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RE: Amazing story.. - PRABU, I AM REALLLLLLLLY MOVED!!!!!

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My dearest Ramakrishnan Prabhu,


hare krishna! please accept my humble pranams. all glories to sri sri guru

and gauranga! all glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to Sri Sri

Nitai-Gauranga! All glories to Sri Sri Radha-Madhava!


Thank you for your kind message prabhuji, and for giving me the chance to

write this glorification of Srila Prabhupada from the core of my



A great saint has come very recently (Sep 1st 1896 - Nov 14th 1977), but

sadly he has remained covered, hidden and unknown to the world, mainly

because of being mis-represented by his many less-than-qualified followers.

That was not his fault, but his mercy, that he chose to give sacred Harinam

diksha to those so devoid of samskara, but who showed signs of sincerity in

their spiritual life and love for his Lord Sri Krishna. Pls read his full

biography [srila Prabhupada Lilamrta, 6 vols.] - the first volume [his life

in India from birth till age 70 when he went to America] shows how no one in

India took him seriously, even though it was published in Indian newspapers

with a photo with PM Lal Bahadur Shastri saying, "The books of A C

Bhaktivedanta Swami are a significant contribution towards the salvation of

mankind...". No one in India took him seriously: He had tried very hard

[in mid 1950s] to establish a mission called 'The Worldwide League of

Devotees' in Jhansi, whose objectives are almost identical to the objectives

of the society he later created in America in July 1966 called the Int'l

Society for Krishna Consciousness. (All his life he was trying to preach

and propagate this msg, not merely after becoming famous in America from the

years 1965 - 1977.) In India, no one took his message seriously..


But mind you, in 1896, the great acharya, who was a judge in the British

courts of Calcutta, and whose son was later to become the Guru of Srila

Prabhupada, wrote a striking prediction in one of his books on Lord Caitanya

(Thakur Bhaktivinode is the first Gaudiya Vaishnava Acharya who recognized

the need to preach the universal message of Lord Caitanya, namely Krishna

Bhakti through Harinama, in the ENGLISH language.) He wrote: "A saint will

come, and he will establish a worldwide church, and he will bring the

Russians, Americans and Germans together, and they will all dance and sing

together in Mayapur 'Jaya Sachinandana, jaya sachinandana!'" - when in 1975

or 76 ?? Srila Prabhupada inaugurated the first Mayapur festival in our huge

world headquarters and he performed the marriage ceremony of his disciples

from so many different countries of the world, and he boldly declared "THIS

IS THE real UNITED NATIONS!", he had the pleasure of seeing all his foreign

disciples singing 'Jaya sachinandana jaya sachinandana' in Mayapur: with

tears in his lotus eyes, he said, "Today the prediction of Thakur

Bhaktivinode is fulfilled!" Jaya ! JAYA! all glories to Srila Prabhupada,

who through his mission and his dear disciples, saved me, a most wretched

and degraded soul.


So in India, no one took him seriously...only the hippies in America came

forth to help... after his several heart attacks, stroke and

paralysis...after age 70... And he accepted and utilised their help - why?

because the mission was too important for the world's welfare for him to

leave this world without imparting it to the world through his books......

with all their disqualifications, he used them to propagate uncompromisingly

(no meat eating; no illicit sex; no intoxication - not even coffee and tea;

no gambling of any kind; and chant minimum of 16 malas everyday; and wake up

to do mangal arati at 4:30 am everyday everywhere in the world, even in

London or Siberia) the purest siddhanta of 'shuddha bhakti' , pure love of

God, as being the ONLY salvation for mankind - and that is the CLEAR

teaching of Bhagavan Sri Vyasadeva in his Srimad Bhagavatam. and that in

Kali yuga it is obtainable only through the chanting of the Holy Names of



But they (the hippies) had and still have one greatest qualification despite

all their crimes and falldowns to lust - those unperfected disciples of his,

some of whom have tarnished the name of his society and indeed his

(Prabhupada's) 'religion' (Vaishnavism) have one greatest qualification:

their absolute faith in him as the pure guru (whom he definitely is - there

are several scriptural evidences which reveal him to be a special messenger

sent by the Lord for saving us Kali yuga people) and their abiding love for

him - he was such a pure person that he was able to draw out SO much love,

dedication and surrender from all those unqualified persons..... but read

the last sentence of his Preface to 'Bhagavad Gita As It Is' - he

wrote..."and if just one person becomes a PURE devotee then we shall

consider all our efforts a great success."


