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Happy Married life possible? - Ketu in 12th and debilited Sun with combust venus in 7th

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|om gurave namah |

Respected Gurujis,

I am looking at a horoscope of a native - horoscope attached - who is facing lot of problems in her married life. Looking at her horroscope, 7th house is aspected by Sani, Bandhaka, and the 7th house is also helmed between malefics Rahu in 6th and Mercury in 8th. Moreover, her UL has Mars in it. This combo and ketu in 12th all point to serious marital conflict.

There is also conjunction between debilited Sun (wealth) and combust retro Venus(spouse), Moon in 12th with ketu and Mercury in scorpio in 8th is further aggravating the issue. The only saving grace seems to be an exalted Jupiter in 4th aspecting the 8th.

Learneds please let me know your opinion on the analysis and please add to the readings/analysis.

For remedies My first instinct was to strenghen the Jupiter, however Jupiter is in Parivartan with Moon in 12th. Hence, I think worshiping Lord Ganesha to pacify Ketu and prayers to strengthen/pacify the Sun will help the native.

Gurujis please feel free to correct me if I am wrong.


Warm Regards,


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|om gurave namah |

Respected Members,

I attached the horoscope but forgot to write the birth details:

DOB of the native:

Gender: Female

DOB: 12 Nov 1978

Time: 17:24 (5:24 pm)

Place: Nangal, Punjab (31:24:N and 76:24:E)

I will really apprecite any pointers to the mistakes, valuable insights and other suggestions on the readings.




Pranav Gupta <sushmagupta51 > wrote:

|om gurave namah |

Respected Gurujis,

I am looking at a horoscope of a native - horoscope attached - who is facing lot of problems in her married life. Looking at her horroscope, 7th house is aspected by Sani, Bandhaka, and the 7th house is also helmed between malefics Rahu in 6th and Mercury in 8th. Moreover, her UL has Mars in it. This combo and ketu in 12th all point to serious marital conflict.

There is also conjunction between debilited Sun (wealth) and combust retro Venus(spouse), Moon in 12th with ketu and Mercury in scorpio in 8th is further aggravating the issue. The only saving grace seems to be an exalted Jupiter in 4th aspecting the 8th.

Learneds please let me know your opinion on the analysis and please add to the readings/analysis.

For remedies My first instinct was to strenghen the Jupiter, however Jupiter is in Parivartan with Moon in 12th. Hence, I think worshiping Lord Ganesha to pacify Ketu and prayers to strengthen/pacify the Sun will help the native.

Gurujis please feel free to correct me if I am wrong.


Warm Regards,





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Om Gurave Namah

Dear Pranav,

First what I saw in this chart is that Shukra is under strong curse in the seventh bhava conjoining Surya and having third drishti of Shani and secondary drishti of Rahu. Shukra is the seventh lord in Rasi and Navamsha chart. Also there is dosha with Shukra's placement in seventh house for which is Karaka. For marriage problems, I think first remedy should be fast on the day of UL, in this case Tuesday and try to remove curse of Shukra. This can be very hard because Shukra is Vakri. In Vedic Remedies Guruji Sanjay wrote: "remedy lies in the donation of an idol of Lakshmi-Narayana, fertile cow or bed/ ornaments/ garments for a newly married couple. Alternatively by helping other people to marry and settle down, one is relieved of the curse". For detailed remedy like pujas and various mantras some of Guru's need to give advised.

I do not see why Mangala in own sign and Ketu in moolatrikona are so bad in this chart, especially because Ma is Darakaraka ruling over UL and Ke as Kula Devata?!

If I am wrong please correct me.

Hope this help


Jaya Jagannatha


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