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Essence of Bhakti Rasamrita Sindhu - Part 4

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Essence of Bhakti Rasamrita Sindhu

(Bhakti Rasamrita Sindhu Sar)

by Victor D DiCara (Vraja Kishor das)


Part 4 of 12 - Six Hallmarks of Uttama Bhakti


Uttama Bhakti, "activity intended to please Krishna, done as the main

pursuit of one without ulterior motive," has six hallmarks (1.1.17):


klesha-ghnI shubhadA mokSa-laghutA-kRt sudurlabhA |

sAndrAnanda-visheSAtmA shrI-kRSNAkarSiNI ca sA ||


1. She eradicates all suffering

2. She bestows auspiciousness

3. She trivializes all other achievements, even liberation

4. She is very difficult to obtain

5. She has the quality of uniquely condensed bliss

6. She attracts Shree Krishna



1) She Eradicates All Suffering


Suffering results from actions that contradict ones true nature. What causes

such actions? Desires that are not in harmony with ones true nature cause

such actions. What then causes such desires? These desires result from

ignorance of ones true nature.


Actions contradictory to ones true nature cause (1) a manifest reaction,

which one feels as suffering, and (2) an unmanifest reaction, which

intensifies ones ignorance of his or her true identity and thus in turn

intensifies desire, action, etc., in a perpetual cycle that produces

suffering at each turn.


There are many ways eradicate suffering, ranging from intoxication to

reformation of bad habits, to religiosity, to liberation. But Uttama Bhakti

is unique because only she can fully eradicate all the stages of suffering,

including the root stage: ignorance of ones true nature.



2) She Bestows Auspiciousness


To be "auspicious" means to (1) attract and (2) benefit everyone, (3) be

conducive to development of saintly qualities, and (4) bestow happiness.

Happiness can be derived from (a) objects, (b) the soul, or © God.


Being the inherent, unmanifest nature of every soul, Uttama Bhakti can

attract and benefit everyone, and can bestow qualities consonant with ones

true spiritual nature. Uttama Bhakti also bestows all three types of

happiness in unique depth and imperishability.



3) She Trivializes All Other Achievements, Even Liberation


Achieving realization of Uttama Bhakti is an achievement that trivializes

all other achievements, such as kama - pleasure, artha - wealth, dharma -

religiosity and attainment of heaven, and even moksha - liberation from all

suffering. In fact, one automatically and effortlessly attains these four

goals as a trivial by-product of attaining Uttama Bhakti.



4) She is Very Difficult to Obtain


Realization of Uttama Bhakti can be obtained either by practice

(sadhana-siddhi) or as a gift (kripa-siddhi). However, one can practice for

thousands of years and still not attain realization of Uttama Bhakti unless

and until ones practice is infused with extremely deep and sincere

attachment to Krishna (aasakti) - and such attachment is very rare. To

realize Uttama Bhakti as the result of a gift from Krishna is also very rare

because Krishna is extremely cautious about bestowing a gift that has the

power to eventually control him.



5) She Has the Quality of Uniquely Condensed Bliss


In its mature state Uttama Bhakti is characterized by a spiritual bliss so

condensed that even the infinite bliss of brahmananda seems infinitesimal in

comparison, like the water in a calves hoof-print compared to the water in

the oceans. All other sources of bliss therefore become worthless to one

with fully mature Uttama Bhakti.



6) She Attracts Shree Krishna


In its mature state, Uttama Bhakti attracts Shree Krishna to the devotee.

God, being perfectly complete, in no way lacks anything and is therefore not

attached or attracted to anything. But one cannot truly enjoy love, which is

the supremely relishable emotion, unless one has a sense of attachment and

attraction. Being Supremely Complete and being the Supreme Enjoyer therefore

presents a paradox resolved only by God investing the power of love

(hladini-shakti) with the ability to create a sense of attachment and

attraction even in God. Krishna therefore becomes attached and attracted to

a person in whom pure love (uttama bhakti) resides.



Development of the Hallmarks

As will be explained in the next article, Uttama Bhakti has three stages of

development, sadhana-bhakti, bhava-bhakti, and prema-bhakti. The first two

hallmarks, Eradication of Suffering and Bestowal of Auspiciousness, are

hallmarks of sadhana-bhakti. The next two, Trivialization of other

Achievements and being very Difficult to Obtain, are hallmarks of

bhava-bhakti. The final two, Uniquely Condensed Bliss and the ability to

Attract Shree Krishna, are hallmarks of prema-bhakti.


We'll have a closer look at these three stages, and the first one, sadhana,

in particular, in our next article. The remaining articles in this series




Part Five - Sadhana Bhakti

Part Six - Vaidhi Sadhana Bhakti

Part Seven - Raganuga Sadhana Bhakti

Part Eight - Bhava Bhakti

Part Nine - Prema Bhakti

Part Ten - An Overview of Rasa

Part Eleven - The Primary Rasas

Part Twelve - The Associated Rasas

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