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Jhulana Yatra from 10th August to 15th August

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Jhulana yatra - the swing festival beginning on the third day of the month of

Shravan (July-August) and lasting for a fortnight. The swings, usually made

from gold or silver, are hung in temples on which the Deities are swung during

kirtan by the guests and Vaisnavas.


Prabhupada's Quotes


Regarding Jhulana-yatra Ceremony, during these five days the Deities' clothings

should be changed everyday, and there should be nice Prasadam distribution and

Sankirtana as far as possible. If you are able to do it, a nice throne may be

constructed on which the Deities can be placed. This throne may be swung gently

during Kirtana. That will be very good, and surely the Deities will enjoy the

function. (Letter to: Jayapataka, Los Angeles, 1 August, 1969)


There is no objection either to applying the jewels to Their bodies with

beeswax or to swinging them in the public functions in the temple on Sunday, so

long there is very nice jhulan or swing being profusely decorated. Radha and

Krsna may be swung in this way, but you may avoid swinging Lord Jagannatha like

that. (Letter to: Jagadisa, Bombay, 5 January, 1973)


As we have already explained, there are different ceremonies to be observed,

such as the birthday of Krsna, the birthday of Lord Ramacandra, the birthday of

some prominent Vaisnavas, the ceremony of Jhulana-yatra with the Lord sitting

on a swing, and Dola-yatra (the Lord's activities in the month of March). In

all festivals the Lord is seated on a car, and the car moves through different

streets of the city so that people may take advantage of visiting the Lord. In

the Bhavisya Purana it is said, "In such a ceremony, if even a candala

[dog-eater], simply out of curiosity, sees the Lord on the cart, he becomes

counted as one of the associates of Visnu."

NOD Chp9


Especially during the days of the Jhulana and Janmastami ceremonies, the ladies

of India still throng up in the greatest number at the temple of the Lord,

where His transcendental eternal form is worshiped. (SB 1.11.24 purp)


We have got Janmastami, Sri Rama-navami, Dola-yatra, Jhulana-yatra. So there

are twelve months, but we have got twenty-four festivals as big as this

Ratha-yatra Festival. So if you kindly take to them, then as advised by Lord

Caitanya, kirtaniyah sada harih [Cc. adi 17.31], you will always be in Krsna

consciousness, and there will be no scope of your frustration and confusion.

(Ratha-yatra lecture July 5,1970 San Fransisco)


The deity program must be improved very gorgeously. Flower garlands should be

expanded, and all expenditures for the deities must be expanded without any

miserly contemplation. Our temple should be so gorgeously decorated that we

shall excel all Bombay temples. This is my idea. Try to fulfill it. When they

hear that we decorate our deities so gorgeously, people will throng, and on

festival days especially, like Janmastami, Jhulana Yatra, etc. So four or five

devotees should be always engaged in deity worship. (Letter to Giriraja, Los

Angeles, 8 June, 1972)


I am very glad to note that you are having the Phool bangla. It will be very

popular. Tell me how it was held. That you are expecting 30,000 people for

Jhulana Yatra is wonderful. You should distribute liberally prasadam.

Aksayananda Maharaja will supply money. Let each man be given prasadam. That is

our special program. (Letter to: Dhananjaya: Indore, France, 11 August, 1975)


Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura on Jhulan Yatra:

(From the notes by Bhakti Vikasa Swami)


At the time of Rasa Yatra and Jhulan Yatra, Sarasvati Thakura didn't have these

temples, didn't have these festivals celebrated in his Mathas. He said, "Let

the devotees hear and try to understand Krsna. Let them not try to enjoy this

rasa-lila from the unrealized stage." So Rasa Yatra and Jhulan Yatra were not

celebrated. They did not have a swing in the temples in the Gaudiya Math on

Jhulan Yatra. Madhurya Rasa should not be preached.


[i think it is not a contradiction because Prabhupada used the Jhulan Yatra not

for preaching about madhurya-rasa but for preaching to the conditioned souls by

engaging them in kirtana & nice prasadam distribution. So we should also do the



Inspite of this I would like to post a glimpse of the Swing Pastimes of Radha

Krsna from the Govinda Lilamrta by Krsnadas Kaviraja Goswami. This is only for

the devotees to meditate on if they want to do so but not for preaching.


52. Vrnda-devi and Kundalata placed the swing under Lord Hari. He sat there and

forced the reluctant Srimati Radharani to sit beside Him.


53. As the infallible Supreme Personality of Godhead sat on the swing with His

beloved Radharani, the delighted gopis surrounded the swing, pushing and

pulling it from front and back, and singing loudly.


