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Lord Krsna Wrote Srila Prabhupada's Books!

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Dear devotees, here is March 2000 newsletter form Krishnasoft. ys, Vir.




Welcome to the KrishnaSoft's Electronic Newsletter.

This is the March 2000 issue entitled: "Lord Krsna Wrote Srila Prabhupada's


WEB: http://www.krishnasoft.com; EMAIL: krishna (AT) krishnasoft (DOT) com or

vdayal (AT) castle (DOT) net


This newsletter goes to over 1100 people who either have an interest in Vedic

science and/or spiritually entertaining multimedia technology.




(1) There is a BIG Difference Between a Mental Speculation and a Realization!

(2) Lord Krsna Wrote Srila Prabhupada's Books!

(3) Feedback: Miscellaneous

(4) Editorial Policy and Product List





[The following is the sixteenth of a series of articles to present to the

benefits of the Srimad-Bhagavatam. The Krsna CDROM and the Srimad-Bhagavatam

CDROM from Krishnasoft present this great spiritual masterpiece in multimedia



In the February 2000 issue, we discussed how the order of the spiritual master

is the basis of spiritual life not the rituals or someone's concocted



"Following the order of the bona fide spiritual master is the ONLY duty of the

disciple, and this completely faithful execution of the order of the bona fide

spiritual master is the secret of success." (Bhag. 2.9.8)


"God can be seen by the light of God and not by man-made speculations. Here

this light is specifically mentioned as vidyat, which is an ORDER by the Lord

to Brahma. This DIRECT ORDER of the Lord is a manifestation of His internal

energy, and this particular energy is the means of seeing the Lord face to

face. Not only Brahma but anyone who may be graced by the Lord to see such

merciful direct internal energy can also realize the Personality of Godhead



Note the key words: "without any mental speculation". There is no room for

mental speculation because the mind, intellect, and ego are material elements.

These elements have to be engaged in executing Krsna's will or order which

descends through the disciplic succession and then one will REALIZE the

Personality of Godhead. Krsna does not reveal himself to mental speculators

or materialists:


"The Lord's order descends in disciplic succession through the bona fide

spiritual master, and thus execution of the order of the bona fide spiritual

master is factual control of the senses . Such execution of penance in full

faith and sincerity made Brahmaajii so powerful that he became the creator of

the universe. And because he was able to attain such power, he is called the

best amongst all the tapasviis ." (Bhag. 2.9.8)


Lord Brahma, Narada, Dhruva, etc. all realized the Supreme Lord Krsna AFTER

surrendering to the devotional service received from their guru not by dint of

their mental speculations:


"One should therefore choose a bona fide servant of the Lord constantly

engaged in His service, accept such a servant as the spiritual master and

engage himself in his (the spiritual master's) service. Such a spiritual

master is the transparent medium by which to visualize the Lord, who is beyond

the conception of the material senses. By service of the bona fide spiritual

master, the Lord consents to REVEAL Himself in proportion to the service

rendered. Utilization of the human energy in the service of the Lord is the

progressive path of salvation. The whole cosmic creation becomes at once

identical with the Lord as soon as service in relation with the Lord is

rendered under the guidance of a bona fide spiritual master." (Bhag. 1.5.23)


There is a world of difference between a mental speculation and a revelation

or realization. A realization is a fact or reality and will always be in-line

with the principles of sastra. A realization is spiritual and descends from

the Supreme Lord Krsna to the spirit soul engaged in Krsna's service whereas a

mental concoction is coming from the materialistic mind and is a material



"Unto the devotees who are constantly engaged in the Lord's transcendental

loving service (priti-puurvakam), the Lord, out of His causeless mercy upon

the devotee, gives direct instructions so that the devotee may make accurate

progress on the path returning home, back to Godhead. One should not,

therefore, try to understand these four verses of Sriimad-Bhaagavatam by

mental speculation. Rather, by direct perception of the Supreme Personality of

Godhead, one is able to know all about His abode, Vaikuntha, as was seen and

experienced by Brahmaa. Such Vaikuntha realization is possible by any devotee

of the Lord situated in the transcendental position as a result of devotional

service." (Bhag. 2.9.37)


