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Re:Manthra given for getting good sleep!!! (A small correction)

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Dear Raadhikaaji and other members:


In the mantra, it should be "Namastasyai" all the 3 times. i.e., the

mantra is


"Yaa Devi Sarva Bhooteshu nidraa roopena samsthita

Namastasyai namastasyai namastasyai namo namaha"


It means, "Our Salutations to the Devi who resides in the form of

Sleep in All Living Beings". We all know Sleep is a boon given by

Divine Grace for repairing our damaged cells and to refresh ourselves.

This sthothra is found in Devi Mahaatmyam (Also called Chandi Path).

It comes amidst similar sthothraas where Devi is worshipoped as being

of the form of different attitributes of Living Beings. Yes, it is a

powerful hymn that can bring good sleep.


In the above sthothra, you can put in "Smruthi" instead of "Nidraa" to

gain good memory; put in "kshamaa" instead of "Nidraa" to seek

forgiveness from the Goddess for sins that might have been committed

unwittingly; put in "Lakshmi" instead of "Nidraa" to attain wealth and

material prosperity, etc......


Blessed be.



vedic astrology, radhika vishwanathan

<radvish wrote:


> Dear Mr. Dayalan,


> I have been taught the foll.mantra by my father. Pls. try this

with full devotion before you sleep. I am sure this will work.


> Yadevi sarva bhuteshu nidra roopena samsthitam,

> Namastasye namastasye namastasyai namo namah.


> Best wishes,

> Radhika.


> vedic astrology wrote:

> There are 25 messages in this issue.


> Topics in this digest:


> 1. Manthra given for getting good sleep!!!

> "AA Dhaya" dayalan_a

> 2. Re: IMP- Marriage prospect

> "Prathamesn Chawan" upaoakcrest

> 3. Son's future

> "M.S.Meghanath" msmeghanath

> 4. Please Help me - All Please help me.

> "mahamuni m" mahamunim

> 5. Re: To Pandit. R.DAKSHINAMOORTHI... Remedy Request

> "Fish" fish


> "gaya sar'nath" aghorabhairav

> 7. Give and Receive

> "Fish" fish

> 8. Re: Shri.Pramot Mahajan's recovery based on Guptaaji's chart -


> "vidwan" vidwan

> 9. OT: ILoveMagick.Com

> "Fish" fish

> 10. Factors for higher education

> "radhika vishwanathan" radvish

> 11. Please Help me - All Please help me.

> "mahamuni m" mahamunim


> "vickysharma132" vickysharma132

> 13. Re: Fwd: RE: Pramod Mahajan...

> "sreeram srinivas" sreeram64

> 14. Naming a child-Auspicious Name

> "Swami Daivyaga" swami_rcs

> 15. Re: To Pandit. R.DAKSHINAMOORTHI... Remedy Request

> "dakshinastrologer" dakshinastrologer

> 16. Re: 2 zappad do .......... he will start listening to

> "panditarjun2004" panditarjun2004

> 17. Sense of humour

> "nutan2510" nutan2510

> 18. Re: Manthra given for getting good sleep!!!

> "Haresh (Harry) Nathani" haresh1405

> 19. Re: vimshottri dash - Jupiter in Maha Dasha

> "Haresh (Harry) Nathani" haresh1405

> 20. authentic data if shri mahajan

> "Vijay Goel" goyalvj

> 21. to all gurus

> "nutan2510" nutan2510

> 22. Re: Materialist or Spiritualist? (for Azaad)

> "John" jr_esq

> 23. Re: Materialist or Spiritualist? (for Azaad)

> "John" jr_esq

> 24. Re: Past Life Death Reason

> "Dhira Krsna BCS" Dhira.Krsna.BCS

> 25. Re: Past Life Death Reason

> "Dhira Krsna BCS" Dhira.Krsna.BCS









> Message 1

> "AA Dhaya" dayalan_a

> Wed Apr 26, 2006 4:22am(PDT)

> Manthra given for getting good sleep!!!


> Dear friends,


> This is SivaDayaalan. If you are not having enough

> sleep or always confused I can give a manthra to you.

> If you chant it for 20 minutes, you will get mental

> peace, Concenteration and Good sleep. If you are

> interested, plz send me a mail.


