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RE: About Narayana Maharaja

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Dear Pandava Vijay,


Dandavats! Jaya Srila Prabhupada!


I was shocked to read your letter so full of negative topics regarding HH

Narayan Maharaja, who is a far senior Vaishnava to yourself. Even if

everything you said was true that still does NOT justify your letter. Those

who are the real followers of Srila Prabhupada remember that he specifically

warned us not to criticize his godbrothers or anyone in the Gaudiya Math. He

said only he could do it, not us. Why did he give that instruction? For many

reasons (some of which follow):


1. The principles of Vaishnava etiquette strictly forbid a junior to speak

negatively about a senior. This is to protect the sanctity of the junior's


2. Krishna is in everyone's heart and He knows well the truth of the

matter. Unless and until one has received a clear mandate to perform the

service of exposing a senior Vaishnava as bogus, such action is fraught with

danger and should be avoided like the plague. (That is if you intend to make

advancement in trnad api sunicena, taror iva sahisnuna, amanina manadena,

kirtaniya sada harih)

3. Srila Prabhupada taught us that even when we meet an obviously bogus

sannyasi (like a mayavadi) we should STILL offer respects to the post of

sannyasa. HH Vishnujana Maharaja followed Prabhupada's teaching in this

regard and was always respectful to every living entity including the bogus

Vishnubhai Acarya. Because of his saintly behavior Maharaja was beloved by

all the devotees. You can read about this further in Radha-Damodara Vilasa.

4. Since Prabhupada directly instructed us not to criticize the Gaudiya

Math people, you must accept this instruction, along with all of

Prabhupada's other instructions, to be considered a faithful follower.

5. Since the third offense in chanting the Holy Name is disobeying the

instructions of the Spiritual Master, once who criticizes the Gaudiya Math

people is rejecting Prabhupada's instruction and is committing spiritual

suicide by this aparadha.

6. Srila Prabhupada also taught us that we should never put into writing

that which should be left unsaid. Certain things that may be spoken in

private should never be written (what to speak of advertising worldwide!)

7. Your letter will have a counterproductive effect. The Narayan Maharaja

followers will use this against you and against ISKCON to establish your bad

character (and ISKCON's) while extolling his virtues by remaining aloof from

such aparadha.

8. Prabhupada always told us to preach positively, not negatively. We don't

attack others' faith in their guru but show how our teaching and behavior is

superior. Positive preaching is to extoll the virtues of Prabhupada and

ISKCON. Your letter was negative preaching.


You have written, "Although Prabhupada sought to keep us from being

misguided by stressing over and over the virtue of strict fidelity to the

instruction of the guru..."


But where is your own "strict fidleity to the instruction of the guru", our

Founder-Acharya Srila Prabhupada? I don't see any fidelity to Prabhupada's

instructions as explained above. Moreover, your letter will not change

anyone's mind about Narayana Maharaja. Rather, in the end, it will only

bring discredit to Prabhupada's ISKCON and your self. It may even cause

people to have doubts about Srila Prabhupada himself.


For you to publicly state that Narayana Maharaja's consciousness is an

instance of "corruption of intelligence" and that "he seems to be some

kind of talented pretender or imposter, who has seduced, beguiled and misled

many people" is so vulgar that no one will believe it! They will think, How

can such a junior person, so lacking in humility, and devoid of all respect

for his seniors, be taken seriously? Have you forgotten the ninth offense

(as well as the third offence)? If you think these people are mislead and

faithless then don't commit the aparadh of damning their choice and

disturbing the minds of the faithless, as Prabhupada and sastra has taught.


If you can't understand the deep reasons behind strictly obeying the ten

offenses, then obey them blindly! "Fools rush in where angels fear to



The irony of your next statement will not go un-noticed by the people you

think you are preaching to: "He acts in an envious manner to Vaishnavas and

seems to be driven by a competitive spirit of domination."


