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64 Practices of Vaidhi Sadhana

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64 Practices of Vaidhi Sadhana

Essence of the Ambrosial Ocean of Devotion - Part 7

By Victor D. DiCara (Vraja Kishor das)


There are potentially infinite ways to cultivate love of Godhead by emulating

its expression, but Rupa Goswami gives a list of 64 "tried and true" methods.

The first twenty of these practices are "preliminary" ("prarambha-rupata"), as

they open a door to the main practices of vaidhi-sadhana and enable one to


their maximum effect. Of these, the first ten are "do's" and the second ten are




Ten Preliminary "Do's"

1) Take Shelter of Guru

When one becomes dissatisfied with material pleasure and begins to desire


satisfaction, one should find a person who is learned in the spiritual subjects


of scripture Sri Krishna, and who is equipoised and thus not attracted to or

repulsed by material things.


2) Receive initiation and instruction about Krishna

The spiritual master(s) performs three sacred duties: (1) Diksha - prepare the

disciple for enlightenment. (2) Shiksha - instruct the disciple about how to

please God. This also includes, (3) shravana - tell the disciple all about the

personality and nature of the Supreme Godhead.


3) Happily Serve Guru

One should serve one's guru in a happy, un-begrudging mood. This begins to


selflessness and love in one's vaidhi-sadhana..


These three items are the foundation ("pradhan") upon which vaidhi-sadhana is

built. To obtain steady inspiration for Bhakti from the scripture, one should

seek a person who is deeply learned and realized in them, learn from and


serve that person.


4) Follow the saint's path.

The guru's instructions, and the disciple's application of them should be


to the instructions and application of persons who were previously successful

on the path of vaidhi-sadhana.


5) Inquire about eternal religious principles.

One should eagerly inquire about sad-dharma from guru and from saintly people.

"Sad-dharma" means the nature of the soul and God, their relationship, and the

activities of that relationship.


6) Accept hardship if required in pleasing Krishna

Unless one is ready to often sacrifice one's personal agenda to please one's

beloved, the relationship will not blossom.


7) Reside in a sacred place like Dvaraka and the Ganges


8) Satisfy ones personal needs in moderation

Acquiring too much will disturb vaidhi-sadhana, as will not acquiring enough.

One should obtain wealth and comfort in moderation, as reasonably required for

the peaceful existence of one's mind and body.


9) Respect the holy days of Hari


10) Respect beings associated with Hari

Including the Pipal, Banyan, and Tulasi plants, the cows, teachers, and the




11) Don't keep company with persons adverse to God

As will be stated in #18, one should not be unkind to any entity, but one


shys away from people with unkind opinions about one's beloved.


12) Don't be attached to having students and disciples

Accepting students or disciples may seem important, but it is dangerous because


it draws out desires for gain, honor, and position.


13) Don't start huge projects

According to Vishvanath Chakravarti, this especially refers to building


Again, this seems favorable, but it is dangerous because it tends to bring out

desires to expand one's influence and properties. Further, it draws one's


away from the primary practices of hearing, chanting, and remembering. One must


therefore be cautious regarding such projects.


14) Don't study or teach with mundane motives

Cultivating knowledge also seems harmless or even favorable, but it is


because it too can exacerbate material desires similar to the previous two


One should not study to impress others with one's understanding and thus gain

wealth and respect.


15) Don't be unkind, even if you are dissatisfied

16) Don't be overwhelmed by strong emotions like lamentation

In the midst of dissatisfaction or loss one should placate the mind by


the benevolent Sri Krishna, rather than becoming harsh or morose.


17) Don't disobey other gods

18) Don't harm any being in any way

Krishna is everyone's father and mother. Like any parent, he is very pleased

with a person who is kind to his child, and very angry towards a person who is

unkind to any one of them. One should also obey one's older brothers and


the demigods, who look after the house on behalf of their parents.


19) Carefully avoid offenses in worship and meditation on God's name

Jiva Goswami lists 64 offenses in worship and 10 offences towards Krishna's


We will examine these in another article.


20) Don't tolerate malice or insult to Krishna or his devotee


The Main Practices of Vaidhi Sadhana

Having listed the 20 preliminary items, Rupa Goswami begins listing the main

practices of sadhana. I will organize them according to the nine main


of bhakti.


Pada-Sevanam - Service for/by the feet, legs, and body

21) Mark the body with Vishnu's symbols.

22) Mark the body with the name of Hari.

23) Wear things like garlands, perfumes, and clothes that have been offered to

the Deity

24) Dance enthusiastically in front of Krishna.

25) Bow to Krishna.

26) Stand up to greet Krishna.

27) Follow Krishna as he goes along.

28) Travels to Hari's place - a holy place or temple.

29) Circumambulate Krishna.


Archanam - Worship

30) Worship ("archana") - Offer specific things to the Deity in the proper way,


accompanied by mantra, after one has purified oneself.

31) Ancillary services ("paricharya") - The many services to do in connection

with worship, like cleaning the altar and the articles used in worship, etc.


For fear of making his book too huge, Rupa Goswami does not mention all the


practices of vaidhi-sadhana associated with these two.


Kirtanam - Glorification

32) Sing songs about Krishna

33) Loudly glorify Krishna's names, activities, and qualities ("samkirtan")

34) Lightly repeat a Krishna-mantra ("japa")


Vandanam - Prayer

35) Express yourself to Krishna in your own words - by making requests and


and by stating your devotional desires

36) Recite prayers from scripture


Pada-Sevanam (2)

37) Taste the sanctified food offered to the Deity

38) Taste the water that washed the Deities feet

39) Smell the sweet incense, flowers, and other things offered to the Deity

40) Touch the Deity

41) See the Deity

42) See the Deity's aratrik, festivals etc.


SHRAVANAM - Hearing About

43) Hear Krishna's names, activities and qualities

44) Specifically hear about Krishna's mercy, and expectantly look for it in


own life


Smaranam - Remembering The Beloved

45) Remember Krishna in any way

46) Meditate deeply on Krishna's beauty, activities, qualities, and service


Dasyam - Servitude

Servitude ("dasyam"), the 47th practice of vaidhi-sadhana, is to do what


asks, as if one were his personal assistant. It also includes offering one's

own daily activities to Krishna, by executing them with the mood that a servant


has when taking care of his own needs.


Sakhyam - Friendship

One can practice friendship ("sakhyam"), the 48th practice of vaidhi-sadhana,

by cultivating a deep trust in Krishna's protection, or by cultivating a


peer-to-peer friendly relationship with Krishna.


Atma-Nivedanam - Offering Oneself

Offering oneself ("atma-nivedanam") the 49th practice of vaidhi-sadhana,


giving one's "self" - one's body, mind, and/or identity - to Krishna, to become


his property. This also includes:


50) Give Krishna things that are dear to you

51) Perform all endeavors for Krishna's sake

52) Take shelter of Krishna for protection


Pada-Sevanam (3)

One should serve those associated with Krishna, like…


53) Tulasi

54) Scripture

55) Mathura

56) Devotees, etc.


One should also…


57) Hold great celebrations in the company of sadhus

58) Observe the month of Kartikka

59) Specially respect the advent day of Krishna


The Five Most Potent Practices

60) Serve the feet of the Deity with love

61) Savor the objective of Srimad Bhagavatam

62) Keep company with devotees who are compatible and affectionate

63) Loudly glorify Krishna's name

64) Reside in Mathura


We will examine these five in another article.

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