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navathiruppathi-thirukkurunkudi-part6 concluding post

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Dear SrIvaishnavas,

this is the conlcuding post





On the last day of adiyens trip, me and Ramanujam

swami, started to thirukkurunkudi, luckly we got a

direct bus going to velliyur, passing through

vanamamalai and thirukkurunkudi, since we know we

could either make up only one of the both temples,

some how the choice went to thitukkurunkudi.

Thirukkurunkudi is a wonderful temple. Its

architecture is marvelous. perumAl is in 5 forms,

nintra nambi, iruntha nambi and kidantha nambi are

inside the temple itself, thiruparkadal nambi is bit

far away. And malai nambi needs another day to reach.

Only access is with a jeep. Thayar: kurunkudi valli

nacchiyar. Thirukkunkudi has close association with

emperumAnar. The Lord here is in three separate

shrines, standing in one, seated in another and

reclining on the third. The images are of stucco

beautifully painted. Bhoomi Devi was in a mellow

green, Sri Devi in a golden yellow. True to his name

of Sundaraparipoornan or Vadivazhagiyanambi (one of

matchless beauty) the Lord was of breathtaking beauty.

(no wonder nammAzwAr said “nambiyai then kurunkudi

nintra a chembonEthikazhum thirumUrthiyai……encholli

marappanO??) Flanked by Brigu and Markandeya, the

archakar told how the Lord blessed Kari and

Udayanangai with their progeny Nammazhwar. Since

perumAl is in varnakalapam, thirumanjanam is not

performed to the moolavar. Nintra nambi is also known

as srI vaishnava nambi, as he is considerd as the

sishya of emperumanar. The place where perumAl

received thiruman from emperumanar, is known as

thiruparivatta parai is also preserved. Emerumanar

both moolavar and uthsavar has upadESa mudrai instead

of anjali hastham. Uthsavar is kept inside azhwar

shrine in the temple. The same shrine holds the

uthsavar of thirumangai azhwar as well. Thirumangai

azhwar spent his last days in a paddy field near to

the temple, that place is considered as his

thiruvarasu (place from which he peacefully ascended

to paramapadam). He speaks as Parakala Naayaki,

kurunkuTikkE ennai uytthidumin (9.5.1 perirya

thirumohi). There is a small shrine for thirumankai

azhwar. The whole area full of coconut tress, banana

plantations and paddy. We met thirukkurunkudi jIyar

and thirunAraNan swami (who is looking after the SrI

mutt). Who offered us with prasadam as a lunch.

thirunAraNan swami spoke to us for a while, which in

turn, became a short of upanyasam.  He wonderfully

explained the importance of thirunedunthANdakam,

SrIvachanabhUshanam and AchArya hridayam as SAsthrAs,

in the SrIvaishNava sampradAyam. During his talk he

quoted from kambarAmAyanam and SrIrAmAyaNam, several

times and in the end he told, “look such a nice day it

is, only chakravarthi thirumagans words comes in my

mouth” and the day indeed was SrIrAmanavami.

Thirukkurunkudi hosts kaISika nATakam, on the kaiSika

EkadaSi day, as it narrates a wonderful story, in

varahapuranam, happened between nambAduvAn, the

brahmarAkshas, and nambi kizhavan (thirukkurunkudi

nambi). swAmi parASarabhattar has explained the

details of kaiSika mahAthmyam, in a wonderful

commentary in manipravaLa.

Tips: vanamamalai and thirukkurunkudi closes at 12.

And it is impossible to make all 5 nambi shrines in

one day at thirukkurunkudi. If you go by car, one can

cover vanamamalai and thirukkurunkudi together, but we

took the local bus, and also we did not prefer a

running trip. Every place, we spent, at least 1-2

hours, meeting the people and talking to them. At

thirukkurunkudi, if you can catch an Autorikshaw,

(around 100 Rs) one can cover thiruparivatta parai,

thirumangai azhwar, and thiruparkadal nambi. Malai

nambi, needs a day of up and down in jeep.



And now,aDiyEn is concluding this series...my heart is

still in navathirupathi. adiyen and SrI rAmAnujam

swami departed at the valliyur busstand, he went back

to azhwar thirunagari, and adiyen back home to

kottayam thru thirunelveli-trivandrum.

adieyn once again express heartfelt thanks to

ramanujam swami, for the wondeful hosting, and besides

is old age, he came with me to all places, explaining

manythings stringed with pillai lokachars and

thiruvaymozhi quottings.




adiyEn once again requests the devotees to pay a visit

to the bhavishyad AchAryan sannidhi, which needs our

attention urgently.







Azhwar emperumAnAr jIyer thiruvaDikaLE SaraNam





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