They will see YOUR consciousenss as the height of enviousness! Perhaps you

don't know that Prabhupada warned us not to judge other devotees to be in

maya, "If you say another devotee is in maya, it means you are in maya."


Again, if you are dasa anudasa, why are you taking the position of master?

Especially in regards to a person who is definitely senior to your self?

Sastra states that our eternal constitutional position is a servant. Here

you are taking the position of master to judge another Vaishnava who is far

senior to you both by material and spiritual considerations. How are you

acting in your eternal constitutional postion?


Then you arrogantly state: "He is unacquainted with Prabhupada's



But we don't see that you are at all familiar with Prabhupada's teachings by

your words and mood, as we have pointed out above. This will only work

against you and completely destroy your credibility.


Finally, you commit the gravest error by quoting Prabhupada's Cc.

Madhya-lila 19.159 and purport as if to say that this is how Prabhupada sees

Narayan Maharaja. You are risking your spiritual life by implying that our

Founder-Acharya regards Narayan Maharaja in this way. Unless Prabhupada

himself states this, you cannot speculate that you know his mind,

"vaisnavera kriya mudra vijneya na bhujaya."


All in all, your letter is very disturbing. You would be wise to apply the

maxim "let sleeping dogs lie." What you are doing is "stirring up the

hornet's nest."


Please take the humble approach and preach postively from now on.


yours in service, vaiyasaki dasa...

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dear vaiyasaki,



I was sent this deal about N. Maharaja as a attachment to other TV stuff.

It was written by Ravindra Svarupa. I have never read anything about N.

Maharaja as that is my way of staying "above" the fray. This deal seemed so

clear I thought it might help some devotees who are sitting on the fence.I

was very impressed by the way RV saw things as a Ph.D. with the loving

feelings of a nice disciple/ By the way...appreciate the stories in the V

swami book...Krishna used you as a tool. Very well done...I hope you are

considering another writing escapade.

your servant behind the camera,

Pandava vijaya dasa

received by over 648,000 homes

every Thursday 7:30pm

Hare Krishna TV/Dangerous TV

P.O. Box 273402

Houston, Texas 77277-3402 USA



At 12:56 PM 02/28/2000 +0000, you wrote:

>Dear Pandava Vijay,


>Dandavats! Jaya Srila Prabhupada!


>I was shocked to read your letter so full of negative topics regarding HH

>Narayan Maharaja, who is a far senior Vaishnava to yourself. Even if

>everything you said was true that still does NOT justify your letter. Those

>who are the real followers of Srila Prabhupada remember that he specifically

>warned us not to criticize his godbrothers or anyone in the Gaudiya Math. He

>said only he could do it, not us. Why did he give that instruction? For many

>reasons (some of which follow):


>1. The principles of Vaishnava etiquette strictly forbid a junior to speak

>negatively about a senior. This is to protect the sanctity of the junior's


>2. Krishna is in everyone's heart and He knows well the truth of the

>matter. Unless and until one has received a clear mandate to perform the

>service of exposing a senior Vaishnava as bogus, such action is fraught with

>danger and should be avoided like the plague. (That is if you intend to make

>advancement in trnad api sunicena, taror iva sahisnuna, amanina manadena,

>kirtaniya sada harih)

>3. Srila Prabhupada taught us that even when we meet an obviously bogus

>sannyasi (like a mayavadi) we should STILL offer respects to the post of

>sannyasa. HH Vishnujana Maharaja followed Prabhupada's teaching in this

>regard and was always respectful to every living entity including the bogus

>Vishnubhai Acarya. Because of his saintly behavior Maharaja was beloved by

>all the devotees. You can read about this further in Radha-Damodara Vilasa.

>4. Since Prabhupada directly instructed us not to criticize the Gaudiya

>Math people, you must accept this instruction, along with all of

>Prabhupada's other instructions, to be considered a faithful follower.

