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The Prayer and Armor of Lord Balarama

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Sri Balabhadra-stotra-kavaca

The Prayer and Armor of Lord Balarama


Text 1


duryodhana uvaca


gopibhyam kavacam dattam

gargacaryena dhimata

sarva-raksa-karam divyam

dehi mahyam maha-mune


duryodhana uvaca-Duryodhana said; gopibhyam-to the gopis; kavacam-the

armor; dattam-given; gargacaryena-by Garga Muni; dhimata-intelligent;

sarva-raksa-karam-giving all protection; divyam-transcendental; dehi-please

give; mahyam-to me; maha-mune-O great sage.



Duryodhana said: O great sage, please give me the transcendental

Balarama-kavaca, which wise Garga Muni gave to the gopis, and which gives all



Text 2


sri-pradvipaka uvaca


snatva jale ksauma-dharah kusasanah

pavitra-panih krta-mantra-marjanah

smrtvatha natva balam acyutagrajam

sandharayed dharma-samahito bhavet


sri-pradvipaka uvaca-Sri Pradvipaka Muni said; snatva-bathing; jale-in

water; ksauma-dharah-wearing clean cotton garments; kusasanah-sitting on a kusa

grass mat; pavitra-panih-clean hands; krta-mantra-marjanah-purified by mantra;

smrtva-meditating; atha-then; natva-bowing; balam-to Lord Balarama;

acyutagrajam-the elder brother of Lord Krsna; sandharayet-should meditate;

dharma-samahitah-concentrating; bhavet-should be.



Sri Pradvipaka Muni said: After bathing and dressing in clean cotton

garments, a person should sit on a kusa-grass mat, purify his hands with

mantras, bow down, and with fixed intelligence meditate on Lord Krsna's elder

brother, Lord Balarama.



Text 3


goloka-dhamadhipatih paresvarah

paresu mam patu pavitra-kirtanah

Sbhu-mandalam sarsapavad vilaksyate

yan-murdhni mam patu sa bhumi-mandale


goloka-dhamadhipatih-the master of the realm of Goloka; paresvarah-the

supreme controller; paresu-among all controllers; mam-me; patu-may protect;

pavitra-pure; kirtanah-glories; bhu-mandalam-the circle of the earth;

sarsapavat-like a mustard seed; vilaksyate-is characterized; yan-murdhni-on

whose head; mam-me; patu-may protect; sa-he; bhumi-mandale-in the circle of the




May Lord Balarama, who is the master of Goloka, who is the supreme

controller of all controllers, and whose fame is spotless, protect me. May Lord

Balarama, who on His head holds the earth as if it were a single mustard seed,

protect me in this world.


Text 4


senasu mam raksatu sira-panir

yuddhe sada raksatu mam hali ca

durgesu cavyan musali sada mam

vanesu sankarsana adi-devah


senasu-among armies; mam-me; raksatu-may protect; sira-panih-who holds a

plow in His hand; yuddhe-in battle; sada-always; raksatu-may protect; mam-me;

hali-holding a plow; ca-and; durgesu-in fortresses; ca-and; avyat-may protect;

musali-holding a club; sada-always; mam-me; vanesu-in forests; sankarsana-Lord

Balarama; adi-devah-the Supreme Personality of Godhead.



May Lord Balarama protect me when I am surrounded by many armies. May Lord

Balarama, who holds a plow, always protect me in battle. May Lord Balarama, who

holds a club, always protect me in many fortresses. May Lord Balarama, the

Supreme Personality of Godhead protect me in the forest.



Text 5


kalindaja-vega-haro jalesu

nilambaro raksatu mam sadagnau

vayau ca ramo 'vatu khe balas ca

maharnave 'nanta-vapuh sada mam


kalindaja-of the Yamuna; vega-the power; harah-removing; jalesu-in water;

nilambarah-dressed in blue garments; raksatu-may protect; mam-me; sada-always;

agnau-in fire; vayau-in wind; ca-and; ramah-Lord Balarama; avatu-may protect;

khe-in the sky; balah-Lord Balarama; ca-and; maharnave-in the great ocean;

ananta-vapuh-whose form has no end; sada-always; mam-me.



May Lord Balarama, who wears blue garments and who stopped the Yamuna,

always protect me in fire. May Lord Balarama protect me in the wind. May Lord

Balarama protect me in the sky. May Lord Balarama, who is Lord Ananta Himself,

always protect me in the Sgreat ocean.


Text 6


sri-vasudevo 'vatu parvatesu

sahasra-sirsa ca maha-vivade

rogesu mam raksatu rauhineyo

mam kama-palo 'vatu va vipatsu


sri-vasudevah-the son of Vasudeva; avatu-may protect; parvatesu-in the

mountains; sahasra-sirsa-who has a thousand heads; ca-and; maha-vivade-in great

disputes; rogesu-in diseases; mam-me; raksatu-may protect; rauhineyah-the son

of Rohini; mam-me; kama-palah-the fulfiller of desires; avatu-may protect;

va-or; vipatsu-in calamities.



May Lord Balarama, who is Vasudeva's son, protect me on mountains. May

Lord Balarama, who has a thousand heads, protect me in great disputes. May Lord

Balarama, who is Rohini's son, protect me from diseases. May Lord Balarama, who

fulfills desires, protect me from catastrophes.