Unless one has actual realizations and is careful, one is bound to mix it with

empirical judgments and speculations. For example, some mental speculators

may conclude by their empirical (ascending) analysis that since Lord Brahma

was told to do "tapa" as his devotional service, Narada should also have

received the instruction to do just "tapa". These mental speculators may come

to the conclusion that Brahma speculated a "new" service with his mind. But

they fail to understand that by executing devotional service, Krsna is

revealing transcendental knowledge and what is to be done in regards to one's

service to Krsna. Narada was ordered to propagate the teachings of the

Bhagavatam NOT to sit and meditate like Brahma had just done. If Narada took

to the 'service' of doing "tapa" in IMITATION of Brahma, that would be an

offense of deriding Brahma's service and disobeying the order of the spiritual

master. In modern times, some mental speculators foolishly think Srila

Prabhupada "concocted" so many different services not given by his guru--

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta. But this is due to their poor fund of knowledge and

lack of realization. Srila Prabhupada has confirmed many times in his

personal letters and conversations that he was *ONLY* following the order of

his spiritual master and the sastra reconfirms this fact. As proven in the

February 2000 issue, without following the order of the spiritual master, the

disciple has NO SHELTER:


"Only one who executes his spiritual life under the direction of the spiritual

master can achieve the mercy of Krsna. Yasya prasadad bhagavat-prasadah. If

one desires to advance in spiritual life but he acts whimsically, not

following the orders of the spiritual master, HE HAS NO SHELTER." (Bhag.



Note the word "whimsically". It refers to mental speculation not to

realizations coming from Krsna. One who is dedicated to following the order

of his spiritual master is always in touch with him whether the spiritual

master is physically present or not:


"...the disciple and spiritual master are never separated because the

spiritual master always keeps the company with the disciple AS LONG AS THE




We have to become free from service to the mind and take up service to Krsna

100%. No room for mental speculations:


"S'rii Caitanya Mahaaprabhu has instructed S'riila Ruupa Gosvaamii:

Brahmaanda bhramite kona bhagyavan jiva /guru-krsna-prasade paya

bhakti-lata-bija. When one receives the seed of devotional service by the

MERCY OF THE GURU AND KR.S.N.A, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one's real

life begins . If one abides by the orders of the spiritual master, by the

grace of Kr.s.n.a he is freed from service to the mind ." (Bhag. 5.11.17)


Therefore, a sincere disciple of a guru cannot jump over his guru and start

following the instructions of previous acaryas because that is DIRECTLY

insulting all the acaryas afterward for NOT having finished the service they

received from their guru or that the service that they did was useless. Srila

Bhaktisiddhanta was 100% successful in the execution of his devotional service

and whatever other service Srila Bhaktisiddhanta wanted performed was given to

his disciples. To try to follow Srila Bhaktisiddhanta directly is in effect

stating that his followers were ALL failures to carry out his order. This is

an offense to all his followers especially to his most dedicated disciple

Srila Prabhupada. Thus, the Bhagavatam recommends to approach the CURRENT

LINK to receive the devotional service:


"As already stated, Brahmaa is the original spiritual master for the universe,

and since he was initiated by the Lord Himself, the message of

Srimad-Bhaagavatam is coming down by disciplic succession, and in order to

receive the real message of Srimad-Bhaagavatam one should approach the CURRENT

LINK, or spiritual master, in the chain of disciplic succession. After being

initiated by the proper spiritual master in that chain of succession, one

should engage himself in the discharge of tapasya in the execution of

devotional service." (Bhag. 2.9.7)


Thus, the devotional service a specific person has to perform is received from

the current link:


"It is stated in Bhagavad-gita that no one is barred from rendering service to

the Lord . Whether one is a woman or a laborer or a merchant, if he engages

himself in the devotional service of the Lord he is promoted to the highest

perfectional state and goes back home, back to Godhead . The devotional

service most suitable for different types of devotees is determined and FIXED



The engagement in devotional service will gradually REVEAL Krsna:


"Self-realization, understanding oneself as Brahman, or spirit soul, is very

difficult in the material condition. However, if we accept the devotional

service of the Lord, the Lord will gradually reveal Himself. In this way the

progressive devotee will gradually realize his spiritual position." (Bhag.