>5. Since the third offense in chanting the Holy Name is disobeying the

>instructions of the Spiritual Master, once who criticizes the Gaudiya Math

>people is rejecting Prabhupada's instruction and is committing spiritual

>suicide by this aparadha.

>6. Srila Prabhupada also taught us that we should never put into writing

>that which should be left unsaid. Certain things that may be spoken in

>private should never be written (what to speak of advertising worldwide!)

>7. Your letter will have a counterproductive effect. The Narayan Maharaja

>followers will use this against you and against ISKCON to establish your bad

>character (and ISKCON's) while extolling his virtues by remaining aloof from

>such aparadha.

>8. Prabhupada always told us to preach positively, not negatively. We don't

>attack others' faith in their guru but show how our teaching and behavior is

>superior. Positive preaching is to extoll the virtues of Prabhupada and

>ISKCON. Your letter was negative preaching.


>You have written, "Although Prabhupada sought to keep us from being

>misguided by stressing over and over the virtue of strict fidelity to the

>instruction of the guru..."


>But where is your own "strict fidleity to the instruction of the guru", our

>Founder-Acharya Srila Prabhupada? I don't see any fidelity to Prabhupada's

>instructions as explained above. Moreover, your letter will not change

>anyone's mind about Narayana Maharaja. Rather, in the end, it will only

>bring discredit to Prabhupada's ISKCON and your self. It may even cause

>people to have doubts about Srila Prabhupada himself.


>For you to publicly state that Narayana Maharaja's consciousness is an

>instance of "corruption of intelligence" and that "he seems to be some

>kind of talented pretender or imposter, who has seduced, beguiled and misled

>many people" is so vulgar that no one will believe it! They will think, How

>can such a junior person, so lacking in humility, and devoid of all respect

>for his seniors, be taken seriously? Have you forgotten the ninth offense

>(as well as the third offence)? If you think these people are mislead and

>faithless then don't commit the aparadh of damning their choice and

>disturbing the minds of the faithless, as Prabhupada and sastra has taught.


>If you can't understand the deep reasons behind strictly obeying the ten

>offenses, then obey them blindly! "Fools rush in where angels fear to



>The irony of your next statement will not go un-noticed by the people you

>think you are preaching to: "He acts in an envious manner to Vaishnavas and

>seems to be driven by a competitive spirit of domination."


>They will see YOUR consciousenss as the height of enviousness! Perhaps you

>don't know that Prabhupada warned us not to judge other devotees to be in

>maya, "If you say another devotee is in maya, it means you are in maya."


>Again, if you are dasa anudasa, why are you taking the position of master?

>Especially in regards to a person who is definitely senior to your self?

>Sastra states that our eternal constitutional position is a servant. Here

>you are taking the position of master to judge another Vaishnava who is far

>senior to you both by material and spiritual considerations. How are you

>acting in your eternal constitutional postion?


>Then you arrogantly state: "He is unacquainted with Prabhupada's



>But we don't see that you are at all familiar with Prabhupada's teachings by

>your words and mood, as we have pointed out above. This will only work

>against you and completely destroy your credibility.


>Finally, you commit the gravest error by quoting Prabhupada's Cc.

>Madhya-lila 19.159 and purport as if to say that this is how Prabhupada sees

>Narayan Maharaja. You are risking your spiritual life by implying that our

>Founder-Acharya regards Narayan Maharaja in this way. Unless Prabhupada

>himself states this, you cannot speculate that you know his mind,

>"vaisnavera kriya mudra vijneya na bhujaya."


>All in all, your letter is very disturbing. You would be wise to apply the

>maxim "let sleeping dogs lie." What you are doing is "stirring up the

>hornet's nest."


>Please take the humble approach and preach postively from now on.


>yours in service, vaiyasaki dasa...



