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Meaning of 'mam janmani janmanisvare bhavatad bhaktir ahaituky

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Dear Nayan Prabhu,


PAMHO . AGTSP. Thank you for your answers. I had some more questions.


>But only in the spiritual world (not with this material body) can a pure

>devotee experience the seven higher levels of prema and only on that

>platform can one really enter into an intimate relationship of the Lord. So

>Bhaktivinoda Thakura and Srila Prabhupada as well are actually in favour for

>going BTG because it is only in the spiritual world that we can serve Krsna



1. Does "going BTG" mean a change in physical location? i.e. is it like

going from Mumbai to Chennai - a different place altogether?

(The understanding I had so far was that going back to godhead means a

complete change of perception of reality resulting from a radical change in

the consciousness - something like awakening from a dream. Being present or

not present in the material body is not of consequence to the pure

devotee's perception of Truth. And the change in the material body is only

incidental - like the description of Narada Muni leaving the body in his

previous birth. I am eager to hear your explanation. )


2. Can you elaborate more on "only in the spiritual world that we can serve


perfectly"? I am sure you do not mean that the service rendered to the Lord

by acharyas like Srila Prabhupada or Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura in their

lilas manifest to us, are any less perfect than their lilas otherwise. But,

if this is what you actually meant, can you explain more.



>But we all know that Srila

>Prabhupada said that Lord wants so much that devotee returns back to Him. So

>why should the devotee be against the idea. Infact he should ask for that

>because he knows that this is what the Lord actually wants. And LC does that

>in the very next verse in His Sikshashtakam:

>ayi nanda-tanuja kinkaram patitam mam visame bhavambudhau krpaya tava

>pada-pankaja- sthita-dhuli-sadrsam vicintaya "`O My Lord, O Krsna, son of

>Maharaja Nanda, I am Your eternal servant, but because of My own fruitive

>acts I have fallen into this horrible ocean of nescience. Now please be

>causelessly merciful to Me. Consider Me a particle of dust at Your lotus

>feet.' (Cc Antya 20.32)


3. In this verse, we do see LC praying for becoming "a particle of dust at

Your lotus feet", but not "going back to Godhead". Does this indicate that

"going BTG" and "becoming a particle of dust at the lotus feet of the Lord"

are one and the same?


4. Once the pure devotee has entered the Lord's nitya-lila, then why would

the Lord want anything else, since that is the constitutional position

(svarupa) of the jiva, irrespective of whether that jiva is surrounded by a

material body or not?

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> Dear Nayan Prabhu,


> PAMHO . AGTSP. Thank you for your answers. I had some more questions.


> >But only in the spiritual world (not with this material body) can a pure

> >devotee experience the seven higher levels of prema and only on that

> >platform can one really enter into an intimate relationship of the Lord.

> >So Bhaktivinoda Thakura and Srila Prabhupada as well are actually in

> >favour for going BTG because it is only in the spiritual world that we

> >can serve Krsna perfectly.


Is it a wrong desire to BTG? When i am a kanistha devotee, that desire may

elevate me to the madhyama platform. When i am a pure devotee-madhyama i may

want one day to relish direct Krsna's association and this can help me to

elevate to the uttama platform and then i am already BTG.


Srila Prabhupada was in favor for BTG. His BTG magazine were found for this

purpose. Sincerely when i first time read Bhagavad Gita i did not understand

much, but i noticed that every few pages i found a statement "... and by

this, or then ... you can go back home, back to Godhead." Every few pages.

And this was very attractive to me and still gives me inspiration. One day

Srila Prabhupada told my spiritual master that here everything is very

difficult but when i take you BTG everything will be very simple and

sublime. Although my spiritual master is fired up preacher and not once he

express desire to stay here many lifetimes for preaching purposes he

sometimes reminds us that we all are for BTG purpose here.


your servant

Dvarkadhis das

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