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Bhrigu Bindu Progression in Annual Charts (Subject: Chandra Upapada/Surya Upapada and Bhrigu Bindu Questions)

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Dear Sanjay,


> Dear Narasimha

> Exceptional research indeed. That point about BB transit is well taken and

> can form a crucial method for fine timing events to the day.

> With best wishes & warm regards,

> Yours truly

> Sanjay Rath


Thank you.


Progression of Bhrigu Bindu, planetary positions and sahamas in natal charts is

well-known. Some people even progress sahamas in annual Tajaka charts.


Progressing sahamas in Tithi Pravesha charts is a natural extension of this

known approach. Progressing Bhrigu Bindu is also a simple extension of an

existing idea.


My only contribution is to refine the progression to be a non-linear progression

based on Tribhagi Vimsottari dasa. Most people use linear progression, i.e. the

point being progressed takes the same amount of time to progress through

different nakshatras.


In all honesty, this is very interesting, but not reliable in practical

predictions. It is a hit-or-miss technique. Either you get a result that is too

accurate or you don't get even an approximate result. Dasas likes Tithi

Ashtottari dasa are far more reliable with Tithi Pravesha charts, though they

give you only a one-month or two week period.


In fact, there may be other mid-points that can be progressed. For example, when

I physically met my spiritual guru for the first time on 2005 Oct 2, progressed

mid-point of lagna and Jupiter was exactly at the longitude of Mars, who owns

the 12th house and is exalted in the 9th house of guru in the annual TP chart

(within a few arc-min).


Similarly, in the second example below, the progressed midpoint of lagna and

Mercury (karaka for education) exactly touched the longitudes of Sun and Jupiter

in a raja yoga in the 4th house of education when the event took place.


These could be coincidences or part of a beautiful pattern.


There is a lot to be researched and discovered in Jyotish. One has to find

techniques that work in real life with reasonable accuracy and use them to help

people, but also spend some time researching and refining less-known techniques

such as these progression methods. Jyotish is a vast ocean.


May the light of Brahman shine within,



Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org



> om gurave nama©¤


> Dear Narasimha

> Exceptional research indeed. That point about BB transit is well taken and

> can form a crucial method for fine timing events to the day.

> With best wishes & warm regards,

> Yours truly

> Sanjay Rath


> Webpages: <http://srath.com/> http://srath.com <http://.org/>

> http://.org <http://sjcerc.com/> http://sjcerc.com

> Atri SJC: 15B Gangaram Hospital Road, New Delhi 110060, India

> Phone: +91.11.25717162

> -



> _____


> Narasimha P.V.R. Rao [pvr]

> Sunday, March 26, 2006 1:48 AM

> sohamsa; vedic astrology;


> Bhrigu Bindu Progression in Annual Charts (Re: Subject:

> Chandra Upapada/Surya Upapada and Bhrigu Bindu Questions)



> Dear Sourav,


> Chandra upapada and Surya upapada are the arudha padas of the 12th house

> from Moon an Sun respectively. My guru Pt Sanjay Rath did teach me once

> what they are supposed to show, but I did not fully understand and hence do

> not want to talk about it.


> When one does not fully understand what is shown by the 12 house from Moon

> and the 12th house from Sun, how can one understand what is shown by their

> arudha padas?


> * * *


> Regarding Bhrigu Bindus, I have something to say.


> I found interesting results when I tried them in annual Tithi Pravesha

> charts (soli-lunar counterpart of Tajaka varshaphal charts of solar

> calendar).


> What I did was to find the mid-point of Moon and Rahu (known as "Bhrigu

> bindu" or BB). Then I progressed it to cover 360 degrees in 360 tithis

> (soli-lunar days). However, I did not progress with a uniform speed. I

> progressed it non-linearly based on Vimsottari dasa years. For example,

> under Vimsottari dasa, Aswini star gives only 7 years while Bharani star

> gives 20 years. So I progressed BB by 360 deg within 360 tithis in the

> ratio of Vimsottari dasa years. For example, suppose BB is at the beginning

> of Aswini in the annual TP chart. Then it will cover Aswini star in the

> first 7 tithis after annual TP and cover Bharani star in the next 20 tithis

> and so on. As you cover all the 27 stars (i.e. 360 deg), you will then have

> finished 360 tithis! Thus, BB is progressed slowly in some areas of the

> zodiac and progressed fast in some other areas. It is a non-linear

> progression. I got good results only with this. With normal linear

> progression, the results are off by several degrees.


> As BB is progressed using the above progression, what I found is that it

> touches important planetary positions (or 180 deg points from them) on the

> days of important events. Also, the planet being touched by progressed BB

> has a link to the event. Planet's position is not progressed from its

> position in the annual TP chart and only BB is.


> I will give a couple of examples.


> I will use my own chart. My birthdata is: 4th April 1970, 5:47:13 pm (IST),

> Machilipatnam, India (81e12, 16n15).


> (1) On 10th Nov 1994, I left India and I have been away since then. The

> annual TP chart of 1994-95 is cast at 4:46:56 am (IST) on 9th April 1994

> (at birthplace). Saturn is the 12th lord in 12th house at 14Aq23. He can

> show displacement from motherland. In fact, Saturn's annual Tithi

> Ashtottari dasa started on 5th Nov 1994 and that brought the move abroad.