54. The gopis moved the swing so vigorously that Srimati Radharani became

afraid. Her body trembled, and Her eyes moved about restlessly. She clung to

Her lover Lord Krsna.

55. As a result of the vigorous movements of the swing, Sri Sri Radha and

Krsna's hair became disheveled, Their flower garlands began to wilt, and their

earrings, flower-sashes, and various ornaments moved to and fro.


56. As the swing moved with such violence, Srimati Radharani became afraid. By

glancing at Her restless eyes, the gopis could understand Her desire.


57. understanding that Radharani was feeling a little out of sorts because of

the ferocious swinging, and in Her heart wanted Her gopi-friends to serve Her

in various ways, the gopis stopped the swing and stood before Her.


58. Lalita and Visakha carried betel-nuts, Campakalata and Citra carried fans,

Tungavidya and Indulekha carried golden pitchers filled with nectar, and Sudevi

and Rangadevi carried fragrant ointments and powders, Filled with love and

happiness, these gopis eagerly stood before Srimati Radharani as She sat on the



59. Lalita and the other beautiful gopis served the most dear Divine Couple

with this paraphernalia. Following the hints of the Divine Couple's glances,

the gopis gathered around Them like the petals of a lotus flower.


60. At that time a very wonderful event occurred. Although the gopis surrounded

the Divine Couple, each gopi saw Radha and Krsna as if they were standing face

to face.

61. When Vrnda-devi, Kundalata, and the other gopis again began to

enthusiastically move the swing, another wonderful event occurred.


62. Embraced by Srimati Radharani, Lord Hari appeared before each of the gopis

standing on the lotus petals around Him. At the same moment each gopi saw Him

standing face to face before her.


63. If the top portion of the sun shone through a mass of dark clouds shooting

lightning flashes through the bottom half, and if that sun were rocked back and

forth by great storm winds, then poets would compare this extraordinary sight

to dark-complexioned Lord Hari, dressed in a yellow dhoti, and moving to and

fro on His swing.


64. Understanding the hint in Srimati Radharani's glance, Lord Krsna, the enemy

of Aghasura, placed His right arm around Lalita's neck, and His other arm

around the shoulder of His beloved Radharani. In this way He appeared like a

dark cloud in the midst of two lightning flashes.

65. Kundalata then said: Friends, look at this effulgent circle moving before

us. The full moon of Lord Krsna has now risen between the two stars Radha and

Anuradha (Lalita).


66. Lord Madhava brought Visakha and the other gopis one by one onto the swing.

One by one He embraced their right shoulder as He enjoyed His swinging pastimes

in their company.

67. Srimati Radharani then descended from the swing. She proceeded to move the

swing as two-by-two, beginning with Lalita and Visakha, the gopis rode on the

swing with Her lover Lord Krsna.


68. Understanding the hint in Srimati Radharani's glance, Lalita and the other

gopis stepped from the swing, and on various pretexts placed Kancanalata and

other gopis one by one on the moving swing.


69. Two by two gopis took turns riding on the swing at the left and right sides

of Lord Govinda. Srimati Radharani and the other gopis sang as they happily

moved the swing.

70. By this time all of Radha's friends had taken a turn riding on the swing.

Lalita whispered something in Radha's ear. Radha laughed and then ascended the


71. As Srimati Radharani staying on the left side of Her lover, and as Her

gopi-friends moved the swing, another wonderful event occurred. Lord Hari

appeared between each two gopis, thus manifesting Himself in many places at



72. If a tamala tree grew on a flying golden mountain, and if that tree were

embraced by a blossoming golden creeper and surrounded by a forest of tamala

trees and golden plantain trees, it might resemble the sight of Lord Krsna

enjoying His swinging pastimes at that moment.

73. Following Visakha's hints, Lalita and the other gopis happily moved the

swing with great vigor, causing Srimati Radharani and the infallible Supreme

Personality of Godhead Lord Krsna to move to and fro.


74. Srimati Radharani became agitated by the vigorous swinging and began to

clutch Her lover Krsna out of fear. Lord Krsna noticed this. He smiled, and

taking Her with Him, descended from the swing, entering among the smiling



75. Surrounded by the lightning flashes of the principal gopis, the black cloud

of Lord Krsna showers the nectar of His pastimes upon the world, thus

extinguishing the thirst of the cataki birds of the eyes of Kundalata,

Vrnda-devi, and the other gopis. All glories to that Lord Krsna, who enjoys His

swinging pastimes in Vrndavana forest in this way.

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