Lord Krishna says in Gita (' manushyaanaam sahesreshu....') that out of

thousands of ordinary men, one may be interested in spirituality. Out of

thousands of such spiritually-inclined persons, hardly one practices so

sincerely that he becomes siddha (perfected); and, Lord says, out of

thousands of such 'siddhas' hardly one knows 'Me' (Krishna) personally in



So lord also says that out of many who claim to be followers, few succeed on

the path. There are many mis-behaved muslims - but that is not a slur on

Mohammed nor on Allah, but a glorification of Their great mercy, that they

are able to accept such dirty souls as their disciples.


Lord says one VERY IMPT point in GIta - that "even if a person who is always

engaged in my devotional service does THE MOST ABOMINABLE action, that

person must still be treated as a sadhu ("sadhur eva ca")". Why? Next

verse - because that person is already on the right path, and very soon,

lord says, he will become purified. Srila Prabhupada expanded this by

giving us this eg.: that a person who is dirty has entered the bathroom and

started to bathe himself. Before his bath is over, we may peep inside and

criticise - o, his arm is dirty, his face is dirty etc etc - but that

criticism is foolish - because he has already admitted and realized his dirt

and has already BEGUN THE PROCESS OF RECTIFICATION< so such criticism is

meaningless but rather will damage our own spiritual advancement by invoking

the wrath of the lord upon us - because when such wretched fellows turn to

God and trudge falteringly towards Him, the Lord personally assists them in

their journey, gives them Special Mercy, and indeed He places rose petals on

their path beneath their feet personally, for that is how much Lord feels

obliged to the surrendering souls, although their surrender may not yet be

complete. So what if even it takes 1000 lifetimes to reach krishna - at

least the journey has been started... better than the others who will still

be here after a million lifetimes... As Lord Jesus said so succinctly:

'Why point out the splinter in another's eye when there is a LOG in your own

eye?" & "Judge not, lest ye be judged."


I have a very dear and deeply learned Godbrother named Srinivas Krishna Das

Prabhu, who is presently an Assoc Professor in the U of Madras, who was born

in the Sri Sampradaya of Sripad Ramanujacharya (ours is the Brahma

Sampradaya of Sripad Madhvaacharya). He told me that his siksha guru, the

renowned centenarian in Madras Sri Krishnadas Maharaj of Sri Sampradaya,

ordered him (Srinivas prabhu) about 13 years ago, that he should dedicate

the rest of his life to studying the 17 volumes Chaitanya Charitaamrta

commentary written by His Divine Grace Sri Srimad A C Bhaktivedanta Swami

Prabhupada, Founder-Acharya of the International Society for Krishna

Consciousness, Iskcon. Srinivas Prabhu was surprised and said, 'But

Maharaj, why do you ask me to read his books - he is not from our

Sampradaya.' to which the maharaj replied, 'He may not be from our

sampradaya, but he is an eternal personal associate of Lord Sri Krishna, so

it does not matter which sampradaya he has taken his birth in. It is my

personal realization that he (srila prabhupada) did not write that book, but

Lord Krishna stood beside him and dictated the entire book to him while he

simply wrote it down as it is.'


