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Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur Disappearance Day - 1st July.

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Letter PAMHO:3352345 (348 lines)

Gopinatha (das) RNS (BTG India)

30-Jun-00 19:17 +0630

Bcc: Nayana-ranjana (das) (BBT Bombay - IN) [8079]

Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur Disappearance Day - 1st July.


Disappearance of Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur:


On June 23, 1914, just before noon at Puri, BVP left his body;

this day was also the disappearance day of Sri Gadadhara Pandita. Amidst

sankirtana his remains were interred in Godruma after the next solstice; the

summer solstice had just begun when BVP had left his body.


His divine character:

About BVP, Sarada Carana Mitra, Calcutta High Court Judge,

wrote: "I knew Thakur Bhaktivinode intimately as a friend and a

relation. Even under the pressure of official work as a magistrate in charge

of a heavy subdivision he could always find time for devotional contemplation

and work, and whenever I met him, our talk would turn in a few moments to the

subject of bhakti and dvaitadvaita-vada and the saintly work that lay before

him. Service of God is the only thing he longed for and service under the

government,however honorable, was to him a clog."


His schedule:


7:30-8:00 PM - take rest

10:00 PM - rise, light oil lamp, write

4:00 AM - take rest

4:30 - rise, wash hands and face, chant japa

7:00 - write letters

7:30 - read

8:30 - receive guests, or continue to read

9:30-9:45 - take rest

9:45 - morning bath, breakfast of half-quart milk, couple chapatis, fruit 9:55

- go to court in carriage

He would wear coat and pants to court, with double-size tulasi

neckbeads and tilaka. He was very strong in his decisions; he would decide

immediately. He did not allow any humbug in his court; no upstart could stand

before him. He would shave his head monthly. He never allowed harmonium and he

never had any debts.

10:00 - court began.

1:00 PM - court finished. He'd come home and bathe and refresh.

2:00 PM - return to office.

5:00 PM - translate works from Sanskrit to Bengali

Then take evening bath and meal of rice, couple of chapatis,

half-quart of milk.


He always consulted a pocket watch, and kept time very

punctually. He was always charitable to brahmanas, and equally

befriended other castes. He never showed pride, and his amiable

disposition was a characteristic feature of his life. He never

accepted gifts from anyone; he even declined all honors and titles offered by

the government to him on the grounds that they might stand against his holy

mission of life. He was very strict in moral principles, and avoided the

luxurious life; he would not even chew betel. He dislike theaters because they

were frequented by public women.


He spoke Bengali, Sanskrit, English, Latin, Urdu, Persian and Oriya.


He started writing books at age 12, and continued turning out a


number of volumes up until his departure from this world.


Sri Sri Sva-Niyama-Dvadasakam "12 Verses of My Own


Srila Saccidananda Bhaktivinode Thakura


The 1st Verse.

( The objects of devotion birth after birth)

gurau sri-gaurange tad-udita-subhakti-prakarane

saci-sunor-lila-vikasita-sutirthe nija manau

harer namni presthe hari-tithisu rupanuga-jane

suka-prokte sastre prati-jani mamastam khalu ratih


No matter whenever and wherever I happen to take birth, let my

loving affection and attachment remain anshaken throughout each and every

lifetime for the following things:

for my divine spiritual master,for Sri Gauranga, for the detailed topics of

pure devotional service ( and the methods of its execution) as personally

instructed by Him, for the holy places of pilgrimage such as Sri Navadvipa, Sri

Ksetra, Sri Vrndavana, etc. , which are all blooming with divine sanctity due

to His performance of wonderful pastimes therein, for the diksa mantra bestowed

upon me by the divine grace of my spiritual master, for the holy name of Sri

Hari,for the most beloved eternal associates of the Lord, for the sacred days

of celebration throughout the year such as Sri Ekadasi, Sri Janmastami, Sri

Radhastami, and the appearance/disappearance days of the great Vaisnava acaryas

etc. for the Lord's dearmost devotees who strictly follow in the sacred

footsteps of Srila Rupa Gosvami, and for the holy scriptures narrated by Srila

Sukadeva Gosvami such as the Srimad Bhagavatam, etc.


