhakta-rakshaya namah

> > Om rahu-murtaye' namah

> > Om sarva-bhishta-phala-pradaya namah

> > Om dirghaya namah

> > Om krishnaya namah

> > Om atanave' namah

> > Om vishnu-netraraye' namah

> > Om devaya namah

> > Om danavaya namah.

> > Rahu seed mantra: Om bhram bhrim bhraum sah rahave namah.

> >

> > RESULT: The planetary deity Rahu is pleased granting victory


> > enemies, favour from the King or government, and reduction in


> > caused by Rahu.

> >

> > I not only in doing this kind of yajna or graha-

shanta, but I

> > advise Royalty, heads of state, Bank Presidents, and VVIPs to

do it

> > also.

> >

> > In case of pleasing Jupiter the gem would be Yellow Sapphire or


> > to be given to a brahmin on Guruvar at late afternoon during


> > paksha, along with all the other items and mantras listed for


> >

> > And for pleasing Rahu it is giving a Gomeda to a leper as


> > above. Another example is to please Mars one gives a red coral

to a

> > Sannyasi, to please Saturn a blue sapphire and black cow given

to a

> > "poor young man" on Shanivar, etc.

> >

> > I have seen these different graha yajnas performed for many


> > planets, and always with obvious results. In fact, the last

time I

> > helped arrange one such yajna was for a lady in America who was

in Rahu

> > Dasha and had Rahu debilitated in the 8th house. I advised the


> > Yajna or Ratna arpana to please Rahu. She already had a fine


> > weighing 7 carats, but she couldn't find a leper to give it to

in the

> > USA. So I told her to send the gem to me, and I would arrange


> > According I got the gomeda, and with a desire to participate in


> > Rahu ratna arpana myself, I had it set in silver and put with a


> > chain. I was ready, but, alas, in Bangkok, Thailand you cannot

find a

> > single leper. So I sent the gem set with chain by hand to a

friend in

> > Mumbai. This friend also had Rahu in the 8th and also wanted to

> > participate in the Rahu Yajna by actually finding a leper and


> > them the gem set pendant over their necks on a chain. This


> > waited until Shukla Paksha Shanivar and then went and gave the


> > ratna talisman to a real leper, and said, Om ram rahave

namah!" They

> > took a picture of when giving to the leper. The whole thing

took about

> > 4 months to complete (from when the Gomeda was sent to me until

it got

> > given to a leper).

> >

> > Result: For my little part I played in pleasing Rahu by


> > in this ratna dana I was rewarded with a real Valampuri Lakshmi


> > that I had been seeking for 30 years, and I got it without even


> > or knowing within ONE WEEK of the Rahu Ratna Dana. Now, it

didn't take

> > away my karma, no one can take away your karma, if we change

our karma,

> > that is also our karma. So it was ripe for me to please Rahu,

and the

> > result was sudden and surprising, including other signs of


> > good fortune too, and for all concerned.

> >

> > We all know that "ratna-dana-vidhi" has suggested donating gems


> > please Grahadevas. And it was in Graha Gochar Jyotish that I

could find

> > the further details of complete yajna-japa-recepient, which are

> > different for each planet.

> >

> > For complete information on Ratna Dana, please see this page of

my 1995

> > book:

> > http://www.agt-gems.com/Book/Appendage/Appendage.html

> >

> > Note: I transliterated the 108 slokas for each planet, although


> > didn't use diacritical fonts, that would be better still.

> >

> > Best rgds,

> > Richard

> >

> > sacred-objects, "Swee Chan" <swee@>


> > >

> > > Jaya Jagannatha

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear Richard and Arjun,

> > >

> > > Namaste

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > I do not to donating a gomeda to a leper. Do you?

What's he

> > going

> > > to do? Take away your bad karma on your behalf when he

himself is

> > riddled

> > > with disease?

> > >

> > > We need to be more realistic here. The Puranas do not


> > such

> > > remedies. Instead, they do suggest dakshina to a


> > This is

> > > so that we hope the Brahmana/Purohit can take away some of

our bad

> > karma.

> > > This can be done in one of several ways: When transits are

averse or

> > just

> > > before the person dies/or during a shraddha.

> > >

> > > My suggestion is that, gifts (of gems and other items) have

to be

> > new and

> > > not your cast offs.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Regarding the slokas sent by Richard (embedded below), these

are my

> > initial

> > > thoughts:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > The language is not ancient Sanskrit where there was less

tendency of

> > using

> > > synonyms there (an opinion after reading tomes of it; but am


> > expert!!)

> > >

> > > The slokas are more modern phenomenon to use words

like "Avaneya". It

> > is

> > > interesting to note that midway in the first line of shloka

81 the

> > author

> > > has forgotten that he is writing for Viguna graha Dharanaa.


> > not

> > > something the ancients would do! I venture a guess that this


> > from

> > > Jaina source of astrological texts which are of a much later


> > Gaurav,

> > > what do you think?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > But there does not appear to be any variance about the ratnas


> > need to

> > > be worn from that of Narada Purana as long as we relate the


> > which are

> > > recommended for Dana as they relate to the grahas.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > What is in variance is in the matter of those that need to be


> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > A careful look indicates that the shlokas are describing

Viguna -

> > meaning

> > > that when the grahas are inimical - for example, Jupiter is


> > > (functional malefic), the recommendation is to wear Pearl.

For Cancer

> > lagna

> > > Jupiter will be malefic being the 6th moolatrikona lord, and


> > > strengthening Moon will certainly make sense as Jupiter is

going to

> > create

> > > health problems and also since Moon does not own any bad

house. More

> > so if

> > > Jupiter is occupying the 8th House!

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > In the 3rd sloka, the author appears to have changed the

basis on

> > which he's

> > > written the first two shlokas.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > For the meaning to be clear, one must also get the shlokas,


> > indicate

> > > what is Viguna. I assume that it must be given the book. Much


> > depend

> > > on which position of a graha or its rasi is called as Viguna.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Love,

> > >

> > > Swee

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > vedic astrology

> > > [vedic astrology] On Behalf Of


> > > Tuesday, February 21, 2006 5:28 AM

> > > vedic astrology

> > > [vedic astrology] Re: Translation of slokas from

Mani Mala

> > on

> > > Planetary G...

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > namaste richard ji

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > the simple rule of anukul/pratikul remedies are clear like


> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > retain or wear the objects of a beneficial planet.

> > >

> > > donate or throw in water the objects of a malefic planet.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > in lalkitab system of remedies, this is what is followed


> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > after years of research through lalkitab remedies, i found


> > >

> > > would work positively only if those planets are beneficial to


> > >

> > > native in a chart. when the planets are malefic, since


> > >

> > > cannot afford donating precious stones, they can donate


> > >

> > > related to those malefic planets. this is where lalkitab


> > >

> > > handy.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > i do not agree with gauravji's observation that if you wear a


> > >

> > > for moon, besides moon, jupiter would also be benefited and

at the

> > >

> > > same time mars gets debilitated. in my knowledge stones have

> > >

> > > scientific properties and their single objective is to

> > >

> > > receive/absorb the cosmic energies of the respective planets.

> > >

> > > simply put, if you wear a stone for a particular planet, if


> > >

> > > planet is a benefic the native gets positive results, and if


> > >

> > > planet is malefic, the native gets negative results.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > because of these ambivalence in stone recommendations, i


> > >

> > > rudraksha as several puranas attribute lords to each rudaksha


> > >

> > > also attribute what benefits the wearer gets. no anukul, no

> > >

> > > pratikul. also it has no negative affects.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > with best wishes

> > >

> > > arjun

> > >

> > > --- In vedic astrology, "Richard Shaw-Brown


> > >

> > > <rsbj66@> wrote:

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > Dear Sriman,

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > The translations of Mani Mala by Tagore - Verses 79-81 are

> > >

> > > correct. I have uploaded the

> > >

> > > > original Sanskrit texts to the PHOTOS section of this group


> > >

> > > anyone to check.

