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The reason for anger is that the nervous system is weak.  In the practice of Kundalini Yoga, the nerves strengthen, partly due to the energy generated from the postures and movements combined with breathing or the use of mantra, especially with breathing and chanting to vibrate the sound throughout the electrified system.


If there is anger still, then it means that the practice is incorrect, possibly in the breathing where some do not fully expand and contract the lungs during  long deep breathing, or the mistake of tightening ancillary body muscles during the expansion and contraction of the diaphragm during breath of fire.


Moreover, in every exercise of Kundalini Yoga there is an active and passive aspect.  During the active aspect the voltage is generated, while during the passive aspect the glands secrete to support the voltage, both in coating the nerves and balancing the chemistry in the circulatory system that allows a sustained voltage.


In addition, at the end of every set, there should be a time for the body to experience yogic sleep.  this is a bit like rebooting a computer for new programming to take effect.


Without the adherence to these fundamentals, the nerves will be somewhat raw and the result is a kind of a weakness that gives rise to irritation and anger.


With proper practice, there ensues a deep and penetrating peace that melds with the Peace of the Infinite Soul which is the substratum of our being and consciousness.  Then we live in a divine and magic atmosphere, wherein we experience Goodness and the Will of the One to make us happy.


Please consider these fundamentals in your practice and be always happy.


As one practices, gradually the sustainable voltage increases, deepens, penetrates and radiates, and in and through that process you experience a clarity and grounding, like the force of a graviton, a sense of the mind becoming inward bent, dwelling and pondering in consideration of a deepening stillness which is at the core of your being , so that the reflective mind in the brain becomes absorbed in the self-effulgent sun of your spiritual heart (unrelated to the anahata chakra).  The effect is relentless and inexorable in the practice of Kundalini Yoga.  Moreover, you will find that It is also unaffected by the degree and intensity of work, life and activities no matter how ardent, which are enhanced by It.  You become completely and fully here, penetrating and pervasively in the moment, which is also eternal.


One day you will speak in a pervasive voice: I am Consciousness Itself, I am the Truth, and you single and pervasive being will reverberate Sat Nam.


So, simply put, just continue every day Sadhana, and This, which is What is only Real, will all emerge by Itself.



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Thank you Pieter.   You quietly simplify the whole matter.   I felt peaceful

just reading it.   I have been a little bit out of balance for past 6 weeks

and your words will make it easier for me to continue in a better way.   I was

fascinated reading those words.   You must be right there and right in the



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Sat Nam,


I would like to add a comment about anger.  Obviously the irritation that we

experience and reactionary effects caused by a weak nervous system that

Pietre is talking about is not good and can be shifted through the practice

of KY.


(One set that works really well to repair damage to our nervous system from

inner anger is the Anger Set on Pages 56-7 in Relax and Renew.)


There seems to be, however, an underlying belief that all anger is a bad

thing and must be eliminated.  If we are functioning properly anger is a

normal human reaction that indicates that something is not OK AND that we

must do something about it.  The primal energy of anger motivates us to take

action and furnishes the energy to do so.


If we had no accumulated anger, our anger reactions would not be programmed

responses, but totally relelvant to the situation at the moment.


However, for various reasons in the past we have been unable or unwilling to

take action to support or defend ourselves.  This creates accumulated inner

anger.  We perceive ourselves either as a victim, blaming something or

someone else, or we blame ourselves and feel incompetent, unworthy, etc.


To release ourselves from the old anger, we need to learn to take action for

ourselves.  We need to use this primal energy to DO something.  We must take

action that not only uses this energy but uses it in a way that we feel

empowered. So when you feel angry, figure out why and DO something that

supports you in some way.


In one our my classes we worked on focusing the navel energy and then

bringing it up to the heart -- to use the flame of our fire energy to light

up our hearts.  At the end of the class one student was delighted as he

shared, "Oh now I get it, we use our anger energy to open our heart so we

feel the courage to live our lives fully."




Gururattana :+)

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Sat Nam Gururattana,

beautifully said. Our emotions are not our enemies unless we separate

from them and treat them as if they are so begin to work against

ourselves. It's handy to stop and think for a minute about the simple

fact that if we didn't have feelings we wouldn't have love or

compasssion either. Anger is the fire of life flaring up when we need

it to protect that very life, temper your anger with love and

understanding and it can be a very powerful guide to what the soul

will and won't stand (or sit, or lie down) for. Clean burning

anger...anger that is felt in the moment and used constructively...is

cleansing. It is only when we repress and deny our anger that it

becomes destructive. If we repress our anger we turn it against

ourselves, we also start to lie to ourselves about what our souls

really feel, desire and need. This is destructive of ourselves and

will eventually become destructive to those around us.






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I don't think Pieter's explanation has been acknowledged properly.



I don't think Pieter is saying that anger is wrong or bad. You're all

approaching anger in a very healing and healthful way.



What Pieter is saying, as I understand it, is that as you build your nervous

system through Kundalini Yoga, at some point there is no more anger

registered in your system, the energy that could have been felt as anger is

now moving so well in your system that you can channel it to it's rightful

purpose without struggle.





Awtar s


Rochester, NY









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I concur with your comments, having walked away with

the same impression you relate in regards to Pieter's



Our bodies can be house to emotions as a guest, wanted

or unwanted.  The nervous system channels the emotions

between body, mind and psyche.  A nervous system that

is nurtured and strong can dissipate emotions with

smooth flow and steady rhythm.


The debate between dualism and non-dualism is--at

least in writing-- some 5,000 to 7,000 years old.  Do

we reach a point of ecstacy by realising the charade

of nature and it's gunas.  Or, do we realize that

nature is one with the psyche.  Again, these can be

considered rhetorical questions--as these philosophies

have been debated for thousands of years.  Here in

lies the difference between Pantajali's classical yoga

and other well known schools of yoga.


Either way--we can look to our nervouse system to tie

together our three bodies.


With love and light,






--- kundalini_yoga (AT) hotmail (DOT) com wrote:


> I don't think Pieter's explanation has been

> acknowledged properly.



> I don't think Pieter is saying that anger is wrong

> or bad. You're all

> approaching anger in a very healing and healthful

> way.



> What Pieter is saying, as I understand it, is that

> as you build your nervous

> system through Kundalini Yoga, at some point there

> is no more anger

> registered in your system, the energy that could

> have been felt as anger is

> now moving so well in your system that you can

> channel it to it's rightful

> purpose without struggle.



> Blessings,


> Awtar s


> Rochester, NY




> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]









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Kundalini Yoga, Books, Videos and DVDs on Kundalini Yoga, Meditation and Mantra CDs





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