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Sacred Thread Questions

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I was not born into a Hindu family but have come to consider myself Hindu. I goto the local Temple as much as I can, which is usually once a week as it's an hour from where I live. Tonight I'm going and I was going to ask the priest about the Upanayama ceremony. I know the priest will answer my questions, but I would just like to ask opinions of others.

Since I wasn't born into a Hindu family and am now 22 years old, would Upanayama ceremony be required to wear the Sacred Thread, or would a less elaborate ceremony be okay? Less elaborate as in I take the vows and receive the Thread from the priest. After I receive the thread, would it then be okay for me to perform the Sandhyavandanam at sunrise and sunset?

I realize none of this may be expected of me, but I want to do it. I'm a Hindu so I want to do things as a Hindu.


I thank you all for your help,



Ganesha sharanam, sharanam Ganesha

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Have you read the Bhagavad-gita "as it is" by Srila Prabhupada?


Real love of God is the important thing, rituals are not so important as chanting the Hare Krishna Mantra, which is the only means of deliverance in this age of Kali.


But if it makes you feel more commited it would not hurt, just dont think by becoming twice born your business of development in Krishna consciousness is finished.


Read Prabhupadas books "the Originals" not the changed ones.


Chant Hare Krishna


Eat Prasadam


Associate with like minded devotees and Go back to Godhead Happy!


Hare Krishna

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There's no real information for most of us here to base any response. What's required depends on the standards of those from whom you're getting the sacred thread. Why do you want a string? It's not a requirement for becoming Hindu, is it? It's a bit of a bother, to tell the truth, in everyday life. In any event, I think the best answers will come from the priest from whom you intend to receive this samskar. And I assume he'll tell you when to perform sandhyavandanam; my guru did.

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If it is a regular Hindu temple, then they usually believe upanayanam is based on one's caste. Thus if you are not born into a particular higher caste they will not perform the upanayanam. General Hinduism is very caste centered.


There are other groups that do not base initiation on caste, such as ISKCON. I am sure there are many other organizations, but I don't recall which one's by name. They will initiate people regardless of birth, including upanayanam. But there will be requirements that each organization stipulates. For example within ISKCON you must give up certain unclean activities, such as eating meat, intoxication, illicet sex, and gambling; also you should cultivate certain positive qualities such as truthfullness, compassion, etc.

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