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > Verses 80-81 make no sense. Therefore it appears that Mani

Mala is

> > >

> > > an imperfect source

> > >

> > > > of gem knowledge. And it should not be followed as is.

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > One thing interesting is that books on Indian gemology,

like Mani

> > >

> > > Mala, they only talk

> > >

> > > > about adverse planets. And they never mention what to do for

> > >

> > > Anukul planets (which is

> > >

> > > > obviously to wear the gem for the Anukul graha, viz.,


> > >

> > > vad)!??

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > Point is that for Pratikul Graha we DONATE the gem (ratna-


> > >

> > > and for Anukul Graha

> > >

> > > > we WEAR the gem. Based on the philosophy that gems


> > >

> > > their plant when worn,

> > >

> > > > and reduce their planet when donated. One is accepting,

other is

> > >

> > > giving away.

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > Best rgds,

> > >

> > > > Richard

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > vedic astrology, yobrevol@ wrote:

> > >

> > > > >

> > >

> > > > >

> > >

> > > > > || Hare Rama Krishna ||

> > >

> > > > >

> > >

> > > > > Namaste Richard Ji,

> > >

> > > > >

> > >

> > > > > So they are actually correct. Please understand that my

> > >

> > > reservations were

> > >

> > > > > not personal towards you in nature, rather towards the


> > >

> > > translation. I am

> > >

> > > > > in agreement with you with the sloka 79 as I also come


> > >

> > > Anukul school of

> > >

> > > > > thought as taught by my guru.

> > >

> > > > >

> > >

> > > > > I am just trying to figure out why would mani mala say

what it

> > >

> > > states in

> > >

> > > > > sloka 80+...have you read another version of mani mala

> > >

> > > translated by another

> > >

> > > > > author...?

> > >

> > > > >

> > >

> > > > > To think that we should wear Blue sapphire for adverse

moon is

> > >

> > > beyond my

> > >

> > > > > limited understanding, specially when we make a blunt


> > >

> > > statement like

> > >

> > > > > that...I mean moon is neither exalted nor debilitated in


> > >

> > > signs, and then

> > >

> > > > > the author of mani mala further suggests wearing a pearl


> > >

> > > adverse

> > >

> > > > > Jupiter...where jupiter gets exalted, so their is


> > >

> > > here...

> > >

> > > > >

> > >

> > > > > Having said that, may be Guru Ji and other learned will


> > >

> > > some light...

> > >

> > > > >

> > >

> > > > > Namaste

> > >

> > > > > Gaurav Jain

> > >

> > > > >

> > >

> > > > > In a message dated 2/20/2006 3:57:55 P.M. Eastern Standard

> > >

> > > Time,

> > >

> > > > > rsbj66@ writes:

> > >

> > > > >

> > >

> > > > > Dear Sriman,

> > >

> > > > >

> > >

> > > > > Namaste!!! I am not suggesting anything, these are three


> > >

> > > taken from

> > >

> > > > > Mani Mala

> > >

> > > > > written by SM Tagore published in 1879. I'm just putting


> > >

> > > slokas out

> > >

> > > > > for comment.

> > >

> > > > >

> > >

> > > > > I personally agree with the first sloka 79. When Sun is


> > >

> > > one should

> > >

> > > > > DONATE a ruby,

> > >

> > > > > for adverse Moon one should donate a pearl, as in Ratna-


> > >

> > > vidhi

> > >

> > > > >

> > >

> > > > > And when these planets are beneficial (anukul) then one


> > >

> > > WEAR the

> > >

> > > > > associated gem,

> > >

> > > > > as if Sun is anukul in the chart then Ruby can be worn,

as in

> > >

> > > ratna-dharana.

> > >

> > > > >

> > >

> > > > > Gem should be WORN for good planet / gem should be


> > >

> > > bad planet.

> > >

> > > > >

> > >

> > > > > I personally disagree with slokas 80-81. But as they are


> > >

> > > the famous

> > >

> > > > > Mani Mali so I

> > >

> > > > > have put them for your interest.

> > >

> > > > >

> > >

> > > > > Best regards,

> > >

> > > > > Richard

> > >

> > > > >

> > >

> > > > > vedic astrology, yobrevol@ wrote:

> > >

> > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > || Hare Rama Krishna ||

> > >

> > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > Namaste richard ji,

> > >

> > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > If I am reading it correctly , what you are suggesting


> > >

> > > these slokas is

> > >

> > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > that we should give away diamond to propitiate venus,

and at

> > >

> > > the same time

> > >

> > > > > wear

> > >

> > > > > > diamond when venus is adverse? and that we wear blue

> > >

> > > sapphire to nullify

> > >

> > > > > > adverse effects of moon?....lets not forget that


> > >

> > > exalts in

> > >

> > > > > cancer, so

> > >

> > > > > > how in the right mind can we suggest wearing pearl

to "ward

> > >

> > > off" the

> > >

> > > > > adverse

> > >

> > > > > > effects of jupiter...?

> > >

> > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > are you sure about the authenticity of the


> > >

> > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > Also, to the learned, where can I get a copy of Mani


> > >

> > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > Namaste

> > >

> > > > > > Gaurav Jain

> > >

> > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > In a message dated 2/20/2006 2:50:03 P.M. Eastern


> > >

> > > Time,

> > >

> > > > > > rsbj66@ writes:

> > >

> > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > Translation 79: Ill Stars and how to propitiate them by

> > >

> > > bestowal (dana)

> > >

> > > > > > of gems:

> > >

> > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > When the Sun is hostile (donate) a pure ruby; when

the Moon,

> > >

> > > a good

> > >

> > > > > > pearl; when Mangala, a good coral; when Budha, a good

> > >

> > > emerald; when

> > >

> > > > > > Brihaspati, a good yellow sapphire; when Shukra, the

> > >

> > > diamond; when

> > >

> > > > > > Shani, a good blue sapphire; when Rahu, the gomeda;

and when

> > >

> > > Ketu, a

> > >

> > > > > > good cat's eye, should be donated

> > >

> > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > Translation 80-81: Ill Stars and how to ward them off


> > >

> > > wearing

> > >

> > > > > > (dharan) of gems:

> > >

> > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > If the Sun is adverse, (wear) the cat's eye; if the


> > >

> > > the blue

> > >

> > > > > > sapphire; if Mangala, the ruby; if Budha, the ruby

too; if

> > >

> > > Vrihaspati,

> > >

> > > > > > the pearl; if Shukra, the diamond; if Shani, the

great blue

> > >

> > > sapphire;

> > >

> > > > > > if Rahu, the gomeda, and if Ketu, the emerald, should


> > >

> > > worn.

> > >

> > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > Send instant messages to your online friends

> > >

> > > > > http://uk.messenger.

> > >

> > > > > >

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> > >

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Namaskaar Sri Arjun


Why are they foreign to you? To me they are very much Vedic. Why should I

treat them any different from how I treat you?


I appreciate the works of Sri Swee (and I think she knows it too), but not

because she is a foreigner, but as she is learned. I will appreciate

research from anyone regardless of any nationality or place.


I understand your sentiment, but Sri Pradeep has ignited Agni of Veda in my

mind today.