This is the only process of realizing Krsna; mental speculations or other

yogic processes are useless:


"As stated in the Brahma-samhita, the mental speculators, even by dint of

learned scholarship, cannot even dream of the Absolute Truth by speculating

over it for eternity. The Lord reserves the right of not being exposed to such

mental speculators. And because they cannot enter into network stem of the

lotus stem of the Lord, all material speculators differ in conclusions, and at

the end they make a useless compromise by saying, 'as many conclusions, as

many ways,' according to one's own inclination. (yatha-rucam). But the Lord is

not like a shopkeeper trying to please all sorts of customers in the mental

speculator exchange. The Lord is what He is, the Absolute Personality of

Godhead, and He demands absolute surrender unto Him only. The pure devotee,

however, by following the ways of previous acaryas, or authorities, can see

the Supreme Lord through the transparent medium of a bona fide spiritual

master (anupasyanti)." (Bhag. 2.4.21)


"Krsna says in Bhagavad-gita (18.55), bhaktya mam abhijanati: 'Only by

devotional service can I be understood.' One can understand Krsna, the

Parabrahman, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, only through devotional

service. The Lord never says that one can understand Him by performing mystic

yoga or by philosophically speculating. Bhakti is above all such material

attempts. Anyabhilasita-sunyam jnana-karmady-anavrtam. Bhakti is

uncontaminated, being unalloyed even by jnana or pious activities." (Bhag.



This pure bhakti is defined by the order of the spiritual master:


"To act under the direction of a bona fide spiritual master with a motive to

satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead is PURE DEVOTIONAL SERVICE." (Bhag.






We proved in the July 1999 issue that all the acaryas are NONDIFFERENT in

their teachings of sastra:


"The disciplic succession holds that the Vedas were uttered by Lord Krsna to

Brahma, by Brahma to Narada, and by Narada to Vyasadeva, and then by Vyasadeva


OF ALL AUTHORITIES. The truth is eternal, and as such there cannot be any new

opinion about the truth. That is the way of knowing the knowledge contained

in the Vedas. It is not a thing to be understood by one's erudite scholarship

or by the fashionable interpretations of mundane scholars. THERE IS NOTHING


(Bhag. 2.2.32)


This quote is proof that one need not research all the acaryas in order to

come to the truth since EACH acarya is presenting the SAME truth as REVEALED

to him by Lord Krsna according to the time, place, and circumstance. So Srila

Prabhupada's books contain the SAME knowledge as that presented by Srila

Bhaktisiddhanta, Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, Srila Jiva Gosvami, etc. Srila

Prabhupada's purports are REALIZATIONS coming from Lord Krsna:


"Those who constantly engage in the devotional service of the Lord in love and

affection are directly in contact with the Supreme Personality of Godhead

sitting as the Supersoul in everyone's heart. The Lord is not far away from

the devotee. He is always in everyone's heart, but only the devotee can

realize the Lord's presence, and thus he is directly connected, and he takes

instruction from the Lord at every moment. Therefore, there is no chance of a

devotee's being in error, nor is there any partiality on the part of the Lord

for His pure devotees." (Bhag. 4.20.20)


This is also confirmed in the Caitanya-caritamrta:


"It is not possible for a common man to write books on bhakti, for his

writings will not be effective. He may be a very great scholar and expert in

presenting literature in flowery language, but this is not at all helpful in

understanding transcendental literature. Even if transcendental literature is

written in faulty language, it is acceptable if it is written by a devotee,

whereas so-called transcendental literature written by a mundane scholar, even

if it is a very highly polished literary presentation, cannot be accepted .

The secret in a devotee's writing is that when he writes about the pastimes of

the Lord, the Lord helps him; he does not write himself. As stated in the

Bhagavad-giitaa (10.10), dadaami buddhi-yogam^ tam^ yena maam upayaanti te.