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Dear Pandava Vijaya Prabhu:


Somehow your observations concerning Narayana Maharaja (of whom I am not a

follower) fit well ISKON's current disciplic succesion. The unsaintly

behaviour that you describe matches the well-documented profile of many

ISKCON gurus today and 23 years ago. Then, your point about replacing Srila

Prabhupada through some philosophical sabotage is what ISKCON devotees have

complained about for years refering to ISKCON's own gurus. So the fact that

many people have left and keep leaving the Movement is a self inflicted

wound which won't stop until the root causes of the problem are dealt with.

It is easy to find blame elsewhere but Srila Prabhupada stressed that the

danger for the institution comes from within not from any outside force.


So don't kid yourself. Your petty witch-hunt won't help the matter. Stick

to your tapes.






-----Mensaje original-----

De: Pandava [sMTP:pandava (AT) ev1 (DOT) net]

Enviado el: Sabado, 26 de Febrero de 2000 09:24 p.m.

Para: HKTV (Hare Krishna TV Houston); (Krsna) Katha; Mukhya (dd) (Askerod -


Asunto: About Narayana Maharaja


It is clear enough that Narayana Maharaja differs greatly from Srila

Prabhupada, but the deviation is explained away by claiming that Prabhupada

was, in effect, a lower-level guru (a teacher of vaidhi-bhakti only) while

Narayana Maharaja is a higher-level guru (a giver of raga-marga).

In essence, then, those who follow him may set aside significant parts of

Srila Prabhupada teachings and directions as a kind of outgrown elementary

instruction. In effect, Narayana Maharaja gives them the way to

(respectfully) disregard Srila Prabhupada's teachings without suffering the

pang of conscience.

Although Prabhupada sought to keep us from being misguided by stressing


and over the virtue of strict fidelity to the instruction of the guru,

Narayana Maharaja has circumvented this safeguard by sabotaging the

denotation of "guru."

While all of us thought that "fidelity to the guru" meant simply "fidelity

to Prabhupada," Narayana Maharaja has enabled some to now understand it as

"fidelity to Narayana Maharaja." This is an instance of "corruption of


How has Narayana Maharaja been so effective in thus replacing Srila

Prabhupada with himself? A large part of it rest upon his ability to

convince some of us that he was Prabhupada's first and most intimate

disciple, that Prabhupada handed us over to him, that he knows Prabhupada

better than we do, and so on.

Yet all these claims turn out to have no evidentiary basis. They are

accepted simply on Narayana Maharaja's authority. Having been accepted,


are then used to establish his authority.

To me, this is smacks of blind or sentimental following. I am afraid you

have been fooled.

I have given further reasons for doubting Narayana Maharaja's claims to be

Prabhupada's follower or designated successor and an advanced Vaishnava. He

acts in an envious manner to Vaishnavas and seems to be driven by a

competitive spirit of domination. He is unacquainted with Prabhupada's

teachings and he differs from them in many ways. He has gone outside the

line of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura for instruction, and he does not

follow the directions given by Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura. He

receives teachings on his "raga-marga" from babajis, and gives evidence

having absorbed, in the process, sahajiya contamination.

All these things make me seriously doubt his claim to be an advanced rasika

Vaishnava and successor to Srila Prabhupada. Instead he seems to be some

kind of talented pretender or imposter, who has seduced, beguiled and


many people.

Before we accept someone as a guru, we should examine that person with

critical intelligence. I have done so, and I cannot accept Narayana

Maharaja. From what I have seen, most of my godbrothers and -sisters

choosing to follow Narayana Maharaja have not used their intelligence in

this matter. Instead, they have surrendered their intelligence and let it

become corrupted. They have accepted Narayana Maharaja improperly.

I would like you to come back to Srila Prabhupada. I beg you to follow in

Satsvarupa Maharaja's footsteps and, if only as an experiment, try to "take

your Srila Prabhupada straight."