> Regards,


> SivaDayaalan


> E-Mail:dayalan_a


















> Message 2

> "Prathamesn Chawan" upaoakcrest

> Wed Apr 26, 2006 4:22am(PDT)

> Re: IMP- Marriage prospect


> They both are extremely arrogant and Girl is more arrogant than boy.


> Girl will earn much more than the boy.


> Please confirm this


> Best Wishes


> Matthew


> Anil Singh wrote:

> Dear All Members,


> Can you analyze the prospects of marriage of these two

> charts.


> First I should tell you the background behind it:-

> Girl is my cousin. Lately, her parents started

> searching for alliance. Coincidently they hit a chart

> which girl already knew. Boy was working with her some

> 6 months back and had a major crush on her. But she

> refused as she never felt the same for him, however,

> she always considered him as a very close/good friend.

> They used to spend a lot of time together in office

> and outside office too but their was nothing from

> girl's end.

> After verifying from Astrologer it seems they had a

> good matching points. Now, the girl is in dilemma

> whther she should wait for somebody else or shall she

> settle down with this guy for many reasons. First they

> had a very good understanding. Second, Astrologically

> match seems propserous. Third, he loves her a lot and

> he is ready to convince his parents despite age

> difference between them. Fourth, she thinks she need

> to settle down now and couple pof astrologers told her

> family that if she doesnt get married by aug then it

> will be delay of another 1 yr. Fifth, she has

> struggled a lot for the last 10 yrs and she is not at

> all satisfied with the shape of her life; many

> astrologers told her that she will rise after marriage

> and also she want to live peacefully now. Sixth, I

> told her that boy has a strong horoscope and it

> matches with hers.


> Girls Details:-

> 9/jan/1978; 12.30; ALLAHABAD; 25N28, 81E52

> Nakshatra- Uttarashada


> Boys Details:-

> 11/nov/1982; 12:45; BENARAS; 25N20; 83E0

> Nakshatra- Uttaraphalguni


> Can learned members please comment on following:-

> 1) Whether love (cum arranged) possibly marriage is

> written in her chart?

> 2) Compatibility will be good between them after

> marriage?

> 3) Will they rise in profession after marriage?


> I would really appreciate your help.

> regards,

> Anil












> To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology- (AT) (DOT)



> ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......


> || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu ||








> Visit your group "vedic astrology" on the web.



> vedic astrology




























> Message 3

> "M.S.Meghanath" msmeghanath

> Wed Apr 26, 2006 4:22am(PDT)

> Son's future


> Respected Sirs,

> My son is appearing for the civil services exam on the

> 14th of May 2006. I would be grateful if you could help me in

letting me

> know if he will be successful in the same. Please also let me know

as to how

> his future will be. Its been two years since he has completed his

> graduation.I would also be greatful if you could let me know

whatever is possible about his future.


> Date of birth : 14-10-1982

> Time of Birth : 16:43

> Place of Birth : Bangalore, Karnataka


> Regards,

> Meghanath




> ---

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> Virus Database (VPS): 0617-1, 04/25/2006

> Tested on: 4/26/2006 10:35:46 AM

> avast! - copyright © 1988-2006 ALWIL Software.

> http://www.avast.com



















> Message 4

> "mahamuni m" mahamunim

> Wed Apr 26, 2006 4:23am(PDT)

> Please Help me - All Please help me.




> mahamuni m wrote: Respected Sir,

> Please help me with the below details and questions. It will be

> greatful if you help me to get away from this problem.


> Name: Chithra

> Date of Birth: 01-11-1971

> TIme of Birth : 5-30 A.M

> Place of Birth: Chidambaram (Tamilnadu, India)

> email id : chithramanimekalai


> Raasi : Meena


> Please look into my horoscope and let me know the remedies.

> Easily you can find out the problem if you see my Horoscope.


> My Questions:

> 1) When will I get married. My parents are extremely worried

> because of me.

> 2) WIll I get Affectionate And good Husband. I want a peaceful(with

> No fight) life. Will my husband be affectionate and good with me

> 3) Whether he will be in Job.

> 5) Somebody said the marriage will break.Is this true. What should i

> do to avoid this.

> 6) Somebady said i will not have Children. Is this true.

> 7) What pooja i should do To get married soon.

> 8) What i should NOT do to live peacefully with my Husband.

> 9) Please suggest some remedies(poojas) to get married soon.


