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predict with Aries lagna alone

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This is a most edifying exercise, Sreenadh, and I hope we can carry it

on, maybe slowly but steadily, through all the signs. Here are a few

more deductions made, as you suggested, from Aries lagna without

referring to any planetary positions, but with reference to the

rulerships of the signs and to natural karaka properties of the

elements, planets and signs.




Simple, unaffected manners: the first sign, "one" means simplicity.

The uniformly fiery nature of both the sign and its rulers, Mars by

domicile and the Sun by exaltation contribute to the simplicity of

this sign. Fire is the quickest, simplest, subtlest light giving

element and fiery temperaments can be quick and straightforward, even

more so when the fiery sign is mobile. Fire also gives aptitudes more

varied than profound, the fiery temperament has rapid insight, learns

very quickly but can forget just as quickly because it leaps like a

flame from one thing to another. Easily provoked to sudden, brief

bursts of temper after which all rancor is forgotten. Religious or

political opinions (9th house in fiery Sagittarius) can be very strong

and ardent for a time, but that time will be very short.


An obedient disposition, yet with a capacity for commanding: Mars,

lagna ruler is exalted in Capricorn, the 10th house signifying

commandment; and the Sun, king of the stars, is exalted in Aries. But

Mars is also a signifier of the 6th house, the house of service. And

10th house Capricorn is ruled by serviceable Saturn.


Pioneering spirit: characteristics of fire, the mobile quality of

Aries and the "firstness" of the sign.


Noble minded, charitable: the 9th house (spirituality, philosophy) and

12th house (renunciation, charity) ruled by benefic Jupiter.


A generous heart that will meet with few grateful returns: 5th house

(self expression) Leo ruled by the Sun, the Sun, at the heart of the

solar system, gives far more light to the planets than the planets can

reflect back to it.


Traveling for family matters: 4th house in mobile Cancer ruled by the

Moon, the planet that travels the most, and Jupiter, lord of 9th in

Sagittarius (travel, father) and 12th in Pisces (emigration)rules

Cancer by exaltation. Traveling in order to escape enemies: Mars is

debilitated in Cancer. Jupiter rules 9th (travel) and 12th (enemies).

Jupiter ruling 9th (religion)and 12th (penance) means pilgrimages. In

childhood (ruled by the Moon and Mercury), family troubles or

disasters may upset later career prospects - Mars debilitated in 4th

house Cancer, opposed to the house of career (10th in Capricorn).


Many changes in financial condition: the changeable Moon rules the 2nd

(financial assets) in Taurus by exaltation and mulatrikona, and the

4th (real property) in Cancer.


Country property through marriage: Venus rules the 7th in Libra and

the 2nd in Taurus, a fixed earth sign signifying the countryside. The

spouse's 4th house is in Capricorn, an earthy sign where Mars

(signifier of land) is exalted. Troubles and litigation in connection

with this: Venus, ruler of 7th house Libra, where the 7th house means

adversaries and disputes.


Sun rules Leo in 5th house (self expression, procreation, creativity):

artistic talents.


Few children: Leo is a barren sign.


Many enemies envious of the native's position: 10th house Capricorn

ruled by Saturn and exaltation of Mars, the two natural malefics.

Mercury exalted in 6th house Virgo (enemies) also rules the house of

brothers (3rd in Gemini), signifies sibling rivalry. Mars, ruler of

Aries lagna, is itself a natural signifier of enemies (satrukaraka).


Many friends: Aries lagna lord Mars exalted in Capricorn is a guest

well received in Saturn's house, Saturn also rules 11th house Aquarius

(friends). But there may be a dangerous traitor among them: due to the

naturally malefic nature of Saturn and Mars, as well as to the

rulership of friendly Jupiter over 12th house Pisces. Venus ruler of

7th house Libra (partnerships)exalted in 12th (betrayal, secret enemies).


Difficult relations with father: Jupiter rules both 9th (father)and

12th (enemies, tribulations). Jupiter is exalted in the 4th house,

where Mars is debilitated. The father may oppose the native's choice

of career, on traditional or ideological grounds - Mars is exalted in

10th house Capricorn, and the 12th (enemies) from the 10th is 9th

house Sagittarius (father, tradition, ideology).


This exercise could go on and on, we are barely scratching the surface.





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