When Srinivas prabhu told me those words, I felt like crying tears of joy,

that finally i had met a great devotee from another sampradaya who realized

the true position of the Acharya Srila Prabhupada, beyond the failings and

mis-representations of his purported followers and biased selective media

reports. I asked him, 'Why then didn't your great maharaj meet with Srila

Prabhupada and help him to propagate this important message of Lord Caitanya

to the world when he was here on this planet?' Srinivas replied to me,

"The great acharyas in our sampradaya lament that they did not take his

association when he was here because they mis-judged him. Because his

hippie disciples preached fanatically sometimes and there was much media

publicity of minor mis-conducts and crimes of his disciples, they never took

him seriously." I said, 'But if they read his books surely they would have

realized that he was preaching Pure Vaishnava Siddhaanta.' Srinivas said,

"Unless you think somebody is credible, you won't waste your time to read

his books, isn't it? So when they finally came to read his books and

realize his position, it was long after he had departed from this world,

but now they know." "Still," he said, "they do not openly associate with

Iskcon devotees because even if they go to the iskcon temples, they are

often not very welcome: his experience was that shallow neophyte devotees

who receive the vaishnavas from other sampradayas treat them so badly and

disrespect them so much that they feel better to remain aloof." When I

heard that, the memory flooded my heart of once (I had read in SP Lilamrta,

his authorized biography) that a reporter challengingly asked him,

"Prabhupada, who will lead your movement after you die?" to which the great

siddha-acharya replied boldly: "I shall never die! I will live forever in

my books!"


All glories, all glories, all glories to Srila Prabhupada, my saviour, by

whose mercy I have come to relish a little taste of joy in serving his

disciples and the true devotees of the Lord in love! It was he who wrote

the Bhagavad Gita As It Is, which just by my reading a few pages from it on

the 11th of February, 1988, my entire life immediately became transformed,

from a beef-eating, godless existence to having this great chance of serving

Lord Krishna's mission today as a humble, unqualified preacher of the

science of the Absolute Truth. I will take many many thousands of births to

be purified fully, but at least i am trying now to surrender my ego and

become the menial servant of the servant of the servant of the Supreme

Personality of Godhead Sri Gopinatha! May the poor suffering world come

soon to know of his unlimited glories and of the great simple message of

love of god that he was especially empowered by the Lord Himself to preach

all over the world.


To end off, let me tell you a very secret way to realize this Acharya's

glories: He said, "If you really want to know me, please study my books."

Therefore I beg you, my dearest Ramakrishnan prabhu, to please make a change

in your daily routine that you begin to spend just at least half an hour or

one hour EVERY DAY to systematically read his transcendentally realized

commetaries on Srimad Bhagavatam (18 Extra Large volumes) and Caitanya

Caritamrta (17 Large volumes), and in this way, from the authorized texts,

directly find out who these great personalities, Lord Krishna and Lord

Caitanya, are, and exactly what they did while on this planet and what they

taught. Then you will definitely realize your own spiritual nature and find

your greates happiness if you do that and keep up your daily japa of Hare

krishna mahamantra as much as you can. Lord will reveal all else to you

within your heart and send you the Vaishnava association that you need for

your advancement.