Thanks and Regards



On 2/22/06, panditarjun2004 <panditarjun2004 wrote:


> dear bharat ji


> while subscribing to what all you said, it is my personal wont to

> appreciate people from foreign lands who not only master our holy

> sciences but also write books and give wide publicity and spread its

> knowledge across the world. the spreading of knowledge by swee ji

> and richard ji in their own ways is a great contribution for the

> holy sciences. in my childhood c.p.brown's english-sanskrit lexicon

> was the only dictionary available and i was amazed at the great

> contribution by sri brown who wrote several dictionaries in all

> major indian languages.


> let us all appreciate their efforts in their never ending research.


> with best wishes

> arjun


> vedic astrology, "Bharat Hindu Astrology"

> <hinduastrology wrote:

> >

> > Namaskaar Sri Gaurav

> >

> > This is not what Sri Richard is proposing. This is known to many

> pundits.

> > Infact, each and every pundit who has come to our home since I was

> born, has

> > d to the idea.

> >

> > That the above works is okay.The important thing to remember is

> not only

> > people's karakatwa, but the nature of service is based on

> karakatwa too.

> >

> > Like for Saturn, provide service in a temple of the diety or to

> the ppl

> > representing it. So daana to Help Age foundation, getting cataract

> operation

> > of old people (helps Sun, Venus and Saturn) Similarly for other

> grahas.

> >

> > But when you are doing dana of Gemstones, it is better be donated

> to the

> > diety of the planet itself. You should not make a distinction

> while giving

> > donation (this is the uttam donation wherein the person getting it

> does not

> > know that it is from you). When you donate it to the diety, the

> temple trust

> > may adorn the diety with it or give it to poor or use sale

> proceeds to help

> > the poor. The only thing you can make a distinction about is the

> form of God

> > based on the dieties of grahas.

> >

> > That something is followed over the years does not make it the

> Uttama

> > method.

> >

> > Thanks and Regards

> > Bharat

> >

> > On 2/21/06, yobrevol <yobrevol wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > || Hare Rama Krishna ||

> > >

> > > Namaste Richard and Swee ji,

> > >

> > > What Richard proposes is very interesting and new to me.

> Essentially, he

> > > is

> > > suggessting to relate each gem/planet to its "ppl karkatwasa"

> i.e. bhramin

> > > for

> > > jupiter, bhramchari for mars etc for donating the gem as oppose

> to

> > > donating

> > > all the gems to a bhramin.

> > >

> > > If we think about it logically, it would make sense, however,

> the puranas

> > >

> > > have no mention on this..or do they?

> > >

> > > Namaste

> > > Gaurav jain

> > > In a message dated 2/21/2006 12:00:40 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

> > > rsbj66 writes:

> > >

> > > Dear Swee,

> > >

> > > Namaste!!! It is more than just a gomeda to a leper. The exact

> process

> > > of "pleasing" Rahu (which can only happen when our karma

> permits) is as

> > > follows (note...there is some interesting info AFTER the

> mantras):

> > >

> > > Propitiation of Rahu (Saturday)

> > >

> > > CHARITY: Donate a hessonite or another fine orange gem, a

> coconut, old

> > > coins or coal to a leper on Saturday.

> > >

> > > FASTING: On the first Saturday of the waxing moon, especially

> during

> > > major or minor Rahu periods.

> > >

> > > MANTRA: To be chanted on Saturday, two hours after sunset,

> especially

> > > during major or minor Rahu periods:

> > >

> > > Rahva-astottara-shata-nama-vali

> > >

> > > (The 108 names of Rahu)

> > >

> > > Om rahave namah

> > > Om saumhikeyaya namah

> > > Om vidhuntudaya namah

> > > Om surashatrave namah

> > > Om tamase namah

> > > Om phanine namah

> > > Om gargyaynapa namah

> > > Om surapye namah

> > > Om nibajimutasamkashaya namah

> > > Om caturbhujava namah

> > > Om khangakhetaka-dharine namah

> > > Om varadayakahastakaya namah

> > > Om shulayudhaya namah

> > > Om megha-varnaya namah

> > > Om krishna-dhvajapatakavate namah

> > > Om dakshinashamukharathaya namah

> > > Om tikshnadamshtakarallakaya namah

> > > Om shupokarasansthaya namah

> > > Om gomedha-bharana-priyaya namah

> > > Om mashapriyaya namah

> > > Om kashyaparshinandanaya namah

> > > Om bhujageshvaraya namah

> > > Om ulkapatayitre namah

> > > Om shuline namah

> > > Om nidhipaya namah

> > > Om krishna-sarpa-raje namah

> > > Om vishajvalavrita ' asyaya addhashariraya namah

> > > Om shatravapradaya namah

> > > Om ravindubhikaraya namah

> > > Om chaya-svarupine namah

> > > Om kathinangakaya namah

> > > Om dvishacchatracchedakaya namah

> > > Om karallasyaya namah

> > > Om bhayamkaraya namah

> > > Om krura-karmane namah

> > > Om tamo-rupaya namah

> > > Om shyam-atmane namah

> > > Om nila-lohitaya namah

> > > Om kiritine namah

> > > Om nilavasanaya namah

> > > Om sanisamntavartmagaya namah

> > > Om candala-varnaya namah

> > > Om ashvyriksa-bhavaya namah

> > > Om mesha-bhavaya namah

> > > Om shanivat-phaladaya namah

> > > Om shuraya namah

> > > Om apasavyagataye namah

> > > Om uparagakagaya namah

> > > Om soma-surya-cchavivimardakaya namah

> > > Om nila-pushpa-viharaya namah

> > > Om graha-shreshthaya namah

> > > Om ashtama-grahaya namah

> > > Om kabamdhamatradehaya namah

> > > Om yatudhanakulodbhavaya namah

> > > Om govinda-vara-patraya namah

> > > Om deva-jati-pravishtakaya namah

> > > Om kruraya namah

> > > Om gharaya namah

> > > Om shanir-mitraya namah

> > > Om shukra-mitraya namah

> > > Om agocaraya namah

> > > Om mani ganga-snanadatre' namah

> > > Om svagrihe' pravaladhyadaya namah

> > > Om sad-grihe'anyabaladhrite' namah

> > > Om caturthe matri-nashakaya namah

> > > Om candrayukte candalajati sihmajanmane rajyadatre namah

> > > Om mahakayaya namah

> > > Om janma-kartre' namah

> > > Om vidhuripave' namah

> > > Om madakajnanadaya namah

> > > Om janmakanyarajyadatre' namah

> > > Om janmahanidaya namah

> > > Om navame pitrihantre' namah

> > > Om pancame' shokadayakaya namah

> > > Om dhyune' kalatrahantre' namah

> > > Om saptame kalahapradaya namah

> > > Om shashthe' vittadatre' namah

> > > Om caturthe' vairadayaka namah

> > > Om navame' papadatre' namah

> > > Om dashame shokadayakaya namah

> > > Om adau yashah pradatre' namah

> > > Om ante vairapradayakaya namah

> > > Om kalatmane' namah

> > > Om gocaracaraya namah

> > > Om ghane' kakutpradaya namah

> > > Om pancame' ghishanashringadaya namah

> > > Om svarbhanave' namah

> > > Om baline' namah

> > > Om maha-saukhya-pradayine' namah

> > > Om chandra-vairine namah

> > > Om shashvataya namah

> > > Om surashatrave' namah

> > > Om papagrahaya namah

> > > Om shambhavaya namah

> > > Om pujyakaya namah

> > > Om patirapuranaya namah

> > > Om paithinasakulodbhavaya bhakta-rakshaya namah

> > > Om rahu-murtaye' namah

> > > Om sarva-bhishta-phala-pradaya namah

> > > Om dirghaya namah

> > > Om krishnaya namah

> > > Om atanave' namah

> > > Om vishnu-netraraye' namah

> > > Om devaya namah

> > > Om danavaya namah.

