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Deep meaning of BG 10.10

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>From "The Hidden Treasure of the Sweet Absolute" by ®r…la B.R. ®ridhara




te€ˆ satata-yukt€n€ˆ bhajat€m pr…ti-p™rvakam

dad€mi buddhi-yogaˆ taˆ yena m€m upay€nti te


"To those devotees who are constantly dedicated to Me, and who engage in My

service out of their love for Me, I bestow the internal divine inspiration

by which they can approach Me and render various intimate services unto Me."




In this verse, the Lord says, "The highest group of My servitors (whose

sentiment was described in the previous verse by the word ramanti) are those

who are constantly engaged (sataka-yukta) in My service in consorthood

(madhura-rasa) with heartfelt love (bhajat€m pr…ti-p™rvakam). Then He says

that He will give them further inspiration or inner instruction "by which

they can come to Him" (yena m€m upay€nti te). When already in this and the

previous verse the devotees« service to the Lord has been described as

eternal (by the words nityam and satata-yukta), Lord Krsna's statement that

He will give them further inspiration by which they can come to Him appears

to be redundant. Therefore, in the expression m€m upay€nti te ("They will

come to Me"), the word upay€nti must be defined as p€rak…ya-bhavena-upapati.

Pati means husband, and upapati means paramour:


"For those who have already come into divine relationship with Me as My wife

(ramanti), I give them the special inspiration to come to Me as a paramour



In Vrndavana, Lord Krsna is not considered a lawful husband, but He is the

Lord of the heart, transcendental to even the husband (parakiya-rasa).

Deceiving their husbands, the gopis of Vrndavana unite with Krsna. They do

not allow a second party to come between them and Krsna. They cannot allow

the interception of even scriptural regulation and social law, because

Krsna's position is absolute, and such a relationship is more relishable to

Him. This is Vrndavana bhajana, and this is the meaning of upapati.


vikriditam vraja-vadhubhir idam ca visnoh

sraddhanvito 'nusrnuyad atha varnayed yah

bhaktim param bhagavati pratilabhya kamam

hrd-rogam asv apahinoty acirena dhirah

(Bhag. 10.33.39)


"A self-controlled, sense-controlled person who, having become endowed with

sublime faith in the divine pastimes transcendentally enjoyed by Lord Krsna

with the gopis (Rasa-lila), and who, having heard those divine pastimes from

the lotus mouth of the bona fide guru, continuously sings or narrates their

glories such a person swiftly achieves the most elevated form of pure

devotion for the Lord, and is promptly able to ward off the heart disease of


In his writings, Srila Jiva Goswami has laid stress on the word dhira,

meaning 'self-controlled'. To hear these elevated subjects, one must enter

into the culture of sense-control, otherwise he will be destroyed.


naitat samacarej jatu, manasapi hy anisvarah

vinasyaty acaran maudhyad, yatharudro 'bdhi-jam visam

(Bhag. 10.33.30)


"No one should ever even think of imitating this behavior of the Supreme

Lord and the gopis. If out of gross foolishness anyone tries to imitate the

pastimes of the Lord, he will be utterly destroyed, just as if he tried to

imitate Lord Siva by drinking the poison which arose from the ocean." (It is

described elsewhere in the Srimad Bhagavatam that once the demigods and the

demons jointly engaged in churning the ocean. As a result of that churning,

both nectar and poison were produced.)


"My relationship with them is independent of everything conceivable. It

crosses law, society, scripture everything. It is most innate and natural,

and it does not require any social or scriptural sanction. I say to them,

'You may show formal respect to all these restrictions and live in the

society. But from the heart of your heart, you are Mine.' This is the

special inspiration and insight I give to those devotees (yena mam upayanti


"Externally there are social and scriptural demands, but My position is over

and above them. Veda is My instruction for the benefit of the masses, who

have deviated from Me, and the society is also under the jurisdiction of

those general instructions given to the public by Me. But My divine

relationship with everything is intrinsic and independent. It does not

require recognition from anyone. Such a relationship is the highest. It is

the constant. It supercedes all law and society which are guided by the

Vedas; rather all the Vedas are searching for such a thing."

Srutibhir vimrgyam (Bhag. 10.47.61). Visesa-mrgya the Vedas are searching

after this ideal divine position. In the section of the Srimad Bhagavatam

which deals with Rasa-lila, the Vedas are begging forgiveness:

"We are generally supposed to give tidings of You, but we could not describe

You as we now experience You here. Now we understand that we have committed

an offense, because we could not distribute this Rasa-lila, this Vraja-lila,

to the people."

Like signposts, all the revealed scriptures are only showing the direction;

but where, how? "We don't know." Only, "In this direction He may be


Anywhere and everywhere, everything belongs to Him. For one who knows this,

all possibilities of sensual pleasure and exploitation are uprooted. For

example, an unmarried woman may have the possibility of being approached by

many but there is less possibility for those who are married, because they

are possessed by someone. Similarly, when we are able to know that

everything is only for the satisfaction of Krsna, then we shall realize that

all our exploiting tendencies have vanished forever. Nothing will remain to

be utilized for the pleasure of our sensual experience. It will be very

deeply felt in our hearts that everything has its existence only for His

satisfaction, and there is no room for any other exploitation. And we are

also included there our existence is also only for His satisfaction.

Everything is meant for His divine pastimes (lila), and there is no

possibility for any others' pastimes. All are included in that one lila.

Encroachment will disappear when we learn the proper utility of everything.

He is the owner, and His ownership is absolute. The scriptures, society, and

law designate, "This is yours, that is another's, or that belongs to third

party." This is something like a temporary lease, but the permanent

ownership is in all respects with Him. All others possessor and property,

master and servant are all relative, and only sanctioned by Him for the time

being. The Absolute Owner, Possessor, and Enjoyer is He alone. When we

arrive at such a conclusion, only then is complete purification of our

hearts possible. Everyone is thinking of themselves as many masters of many

things, but this is all heart disease (hrd-rogam). This is all conceived in

a diseased state of consciousness. In a healthy state, when the heart is

quite wholesome, we can see the Supreme whole, and we can see that

everything is meant only for His satisfaction.

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