BOOKS. Kr.s.n.adaasa Kaviraaja Gosvaamii confirms that what Vr.ndaavana daasa

T.haakura wrote was actually spoken by Lord Caitanya Mahaaprabhu, and he

simply repeated it ." (CC Adi 8.19)


The key words are "in service to the Lord". The service is defined by the

order of the spiritual master as explained already. The intense service to

the Lord is nondifferent from the Lord Himself:


"By intense service of the Lord, one can experience the presence of the Lord

transcendentally. Therefore seeing the Lord means being engaged in His

service because His service and His person are identical." (Bhag. 1.6.22)


Thus, as we showed in the September 1999 newsletter devotional quality must be




Factually, one cannot understand any of the transcendental works (vani) of the

acaryas unless they are received through a transcendental source:


"One has to receive the transcendental sound from the right source, accept it

as reality and prosecute the direction without hesitation. The secret of

success is to receive the sound from the right source of a bona fide spiritual

master. Mundane manufactured sound has no potency, and as such, seemingly

transcendental sound received from an unauthorized person also has no

potency." (Bhag. 2.9.8)


Therefore, although all the works of the acaryas are bona-fide and recommended

for serious students, one should stick to the CURRENT LINK for the source of

all sastric knowledge for that is the ONLY WAY to receive the knowledge of the

predecessor acaryas. For example, Srila Prabhupada's books already include

all the truths of all the predecessor acaryas; there's NOTHING NEW in the

works of predecessor acaryas that is not already contained in Srila

Prabhupada's books. If one finds something "new" or "different" amongst

different acaryas, he has not properly realized the subject matter and is

hovering on the mental plane:


"The pure devotee never tries to see the Lord by mental speculation, but by

following in the footsteps of the acaryas (mahajano yena gatah sa panthah).

Therefore there is no difference of conclusions amongst the Vaisnava acaryas

regarding the Lord and the devotees." (Bhag. 2.4.21)


It's an offense to one's guru if a disciple whimsically delves into the works

of predecessor acaryas because in effect he is saying: "My guru has not

completely presented the message of the disciplic succession so I will make up

for that lacking although he never told me to do that." One who presents

Srila Prabhupada's books to someone has effectively presented the entire stock

of knowledge of the disciplic succession. Unless ordered by the Supreme Lord

(via the spiritual master) to rewrite the books, one should simply present the

books AS IT IS:


"Unfortunately, without being guided by the Supreme Lord, human beings

sometimes manufacture a process of dharma by concoction. Actually dharma

cannot be made by man. Dharmam tu saksad bhagavat-pranitam. (Bhag. 6.3.19)

Dharma is given by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, just as the law is

given by the state government. Man-made dharma has no meaning.

Srimad-Bhagavatam refers to man-made dharma as kaitava-dharma, cheating

religion. The Supreme Lord sends an avatara (incarnation) to teach human

society the proper way to execute religious principles. Such religious

principles are bhakti-marga. As the Supreme Lord Himself says in

Bhagavad-gita: sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja." (Bhag.



Thus, one who thinks he can rewrite Sastra (like Bhagavad-gita or

Srimad-Bhagavatam) without being directly ordered by the Supreme Lord through

the spiritual master will be hovering on the mental plane. The ultimate point

is to fully surrender to the will of the Supreme Lord and one who has not done

this is unfit for presenting Sastra AS IT IS because he will be forced to be

hovering on the mental plane. One should not whimsically re-perform a service

that has already been completed by a bona-fide Vaisnava, for Lord Krsna will

not accept such a so-called "service" since it derides the bona-fide service

of another devotee:


"The Supreme Personality of Godhead understands the position of His devotee.