> > > Rahu seed mantra: Om bhram bhrim bhraum sah rahave namah.

> > >

> > > RESULT: The planetary deity Rahu is pleased granting victory

> over

> > > enemies, favour from the King or government, and reduction in

> diseases

> > > caused by Rahu.

> > >

> > > I not only in doing this kind of yajna or graha-

> shanta, but I

> > > advise Royalty, heads of state, Bank Presidents, and VVIPs to

> do it

> > > also.

> > >

> > > In case of pleasing Jupiter the gem would be Yellow Sapphire or

> topaz

> > > to be given to a brahmin on Guruvar at late afternoon during

> Shukla

> > > paksha, along with all the other items and mantras listed for

> Guru.

> > >

> > > And for pleasing Rahu it is giving a Gomeda to a leper as

> described

> > > above. Another example is to please Mars one gives a red coral

> to a

> > > Sannyasi, to please Saturn a blue sapphire and black cow given

> to a

> > > "poor young man" on Shanivar, etc.

> > >

> > > I have seen these different graha yajnas performed for many

> different

> > > planets, and always with obvious results. In fact, the last

> time I

> > > helped arrange one such yajna was for a lady in America who was

> in Rahu

> > > Dasha and had Rahu debilitated in the 8th house. I advised the

> Rahu

> > > Yajna or Ratna arpana to please Rahu. She already had a fine

> Gomeda

> > > weighing 7 carats, but she couldn't find a leper to give it to

> in the

> > > USA. So I told her to send the gem to me, and I would arrange

> it.

> > > According I got the gomeda, and with a desire to participate in

> the

> > > Rahu ratna arpana myself, I had it set in silver and put with a

> silver

> > > chain. I was ready, but, alas, in Bangkok, Thailand you cannot

> find a

> > > single leper. So I sent the gem set with chain by hand to a

> friend in

> > > Mumbai. This friend also had Rahu in the 8th and also wanted to

> > > participate in the Rahu Yajna by actually finding a leper and

> giving

> > > them the gem set pendant over their necks on a chain. This

> person

> > > waited until Shukla Paksha Shanivar and then went and gave the

> Rahu

> > > ratna talisman to a real leper, and said, Om ram rahave

> namah!" They

> > > took a picture of when giving to the leper. The whole thing

> took about

> > > 4 months to complete (from when the Gomeda was sent to me until

> it got

> > > given to a leper).

> > >

> > > Result: For my little part I played in pleasing Rahu by

> participating

> > > in this ratna dana I was rewarded with a real Valampuri Lakshmi

> Conch

> > > that I had been seeking for 30 years, and I got it without even

> asking

> > > or knowing within ONE WEEK of the Rahu Ratna Dana. Now, it

> didn't take

> > > away my karma, no one can take away your karma, if we change

> our karma,

> > > that is also our karma. So it was ripe for me to please Rahu,

> and the

> > > result was sudden and surprising, including other signs of

> increased

> > > good fortune too, and for all concerned.

> > >

> > > We all know that "ratna-dana-vidhi" has suggested donating gems

> to

> > > please Grahadevas. And it was in Graha Gochar Jyotish that I

> could find

> > > the further details of complete yajna-japa-recepient, which are

> > > different for each planet.

> > >

> > > For complete information on Ratna Dana, please see this page of

> my 1995

> > > book:

> > > http://www.agt-gems.com/Book/Appendage/Appendage.html

> > >

> > > Note: I transliterated the 108 slokas for each planet, although

> I

> > > didn't use diacritical fonts, that would be better still.

> > >

> > > Best rgds,

> > > Richard

> > >

> > > sacred-objects, "Swee Chan" <swee@>

> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Jaya Jagannatha

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Dear Richard and Arjun,

> > > >

> > > > Namaste

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > I do not to donating a gomeda to a leper. Do you?

> What's he

> > > going

> > > > to do? Take away your bad karma on your behalf when he

> himself is

> > > riddled

> > > > with disease?

> > > >

> > > > We need to be more realistic here. The Puranas do not

> to

> > > such

> > > > remedies. Instead, they do suggest dakshina to a

> Brahmana/Purohit.

> > > This is

> > > > so that we hope the Brahmana/Purohit can take away some of

> our bad

> > > karma.

> > > > This can be done in one of several ways: When transits are

> averse or

> > > just

> > > > before the person dies/or during a shraddha.

> > > >

> > > > My suggestion is that, gifts (of gems and other items) have

> to be

> > > new and

> > > > not your cast offs.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Regarding the slokas sent by Richard (embedded below), these

> are my

> > > initial

> > > > thoughts:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > The language is not ancient Sanskrit where there was less

> tendency of

> > > using

> > > > synonyms there (an opinion after reading tomes of it; but am

> no

> > > expert!!)

> > > >

> > > > The slokas are more modern phenomenon to use words

> like "Avaneya". It

> > > is

> > > > interesting to note that midway in the first line of shloka

> 81 the

> > > author

> > > > has forgotten that he is writing for Viguna graha Dharanaa.

> Certainly

> > > not

> > > > something the ancients would do! I venture a guess that this

> comes

> > > from

> > > > Jaina source of astrological texts which are of a much later

> origin.

> > > Gaurav,

> > > > what do you think?

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > But there does not appear to be any variance about the ratnas

> that

> > > need to

> > > > be worn from that of Narada Purana as long as we relate the

> Ratnas

> > > which are

> > > > recommended for Dana as they relate to the grahas.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > What is in variance is in the matter of those that need to be

> worn.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > A careful look indicates that the shlokas are describing

> Viguna -

> > > meaning

> > > > that when the grahas are inimical - for example, Jupiter is

> malefic

> > > > (functional malefic), the recommendation is to wear Pearl.

> For Cancer

> > > lagna

> > > > Jupiter will be malefic being the 6th moolatrikona lord, and

> here

> > > > strengthening Moon will certainly make sense as Jupiter is

> going to

> > > create

> > > > health problems and also since Moon does not own any bad

> house. More

> > > so if

> > > > Jupiter is occupying the 8th House!

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > In the 3rd sloka, the author appears to have changed the

> basis on

> > > which he's

> > > > written the first two shlokas.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > For the meaning to be clear, one must also get the shlokas,

> that

> > > indicate

> > > > what is Viguna. I assume that it must be given the book. Much

> would

> > > depend

> > > > on which position of a graha or its rasi is called as Viguna.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Love,

> > > >

> > > > Swee

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > vedic astrology

> > > > [vedic astrology] On Behalf Of

> panditarjun2004

> > > > Tuesday, February 21, 2006 5:28 AM

> > > > vedic astrology

> > > > [vedic astrology] Re: Translation of slokas from

> Mani Mala

> > > on

> > > > Planetary G...

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > namaste richard ji

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > the simple rule of anukul/pratikul remedies are clear like

> this.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > retain or wear the objects of a beneficial planet.

> > > >

> > > > donate or throw in water the objects of a malefic planet.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > in lalkitab system of remedies, this is what is followed

> precisely.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > after years of research through lalkitab remedies, i found

> stones

> > > >

> > > > would work positively only if those planets are beneficial to

> the

> > > >

> > > > native in a chart. when the planets are malefic, since

> natives

> > > >

> > > > cannot afford donating precious stones, they can donate

> objects

> > > >

> > > > related to those malefic planets. this is where lalkitab

> comes

> > > >

> > > > handy.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > i do not agree with gauravji's observation that if you wear a

> pearn

> > > >

> > > > for moon, besides moon, jupiter would also be benefited and

> at the

> > > >

> > > > same time mars gets debilitated. in my knowledge stones have

> > > >

> > > > scientific properties and their single objective is to

> > > >

> > > > receive/absorb the cosmic energies of the respective planets.