> I want to know indeptgh about my marriage life.I want a good and

> affectionate Husband. Please suggest based on my Horoscope.


> Thanks

> Chithra





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> Message 5

> "Fish" fish

> Wed Apr 26, 2006 4:23am(PDT)

> Re: To Pandit. R.DAKSHINAMOORTHI... Remedy Request


> Hi,


> Ok I'm not replying with a suggested remedy but I found a few days


> which I linked from my website. I think they offer online data entry

> jobs. Perhaps your friend can give it a try. If I remember


> the website I think is at http://online-data-entry-jobs.syts.info/


> -*-

> Get Food for the Soul at www.ThePiscean.com


> Fish



> king23.rm wrote:

> > Dear Sir,

> >

> > Please suggest remedy for my friend, Siva... He is jobless


> >

> > Palan

> > October 21, 1972

> > Time: 2:46:00 pm

> > Time Zone: 7:30:00 (East of GMT)

> > Place: 101 E 15' 10", 3 N 21' 10"

> > Selangor, Malaysia

> > Note : GMT is 7.30 coz changes in Malaysia time in 1980

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology- (AT) (DOT)


> >

> > ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......

> >

> > || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu ||

> > Links

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >














> Message 6

> "gaya sar'nath" aghorabhairav

> Wed Apr 26, 2006 4:23am(PDT)



> JKrishnamurti.org Quotes:


> This Pure Flame of Passion


> In most of us there is very little passion. We may be lustful, we


> be longing for something, we may be wanting to escape from


> and all this does give one a certain intensity. But unless we awaken


> feel our way into this flame of passion without a cause, we shall


> be able to understand that which we call sorrow. To understand


> you must have passion, the intensity of complete attention. Where


> is the passion for something, which produces contradiction,


> this pure flame of passion cannot be; and this pure flame of passion

> must exist in order to end sorrow, dissipate it completely.


> Beauty Beyond Feeling


> Without passion how can there be beauty? I do not mean the beauty of

> pictures, buildings, painted women, and all the rest of it. They


> their own forms of beauty. A thing put together by man, like a


> a temple, a picture, a poem, or a statue may or may not be


> But there is a beauty which is beyond feeling and thought and which

> cannot be realized, understood, or known if there is not passion. So

do not

> misunderstand the word passion. It is not an ugly word; it is not a

> thing you can buy in the market or talk about romantically. It has


> whatever to do with emotion, feeling. It is not a respectable thing;


> is a flame that destroys anything that is false. And we are always


> afraid to allow that flame to devour the things that we hold dear,


> things that we call important.


> A Passion for Everything


> For most of us, passion is employed only with regard to one thing,


> or you suffer passionately and try to resolve that suffering. But I


> using the word passion in the sense of a state of mind, a state of

> being, a state of your inward core, if there is such a thing, that


> very strongly, that is highly sensitive—sensitive alike to dirt, to

> squalor, to poverty, and to enormous riches and corruption, to the

beauty of

> a tree, of a bird, to the flow of water, and to a pond that has the

> evening sky reflected upon it. To feel all this intensely, strongly,


> necessary. Because without passion life becomes empty, shallow, and

> without much meaning. If you cannot see the beauty of a tree and

love that

> tree, if you cannot care for it intensely, you are not living.


> Total Abandonment


> Perhaps you have never experienced that state of mind in which there


> total abandonment of everything, a complete letting go. And you


> abandon everything without deep passion, can you? You cannot abandon

> everything intellectually or emotionally. There is total


> surely, only when there is intense passion. Don't be alarmed by that


> because a man who is not passionate, who is not intense, can never

> understand or feel the quality of beauty. The mind that holds

something in

> reserve, the mind that has a vested interest, the mind that clings


> position, power, prestige, the mind that is respectable, which is a

> horror—such a mind can never abandon itself.


> A Thing of the Mind


> What we call our love is a thing of the mind. Look at yourselves,


> and ladies, and you will see that what I am saying is obviously


> otherwise, our lives, our marriage, our relationships, would be


> different, we would have a new society. We bind ourselves to


> not through fusion, but through contract, which is called love,

> marriage. Love does not fuse, adjust—it is neither personal nor

impersonal, it

> is a state of being. The man who desires to fuse with something

> greater, to unite himself with another, is avoiding misery,

confusion; but the

> mind is still in separation, which is disintegration. Love knows

> neither fusion nor diffusion, it is nether personal nor impersonal,

it is a

> state of being which the mind cannot find; it can describe it, give

it a

> term, a name, but the word, the description, is not love. It is only

> when the mind is quiet that it shall know love, and that state of

> quietness is not a thing to be cultivated.


