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Gadadhara Pandit accepts Pundarika Vidyanidhi as guru

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Gadadhara Pandita and Mukunda were very dear friends and always kept in each

other's company. Mukunda thus told Gadadhara Pandita, "Listen carefully

Gadadhara, a very great devotee has come to Navadvipa. You have been

hankering for the association of pure vaisnava's and today your desire will

be fulfilled. I will take you to see a wonderful Vaisnava devotee, in return

for this I simply want you to think of me as your dear servant."

The excited and happy Gadadhara Pandita called out the name of Krsna as they

proceeded towards the great vaisnava's residence. Ariving there they found

Pundarika Vidyanidhi sitting comfortably. Gadadhara offered his obeisances

and was respectfully seated.


Vidyanidhi inquired from Mukunda, "What is his name and which village does

he come from? I can see that his body is effulgent due to rendering

devotional service to the Supreme Lord Visnu, both his form and demeanor are

extremely wonderful."


"His name is Sri Gadadhara", Mukunda replied, "He is very fortunate because

from early childhood he has been totally detached from family life. His

external, material identity is that he is the son of the brahmana Sri Madhva

Misra. Because he is totally absorbed in devotional service he only

associates with Vaisnava's, and he is extremely dear to all the devotees.

When he heard about you he was anxcious to meet you."


After hearing the wonderful qualities of Gadadhara Pandita, Vidyanidhi was

very pleased to meet him. That great personality, Sri Pundarika Vidyanidhi,

sat like a prince. His beautiful bed was made of wood, covered with

intricate brass and a reddish stone inlay work. Above were three tiers of

ornamental overhangings, made of glittering brocade strips. He was seated on

a soft mattress covered with clean expensive sheets and silk pillows were

placed under his back. On either side of him many small and large water pots

sat within his reach, as well as a nice shining brass plate with betel pan

neatly prepared on it. Two large ornate mirrors hung on either side of him

which he continuely glanced into while smiling with lips reddened from

chewing pan. He wore a sandalwood paste tilaka mark on his forehead and his

face was decorated with dots made from a mixture of sandalwood and perfume.

As for his hair, it was well groomed and shining with delicately perfumed

hair oil. Two persons stood behind him fanning him gently with long peacock

feathers and in front of him was a nicely prepared hammock. Because he

followed a life of pure devotional service, he looked as charming as Cupid

himself. Those who did not know him would consider him to be a prince as

everything about him and around him gave the impression that he was a man of

easy and comfortable life given to pleasure.


When Gadadhara Pandita saw these luxurious items and a general atmosphere of

materialistic life he became suspicious. Since Gadadhara was a fully

renounced soul from his early childhood, naturally some doubts regarding the

character of Pundarika Vidyanidhi entered his heart. He thought, "What sort

of a Vaisnava is he, surrounded by so much finery and lavish living? Hearing

about his devotional mood I developed great respect for this person, but now

on seeing him it is slowly giving way to doubt and suspicion."

Mukunda understood the mind and heart of Gadadhara Pandita, thus he took

upon himself to reveal the true nature of Pundarika Vidyanidhi. By the

special mercy of Lord Krsna, Gadadhara Pandita was allowed to perceive

everything, nothing remained unknown to him.


In a very sweet voice Mukunda began to sing a verse from the Srimad

Bhagavatam describing the glories of devotional service: "Alas how shall I

take shelter of one more merciful than He who granted the position of a

mother to the she-demon Putana? Putana was unfaithful and always hankering

for the blood of human children. With that desire in mind she prepared

deadly poison to be sucked from her breats and came to kill Krsna, but

because she offered her breasts to the Lord she attained the greatest



As soon as these words concerning devotional service entered his ears,

Pundarika Vidyanidhi began to weep, tears of ecstatic love welled up in his

eyes, rolling down his face profusely like streams of the Ganga.

Simultaneously all the symptoms of ecstasy manifested on his person. He

wept, trembled, rolled, horipilated, roared and finally fell into an

unconscious state of ecstasy. Then suddenly regaining consciousness he said

in a loud voice, "Speak, speak," and again fell down to the ground. Agitated

with spiritual emotions he kicked everything that was near him and all the

luxurious paraphernalia went crashing to the ground. The shining brass pots

of water, the container of betel pan, pillows, bed sheets, everything became

a confused mass. He began tearing his fine clothes, and his well groomed

hair went haywire as he wept and rolled in the dust. He cried out, "O Krsna,

My Lord, My soul, My very life, You have made me hard hearted like a stone."