> > > >

> > > > simply put, if you wear a stone for a particular planet, if

> that

> > > >

> > > > planet is a benefic the native gets positive results, and if

> that

> > > >

> > > > planet is malefic, the native gets negative results.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > because of these ambivalence in stone recommendations, i

> recommend

> > > >

> > > > rudraksha as several puranas attribute lords to each rudaksha

> and

> > > >

> > > > also attribute what benefits the wearer gets. no anukul, no

> > > >

> > > > pratikul. also it has no negative affects.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > with best wishes

> > > >

> > > > arjun

> > > >

> > > > --- In vedic astrology, "Richard Shaw-Brown

> II"

> > > >

> > > > <rsbj66@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > Dear Sriman,

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > The translations of Mani Mala by Tagore - Verses 79-81 are

> > > >

> > > > correct. I have uploaded the

> > > >

> > > > > original Sanskrit texts to the PHOTOS section of this group

> for

> > > >

> > > > anyone to check.

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > Verses 80-81 make no sense. Therefore it appears that Mani

> Mala is

> > > >

> > > > an imperfect source

> > > >

> > > > > of gem knowledge. And it should not be followed as is.

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > One thing interesting is that books on Indian gemology,

> like Mani

> > > >

> > > > Mala, they only talk

> > > >

> > > > > about adverse planets. And they never mention what to do for

> > > >

> > > > Anukul planets (which is

> > > >

> > > > > obviously to wear the gem for the Anukul graha, viz.,

> Anukula-

> > > >

> > > > vad)!??

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > Point is that for Pratikul Graha we DONATE the gem (ratna-

> arpana),

> > > >

> > > > and for Anukul Graha

> > > >

> > > > > we WEAR the gem. Based on the philosophy that gems

> strengthen

> > > >

> > > > their plant when worn,

> > > >

> > > > > and reduce their planet when donated. One is accepting,

> other is

> > > >

> > > > giving away.

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > Best rgds,

> > > >

> > > > > Richard

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > vedic astrology, yobrevol@ wrote:

> > > >

> > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > || Hare Rama Krishna ||

> > > >

> > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > Namaste Richard Ji,

> > > >

> > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > So they are actually correct. Please understand that my

> > > >

> > > > reservations were

> > > >

> > > > > > not personal towards you in nature, rather towards the

> stated

> > > >

> > > > translation. I am

> > > >

> > > > > > in agreement with you with the sloka 79 as I also come

> from

> > > >

> > > > Anukul school of

> > > >

> > > > > > thought as taught by my guru.

> > > >

> > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > I am just trying to figure out why would mani mala say

> what it

> > > >

> > > > states in

> > > >

> > > > > > sloka 80+...have you read another version of mani mala

> > > >

> > > > translated by another

> > > >

> > > > > > author...?

> > > >

> > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > To think that we should wear Blue sapphire for adverse

> moon is

> > > >

> > > > beyond my

> > > >

> > > > > > limited understanding, specially when we make a blunt

> general

> > > >

> > > > statement like

> > > >

> > > > > > that...I mean moon is neither exalted nor debilitated in

> saturn

> > > >

> > > > signs, and then

> > > >

> > > > > > the author of mani mala further suggests wearing a pearl

> for

> > > >

> > > > adverse

> > > >

> > > > > > Jupiter...where jupiter gets exalted, so their is

> inconsistency

> > > >

> > > > here...

> > > >

> > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > Having said that, may be Guru Ji and other learned will

> throw

> > > >

> > > > some light...

> > > >

> > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > Namaste

> > > >

> > > > > > Gaurav Jain

> > > >

> > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > In a message dated 2/20/2006 3:57:55 P.M. Eastern Standard

> > > >

> > > > Time,

> > > >

> > > > > > rsbj66@ writes:

> > > >

> > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > Dear Sriman,

> > > >

> > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > Namaste!!! I am not suggesting anything, these are three

> slokas

> > > >

> > > > taken from

> > > >

> > > > > > Mani Mala

> > > >

> > > > > > written by SM Tagore published in 1879. I'm just putting

> these

> > > >

> > > > slokas out

> > > >

> > > > > > for comment.

> > > >

> > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > I personally agree with the first sloka 79. When Sun is

> adverse

> > > >

> > > > one should

> > > >

> > > > > > DONATE a ruby,

> > > >

> > > > > > for adverse Moon one should donate a pearl, as in Ratna-

> dana-

> > > >

> > > > vidhi

> > > >

> > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > And when these planets are beneficial (anukul) then one

> should

> > > >

> > > > WEAR the

> > > >

> > > > > > associated gem,

> > > >

> > > > > > as if Sun is anukul in the chart then Ruby can be worn,

> as in

> > > >

> > > > ratna-dharana.

> > > >

> > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > Gem should be WORN for good planet / gem should be


> > > >

> > > > bad planet.

> > > >

> > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > I personally disagree with slokas 80-81. But as they are

> from

> > > >

> > > > the famous

> > > >

> > > > > > Mani Mali so I

> > > >

> > > > > > have put them for your interest.

> > > >

> > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > Best regards,

> > > >

> > > > > > Richard

> > > >

> > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > vedic astrology, yobrevol@ wrote:

> > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > > || Hare Rama Krishna ||

> > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > > Namaste richard ji,

> > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > > If I am reading it correctly , what you are suggesting

> via

> > > >

> > > > these slokas is

> > > >

> > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > > that we should give away diamond to propitiate venus,

> and at

> > > >

> > > > the same time

> > > >

> > > > > > wear

> > > >

> > > > > > > diamond when venus is adverse? and that we wear blue

> > > >

> > > > sapphire to nullify

> > > >

> > > > > > > adverse effects of moon?....lets not forget that

> jupiter

> > > >

> > > > exalts in

> > > >

> > > > > > cancer, so

> > > >

> > > > > > > how in the right mind can we suggest wearing pearl

> to "ward

> > > >

> > > > off" the

> > > >

> > > > > > adverse

> > > >

> > > > > > > effects of jupiter...?

> > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > > are you sure about the authenticity of the

> translations?

> > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > > Also, to the learned, where can I get a copy of Mani

> mala?

> > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > > Namaste

> > > >

> > > > > > > Gaurav Jain

> > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > > In a message dated 2/20/2006 2:50:03 P.M. Eastern

> Standard

> > > >

> > > > Time,

> > > >

> > > > > > > rsbj66@ writes:

> > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > > Translation 79: Ill Stars and how to propitiate them by

> > > >

> > > > bestowal (dana)

> > > >

> > > > > > > of gems:

> > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > > When the Sun is hostile (donate) a pure ruby; when

> the Moon,

> > > >

> > > > a good

> > > >

> > > > > > > pearl; when Mangala, a good coral; when Budha, a good

> > > >

> > > > emerald; when

> > > >

> > > > > > > Brihaspati, a good yellow sapphire; when Shukra, the

> > > >

> > > > diamond; when

> > > >

> > > > > > > Shani, a good blue sapphire; when Rahu, the gomeda;

> and when

> > > >

> > > > Ketu, a

> > > >

> > > > > > > good cat's eye, should be donated

> > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > > Translation 80-81: Ill Stars and how to ward them off

> by

> > > >

> > > > wearing

> > > >

> > > > > > > (dharan) of gems:

> > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > > If the Sun is adverse, (wear) the cat's eye; if the

> Moon,

> > > >

> > > > the blue

> > > >

> > > > > > > sapphire; if Mangala, the ruby; if Budha, the ruby

> too; if

> > > >

> > > > Vrihaspati,

> > > >

> > > > > > > the pearl; if Shukra, the diamond; if Shani, the

> great blue

> > > >

> > > > sapphire;

> > > >

> > > > > > > if Rahu, the gomeda, and if Ketu, the emerald, should

> be

> > > >

> > > > worn.

> > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > >

> > > > > > > Send instant messages to your online friends

> > > >

> > > > > > http://uk.messenger.

> > > >

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> > > >

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> > > > > > > || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri

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> > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > >

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> ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......







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Dear Sriman,


According to Graha Gochar Jyotish the correct recepient for blue sapphire and

other Saturn

items is not a begger, rather it's designated as a "Poor man" (not a begger by


This is only for Saturn. We give to the favorites of the Grahas, and not


something else.


BTW: Mani Mala by S.M. Tagore (1879) is the most famous book of all Gemology


from India, and I'm surprised some people haven't even heard of it. This shows

lack of



Best rgds,



vedic astrology, yobrevol wrote:



> || Hare Rama Krishna ||


> Namaste Bharat Bhayia, :)


> Precisely my point! We must understand the differentiation between dana as

> service and ratna dana. For saturn, helping poor people is good to pacify it,

> but to donate a blue sapphire to a beggar is not supported by puranas, as I

> understand it. That must be done after proper puja/homa etc with complete


> to a bhramana.


> Unless, that is, we can convince ourselves otherwise...:)


> Best Wishes;

> Gaurav Jain


> In a message dated 2/21/2006 12:51:40 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

> hinduastrology writes:


> Namaskaar Sri Gaurav


> This is not what Sri Richard is proposing. This is known to many pundits.

> Infact, each and every pundit who has come to our home since I was born, has

> d to the idea.


> That the above works is okay.The important thing to remember is not only

> people's karakatwa, but the nature of service is based on karakatwa too.


> Like for Saturn, provide service in a temple of the diety or to the ppl

> representing it. So daana to Help Age foundation, getting cataract operation

> of old people (helps Sun, Venus and Saturn) Similarly for other grahas.


> But when you are doing dana of Gemstones, it is better be donated to the

> diety of the planet itself. You should not make a distinction while giving

> donation (this is the uttam donation wherein the person getting it does not

> know that it is from you). When you donate it to the diety, the temple trust

> may adorn the diety with it or give it to poor or use sale proceeds to help

> the poor. The only thing you can make a distinction about is the form of God

> based on the dieties of grahas.


> That something is followed over the years does not make it the Uttama

> method.


> Thanks and Regards

> Bharat


> On 2/21/06, yobrevol <yobrevol wrote:

> >

> >

> > || Hare Rama Krishna ||

> >

> > Namaste Richard and Swee ji,

> >

> > What Richard proposes is very interesting and new to me. Essentially, he

> > is

> > suggessting to relate each gem/planet to its "ppl karkatwasa" i.e. bhramin

> > for

> > jupiter, bhramchari for mars etc for donating the gem as oppose to

> > donating

> > all the gems to a bhramin.

> >

> > If we think about it logically, it would make sense, however, the puranas

> >

> > have no mention on this..or do they?

> >

> > Namaste

> > Gaurav jain

> > In a message dated 2/21/2006 12:00:40 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

> > rsbj66 writes:

> >

> > Dear Swee,

> >

> > Namaste!!! It is more than just a gomeda to a leper. The exact process

> > of "pleasing" Rahu (which can only happen when our karma permits) is as

> > follows (note...there is some interesting info AFTER the mantras):

> >

> > Propitiation of Rahu (Saturday)

> >

> > CHARITY: Donate a hessonite or another fine orange gem, a coconut, old

> > coins or coal to a leper on Saturday.

> >

> > FASTING: On the first Saturday of the waxing moon, especially during

> > major or minor Rahu periods.

> >

> > MANTRA: To be chanted on Saturday, two hours after sunset, especially

> > during major or minor Rahu periods:

> >

> > Rahva-astottara-shata-nama-vali

> >

> > (The 108 names of Rahu)

> >

> > Om rahave namah

> > Om saumhikeyaya namah

> > Om vidhuntudaya namah

> > Om surashatrave namah

> > Om tamase namah

> > Om phanine namah

> > Om gargyaynapa namah

> > Om surapye namah

> > Om nibajimutasamkashaya namah

> > Om caturbhujava namah

> > Om khangakhetaka-dharine namah

> > Om varadayakahastakaya namah

> > Om shulayudhaya namah

> > Om megha-varnaya namah

> > Om krishna-dhvajapatakavate namah

> > Om dakshinashamukharathaya namah

> > Om tikshnadamshtakarallakaya namah

> > Om shupokarasansthaya namah

> > Om gomedha-bharana-priyaya namah

> > Om mashapriyaya namah

> > Om kashyaparshinandanaya namah

> > Om bhujageshvaraya namah

> > Om ulkapatayitre namah

> > Om shuline namah

> > Om nidhipaya namah

> > Om krishna-sarpa-raje namah

> > Om vishajvalavrita ' asyaya addhashariraya namah

> > Om shatravapradaya namah

> > Om ravindubhikaraya namah

> > Om chaya-svarupine namah

> > Om kathinangakaya namah

> > Om dvishacchatracchedakaya namah

> > Om karallasyaya namah

> > Om bhayamkaraya namah

> > Om krura-karmane namah

> > Om tamo-rupaya namah

> > Om shyam-atmane namah

> > Om nila-lohitaya namah

> > Om kiritine namah

> > Om nilavasanaya namah

> > Om sanisamntavartmagaya namah

> > Om candala-varnaya namah

> > Om ashvyriksa-bhavaya namah

> > Om mesha-bhavaya namah

> > Om shanivat-phaladaya namah

> > Om shuraya namah

> > Om apasavyagataye namah

> > Om uparagakagaya namah

> > Om soma-surya-cchavivimardakaya namah

> > Om nila-pushpa-viharaya namah

> > Om graha-shreshthaya namah

> > Om ashtama-grahaya namah

> > Om kabamdhamatradehaya namah

> > Om yatudhanakulodbhavaya namah

> > Om govinda-vara-patraya namah

> > Om deva-jati-pravishtakaya namah

> > Om kruraya namah

> > Om gharaya namah

> > Om shanir-mitraya namah

> > Om shukra-mitraya namah

> > Om agocaraya namah

> > Om mani ganga-snanadatre' namah

> > Om svagrihe' pravaladhyadaya namah

> > Om sad-grihe'anyabaladhrite' namah

> > Om caturthe matri-nashakaya namah

> > Om candrayukte candalajati sihmajanmane rajyadatre namah

> > Om mahakayaya namah

> > Om janma-kartre' namah

> > Om vidhuripave' namah

> > Om madakajnanadaya namah

> > Om janmakanyarajyadatre' namah

> > Om janmahanidaya namah

> > Om navame pitrihantre' namah

> > Om pancame' shokadayakaya namah

> > Om dhyune' kalatrahantre' namah

> > Om saptame kalahapradaya namah

> > Om shashthe' vittadatre' namah

> > Om caturthe' vairadayaka namah

> > Om navame' papadatre' namah

> > Om dashame shokadayakaya namah

> > Om adau yashah pradatre' namah

> > Om ante vairapradayakaya namah

> > Om kalatmane' namah

> > Om gocaracaraya namah

> > Om ghane' kakutpradaya namah

> > Om pancame' ghishanashringadaya namah

> > Om svarbhanave' namah

> > Om baline' namah

> > Om maha-saukhya-pradayine' namah

> > Om chandra-vairine namah

> > Om shashvataya namah

> > Om surashatrave' namah

> > Om papagrahaya namah

> > Om shambhavaya namah

> > Om pujyakaya namah

> > Om patirapuranaya namah

> > Om paithinasakulodbhavaya bhakta-rakshaya namah

> > Om rahu-murtaye' namah

> > Om sarva-bhishta-phala-pradaya namah

> > Om dirghaya namah

> > Om krishnaya namah

> > Om atanave' namah

> > Om vishnu-netraraye' namah

> > Om devaya namah

> > Om danavaya namah.