If a person derides a pure devotee, he is never recognized by the Supreme

Personality of Godhead. In other words, the Supreme Lord never excuses one who

offends a pure devotee.... Those on the path of liberation should be very

careful not to offend a pure devotee." (Bhag. 4.31.21)


When Lord Krsna is against it, what use is the service whose very purpose is

to please Lord Krsna? Those who support such blasphemers also become

implicated in the offense. And depending on the nature of the offense, the

offender and all his supporters can face catastrophic consequences to their

devotional lives. Those writing their realizations for preaching purposes

should also be careful not to consider their work on an equal level as Sastra

and thus (knowingly or unknowingly) make offenses and impede the distribution

of the Absolute Truth (Sastra). Instead of concocting "services", the best

thing is to stick to the order of the spiritual master as Srila Prabhupada

exemplified in his life:


"First of all let us offer our respectful obeisances unto our spiritual

master, Om Visnupada Sri Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Prabhupada,

BY WHOSE ORDER I am engaged in this herculean task of writing commentary on

the Srimad-Bhagavatam as the Bhaktivedanta purports." (Bhag. 4.1.1)





[Here is some of the feedback since the last issue:]


>>The only qualification of the spiritual master is that he's 100% engaged in

>>devotional service which is the order of his spiritual master. The

>>devotional service is a process for gradually attaining God realization so

>>it does not matter what level the guru is on.


>this is very nice...where does it say that....


There was reference in the same newsletter:


"This Kr.s.n.a consciousness movement directly receives instructions from the

Supreme personality of Godhead via persons who are strictly following His

instructions . Although a follower may not be a liberated person, if he

follows the supreme, liberated Personality of Godhead, his actions are

naturally liberated from the contamination of the material nature. Lord

Caitanya therefore says: "By My order you may become a spiritual master ." One

can IMMEDIATELY become a spiritual master by having full faith in the

transcendental words of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and by following

His instructions . Materialistic men are not interested in taking directions

from a liberated person, but they are very much interested in their own

concocted ideas, which make them repeatedly fail in their attempts . Because

the entire world is now following the imperfect directions of conditioned

souls, humanity is completely bewildered ." (Bhag. 4.18.5)


Following the Supreme Lord's instructions (order) means following 100% your

own guru's order:


"The Lord's order descends in disciplic succession through the bona fide

spiritual master, and thus execution of the order of the bona fide spiritual

master is factual control of the senses . " (Bhag. 2.9.8)


"Following the order of the bona fide spiritual master is the ONLY duty of the

disciple, and this completely faithful execution of the order of the bona fide

spiritual master is the secret of success." (Bhag. 2.9.8)


Here's another reference:


"The bona fide representative of God is as good as God Himself. Or, in other

words, the loving representative of the Lord is more kind and more easy to

approach. A sinful soul cannot approach the Lord directly, but such a sinful

man can very easily approach a pure devotee of the Lord. AND IF ONE AGREES TO



TRANSCENDENTAL *PURE DEVOTEE* OF THE LORD and thus get his liberation back to

Godhead, back home for eternal happiness." (Bhag. 2.7.46)


See the point is if you are always acting under the guidance of someone who is

100% under the guidance of Krsna then you are also 100% under the guidance of

Krsna. And following the order of one's own guru guarantees that guidance

even if the spiritual master is not physically present:


"...the disciple and spiritual master are never separated because the

spiritual master always keeps the company with the disciple AS LONG AS THE




Now if the guru's level of faith is not that strong, he may give up that order

of the spiritual master but that does not take away his devotional service

that he performed while acting under the order of the spiritual master.

Therefore, the level of the guru's faith does not take away the fact that he

performed VALID devotional service. One cannot question the medium as not

being pure enough to deliver the spiritual instructions because Srila

Prabhupada himself used his disciples as MEDIUMs to deliver the spiritual

instructions for newer disciples. So the medium is transcendental. Therefore

the devotional service is eternally valid. This is the Bhagavatam version and

is confirmed in other literatures like Nectar of Instruction (verse #5):


"One should not become a spiritual master unless he has attained the platform

of uttama-adhikaarii. A neophyte Vais.n.ava or a Vais.n.ava situated on the

intermediate platform can also accept disciples, but such disciples must be on

the same platform, and it should be understood that they cannot advance very

well toward the ultimate goal of life under his insufficient guidance.

Therefore a disciple should be careful to accept an uttama-adhikaarii as a

spiritual master ."