The 2nd Verse



sada vrndaranye madhura-rasa-dhanye rasa-mayah

param saktim radham parama-rasa-murtim ramayati

sa caivayam krsno nija-bhajana-mudram upadisan

saci-sunur gaude prati-jani mamastam prabhu-varah


The Supreme Lord Sri Krsna is the personified abode of all divinely ecstatic

mellow-tastes. And Sri Radhika is the topmost abode of all His divinely potent

energies. Indeed, She is the personified form of the highest mellow of love in

separation. Within the forest of Vrnda, which is gloriously rich in the

all-pervading treasure of the sweetest madhura-rasa, this Lord Sri Krsna is


enjoying as He makes Sri Radhika happy by His loving service rendered to Her 24

hours a day. This very same Lord Krsna is exactly identical to the Son of

mother Saci Who eternally lives simultaneously yet separately in Gauda-desa as

the Instructor of the process for

rendering His own service. May this Saci- nanadana become my Supreme Master and

Guide, and may He always appear to me just to lead me on the proper devotional

path birth after birth after birdh.


The 3rd Verse


na vairagyam grayham bhavati na hi yad bhakti-janitam tatha jnanam bhanam citi

yadi visesam na manute sprha me nastange hari-bhajana-saukhyam na hi yatas

tato radha-krsna-pracura-paricarya bhavatu me


Let no form of so-called renunciation or asceticism

become fit for my aceptance if it does not give rise to the continual expansion

of my eternal serving mood of loving devotion. And let no form of so-called

knwoledge or intellectual cultivation appeal to me at all if it does not admit

the reality of eternal individuality shared

by the Lord and His devotees during their everlasting daily pastimes. I have no

desire at all for practicing any branch of the eight-fold oga process, for none

of them contain any scope for enjoying the daily plasure of serving Lord Hari

such as His confidential worship does. Rather, may I render profuse,

uninterrupted confidential service 24 hours a day to Sri Sri Radha-Krsna for

all of time to come (such service being the means as well as the end) .


The 4th Verse


kutire pi ksudre vraja-bhajana-yogye taru-tale

saci-sunos tirthe bhavatu nitaram me nivasatih

na canyatra ksetre vibudha-gana-sevye pulakito

vasami prasade vipula-dhana-rajyanvita iha


May I continuously reside in a small, lonely cottage at the base of a

desire-tree in the most holy abode of Sri Navadvipa-dhama, which is sanctified

by the lotus feet of Sri

Saci-Nanadana. Such a bhajan-kutir is perfectly suitble for constant

remembrance of, and service to the divine daily sports that are always present

in Sri Vraja-dhama. Indeed, in contrast to this, I will never live in any other

place, even if it is bankered for with great enthusiasm by the most wise sages

and demigods of all sorts. As far as all other places in this world are

concerned, whether opulent palaces or temples, whether possessing vast riches

of enormous wealth or princely kingdoms and property ----- all such places

cannot attract me as much as my modest bhajan-kutir in Sri Navadvipa-dhama does


The 5th Verse



na varne saktir me na khalu mamata hyasrama-vidhau

na dharme nadharme mama ratir ihaste kvacid api

param tat-tad-dharme mama jada-sariram dhrtam idam

ato dharman sarvan subhajana-sahayann abhilase


I have no attachment at all to any of those caste

divisions of society such as brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya or sudra. And I

certainly do not identify with any order of life such as brahmacarya, grhasta,

vanaprasta, or sannyasa. I have no fondness or respect at all for the so-called

piety of religiosity or even for the so-called impiety of sinful life in this

world-----not even the slightest regard. Instead , I truly desire whathever is

practically required just to maintain this material body in order to facilitate

my performance of pure devotional service. This is the actual righteousness

that I will hope for as long as this material body

continues to exist.