Text 7


kamat sada raksatu dhenukarih

krodhat sada mam dvivida-prahari

lobhat sada raksatu balvalarir

mohat sada mam kila magadharih


kamat-from lust; sada-always; raksatu-may protect; dhenukarih-the enemy of

Dhenuka; krodhat-from anger; sada-always; mam-me; dvivida-prahari-the killer of

Dvivida; lobhat-from greed; sada-always; raksatu-may protect; balvalarih-the

enemy of Balvala; mohat-from illusion; sada-always; mam-me; kila-indeed;

magadharih-the enemy of Jarasandha.



May Lord Balarama, who is the enemy of Dhenukasura, always protect me from

lust. May Lord Balarama, who killed Dvivida, always protect me from anger. May

Lord Balarama, who is the enemy of Balvala, always protect me from greed. May

Lord Balarama, who is the enemy of Jarasandha, always protect me from illusion.


Text 8


pratah sada raksatu vrsni-dhuryah

prahne sada mam mathura-purendrah

madhyandine gopa-sakhah prapatu

svarat parahne 'vatu mam sadaiva


pratah-at sunrise; sada-always; raksatu-may protect; vrsni-dhuryah-the

greatst of the Vrsnis; prahne-in the morning; sada-always; mam-me;

mathura-purendrah-the king of Mathura City; madhyandine-at noon;

gopa-sakhah-the friend of the gopas; prapatu-may protect; svarat-independent;

parahne-in the afternoon; avatu-may protect; mam-me; sada-always; eva-indeed.



May Lord Balarama, who is the best of the Vrsnis, always protect me at

sunrise. May Lord Balarama, who is the king of Mathura City, always protect me

in the morning. May Lord Balarama, who is the friend of the gopas, always

protect me at midday. May Lord Balarama, who is supremely independent, always

protect me in the afternoon.



Text 9


sayam phanindro 'vatu mam sadaiva

parat paro raksatu mam pradose

purne nisithe ca duranta-viryah

pratyusa-kale 'vatu mam sadaiva


sayam-at sunset; phanindrah-the king of serpents; avatu-may protect;

mam-me; sada-always; eva-indeed; parat-than the greatest; parah-greater;

raksatu-may protect; mam-me; pradose-in the evening; purne-full; nisithe-in the

middle of the night; ca-and; duranta-viryah-whose power is invicible;

pratyusa-kale-at the next sunrise; avatu-may protect; mam-me; sada-always;




May Lord Balarama, who is the king of serpents, always protect me at

sunset. May Lord Balarama, who is greater than the greatest, always protect me

in the evening. May Lord Balarama, whose power is invicible, always protect me

in the middle of the night. May Lord Balarama always protect me at every



Text 10


vidiksu mam raksatu revati-patir

diksu pralambarir adho yadudvahah

urdhvam sada mam balabhadra arat

tatha samantad baladeva eva hi


vidiksu-in the directions; mam-me; raksatu-may protect; revati-patih-the

husband of Revati; diksu-in the directions; pralambarih-the enemy of Pralamba;

adhah-below; yadudvahah-the best of the Yadavas; urdhvam-above; sada-alwys;

mam-me; balabhadra-Balarama; arat-near and far; tatha-so; samantat-everywhere;

baladeva-Lord Balarama; eva-indeed; hi-indeed.



May Lord Balarama, who is the master of Revati, protect me from every

direction. May Lord Balarama, who is the enemy of Pralamba, protect me from

every direction. May Lord Balarama, who is the best of the Yadavas, protect me

from below. May Lord Balarama always protect me from above. May Lord Balarama

protect me from near and far. May Lord Balarama protect me everywhere.



Text 11


antah sadavyat purusottamo bahir

nagendra-lilo 'vatu mam maha-balah

sadantaratma ca vasan harih svayam

prapatu purnah paramesvaro mahan


antah-within; sada-always; avyat-may protect; purusottamah-the Supreme

Personality of Godhead; bahih-without; nagendra-lilah-who enjoys pastimes as

the king of serpents; avatu-may protect; mam-me; maha-balah-very powerful;

sada-always; antaratma-within the heart; ca-and; vasan-residing; harih-Lord

Hari; svayam-personally; prapatu-may protect; purnah-perfect and complete;

paramesvarah-the supreme controller; mahan-great.



May Lord Balarama, who is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, always

protect me from within. May powerful Lord Balarama, who enjoys pastimes as the

king of serpents, protect me from without. May Lord Balarama, who is the

Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Supersoul residing in everyone's heart,

always protect me.


Text 12


devasuranam bhaya-nasanam ca

hutasanam papa-cayendhananam

vinasanam vighna-ghatasya viddhi

siddhasanam varma-varam balasya


devasuranam-of the demigods and demons; bhaya-of fear; nasanam-the

destruction; ca-and; hutasanam-the fire; papa-cayendhananam-of the fuel of a

host sins; vinasanam-destruction; vighna-ghatasya-of a host of obstacles;

viddhi-please know; siddhasanam-the abode of perfection; varma-varam-the best

of armors; balasya-of Lord Balarama.



Please know that this kavaca of Lord Balarama is the best of armors. It

destroys the fears of the demigods and demons. It is a blazing fire that burns

up the fuel of a host of sins. It is the death of a host of obstacles. It is

the abode of spiritual perfection.

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