So to answer your 'Shakespearean' question: I think that it is wonderful

that you have seen Lord Krishna's greatness in that way - actually it

pleases Lord Krishna more when you glorify His pure devotee, much more than

when you try to glorify the Lord Himself directly. So surely Lord Krishna

is always great, but even all my Hindu friends and relatives, even my

father, never really knew that Lord Krishna is svayam bhagavan - the Supreme

Personality of Godhead Himself - we just thought He was another one of the

many Hindu Gods, because none of us read, understood and practised the

Gita's teachingsin our lives. So Lord wanted to Glorify His dearmost

servant Srila Prabhupada and gave him the glory of revealing Krishna

consciousness PURELY to the world. If not for Srila Prabhupada, we would

all be in ignorance of Lord Krishna's majesty and supremacy. And to think

that he started this great, dynamic global mission after two heart attacks

and a stroke and arriving alone in America past age 70 and with only 35

Rupees in his pocket and no one to help him.... miracle of miracles..... and

in a poem which he wrote on the ship Jaladuta while out at sea before even

reaching America, he predicted all the things that he was going to do, and

he wrote emphatically that the Holy Name of Lord Krishna and Lord Caitanya

would be spread by him to every single town and village on this planet - who

can make such a prediction and fulfill it gloriously within ten years from

age 72-82? And make two world records (for writing and publishing more

books than any other person (70 books of the highest calibre, used in

universities globally); and for producing the 17 vol. Caitanya Caritamrta

from scratch to final product with about 400 original paitings in just 18

months), and all this while circling the globe 14 times, training 10,000

disciples, opening and managing 108 temples and writing 10,000 letters,

and thousands of hours of recorded lectures, conversations and speeches.

Without his merciful books prabhu, where would we be today? Let us now

please him by striving with our every breath to become pure devotees of Lord

Krishna by serving his bona fide servants with love. Hare krishna prabhu.


your humble servant always

in service of sri guru and sri gauranga




(Dina-Anukampana Das Br.)


P.S. See what the scriptures say about just how rare it is to find a true

Pure Devotee of the Lord:



"Certainly the unalloyed devotee of the Lord is very very rare." This is

confirmed in the Bhakti Sandarbha 177 and Hari-bhakti-vilasa 10.117:


brAhmaNAnAm sahasrebhyah satrayAji viziSyate

satrayAji-sahasrebhyaH sarvavedAnta-pAragaH

sarva-vedAnta-vit-koTyA viSNu-bhakto viziSyate

vaiSNavAnAm sahasrebhyah ekAntyeko viziSyate


Out of many thousands of brahmanas, one who performs sacrifice for Lord

Visnu is best. Out many thousands of such yajnika-brahmanas one who knows

the meaning of Vedanta is best. But of MILLIONS of such vedantists, a

devotee of Visnu is best. And out of thousands of Visnu bhaktas, one who is

an unalloyed devotee of Visnu is the best.


SB 6.14.4-5


prayo mumuksavas tesam

kecanaiva dvijottama

mumuksunam sahasresu

kascin mucyeta sidhyati


O best of the brahmanas, Sukadeva Gosvami, out of many persons who follow

religious principles, only a few desire liberation from the material world.

Among many thousands who desire liberation, one may actually achieve

liberation, giving up material attachment to society, friendship, love,

country, home, wife and children. And among many thousands of such liberated

persons, one who can understand the true meaning of liberation is very rare.


muktanam api siddhanam


sudurlabhah prasantatma

kotisv api maha-mune


O great sage, among many millions who are liberated and perfect in knowledge

of liberation, one may be a devotee of Lord Narayana, or Krsna. Such

devotees, who are fully peaceful, are extremely rare.


Cc Madhya 19.144


tara madhye `sthavara', `jangama'--dui bheda

jangame tiryak-jala-sthalacara-vibheda


"The unlimited living entities can be divided into two divisions-those that

can move and those that cannot move. Among living entities that can move,

there are birds, aquatics and animals.


TEXT 145


tara madhye manusya-jati ati alpatara

tara madhye mleccha, pulinda, bauddha, sabara


"Although the living entities known as human beings are very small in

quantity, that division may be still further subdivided, for there are many

uncultured human beings like mlecchas, pulindas, bauddhas and sabaras.


TEXT 146


veda-nistha-madhye ardheka veda `mukhe' mane

veda-nisiddha papa kare, dharma nahi gane


"Among human beings, those who are followers of the Vedic principles are

considered civilized. Among these, almost half simply give lip service while

committing all kinds of sinful activities against these principles. Such

people do not care for the regulative principles.


TEXT 147


dharmacari-madhye bahuta `karma-nistha'

koti-karma-nistha-madhye eka `jnani' srestha


"Among the followers of Vedic knowledge, most are following the process of

fruitive activity and distinguishing between good and bad work. Out of many

such sincere fruitive actors, there may be one who is actually wise.


