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Vraja <vraja (AT) dicara (DOT) com>

VAST <vast (AT) pamho (DOT) net>

Tuesday, May 02, 2000 9:54 AM

Five Beautiful Poems - draft



> Any corrections or similar, O ye wise?

> --


> tatra çré-murtiù yathä

> smeräà bhaìgé-traya-paricitäà säci vistérëa-dåñöià

> vaàçé-nyastädhara-kiçalayäm ujjvaläà candrakeëa |

> govindäkhyäà hari-tanum itaù keçi-téthopankaëöhe

> mä prekñiñöhäs tava yadi sakhe bandhu-sange 'sti raìgaù || 239 ||


> The Deity -

> Smiling, in his famous triple-crooked stance, with his big crooked glance.

> With newly blossomed lips cast on his flute

> .so bright in the moonlight

> This form of Hari called "Govinda," here, near Keçi Ghäö.

> My friend, if you want to find pleasure in the company of your friends,

> then don't look!


> çré-bhägataà yathä

> çaàke nétäù sapadi daçama-skandha-padyävalénäà

> varëäù karëädvani pathi katämänu-purvyäd bhavadbhiù |

> haà ho dimbhäù paramaçubhadän hanta dharmärtha-kämän

> yad-garhantaù sukhamayamamé mokñam apy äkñipanti || 240 ||


> Çrimad Bhägavatam -

> The sound of the letters of the Tenth Canto's poems

> seem to have just traveled the path to your ears.


> Oh my, what a fool you are my dear child!


> Now you reproach those most auspicious goals:

> religion, achievement, and pleasure

> And you throw away blissful liberation.


> kåñëa-bhakto yathä

> dåg-ambhobhir dhautaù pulaka-patalé maëòita-tanuù

> skhalan-nantaù phullo dadhadati påthuà vepathum api |

> dåçoù kakñäà yävan mama sa puruñaù ko 'py upayayau

> na jäte kià tävan matir iha gåhe näbhiramate || 241 ||


> Krishna's Devotee -

> Washed by the water of own his eyes,

> blossoms of goose-bumps decorating his body,

> Stumbling under the weight of his wide-blossomed heart,

> full to the brim, and shivering.


> Since my eyes have seen that person my mind no longer finds pleasure in my

> home. I don't know why.


> näma yathä

> yadavadhi mama çétä vaiëiken anugétä

> çruti-patham-agha-çatror nämä-gäthä prayätä |

> anavakalita-pürväà hanta käma 'py avasthäà

> tadavadhi dadhad antarmänasaà çämyatéva || 242 ||


> Name -

> The cooling sound of that musician and his song walked on the path of my

> ears, glorifying the name and destroying all sin. At that very moment, my

> child, I lost all my old desires and attractions, for it completely

> overwhelmed my inner mind.


> çré mathurä-maëòalaà yathä

> taöabhuvi kåta käntiù çyämalä yästaöinyäù

> sphuöita-nava-kadambälambi-küjad dvirephä |

> nirabadhi-madhuriàëa maëòiteyaà kathaà me

> manasi kamapi bhävaà känana-çréstanoti || 243 ||


> Mathurä -

> That splendid, golden place on the bank of the blue-black river,

> where bees hum sonorously

> around trees bent low with new Kadamba flowers.

> Why does this heavenly forest decorate my mind

> with such inexpressible sweetness?





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