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Lord Caitanya's instructions for renunciates

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Cc Antya 2.118


prabhu kahe,--"vairagi kare prakrti sambhasana

dekhite na paron ami tahara vadana


The Lord replied, "I cannot tolerate seeing the face of a person who has

accepted the renounced order of life but who still talks intimately with a



TEXT 119

durvara indriya kare visaya-grahana

daravi prakrti hare munerapi mana


"So strongly do the senses adhere to the objects of their enjoyment that

indeed a wooden statue of a woman attracts the mind of even a great saintly



TEXT 119


matra svasra duhitra va

na viviktasano bhavet

balavan indriya-gramo

vidvamsam api karsati


"`One should not sit closely with one's mother, sister or daughter, for the

senses are so strong that they may attract even a person advanced in



TEXT 120


ksudra-jiva saba markata-vairagya kariya

indriya carana bule `prakrti' sambhasiya"


"There are many persons with little in their possession who accept the

renounced order of life like monkeys. They go here and there engaging in

sense gratification and speaking intimately with women."


Cc Antya 2.124


prabhu kahe,--"mora vasa nahe mora mana

prakrti-sambhasi vairagi na kare darsana


Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "My mind is not under My control. It does not

like to see anyone in the renounced order who talks intimately with women.


Cc Antya 5.35-36


"ami ta' sannyasi, apanare virakta kari' mani

darsana rahu dure, `prakrtira' nama yadi suni

tabahin vikara paya mora tanu-mana

prakrti-darsane sthira haya kon jana?"


"I am a sannyasi," He said, "and I certainly consider Myself renounced. But

what to speak of seeing a woman, if I even hear the name of a woman, I feel

changes in My mind and body. Therefore who could remain unmoved by the sight

of a woman? It is very difficult.


Cc Antya 2.144


dekhi' trasa upajila saba bhakta-gane

svapne-ha chadila sabe stri-sambhasane


After all the devotees saw this example (of Lord Caitanya), a mentality of

fear grew among them. Therefore they all stopped talking with women, even in



Prema-vivarta, Chapter Seven, Sri Jagadananda Pandita says:


svapane o na kara bhai stri-sambhasana

grhe stri chadiya bhai asiyacha vana


yadi caha pranaya rakhite gaurangera sane

chota haridasera katha thake yena mane


Do not think of women even in dreams. You have accepted the renounced order

of life with a vow that forbids you to associate with women. If you wish to

associate with Caitanya Mahaprabhu, you must always remember the incident of

Chota Haridasa and how he was rejected by the Lord.

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