He lamented loudly, piteously crying out, "I have been deprived of the

Lord's association in His most merciful incarnation." He rolled around and

crashed down to the ground. Everyone was afraid he might break his bones. He

to trembled so violently that three persons could not hold him down. He

kicked everything that was in his way, as his disciples stood by helplessly,

unable to control him. In this way the storm of ecstatic love continued

until it finally abated and he fell into an unconscious state of bliss. He

lay down without breathing, totally submerged in an ocean of spiritual



Amazed at what he witnessed Gadadhara Pandita began to worry thinking, "What

inauspiciousness has overcome me to make me think in such an offensive

manner about this great personality." He embraced Mukunda, being extremely

pleased with him. Drenching him with tears of love he said, "Mukunda you

have acted like a true friend, you have shown me a pure and unalloyed

devotee of the Lord. It would be difficult to find another pure Vaisnava

like him anywhere in this entire creation. One can become totally purified

simply by observing his devotional attitude. Today, because you are right

next to me I have been able to avoid a great catastrophe. When I saw all the

luxurious paraphernalia surrounding Pundarika Vidyanidhi I was convinced

that he was a materialistic Vaisnava given to the pleasures of life. You

could read my mind and being a great magnanimous soul you revealed to me the

unlimited extent of Pundarika Vidyanidhi's love of for God, yet today I have

been offensive and the extent of my offense can only be mitigated by your

mercy. You must be merciful to me and purify my heart. All these devotees

who have taken to the process of surrender through devotional service to the

Lord have all accepted the shelter of a guide under whose instructions they

act. Yet I do not have such an instructor, so I have decided to take shelter

of Pundarika Vidyanidhi and follow devotional service under his quidence. I

know that I can counteract all my offenses to him by becoming his disciple."

Thus Gadadhara Pandita revealed to Mukunda his desire to become a disciple

of Pundarika Vidyanidhi. Mukunda was extremely pleased with the decision and

patted him on the back saying, "very good, very good."


Sri Pundarika Vidyanidhi was in a state of ecstatic coma for six hours,

gradually he returned to his normal state and sat down quietly. It was

impossible for Gadadhara Pandita to control the tears of joy which rolled

profusely down his face. wetting his entire body. When Sri Vidyanidhi saw

this he embraced Gadadhara Pandita, holding him to his heart. Overwhelmed by

Pundarika Vidyanidhi's ecstatic devotion, Gadadhara was unable to sleep.(?)

Mukunda spoke up, revealing Gadadhara Pandita's mind, "Doubt arose in

Gadadhara's mind when he first saw your extravagant appearance and

surroundings, but now he is repentant and wants to accept initiation from

you. He is a renounced devotee of the Lord. Although he is young he is

mature in spiritual realisation, and comes from the very good family of

Madhva Misra. From early childhood he has always been very attached to the

Supreme Lord. I think it is a very good match--a very elevated spiritual

master like Pundarika Vidyanidhi having an equally able disciple like

Gadadhara Pandita. Please consider these points and choose an auspicious day

to initiate him with your diksa mantra."


Pundarika Vidyanidhi smiled and said, "Be assured that I will do as you say,

for by the Lord's mercy I have had the great fortune to meet a person who is

like a precious gem. The result of many lifetimes of pious activities is

that one may find a disciple such as him. The forthcoming twelfth day of the

waxing moon is very auspicious, come here to meet me and your plan will

become successful." Overjoyed, Gadadhara Pandita offered his obeisances and

took leave of Pundarika Vidyanidhi.


In the final chapter of the Sri Caitanya Bhagavata, Antya 10.22-28,

Sri Gadadhara approaches Lord Caitanya and the following conversation


22. One day, with Lord Caitanya, Gadadhara discussed his previous

mantra-initiation (from Pundarika Vidyanidhi).

23. Gadadhara said: "The ista-mantra I say does not stay very well in my


24. "Please tell me that mantra again. Then my heart will be happy."

25. Lord Caitanya said, "Anyone who gives you that mantra again will become

an offender.

26. "The person who gave you that mantra is the very life of both you and

Me. It is not right for Me to tell you that mantra again."

27. Then Gadadhara said, "Then you cannot act on my guru's behalf."

28. Lord Caitanya said, "Your guru is Pundarika Vidyanidhi. By the Supreme

Lord's arrangement, you will meet him again and he will give you the mantra



>From Caitanya Bhagavata

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