For a start, you might read Prabhupada' s Cc. Madhya-lila 19.159 and

purport. There different kinds of unsaintly behavior (nisiddha-acara) are

described, such as kutinati-(duplicity), jiva-himsana (killing the soul),

labha (desire for profit), puja (desire for adoration) and pratistha adi

(desire for distinction). These are all weeds that kill the true creeper of

bhakti. I have claimed to find some of these weeds quite evident in the

person of Narayana Maharaja. If I am right, then you may ask, why do so


apparently intelligent, well-intentioned, and perceptive people follow him?

There is an answer in that purport. "Sometimes these unwanted creepers look

exactly like the bhakti-lata creeper. They appear to be of the same size


the same species when they are packed together with the bhakti-lata


but in spite of this, the creepers are called upasakha [unwanted]. A pure

devotee can distinguish between the bhakti-lata creeper and a mundane

creeper, and he is very alert to distinguish them and keep them separate."

There is a counterfeit creeper that can fool even otherwise discerning

people. I fear that just such a counterfeit is present in this case. I have

taken some pains to try to tell you why. Please consider what I have

presented. It is not too late to return to the service of Srila Prabhupada,

who saved you and who will save you still.

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One more thing. I have enjoyed for a long time the postings in the Krsna

Katha conference. Then you come and present those stupid points here. There

are other places for such subject so please keep the airwaves clean. By the

way, are your tapes as bad as your sense of judgement?






-----Mensaje original-----

De: Pandava [sMTP:pandava (AT) ev1 (DOT) net]

Enviado el: Sabado, 26 de Febrero de 2000 09:24 p.m.

Para: HKTV (Hare Krishna TV Houston); (Krsna) Katha; Mukhya (dd) (Askerod -


Asunto: About Narayana Maharaja


It is clear enough that Narayana Maharaja differs greatly from Srila

Prabhupada, but the deviation is explained away by claiming that Prabhupada

was, in effect, a lower-level guru (a teacher of vaidhi-bhakti only) while

Narayana Maharaja is a higher-level guru (a giver of raga-marga).

In essence, then, those who follow him may set aside significant parts of

Srila Prabhupada teachings and directions as a kind of outgrown elementary

instruction. In effect, Narayana Maharaja gives them the way to

(respectfully) disregard Srila Prabhupada's teachings without suffering the

pang of conscience.

Although Prabhupada sought to keep us from being misguided by stressing


and over the virtue of strict fidelity to the instruction of the guru,

Narayana Maharaja has circumvented this safeguard by sabotaging the

denotation of "guru."

While all of us thought that "fidelity to the guru" meant simply "fidelity

to Prabhupada," Narayana Maharaja has enabled some to now understand it as

"fidelity to Narayana Maharaja." This is an instance of "corruption of


How has Narayana Maharaja been so effective in thus replacing Srila

Prabhupada with himself? A large part of it rest upon his ability to

convince some of us that he was Prabhupada's first and most intimate

disciple, that Prabhupada handed us over to him, that he knows Prabhupada

better than we do, and so on.

Yet all these claims turn out to have no evidentiary basis. They are

accepted simply on Narayana Maharaja's authority. Having been accepted,


are then used to establish his authority.

To me, this is smacks of blind or sentimental following. I am afraid you

have been fooled.

I have given further reasons for doubting Narayana Maharaja's claims to be

Prabhupada's follower or designated successor and an advanced Vaishnava. He

acts in an envious manner to Vaishnavas and seems to be driven by a

competitive spirit of domination. He is unacquainted with Prabhupada's

teachings and he differs from them in many ways. He has gone outside the

line of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura for instruction, and he does not

follow the directions given by Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura. He

receives teachings on his "raga-marga" from babajis, and gives evidence

having absorbed, in the process, sahajiya contamination.

All these things make me seriously doubt his claim to be an advanced rasika

Vaishnava and successor to Srila Prabhupada. Instead he seems to be some

kind of talented pretender or imposter, who has seduced, beguiled and


many people.