TEXT 148


koti-jnani-madhye haya eka-jana `mukta'

koti-mukta-madhye `durlabha' eka krsna-bhakta


"Out of many millions of such wise men, one may actually become liberated

[mukta], and out of many millions of such liberated persons, a pure devotee

of Lord Krsna is very difficult to find.


Bg 7.3


manusyanam sahasresu

kascid yatati siddhaye

yatatam api siddhanam

kascin mam vetti tattvatah


Out of many thousands among men, one may endeavor for perfection, and of

those who have achieved perfection, hardly one knows Me in truth.


Bg 7.19


bahunam janmanam ante

jnanavan mam prapadyate

vasudevah sarvam iti

sa mahatma su-durlabhah


After many births and deaths, he who is actually in knowledge surrenders

unto Me, knowing Me to be the cause of all causes and all that is. Such a

great soul is very rare. "





RAMKRISH [ramkrish (AT) mbox4 (DOT) singnet.com.sg]

Monday, July 17, 2000 10:37 PM

Venky; Mohan; Annapurna Rathore; dinaanu (AT) com (DOT) org

Cc: Vivek; Vyas_Sriram; Venkata RamaKrishnan; Uma-Ishwar; Tanuj;

Srirama. Chandra; Sreenidi; Sindhu S Nair; Satishr; Ravi-Neeru; Ramesh

Reddy; Ramakrishna; Ramadas; Rajanb; Nitin Garde; Nagaraja Srinivasaiah;

Mohanarangan; M_Rohini; Lakshmi Venkatesan; Kokkilah Suntharraju;

Keswani; Kamal Nayyar; Jayasimha; jayant; Jaya; Doulat Bhojwani; Devaraj

Muruganand; Chaitra_Sriram; Bhadresh

Amazingstory of Srila Prabhupada's power



Dear Dina Prabu,


To tell you my experience upon reading your e mail, in true simple terms



All glories to Srila Prabhupada!


Well: there used to be a saying in English which goes as


" Shakespeare is great, because Saranath is born ",


the fact behind being, there lived an English Professor by name Saranath

teaching English literature in the National College Tiruchy, the then

Madras Presidency, India, during the time India was under the British Rule.

His explanations & intrepretations of Shakespeare was so fantastic and opt,

that even the Britishers used to approach him, to get the true meaning of

what Shakespeare might have really meant / implied by a particular phrase

or idium : which means to say that people were able to appreciate

Shakespeare & became his true fans upon understanding him, which was made

possible only through Saranath, the great English Professor.


In this context, rather in that sense, are we anyway wrong to say that


" Lord Krishna is great, because Srila Prabhupada was born "


who was responsible in making the glory of Lord Krishna, the Almighty,

known to the People at large


Kindly enlighten this Stupid !




> Dina-Anukampana Dasa <dinaanu (AT) com (DOT) org>

> / <dinaanu (AT) com (DOT) org>

> Amazingstory of Srila Prabhupada's power - Guru Purnima Offering

> Sunday, July 16, 2000 10:32 AM


> My dearest Friends and Devotees of Lord Krishna,


> Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila

> Prabhupada, the Saviour of the Fallen! All glories to Sri Sri Guru and

> Gauranga! All glories to the Sankirtana mission of Sri Gauranga


> All glories to Sri Sri Radhika and Madhava!


> Today is Guru Purnima. Pls forgive me for sending you such a long


> but I assure you it is a true story that will touch your heart deeply.


> Sri Guru bless us all with love for Krishna.


> It is an eternal Vaishnava Tradition that one must offer some special


> to his spiritual master on the occasion of the spiritual master's


> (called as Vyasa Puja) -


> below please find the Vyasa Puja offering written by one of Srila

> Prabhupada's beloved disciples a few years ago. It includes the


> of a letter that was written by a young girl from Hungary about her

> grandmother... I do not have the words nor the power to describe it, but


> can say one thing - this offering never fails to bring tears to my eyes


> chokes up my voice whenever I read it, unqualified as I am. May Lord

> Krishna and Srimati Radharani bless me to always sing the glories of


> Prabhupada everywhere throughout the universe with my life. What a great

> saint he is! And how much the world needs to know of his greatness in


> age of faithlessness and gross behaviour. Truly he is an eternal


> associate of Lord Sri Krishna Himself. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

> Happy reading!