Any guru can take on disciples, but the uttama-adhikari is preferred. Now it

does not say that the disciples of gurus of lesser faith go to hell. They

cannot advance under *HIS* insufficient guidance so the books tells them to

take shelter of an uttama-adhikari BUT NOT FOR REINITIATION! The devotional

service is still valid else it would say the neophyte gurus are bogus. There

are many pages devoted to exposing mayavadis and bogus gurus but here it is

CLEARLY saying that neophyte gurus can accept disciples which means the

devotional service they receive is VALID! Now Srila Prabhupada is an

uttama-adhikari and his vani is nondifferent from him so they have to take

shelter of Sastra and/or siksa-guru. The initiating guru fixes your

devotional service so here the devotional service is STILL valid and eternally

so! Some mental speculators selectively quote the above to tell people to go

out and look for an uttama-adhikari and get reinitiated or that the neophyte

gurus are bogus, but that's just speculation...


[As explained in this newsletter, the real way to know if the initiation is

bona-fide is that it leads to gradual REALIZATION of Lord Krsna. One who is a

materialist cannot realize Krsna, for Lord Krsna does not reveal Himself to

materialists. So if the devotional service received is bona-fide and the

disciple is following properly the success of realizing Lord Krsna is assured

and one need not have doubts about his initiation status. Don't just rely on

the word of some third-party opinion to tell you that your guru is or was

never bona-fide. Rely on the sastric conclusions and those that present them

AS IT IS. Reinitiation also falls into the catagory of aparadha of

whimsically re-performing a service already completed by another bona-fide

Vaisnava; therefore, Lord Krsna will not accept it and it just becomes an

illusory act.]





Krishna Software Inc. is dedicated to help people become peaceful and happy

via spiritual science presented using modern multimedia technology. Our

editorial policy as well as our mission is stated in the Srimad-Bhagavatam

(10.2.37 Purport):


"One should engage in practical service to the Lord. In our Krsna

consciousness movement, *ALL* our activities are concentrated upon

distributing Krsna literature. This is very important. One may approach any

person and induce him to read Krsna literature so that in the future he also

may become a devotee.... By fully concentrating on distributing books for

Krsna, one is fully absorbed in Krsna."


Our newsletters are geared to show you the benefits of the instructions

contained in the transcendental books of Srila Prabhupada so you can judge for

yourself the value of these books and obtain them in book or CDROM format. We

also have video demos of the Gita CDROM and Bhagavatam CDROM available for

those without computers or those who want to get a glimpse into what is on the



Krishna Software Inc. has produced some multimedia CDROMs and all the details

and reviews of these CDROMs can be found at our website

http://www.krishnasoft.com. Here is our current list of products:


(a) Multimedia Bhagavad-gita As It Is CD: Lord Krsna's eternal instructions to

Arjuna and the rest of the world about Isvara (Supreme Lord), jiva (the soul),

karma (activities), kala (time), and prakrti (nature). This is a 30-hour

audio-visual CDROM. Also available on CD-R in Hindi version.


(b) Multimedia Srimad-Bhagavatam CD: An encyclopedia on the science of Krsna

consciousness. This CDROM deals in detail with bhakti-yoga and covers various

subjects-- the creation of the universe, Vedic astronomy, transmigration,

birth-death, etc. This is about 35 hours of audio-visual presentations.


© Multimedia Krsna CD w/Vedic Astronomy: This is a 51-hour audio-visual

presentation of the Krsna book and a Vedic Astronomy simulation based on the

Srimad-Bhagavatam. All on a single CDROM. Free sample demo downloadable.


(d) Multilingual Word Processor CD [version 4.00]: Type in diacritics, Hindi,

Sanskrit, Gujarati, Punjabi, Bengali, and Assamese without knowing the

alphabet. This is for those who want to write articles using multiple

languages. Free demo downloadable.


All of the above software was tested on various Intel 486 and Pentium

processors running Windows 3.1, Windows '95, Windows '98, and Windows NT

(client and server).


Latest information and secure ordering is available at our web site:



End of Newsletter- written and edited by KSI staff; © 1998-2000 Krishna

Software Inc.

Our staff consists of: Hari Rama Dasa, Virender Dayal, Rajni Dayal, and



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respond in the next issue.


All glories to Lord Sri Krsna and His transcendental potencies! All glories

to the Srimad-Bhagavatam, the literary incarnation of Lord Sri Krsna!

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