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Sri Govardhana-Vasa-Prarthana-Dasakam

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by Srila Raghunatha dasa Goswami


[For those who want to chant this beautiful prayer here're attached samples

of two nice melodies. I made it in Real Audio format, so now it's not so



nija-pati-bhuja-dandacchatra-bhavam prapadya


atula-prthula-saila-sreni-bhupa! priyam me

nija-nikata-nivasam dehi govardhana! tvam (1)


O beautiful Govardhana, matchlessly enormous king of mountains! Please

bestow upon me

my most cherished desire--residence near your side. You took the shape of

an umbrella with the arm of your own Lord as the handle, thus pulverising

the arrogant pride of Indra who was intoxicated by his own opulence.


pramada-madana-lilah kandare kandare te

racayati nava-yunor-dvandvam asminn-amandam

iti kila kalanartham lagna-kastad-dvayor me

nija-nikata-nivasam dehi govardhana! tvam (2)


O Govardhana! Please grant me a dwelling near your side so that I can easily

witness and serve the youthful lovers Sri Radha-Krsna as They perform newer

and newer secret, amorous lilas within your many caves where They become

completely maddened from drinking prema. You are present and making

everything possible.




saha bala-sakhibhih sankhelayan sva-priyam me

nija-nikata-nivasam dehi govardhana! tvam (3)


O Govardhana! Please grant me a dwelling near your side. If you say to me,

"Sri Radha-

Krsna also perform pastimes at Sanketa and at other places in the forests,

so why don't you desire to reside there?" I will reply that upon your

incomparable pearl-studded altars, on your jewelled simhasanas, below your

trees, in your cracks and crevices, upon your crest, and in your multitude

of caves, Sri Krsna and Baladeva always enjoy playful sports accompanied by

the sakhas headed by Sridama.


rasa-nidhi-nava-yunoh saksinim dana-keler-

dyuti-parimala-viddham syama-vedim prakasya

rasika-vara-kulanam modam asphalayan me

nija-nikata-nivasam dehi govardhana! tvam (4)


O Govardhana! Please grant me residence near your side because, having

manifested a lustrous black vedi (raised sitting place) with an enchanting

scent, you facilitated and witnessed the dana-keli pastime enacted by the

youthful lovers Sri Radha-Krsna, who Themselves are a treasure-house of

delicious rasa-mellows. Thus you increase the transcendental pleasure of Sri

Krsna's exalted rasika devotees who relish those mellows.


hari-dayitam apurvam radhika-kundam atma-

priya-sakham iha kanthe narmana 'lingya guptah

nava-yuva-yuga-khelas-tatra pasyan raho me

nija-nikata-nivasam dehi govardhana! tvam (5)


O Govardhana! Please grant me residence near your side. The unprecedented


is most dear to Sri Krsna and also your dear friend. Embracing Radha-kunda

to your neck in a

playful mood, you remain hidden there while watching Sri Radha-Krsna enjoy

pastimes in

Their freshly blossoming youth. That secluded spot is also perfectly

suitable for me--I will also sit right there and relish Their pastimes with



sthala-jala-tala-saspair-bhuruhacchayaya ca

prati-padam anukalam hanta samvardhayan gah

tri-jagati nija-gotram sarthakam khyapayan me

nija-nikata-nivaAsam dehi govardhana! tvam (6)


O Govardhana! Please grant me residence near your side. You are worshiping

Sri Radha-Krsna with your nice spacious fields, ponds, streams and

waterfalls, forests, fresh grass, and shade-trees, and you are nourishing

Sri Krsna's beloved cows whose numbers are thus increasing at every moment.

Your very name "Govardhana" ('gah' means cows, and 'vardhayati' means to

nourish and increase) is successful and renowned throughout the three

worlds. If I can reside near you, I will also be able to receive the darsana

of my istadeva (worshipable Deity) Sri Krsna who comes to you when He brings

His cows out to graze.


sura-pati-krta-dirgha-drohato gostha-raksam

tava nava grha-rupasy antare kurvataiva

agha-baka-ripunoccair-dattamana! drutam me

nija-nikata-nivasam dehi govardhana! tvam (7)


O Govardhana! Please bestow upon me residence in your vicinity. Sri Krsna,

the slayer of

Aghasura and Bakasura, showed you special honor by establishing Vraja

beneath you while

holding you aloft, thereby turning you into a new home for the Vraja-vasis

and protecting

them from the hostility of Indra. You are the crown of Vrindavana and Krsna

always take care of you since you are His dear devotee. Krsna's nature is

that He is merciful to those who, although unqualified, reside near those

whom He honors, so by residing near you I also will certainly obtain Krsna's



giri-nrpa! haridasa-sreni-varyeti-nama-

mrtam idam uditam sri-radhika-vaktra-candrat

vraja-nava-tilakatve klrpta! vedaih sphutam me

nija-nikata-nivasam dehi govardhana! tvam (8)


O Giriraja Maharaja! From the moon-like face of Srimati Radhika the

following words have

issued: "This hill is the best of those who are known as Haridasa." These

words from the Srimad-Bhagavatam (10.21.18) have revealed the nectar of your

name, and all the Vedas have established you as the fresh tilaka of

Vraja-mandala. Therefore the most desirable place to reside is near your

side; please grant me a dwelling there.



vraja-nara-pasu-paksi vrata-saukhyaika-datah

aganita-karunatvan-mAm uri-krtya tantam

nija-nikata-nivasam dehi govardhana! tvam (9)


O Govardhana! You are absorbed in the rasa of friendship towards Sri

Radha-Krsna who are

surrounded by Their sakhis and sakhas, and you are the unparalleled source

of happiness for

the men, women, birds, animals, and all the living entities of Vraja. You

are so kind. Krsna just touched you and automatically you lifted yourself up

to serve Him, becoming weightless on His finger. You fulfill Krsna's desires

and protect all Vrajavasis, so please accept this most fallen and miserable

person and by mercifully bestowing upon me residence near your side, make

even poor me a worthy recipient of Sri Krsna's love.


nirupadhi-karunena sri-saci-nandanena

tvayi kapati-satho 'pi tvat-priyenarpito 'smi

iti khalu mama yogyayogyatam tamagrhnan

nija-nikata-nivasam dehi govardhana! tvam (10)


O Govardhana! Although I am a cheater and a rogue, the greatly merciful Sri


Krsna Caitanya, who is most dear to you, has offered me unto you (so you are

therefore obliged to accept me). Without considering whether I am qualified

or unqualified, please

bestow upon me a residence near your side.


rasada-dasakam-asya srila-govardhanasya

ksiti-dhara-kula-bhartur-yah prayatnadadhite

sa sapadi sukhade 'smin vasamasadya saksac-

chubhada-yugala-seva-ratnam apnoti turaam (11)


Whoever ardently meditates on these ten nectarean verses glorifying Srila

Govardhana, the master of mountains, will very quickly obtain blissful

residence near Govardhana, thereby

attaining the auspicious jewel of direct service to Sri Radha-Krsna. This

composition is sung in the melody known as 'Malini'.

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