The 6th Verse


sakala-sahanam manada-danam dayam svikrtya sri-hari-carana-seva mama tapah

sadacaro sau me prabhu-pada-parair yah samuditah

prabhos caitanyasyaksaya-carita-piyusa-krtisu


My austere vow is costant devotion to the lotus feet of Sri Hari. In order to

execute that vow, I have accepted the following qualities by my own endeavor: I

practice great humility in my dealings with everyone; I try to keep simplicity

and purity prominent in all of my practical arrangements: I maintain extreme

tolerance in all types of favoreble or unfavorable circumstances: I offer all

respect unto others, regardless of who they are: I feel genuine compassion for

all living entities and act accordingly There are many transcendental

activities which are recommended by the great devotees who are fixed-up in

unalloyed devotional service to the lotus feet of

Sriman-Mahaprabhu, and these can be found described in the books that are full

of the imperishable character and pastimes of Mahaprabhu Sri Krsna Caitanya.

Only such transcendentally nectarean activities, being recommended by great

devotees and practiced by Lord Caitanya Himself, are indeed my own.


The 7th Verse


na vaikunthe rajye na ca visaya-karye mam ratir

na nirvane mokse mama matir ihaste ksanam api

vrajanandad anyadd hari-vilasitam pavanam api

kathancin mam radhanvaya-virahitam no sukhayati


I have no attraction for living in Vaikuntha, that part of the spiritual sky

presided over by Sri Sri Laksmi- Narayana; nor do I desire useless activities

of gross sense gratification in this material world. I will never cherish the

desire for attaining

the divine bliss of impersonalistic liberation, even for a second. Furthermore,

there are many transcendental pastimes of Sri Hari that may be very purifying

for all conditioned souls -- yet such pastimes will never ever give me any real

happiness at all. This is because such pastimes are quite different from

blissful ecstasies of Vraja-consciousness, being complitely devoid of any

relationship with Sri-Radhika, Who is the one and and only fountainhead of pure



The 8th Verse


na me patni-kanya-tanaya-janani-bandhu-nicaya

harau bhakte bhaktau na khalu yadi tesam sumamata

abhaktanam-anna-grahanam api doso visayinam

katham tesam sangadd hari-bhajana-siddhir bhavati me


I now disown my wife,my daughters,my sons, my mother,and all my friends,If they

have no genuine attachment for Lord Hari, for His devotees,or for His

devotional service. I t is definitely a great sin even to accept foodgrains

prepared by such non-devotional, materialistic sense-gratifiers. If I were to

remain in the company of such persons, then how will the eternal perfection of

my Hari-bajan ever come about?


The 9th Verse


asat-tarkair-andhan jada-sukha-paran krsna-vimukhan

ku-nirvanasaktam satatam ati-dure pariharan

aradham govindam bhajati nitaram dambhikataya

tad-abhyase kintu ksanam api na yami vratam idam


There are certain persons who appear to very advanced in devotion. Indeed, to

increase their service to the Lord, they have long since rejected the evil

company of:

those who are completely blinded by faulty arguments arising from so-called

intellectual logic, those who are madly addicted to the fleeting pleasures of

the dull material body, those who are averse to and envious of Lord Sri Krsna,

and those who are very fond of the inferior, distasteful concept of liberation

as it is cherished by the impersonalistS.

They have thus favorably avoided all kinds of bad association; yet it is seen

that such persons worship Lord Govinda without Srimati Radarani being present.

This just shows that they are actually

puffed-up with excessive pride and conceited arrogance directed

against Sri Radika, who is Herself the best worshipper of Govinda. Therefore I

will never ever go anywhere near such so-called devotees ----- even for a

second. This is my strict vow.