> > Rahu seed mantra: Om bhram bhrim bhraum sah rahave namah.

> >

> > RESULT: The planetary deity Rahu is pleased granting victory over

> > enemies, favour from the King or government, and reduction in diseases

> > caused by Rahu.

> >

> > I not only in doing this kind of yajna or graha-shanta, but I

> > advise Royalty, heads of state, Bank Presidents, and VVIPs to do it

> > also.

> >

> > In case of pleasing Jupiter the gem would be Yellow Sapphire or topaz

> > to be given to a brahmin on Guruvar at late afternoon during Shukla

> > paksha, along with all the other items and mantras listed for Guru.

> >

> > And for pleasing Rahu it is giving a Gomeda to a leper as described

> > above. Another example is to please Mars one gives a red coral to a

> > Sannyasi, to please Saturn a blue sapphire and black cow given to a

> > "poor young man" on Shanivar, etc.

> >

> > I have seen these different graha yajnas performed for many different

> > planets, and always with obvious results. In fact, the last time I

> > helped arrange one such yajna was for a lady in America who was in Rahu

> > Dasha and had Rahu debilitated in the 8th house. I advised the Rahu

> > Yajna or Ratna arpana to please Rahu. She already had a fine Gomeda

> > weighing 7 carats, but she couldn't find a leper to give it to in the

> > USA. So I told her to send the gem to me, and I would arrange it.

> > According I got the gomeda, and with a desire to participate in the

> > Rahu ratna arpana myself, I had it set in silver and put with a silver

> > chain. I was ready, but, alas, in Bangkok, Thailand you cannot find a

> > single leper. So I sent the gem set with chain by hand to a friend in

> > Mumbai. This friend also had Rahu in the 8th and also wanted to

> > participate in the Rahu Yajna by actually finding a leper and giving

> > them the gem set pendant over their necks on a chain. This person

> > waited until Shukla Paksha Shanivar and then went and gave the Rahu

> > ratna talisman to a real leper, and said, Om ram rahave namah!" They

> > took a picture of when giving to the leper. The whole thing took about

> > 4 months to complete (from when the Gomeda was sent to me until it got

> > given to a leper).

> >

> > Result: For my little part I played in pleasing Rahu by participating

> > in this ratna dana I was rewarded with a real Valampuri Lakshmi Conch

> > that I had been seeking for 30 years, and I got it without even asking

> > or knowing within ONE WEEK of the Rahu Ratna Dana. Now, it didn't take

> > away my karma, no one can take away your karma, if we change our karma,

> > that is also our karma. So it was ripe for me to please Rahu, and the

> > result was sudden and surprising, including other signs of increased

> > good fortune too, and for all concerned.

> >

> > We all know that "ratna-dana-vidhi" has suggested donating gems to

> > please Grahadevas. And it was in Graha Gochar Jyotish that I could find

> > the further details of complete yajna-japa-recepient, which are

> > different for each planet.

> >

> > For complete information on Ratna Dana, please see this page of my 1995

> > book:

> > http://www.agt-gems.com/Book/Appendage/Appendage.html

> >

> > Note: I transliterated the 108 slokas for each planet, although I

> > didn't use diacritical fonts, that would be better still.

> >

> > Best rgds,

> > Richard

> >

> > sacred-objects, "Swee Chan" <swee@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Jaya Jagannatha

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear Richard and Arjun,

> > >

> > > Namaste

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > I do not to donating a gomeda to a leper. Do you? What's he

> > going

> > > to do? Take away your bad karma on your behalf when he himself is

> > riddled

> > > with disease?

> > >

> > > We need to be more realistic here. The Puranas do not to

> > such

> > > remedies. Instead, they do suggest dakshina to a Brahmana/Purohit.

> > This is

> > > so that we hope the Brahmana/Purohit can take away some of our bad

> > karma.

> > > This can be done in one of several ways: When transits are averse or

> > just

> > > before the person dies/or during a shraddha.

> > >

> > > My suggestion is that, gifts (of gems and other items) have to be

> > new and

> > > not your cast offs.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Regarding the slokas sent by Richard (embedded below), these are my

> > initial

> > > thoughts:

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > The language is not ancient Sanskrit where there was less tendency of

> > using

> > > synonyms there (an opinion after reading tomes of it; but am no

> > expert!!)

> > >

> > > The slokas are more modern phenomenon to use words like "Avaneya". It

> > is

> > > interesting to note that midway in the first line of shloka 81 the

> > author

> > > has forgotten that he is writing for Viguna graha Dharanaa. Certainly

> > not

> > > something the ancients would do! I venture a guess that this comes

> > from

> > > Jaina source of astrological texts which are of a much later origin.

> > Gaurav,

> > > what do you think?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > But there does not appear to be any variance about the ratnas that

> > need to

> > > be worn from that of Narada Purana as long as we relate the Ratnas

> > which are

> > > recommended for Dana as they relate to the grahas.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > What is in variance is in the matter of those that need to be worn.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > A careful look indicates that the shlokas are describing Viguna -

> > meaning

> > > that when the grahas are inimical - for example, Jupiter is malefic

> > > (functional malefic), the recommendation is to wear Pearl. For Cancer

> > lagna

> > > Jupiter will be malefic being the 6th moolatrikona lord, and here

> > > strengthening Moon will certainly make sense as Jupiter is going to

> > create

> > > health problems and also since Moon does not own any bad house. More

> > so if

> > > Jupiter is occupying the 8th House!

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > In the 3rd sloka, the author appears to have changed the basis on

> > which he's

> > > written the first two shlokas.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > For the meaning to be clear, one must also get the shlokas, that

> > indicate

> > > what is Viguna. I assume that it must be given the book. Much would

> > depend

> > > on which position of a graha or its rasi is called as Viguna.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Love,

> > >

> > > Swee

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > vedic astrology

> > > [vedic astrology] On Behalf Of panditarjun2004

> > > Tuesday, February 21, 2006 5:28 AM

> > > vedic astrology

> > > [vedic astrology] Re: Translation of slokas from Mani Mala

> > on

> > > Planetary G...

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > namaste richard ji

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > the simple rule of anukul/pratikul remedies are clear like this.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > retain or wear the objects of a beneficial planet.

> > >

> > > donate or throw in water the objects of a malefic planet.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > in lalkitab system of remedies, this is what is followed precisely.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > after years of research through lalkitab remedies, i found stones

> > >

> > > would work positively only if those planets are beneficial to the

> > >

> > > native in a chart. when the planets are malefic, since natives

> > >

> > > cannot afford donating precious stones, they can donate objects

> > >

> > > related to those malefic planets. this is where lalkitab comes

> > >

> > > handy.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > i do not agree with gauravji's observation that if you wear a pearn

> > >

> > > for moon, besides moon, jupiter would also be benefited and at the

> > >

> > > same time mars gets debilitated. in my knowledge stones have

> > >

> > > scientific properties and their single objective is to

> > >

> > > receive/absorb the cosmic energies of the respective planets.

