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Boro Sukher Khabor G€i - “The Song of the Broker”

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This is my favourite song about the mercy of Lord Nityananda. I beg at the

feet of all devotees to continuously sing and meditate on this song today

and in this way beg the treasure of the Holy Names from Lord Nityananda.


Boro Sukher Khabor G€i

D€l€ler G…t€—“The Song of the Broker”

from VaiŠava-Siddh€nta-M€l€ by Bhaktivinoda µh€kura



boro sukher khabor g€i

surabhi-kuñjete n€mer h€˜ khule’che / khoda nit€i


boro—great; sukher khabor—news of happiness; g€i—I sing; surabhi-kuñjete—in

the grove of Navadv…pa named Surabhi-kuñja; n€mer h€˜—the Marketplace of the

Holy Names; khule €che—is opened up; khoda nit€i—Lord Nity€nanda is Himself

the Owner and Manager.


1) I am singing news of the greatest happiness! At the place known as

Surabhi Kuñja in ®r… Navadv…pa, the Marketplace of the Holy Name has now

been opened—and Lord Nity€nanda Himself is the Proprietor.



boro moj€r kath€ t€y

raddh€-m™lye uddha-n€ma sei h€˜ete bik€y


boro—great; moj€r kath€—story of the amusing affairs taking place; t€y—there

(in that Marketplace); raddh€-m™lye—for the price of one’s faith;

uddha-n€m—the pure, original form of the Holy Name; sei—He (Lord

Nity€nanda); h€˜ete—in the Marketplace; bik€y—sells.


2) Such wonderful things are going on in that blissful marketplace! ®r…

Nity€nanda Prabhu is selling the pure Holy Name wholesale, merely for the

price of one’s faith.



jata bhakta-bnda basi’

adhik€r… dekhe’ n€ma becche daro kasi’


jata—all; bhakta-bnda—the assembly of devotees; basi’—waiting;

adhik€r…—those having the right to possess; dekhe’—He looks and examines;

n€m becche—sells the Holy Name; daro—the price; kasi’—enforcing His



3) Seeing the assembly of devotees eagerly waiting to purchase the Name,

Lord Nity€nanda first examines each of them to test their qualification;

then He sells them the Name by bargaining for His price accordingly.



jadi n€ma kinbe, bh€i

€m€r sa‰ge calo, mah€janer k€che j€i


jadi—if; n€m—the Holy Name; kinbe—will purchase; bh€i—O brother!; €m€r

sa‰ge—along with me; calo—come on; mah€janer k€che—in the presence of the

great soul Nity€nanda; j€i—I am going now.

4) O my dear friends! If you really want to buy this pure Holy Name, then

just come along with me, for I am now going to meet with this Nity€nanda




tumi kinbe kŠa-n€ma

dasturi loibo €mi, p™rŠa ha’be k€ma


tumi—you; kinbe—will purchase; kŠa-n€m—the Holy Name of KŠa;

dasturi—commission; loibo €mi—I will take; p™rŠa—fulfilled; ha’be—will

become; k€m—both of our desires.


5) Thus, you will finally be able to acquire the pure Holy Name. I will also

take my due commission, and in this way all three of us will fulfill our




boro doy€l nity€nanda

raddh€-m€tra lo’ye den parama-€nanda


boro—greatly; doy€l—merciful; nity€nanda—Lord Nity€nanda Prabhu;

raddh€-m€tra—only your faith; lo’ye—takes in exchange; den—gives;

parama-€nanda—the topmost divine bliss.


6) ®r… Nity€nanda Prabhu is so extraordinarily merciful—accepting only one’s

faith in the Holy Name, He bestows the topmost divine bliss.



ek-b€r dekhle cake jal

‘gaura’ bole’ nit€i den sakala sambal


ek-b€r—just once; dekhle—upon seeing; cake—in the eyes; jal—water (tears);

‘gaura’ bole’—while chanting the name of ‘Gaura’; nit€i den—Lord Nity€nanda

gives; sakala—all; sambal—support and supply of spiritual riches.


7) When Nit€i sees a tear welling in someone’s eye upon chanting the name of

“Gaura!” He instantly gives His support to that person; indeed, He bestows

all divine opulences.



den uddha kŠa-ik€

j€ti, dhana, vidy€, bala n€ kore apek€


den—He gives; uddha kŠa-ik€—the pure teachings of Lord KŠa;

j€ti—caste by birth; dhana—material wealth; vidy€—mundane knowledge;

bala—physical strength; n€ kore—does not do; apek€—care for.


8) He gives that person genuine realization of the pure teachings of ®r…

KŠa as found in the Bhagavad-g…t€ and ®r…mad-Bh€gavatam. While displaying

all this inconceivable mercy, He pays no attention to one’s caste, material

wealth, mundane knowledge, or physical ability.



amani ch€e m€y€-j€l

ghe th€ko, bane th€ko, n€ th€ke jañj€l


amani—spontaneously; ch€e—rejecting; m€y€-j€l—the network of m€y€’s traps;

ghe th€ko—just remain at home as a householder; bane th€ko—or just remain

in the forest as a renunciate; n€ th€ke—does not exist; jañj€l—troubles.


9) Now, dear friends, please reject all of m€y€’s entangling snares. If you

are a householder, then just remain at your home; if you are renounced, then

just live in the forest. Either way, nothing more will trouble you.



€r n€iko kalir bhoy

€caŠ€le den n€ma nit€i doy€moy


€r—any more; n€iko—there is not; kalir bhoy—fear of the age of Kali;

€caŠ€le—to everyone including the caŠ€las (uncivilized people); den—gives;

n€m—the Holy Name; nit€i doy€moy—Lord Nity€nanda, the most merciful.


10) We no longer need to fear the terrible Age of Quarrel, for the most

merciful Lord Nity€nanda gives the Holy Name to anyone and everyone—even to

the lowest among men.



bhaktivinoda €ki’ koy

nit€i-caraŠa bin€ €r n€hi €roy


bhaktivinoda—the author, ®r…la Bhaktivinoda µh€kura; €ki’—loudly calling

out; koy—says; nit€i-caraŠ—the feet of Lord Nityananda; bin€—except for; €r

n€hi—there is no other; €roy—safe shelter.


11) Bhaktivinoda loudly calls out and proclaims to all, “OTHER THAN THE


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