> Your humble servant always

> in service of Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga,



> dina

> ----------

> Vyasa Puja offering to Srila Prabhupada by HH Sivaram Swami (1994):

> --


> Dear Srila Prabhupada,

> Please accept my humble obeisances at your divine

> lotus feet. All glories to you on the celebration of your appearance



> While planning a composition for your offering , I


> also attending to my regular correspondence. One letter stood out among


> others. I enclose it here , translated into English, for your pleasure:


> {translated letter below}


> Dear Sivarama Swami,

> Hare Krsna. Please accept my humble obeisances . All

> glories to Srila Prabhupada. I hope you do not mind my writing to you. I

> have never written to a spiritual master before. You do not know me. My


> is Bhaktin Dora and I live in Pecs(Hungary).I am 14 years old , and I


> at home with my mother and older sister.


> In 1992 I went to the Hare Krsna Festival with a


> I was not very interested , but I enjoyed the chanting and dancing at the

> end. After it was over I bought a book , The Science of Self-Realization.


> do not know why , generally I never read. I think it was because of the

> chanting.


> I took the book home and cannot remember what


> to it. One day my mother found it and was very angry with me. She thought

> that I was reading this kind of thing. You see, our family members are


> very strict Catholics. They thought Krsna Consciousness was some kind of

> "brainwashing". Actually I wasn't reading the book, I had forgotten all

> about it. Somehow, it just "appeared". Anyway my mother was going to


> it away.


> My grandmother , who is 68, was in the kitchen at


> time. She lives in the apartment upstairs. She came in and took the book.

> She looked at it and scolded me in a very heavy way. I thought that would


> the end of it. I did not mind it so much as I was in a lot of maya at


> time.


> About a week later, I overheard a conversation


> my mother and grandmother. Granny was saying that this was not an


> book. She said that what Prabhupada was saying is what Jesus Christ said


> that Krsna is God. I was very surprised. She said that we should listen


> what Prabhupada said and chant Hare Krsna because that was the religion


> this age. There was a lot of talk about how Christianity was no more, and


> one was following the Bible, but what Prabhupada said was pure and



> Things really took a turn from there .One day my

> grandmother visited the nama-hatta center here and began to chant on


> She also began to buy Prabhupada's books one by one. She was spending all

> her pension on buying what she called the "beautiful, holy Bhagawatam".


> Sometimes she could only afford to eat potatoes, but


> kept buying the books. The devotees even came to her flat and helped her


> up an altar. When I went upstairs, they had taken all the pictures down,


> there were Krsna pictures everywhere.


> That was really the beginning. One night, granny had


> dream about Prabhupada. Something really happened to her then. I don't


> what it was, but she began to get very enthusiastic. Next she began to


> the whole family involved. I mean, not just me and my mother and sister,


> her two sons, their wives and six children as well as her brothers,


> and relatives. Before she used to carry a Bible with her and quote Jesus

> Christ. Now she has a Bhagavad Gita and quotes "the good Lord


> She became a veritable transcendental terror. Everyone in the family has


> chant at least one round a day. In addition, granny made everyone become


> vegetarian including my dog Sikra, and we offer our food to a picture of

> Prabhupada and Lord Caitanya.


> Now, I am also getting out of maya and chanting and

> reading a little also. Where I go to school my friends inquire about


> as they know I am a devotee. The whole family goes to the nama-hatta, all

> sixteen of us. During the Christmas Marathon, we all tried to distribute

> Prabhupada's books. Even granny would take books with her to the market


> sell them to the vendors. Everyone is afraid of her because she is


> They all think she has gone crazy, but she does not care.


> Now she is saving to go to Budapest to see the newly

> installed Deities. She has heard that Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda

> "came" to Hungary and are being worshipped there by the devotees. She


> she wants to see God just once in this life.