> > >

> > > simply put, if you wear a stone for a particular planet, if that

> > >

> > > planet is a benefic the native gets positive results, and if that

> > >

> > > planet is malefic, the native gets negative results.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > because of these ambivalence in stone recommendations, i recommend

> > >

> > > rudraksha as several puranas attribute lords to each rudaksha and

> > >

> > > also attribute what benefits the wearer gets. no anukul, no

> > >

> > > pratikul. also it has no negative affects.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > with best wishes

> > >

> > > arjun

> > >

> > > --- In vedic astrology, "Richard Shaw-Brown II"

> > >

> > > <rsbj66@> wrote:

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > Dear Sriman,

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > The translations of Mani Mala by Tagore - Verses 79-81 are

> > >

> > > correct. I have uploaded the

> > >

> > > > original Sanskrit texts to the PHOTOS section of this group for

> > >

> > > anyone to check.

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > Verses 80-81 make no sense. Therefore it appears that Mani Mala is

> > >

> > > an imperfect source

> > >

> > > > of gem knowledge. And it should not be followed as is.

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > One thing interesting is that books on Indian gemology, like Mani

> > >

> > > Mala, they only talk

> > >

> > > > about adverse planets. And they never mention what to do for

> > >

> > > Anukul planets (which is

> > >

> > > > obviously to wear the gem for the Anukul graha, viz., Anukula-

> > >

> > > vad)!??

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > Point is that for Pratikul Graha we DONATE the gem (ratna-arpana),

> > >

> > > and for Anukul Graha

> > >

> > > > we WEAR the gem. Based on the philosophy that gems strengthen

> > >

> > > their plant when worn,

> > >

> > > > and reduce their planet when donated. One is accepting, other is

> > >

> > > giving away.

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > Best rgds,

> > >

> > > > Richard

> > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > > vedic astrology, yobrevol@ wrote:

> > >

> > > > >

> > >

> > > > >

> > >

> > > > > || Hare Rama Krishna ||

> > >

> > > > >

> > >

> > > > > Namaste Richard Ji,

> > >

> > > > >

> > >

> > > > > So they are actually correct. Please understand that my

> > >

> > > reservations were

> > >

> > > > > not personal towards you in nature, rather towards the stated

> > >

> > > translation. I am

> > >

> > > > > in agreement with you with the sloka 79 as I also come from

> > >

> > > Anukul school of

> > >

> > > > > thought as taught by my guru.

> > >

> > > > >

> > >

> > > > > I am just trying to figure out why would mani mala say what it

> > >

> > > states in

> > >

> > > > > sloka 80+...have you read another version of mani mala

> > >

> > > translated by another

> > >

> > > > > author...?

> > >

> > > > >

> > >

> > > > > To think that we should wear Blue sapphire for adverse moon is

> > >

> > > beyond my

> > >

> > > > > limited understanding, specially when we make a blunt general

> > >

> > > statement like

> > >

> > > > > that...I mean moon is neither exalted nor debilitated in saturn

> > >

> > > signs, and then

> > >

> > > > > the author of mani mala further suggests wearing a pearl for

> > >

> > > adverse

> > >

> > > > > Jupiter...where jupiter gets exalted, so their is inconsistency

> > >

> > > here...

> > >

> > > > >

> > >

> > > > > Having said that, may be Guru Ji and other learned will throw

> > >

> > > some light...

> > >

> > > > >

> > >

> > > > > Namaste

> > >

> > > > > Gaurav Jain

> > >

> > > > >

> > >

> > > > > In a message dated 2/20/2006 3:57:55 P.M. Eastern Standard

> > >

> > > Time,

> > >

> > > > > rsbj66@ writes:

> > >

> > > > >

> > >

> > > > > Dear Sriman,

> > >

> > > > >

> > >

> > > > > Namaste!!! I am not suggesting anything, these are three slokas

> > >

> > > taken from

> > >

> > > > > Mani Mala

> > >

> > > > > written by SM Tagore published in 1879. I'm just putting these

> > >

> > > slokas out

> > >

> > > > > for comment.

> > >

> > > > >

> > >

> > > > > I personally agree with the first sloka 79. When Sun is adverse

> > >

> > > one should

> > >

> > > > > DONATE a ruby,

> > >

> > > > > for adverse Moon one should donate a pearl, as in Ratna-dana-

> > >

> > > vidhi

> > >

> > > > >

> > >

> > > > > And when these planets are beneficial (anukul) then one should

> > >

> > > WEAR the

> > >

> > > > > associated gem,

> > >

> > > > > as if Sun is anukul in the chart then Ruby can be worn, as in

> > >

> > > ratna-dharana.

> > >

> > > > >

> > >

> > > > > Gem should be WORN for good planet / gem should be DONATED for

> > >

> > > bad planet.

> > >

> > > > >

> > >

> > > > > I personally disagree with slokas 80-81. But as they are from

> > >

> > > the famous

> > >

> > > > > Mani Mali so I

> > >

> > > > > have put them for your interest.

> > >

> > > > >

> > >

> > > > > Best regards,

> > >

> > > > > Richard

> > >

> > > > >

> > >

> > > > > vedic astrology, yobrevol@ wrote:

> > >

> > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > || Hare Rama Krishna ||

> > >

> > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > Namaste richard ji,

> > >

> > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > If I am reading it correctly , what you are suggesting via

> > >

> > > these slokas is

> > >

> > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > that we should give away diamond to propitiate venus, and at

> > >

> > > the same time

> > >

> > > > > wear

> > >

> > > > > > diamond when venus is adverse? and that we wear blue

> > >

> > > sapphire to nullify

> > >

> > > > > > adverse effects of moon?....lets not forget that jupiter

> > >

> > > exalts in

> > >

> > > > > cancer, so

> > >

> > > > > > how in the right mind can we suggest wearing pearl to "ward

> > >

> > > off" the

> > >

> > > > > adverse

> > >

> > > > > > effects of jupiter...?

> > >

> > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > are you sure about the authenticity of the translations?

> > >

> > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > Also, to the learned, where can I get a copy of Mani mala?

> > >

> > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > Namaste

> > >

> > > > > > Gaurav Jain

> > >

> > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > In a message dated 2/20/2006 2:50:03 P.M. Eastern Standard

> > >

> > > Time,

> > >

> > > > > > rsbj66@ writes:

> > >

> > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > Translation 79: Ill Stars and how to propitiate them by

> > >

> > > bestowal (dana)

> > >

> > > > > > of gems:

> > >

> > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > When the Sun is hostile (donate) a pure ruby; when the Moon,

> > >

> > > a good

> > >

> > > > > > pearl; when Mangala, a good coral; when Budha, a good

> > >

> > > emerald; when

> > >

> > > > > > Brihaspati, a good yellow sapphire; when Shukra, the

> > >

> > > diamond; when

> > >

> > > > > > Shani, a good blue sapphire; when Rahu, the gomeda; and when

> > >

> > > Ketu, a

> > >

> > > > > > good cat's eye, should be donated

> > >

> > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > Translation 80-81: Ill Stars and how to ward them off by

> > >

> > > wearing

> > >

> > > > > > (dharan) of gems:

> > >

> > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > If the Sun is adverse, (wear) the cat's eye; if the Moon,

> > >

> > > the blue

> > >

> > > > > > sapphire; if Mangala, the ruby; if Budha, the ruby too; if

> > >

> > > Vrihaspati,

> > >

> > > > > > the pearl; if Shukra, the diamond; if Shani, the great blue

> > >

> > > sapphire;

> > >

> > > > > > if Rahu, the gomeda, and if Ketu, the emerald, should be

> > >

> > > worn.

> > >

> > > > > >

> > >

> > > > > > Send instant messages to your online friends

> > >

> > > > > http://uk.messenger.

> > >

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> >

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