> The BB for the year is at 2Cp28. This falls in Uttarashadha star. If we

> count the tithis from the annual TP time to Nov 10 (i.e. from Phalguna

> Krishna Chaturdasi to Kartika Sukla Ashtami), we get about 219 tithis (2

> tithis in Phalguna month, 30 each in Chaitra, Vaisakha, Jyeshtha, Ashadha,

> Sravana, Bhadrapada and Aswayuja months and 7 in Kartika month - event

> happened at the beginning of Ashtami). BB progresses thru the remaining

> part in Uttarashadha in 3 tithis. It progresses thru 9 stars from Sravanam

> till Krittika in the next 120 tithis. Thus, we get to the beginning of

> Rohini after 123 tithis. We have 219-123=96 tithis. Rohini (10), Mrigasira

> (7), Ardra (18), Punarvasu (16), Pushyami (19), Asresha (17) and Magha (7)

> cover 94 tithis out of the 96 tithis. So, at the time of the event,

> progressed BB is in Poorvashadha star and progressed 2/20=1/10th through

> the nakshatra. Poorvashada star starts at 13Le20. If we add 1/10th of a

> star, i.e. 1 deg 20 min, we get 14Le40. That is the longitude of progressed

> BB on 10th Nov. Interestingly, Saturn is at 14Aq23 in the annual TP chart!

> So the 180 deg point from progressed BB touches Saturn. As mentioned

> earlier, Saturn is the 12th lord 12th and shows leaving motherland.


> (2) On 28th May 1987, I stood state first in my state in Intermediate exams

> (higher secondary school exams). The annual TP chart of 1987-88 is cast at

> 12:31:29 am on 28th March 1987 (at birthplace). The event happened on 28th

> May, i.e. Jyeshtha Sukla Pratipat tithi. From Phalguna Krishna Chaturdasi

> to Jyeshtha Sukla Pratipat, it is 2+30+30+1=63 tithis (event happened at

> the end of Pratipat).


> BB in the annual TP chart is at 4Pi26, i.e. 8.25% into the Uttarabhadra

> star. So 91.75% of the 19 tithis of Uttarachadra are left. Thus, progressed

> BB reaches the end of Uttarabhadra after 19x0.9175=17.5 tithis (approx).

> Revati (17), Aswini (7) and Bharani (20) cover the next 44 tithis. The

> count comes to 61.5 tithis (17.5+44). Now, 1.5 tithis corresponding to

> Krittika are left. Krittika belonging to Sun gets 6 tithis. So this is

> 1/4th of the star. Hence BB is around 0Ta0. Note that Mars is at 0Ta21 in

> that annual TP chart! Mars is the lord of the the 5th house of recognition

> and fame and he occupies the 6th house of success in competition!


> In fact, if we progress BB non-linearly within a nakshatra too, we will

> realize that progressed BB is not at 0Ta0, but a little ahead!


> * * *


> Essentially, the progression I am talking of here is based on Tribhagi

> Vimsottari dasa!!! Find Tribhagi Vimsottari dasa started from BB and map

> each mahadasa to a star (an arc of 13.33 deg). Within a mahadasa, map each

> antardasa to an arc of length 13.333/9 deg. Within each antardasa, map each

> pratyantardasa to an arc of length 13.3333/81 deg. And so on. Finding the

> mahadasa, antardasa, pratyantardasa etc, we can find the longitude of

> progressed BB.


> Dasas have a variable length (Sun dasa corresponding to Krittika is of 6

> tithis and Venus dasa corresponding to Bharani is of 20 tithis), but they

> cover the same length in the zodiac (13 deg 20 min). Similarly, Sun

> antardasa in Sun dasa and Venus antardasa in Sun dasa have different

> lengths in terms of time, but they should cover the same length in the

> zodiac (1/9th of 13 deg 20 min).


> This is where I strongly feel that Krishnamurthi (of KP) blundered. There

> may be many people who feel that his approach works, but, as I see, it is

> not based on sound logic. If stars of the same length in terms of degrees

> have different lengths in terms of dasa time, why can't the same thing

> apply to subs (divisions of stars based on antardasas)? What is the basis

> for dividing stars non-uniformly in the ratio of dasa/antardasa time? It is

> totally illogical. Something that is illogical cannot be correct no matter

> what thousands of people may say.


> * * *


> This is a hit or miss technique and IMHO not so useful practically. I do

> not use it in practical predictions. Though I use annual TP charts, I use

> TA dasa for timing within a year. I do not use this technique.


> However, this kind of techniques should be investigated and refined.

> Jyotish is an ocean of techniques. Every drop of this ocean is worth

> studying.


> * * *


> I am cc'ing this mail to some other groups that may find this interesting.


> BTW, I had a blessed trip to India. I visited 25 temples in south India and

> performed a Sata Chandi homam at a Kalikamba temple in the first week of

> March. Everything went great and I am back in US now.


> May the light of Brahman shine within,

> Narasimha

> -------------------------------

> Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

> Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

> Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org

> -------------------------------




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