The 10th Verse



prasadanna-ksirasana-vasana -patradibhir aham

padarthair nirvahya vyavahrtim asangah ku visaye

vasam isa-ksetre yugala-bhajananandita-manas

tanum moksye kale yuga-pada-paranam pada-tale


Passing my life in a simple, practical way----eating only prasada foodgrains

and milk products, the remnants of the Supreme, Lord, His mercy, wearing only

prasad cloth that was offered to the Deity, using only the pots and utensils

sanctified by the Lord's exclusive service, I will thus remain completely aloof

from material sense-gratification.

Living by the side of Sri Radha-kunda ( Her very own abode ),

worshiping the Divine Couple with a blissful mind, the time will come for my to

die. At the soles of the devotees's lotus feet, who are themselves serving the

lotus feet of the Divine Couple, I will thus give up my body.


The 11th Verse



saci-sunor-ajna-grahana-caturo yo vraja-vane

pararadhyam radham bhajati nitaram krsna-rasikam

aham tvetat-padamrtam anudinam naisthika-mana

vaheyam vai pitva sirasi ca muda sannati-yutah


There is a class of pure devotee who is completely expert and experienced in

following all the instruction of Sri Saci-nandana.Such a devotee incessantly

worships Srimati Radharani exlusively, Who is indeed the most worshipable

Personality, and who is deeply absorbed every day in relishing the Divine

mellows of Sri Krsna's association.The pure devotee of this calibre definitely

performs his confidential worship whole-heartedly and with exclusive surrender

unto Sri Radhika. Thus he always lives in Sri Vraja-mandala. I shall take the

nectarean water that has washed the lotus feet of such a devotee and carry it

on my head. Drinking it with great joy, and with a devout heart, I will then

happily offer my full prostration upon the ground in the nicest, most perfect

way that I possibly can. This will indeed be my routine each and every day.


The 12th Verse


harer dasyam dharmo mama tu cira-kalam prakrtito

maha-maya-yogad-abhinipatitah duhkha-jaladhu

ito yasyamy urddhvam sva-niyama-suratya prati-dinam

sahayo me matram vitatha-dalani vaisnava-krpa


As a spirit soul, my natural tendency is to be eternally situated in the loving

devotional service of Lord Hari; however, due to the strong power and influence

of the Lord's maha-maya, I have somehow plunged deeply into the fathomless

ocean of material sorrow and grief. I shall transcend this world of maya and go

to the spiritual world only by faithfully following these self imposed vows

every day. And the only way Iwill get the strength to follow these vows is by

attaining the mercy of all the Vaisnava devotees of the Lord.May their

causeless mercy and softhearted compassion, which wards off all illusion,

become my exclusive friend and guide for all of time everlasting.


The 13 Verse


krtam kenapyetat sva-bhajana-vidhau svam niyamakam

parthed yo visraddhah priya-yugala-rupe 'rpita manah

vraje radha-krsnau bhajati kila samprapya nilayam

sva-manjaryah pascad vividha-varivasyam sa kurute


This stava named Sva-niyam Dvadasakam was written by

someone to adjust and regulate his own personal mode of performing bhajan.If

any other devotee happens to chant this stava with a very special quality of

resolute faith, fully offering his mind unto:

the supreme beautiful forms of the Divine Couple, Sri Sri

Radha-Govinda, his most dear possession, or to the Divine beauty of Their Deity

form, or to the beauty or Sri Gaura-Sundara, the combined form of Sri Sri

Radha-Govinda, or to Srila Rupa Gosvami, the dearmost beloved devotee of Sri

Sri Radha-Govinda and Sri Gaura-Sundara, ----- then that fortunate reader

definitely attains his own place of eternal residence in Sri Vraja-dhama.

Always following behind his own manjari-guru, in his own spiritual body of a

manjari, he

finally renders all kinds of variegated eternal services for the

exclusive worship of Sri Sri Radha-Krsna.


Thus ends " SVA-NIYAMA DVADASTAKAM" by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, his last


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