> At this year's Hare Krsna festival, you were


> to the guests after the kirtana. You must remember my grandmother because

> she came and sat right beside you and asked so many questions. At the end

> when you stood to leave, she even kissed your hand, remember ? I also


> to ask a question, but I was shy. Could I please ask you now ? I hope you


> not mind, maharaja.


> I want to know what kind of man Srila Prabhupada was.


> must be so dear to Krsna to have spread this message all over the world.

> What are these books that changed my family so much? How is it possible


> he can speak so powerfully through them? You must feel very fortunate to


> his disciple. How great a man he is. Sometimes when my granny chants in

> front of a picture of Krsna she cries. How does Prabhupada do that ? I


> to cry like that too. Granny dreams of Prabhupada, and sometimes she


> to his picture. Although it says on the cover of the book that he passed

> away, is Prabhupada really dead, or is he still alive? Do you think I can

> meet him someday?


> I am sorry that I have gone on so. I would like to be


> good devotee one day and help you and Prabhupada spread Krsna



> Please could you answer my questions ?


> Your servant,

> Bhaktin Dora


> {end of translated letter}


> {Sivaram Maharaja's letter continues..}


> Srila Prabhupada, what is this brand of mercy that


> gave this old lady I just barely met, that you never gave to me? She


> met you, never saw devotees, she is not even initiated by you. What is


> kindness that you bestow upon her, that you do not give me, "your


> disciple?"


> What am I referring to? It is just this. After having

> come in contact with you for just a few months, what inspiration did you

> give this granny in that dream ? What did you move in her heart that made

> her change her life in its final days ? That made her turn against the

> current of banality and tradition and strike out alone to change her


> No sympathy, no association, no institutional support. Boldness I do not

> possess, changes I do not have the strength to make.


> Srila Prabhupada, I want to know what is that you say


> her from your picture when she talks to you ? I have so many pictures.


> do not speak to me through them.


> Although I worship Deities daily, I continue to see


> as made of marble and wood. How is it this old lady has the conviction


> God has "come" to her country ? Why have you not given such vision to me?

> Where did she get the conviction that a pilgrimage to the city capital


> yield the final goal of her life ?


> One last thing, Srila Prabhupada, how is it that when

> Dora's granny chants in front of a picture, she cries ? How do you do it?


> want to cry like that too. When will you give me that mercy?


> Srila Prabhupada, this is one letter , from one girl

> who came in contact with you. How many millions of such souls are there


> have yet to write , who are directly experiencing your mercy daily, who

> read your books with implicit faith, whom you talk to in dreams and

> pictures, whose lives you change abruptly and reward with tears when

> chanting the holy names ?


> How many people cross the boundaries of rules and

> regulations by the strong boat of your mercy and practice and taste Krsna

> Consciousness in a realm beyond logic and argument ? I think these people

> are meeting you every day. How will I acquire their good fortune ? When


> you one day bestow some of this special mercy upon me that you give to



> If I am not to acquire it directly, even after begging

> for it, then I will serve such souls who have reached your mission. I


> offer them prasadam, give them your books and show them how to practice.


> will chant with them. Thus I can hope to gain a new perspective of your

> greatness, even though I may never fully understand it.


> Your insignificant servant,

> Sivarama Swami







> ^^^^^^^^^^^^


> Hare Krishna Hare Krishna , Krishna Krishna Hare Hare / Hare Rama Hare


> , Rama Rama Hare Hare

> Please always sing these sweet holy names of God and your life will be


> sublimely spiritualized!


> Dina-Anukampana Das Brahmachari

> (Singapore)

> Tel: (65) 753 6542 Pg: (65) 9506 2973 <dinaanu (AT) com (DOT) org>

> <http://dina.on.to> for on-line forum, info. on programs, etc


> If you need to contact me urgently, you can send a text msg direct to my

> pager - just dial 9506 2973 then press 0 to speak to the operator (7 am -


> pm)




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