> Sex


> Sex is a problem because it would seem that in that act there is

> complete absence of the self. In that moment you are happy, because


> is the cessation of self-consciousness, of the "me"; and desiring

more of

> it—more of the abnegation of the self in which there is complete

> happiness, without the past or the future?demanding that complete


> through full fusion, integration, naturally it becomes all-


> Isn't that so? Because it is something that gives me unadulterated


> complete self-forgetfulness, I want more and more of it. Now, why do


> want more of it? Because, everywhere else I am in conflict,


> else, at all the different levels of existence, there is the

strengthening of

> the self. Economically, socially, religiously, there is the constant

> thickening of self-consciousness, which is conflict.

> After all, you are self-conscious only when there is conflict.

> Self-consciousness is in its very nature the result of conflict. . .



> So, the problem is not sex, surely, but how to be free from the


> You have tasted that state of being in which the self is not, if


> for a few seconds, if only for a day, or what you will; and where


> self is, there is conflict, there is misery, there is strife. So,

there is

> the constant longing for more of that self-free state.


> We Have Made Sex a Problem


> Why is it that whatever we touch we turn into a problem? ...Why has


> become a problem? Why do we submit to living with problems; why do


> not put an end to them? Why do we not die to our problems instead of

> carrying them day after day, year after year? Surely, sex is a


> question, which I shall answer presently, but there is the primary

> question: why do we make life into a problem? Working, sex, earning


> thinking, feeling, experiencing, you know, the whole business of

> living—why is it a problem? Is it not essentially because we always

think from

> a particular point of view, from a fixed point of view? We are


> thinking from a center towards the periphery, but the periphery is


> center for most of us, and so anything we touch is superficial. But


> is not superficial; it demands living completely, and because we are

> living only superficially, we know only superficial reaction.

Whatever we

> do on the periphery must inevitably create a problem, and that is


> life—we live in the superficial and we are content to live there


> all the problems of the superficial. So, problems exist as long as


> live in the superficial, on the periphery—the periphery being the

"me" and

> its sensations, which can be externalized or made subjective, which


> be identified with the universe, with the country, or with some


> thing made up by the mind. So, as long as we live within the field


> the mind there must be complications, there must be problems; and

that is

> all we know.


> To Love Is to Be Chaste


> This problem of sex is not simple and it cannot be solved on its own

> level. To try to solve it purely biologically is absurd; and to


> it through religion or to try to solve it as though it were a mere

> matter of physical adjustment, of glandular action, or to hedge it

in with

> taboos and condemnations is all too immature, childish, and stupid.


> requires intelligence of the highest order. To understand ourselves


> our relationship with another requires intelligence far more swift


> subtle than to understand nature. But we seek to understand without

> intelligence; we want immediate action, an immediate solution, and


> problem becomes more and more important. . . . Love is not mere


> thoughts are only the external action of the brain. Love is much


> much more profound, and the profundity of life can be discovered


> in love. Without love, life has no meaning—and that is the sad part


> our existence. We grow old while still immature; our bodies become


> fat, and ugly, and we remain thoughtless. Though we read and talk


> it, we have never known the perfume of life. Mere reading and

> verbalizing indicates an utter lack of the warmth of heart that

enriches life;

> and without that quality of love, do what you will, join any


> bring about any law, you will not solve this problem. To love is to


> chaste.


> Mere intellect is not chastity. The man who tries to be chaste in

> thought, is unchaste, because he has no love. Only the man who loves


> chaste, pure, incorruptible.


> What Do You Mean by Love?


> Love is the unknowable. It can be realized only when the known is

> understood and transcended. Only when the mind is free of the known,


> only there will be love. So, we must approach love negatively, not

> positively.


> What is love to most of us? With us, when we love, in it there is

> possessiveness, dominance, or subservience. From this possession


> jealously and fear of loss, and we legalize this possessive

instinct. From

> possessiveness arise jealousy and the innumerable conflicts with


> each one is familiar. Possessiveness, then, is not love. Nor is love


> === message truncated ===




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