Before we accept someone as a guru, we should examine that person with

critical intelligence. I have done so, and I cannot accept Narayana

Maharaja. From what I have seen, most of my godbrothers and -sisters

choosing to follow Narayana Maharaja have not used their intelligence in

this matter. Instead, they have surrendered their intelligence and let it

become corrupted. They have accepted Narayana Maharaja improperly.

I would like you to come back to Srila Prabhupada. I beg you to follow in

Satsvarupa Maharaja's footsteps and, if only as an experiment, try to "take

your Srila Prabhupada straight."

For a start, you might read Prabhupada' s Cc. Madhya-lila 19.159 and

purport. There different kinds of unsaintly behavior (nisiddha-acara) are

described, such as kutinati-(duplicity), jiva-himsana (killing the soul),

labha (desire for profit), puja (desire for adoration) and pratistha adi

(desire for distinction). These are all weeds that kill the true creeper of

bhakti. I have claimed to find some of these weeds quite evident in the

person of Narayana Maharaja. If I am right, then you may ask, why do so


apparently intelligent, well-intentioned, and perceptive people follow him?

There is an answer in that purport. "Sometimes these unwanted creepers look

exactly like the bhakti-lata creeper. They appear to be of the same size


the same species when they are packed together with the bhakti-lata


but in spite of this, the creepers are called upasakha [unwanted]. A pure

devotee can distinguish between the bhakti-lata creeper and a mundane

creeper, and he is very alert to distinguish them and keep them separate."

There is a counterfeit creeper that can fool even otherwise discerning

people. I fear that just such a counterfeit is present in this case. I have

taken some pains to try to tell you why. Please consider what I have

presented. It is not too late to return to the service of Srila Prabhupada,

who saved you and who will save you still.

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Pandava Vijaya wrote:


> One more thing...I personally did not make one single comment on this


> I posted. I just thought it was well stated by Ravindra Svarupa,


Well, I just think that what Ravindra Svarupa wrote about Narayana Maharaja

applies well to the ISKCON guru lineage, of which Ravindra is a member. And

in any case the Krsna Katha conference is not the place to post that




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> Pandava Vijaya wrote:


> > One more thing...I personally did not make one single comment on this

> deal

> > I posted. I just thought it was well stated by Ravindra Svarupa,


> Well, I just think that what Ravindra Svarupa wrote about Narayana

> Maharaja applies well to the ISKCON guru lineage, of which Ravindra is a

> member. And in any case the Krsna Katha conference is not the place to

> post that garbage.


> YS RK Mex


Are you an anachist or what? Anachism has the pity tendency to fall into

fascism. I am sure you're nothing of that, but watch out your langage.

Sometimes, trying to eradicate one evil, you can just create a bigger one.

You are not alone on the forum to be so drastic. You should have respect for

others who may not share your view. In others words; vaishnava etiquette,



Akhilesvara dasa

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Lord Buddha is quoted as saying: "Hatred cannot be removed by hatred, but by

love". Sorry for quoting non-Vaisnava sources but I feel it really applies



Let us melt this growing snowball of negative statements with sweet nectar

of Krishna Katha!


Your servant,

Gauri das



> > Pandava Vijaya wrote:

> >

> > > One more thing...I personally did not make one single comment on this

> > deal

> > > I posted. I just thought it was well stated by Ravindra Svarupa,

> >

> > Well, I just think that what Ravindra Svarupa wrote about Narayana

> > Maharaja applies well to the ISKCON guru lineage, of which Ravindra is a

> > member. And in any case the Krsna Katha conference is not the place to

> > post that garbage.

> >

> > YS RK Mex


> Are you an anachist or what? Anachism has the pity tendency to fall into

> fascism. I am sure you're nothing of that, but watch out your langage.

> Sometimes, trying to eradicate one evil, you can just create a bigger one.

> You are not alone on the forum to be so drastic. You should have respect

> for others who may not share your view. In others words; vaishnava

> etiquette, please.


> Akhilesvara dasa

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