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Narada Glories Lord Rama

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The ascetic Valmiki made reverential

enquiries of Narada, who was ever engaged

in penance and the study of scriptures,

best among transmitters of knowledge and by

nature given to contemplation (1).


In this world,presently, who possesses all

auspicious qualities, valour in battle,

knowledge of values,sense of gratitude,

truthful speech and firm resolve ? (2).

Again, who is endowed with immaculate

character,who is the benefactor of all

living beings,who is knowledgeable, competent

in work and the only one of pleasing

disposition (3).

Who, again, is courageous, has quelled his

anger, exudes radiance, bereft of jealousy and

on seeing whom inflamed with anger in

the battlefield even the gods shake with

fear (4).

I am desirous of hearing about all this,

as I am greatly curious. Oh! Great sage!

you alone are capable of being aware

of a man answering this description (5).

On hearing these words of Valmiki, the

knower of all about the three worlds, the

revered Narada told Valmiki, `May you

listen' and with a gladdened heart spoke

the following (6).

The qualities that you have mentioned are

many and rare to be found. After

consideration I shall tell you about the

man, Oh! sage! who is endowed with them.

Pray listen (7).

Spoken of by the people as `Rama' and

born in the dynasty of Iksvaku, is the

man possessed of control over his senses,

great valour, charming radiance,capacity to

do the right thing at the right time

and total subjugation of his mind (8).

(He is further) endowed with wisdom, total

judicial disposition, persuasive speech,

prosperity, prowess to destroy his enemies,

of broad shoulders, strong arms, conch-shaped

neck and chubby cheeks (9).

(He is further possessed of) expansive

chest, muscle-covered clavicles, long

arms,well-proportioned head, handsome forehead,

lovely gait and is a suppressor of foes

and a great archer(10).

(He is further) well-proportioned in his

body with the right proportion of all his

limbs, azure-hued, of high reputation, of

mighty chest, wide-eyed, always prosperous

and possessed of all auspicious features


Knower of righteousness, acting true to

his words, bent upon the welfare of the

people, of great reputation, endowed with

high knowledge, pure in mind, benefactor to

those who seek him, ever-alert in

protecting those who seek refuge in him,

equal to Lord Brahma, possessed of all

prosperity, nourisher ( of his people)

and annihilator of enemies (12-13).

Knower of the scriptures and their

auxilliaries, having complete mastery over the

art and science of archery, knower of

the import of all the codes and manuals

of conduct, of prodigious memory and of

extra-ordinary intellect (14).

Beloved of all the worlds, impeccable, of

high bearing, extremely capable, always

resorted to by good people like the

ocean attained by the rivers (15).

Respectable, treating everyone alike, always

kind and affectionate in dealings, enhancer

of the delight of Kausalya and a

repository of all auspicious attributes (16).

Majestic like the ocean, like the

Himalayan mountain in lending support,

rivalling with Lord Vishnu in valour and

of pleasing looks like the (full) moon


Like the fire at the time of destruction

of the universe when in ire, comparable

to the earth in patience, equal to

Kubera in making gifts and another lord of

righteousness, while speaking truth (18).





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