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What happened in Goloka just before Krsna advented?

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What happened in Goloka just before Krsna advented?

>From Brahma-vaivarta Purana; Chp 6


63 I will go to the earth. O demigods, first return to your homes, and

then, by your amsa expansions, quickly go to the earth.

64 After speaking to the demigods, Lord Krsna, the master of the

universes, called the gopas and gopis and spoke to them words that were sweet,

truthful and appropriate.

65 Sri Krsna said: O gopas and gopis, please listen. All of you please go

to Nanda's land of Vraja. O Radha, please go at once to the home of King


66 King Vrsabhanu's dear wife is the saintly gopi named Kalavati. She is

Subala-gopa's daughter. She is a partial incarnation of the goddess of


67 She is fortunate and glorious among women. She was the mind-born

daughter of the pitas, but by Durvasa's curse she was born in a house in Vraja.

68 At once go to Nanda's Vraja and take birth in her womb. O girl with

the lotus face, I will assume the form of a small boy and I will marry You.

69 O Radha, to Me You are more dear than life. To You I am more dear than

life also. We are not different. We are one body eternally.

70 Listening, Sri Radha wept, overcome with love. O sage, with Her

cakora-bird eyes She drank the moonlight of Lord Krsna's face.

71 Sri Krsna said: O gopas and gopis, please take birth on the earth in

the beautiful palaces of the noble gopas.

72 Then everyone saw the arrival of a great chariot covered with diamonds,

the king of jewels,...

73 ...a chariot decorated with a hundred thousand white camaras, ten

thousand mirrors, red cloth pure as fire,...

74 ...a thousand jewel domes, and networks of parijata garlands,...

75 ...filled with glorious people, made of gold, beautiful, without

compare, glorious and splendid as a hundred suns.

76 They also saw handsome and charming Lord Narayana, who wore yellow

garments, held a conch, disc, club and lotus,...

77 ...wore a glorious crown and glorious earrings, was decorated with a

forest garland and anointed with sandal, aguru, musk and kunkuma,...

78 ...had four arms, smiled, was overcome with compassion for His

devotees, and was decorated with the best of ornaments made of the kings of


79 At His left side they saw beautiful, charming, and fair Goddess

Sarasvati, who held a flute, vina and book in her hand, who was the queen of

the higher planets, and who was knowledge personified.

80 At His right side they saw another beautiful and charming goddess, who

smiled sweetly and was fair as molten gold and splendid as the autumn moon,...

81 ...whose cheeks were splendid with jewel earrings, who wore priceless

garments and priceless jewels,...

82 ...who was decorated with bracelets and armlets of priceless jewels,

who wore tinkling jewel anklets,...

83 ...whose breast was splendid with a parijata garland, whose braids were

beautiful with a jasmine garland,...

84 ...whose beautiful face robbed the autumn moon of its splendour,...

85 ...who was anointed with musk dots and red sindura tilaka, whose

beautiful autumn-lotus eyes were decorated with mascara,...

86 ...who held a pastime lotus of a thousand petals, and who with crooked

eyes gazed at Lord Narayana as He gazed at Her.

87 Accompanied by His two wives and His many associates, Lord Narayana

quickly descended from the chariot and entered the beautiful assembly of gopas

and gopis.

88 O demigods, the gopas and gopis at once rose and with folded hands

joyfully recited the divine sages' prayers from the Sama Veda.

89 Then Lord Narayana approached, entered Lord Krsna's form and

disappeared. When they saw this, everyone became filled with wonder.

90 Then Lord Visnu, the protector of the universes came, and descended

from His golden chariot.

91-92 O sage, when handsome, smiling four-armed Lord Visnu, decorated with

forest garlands, dressed in yellow garments, glorious with all ornaments and

splendid as ten million suns, entered the assembly, everyone rose, gazed at

Him, bowed down, and offered prayers.

93 Then Lord Visnu also merged into the form of Lord Krsna. Seeing this,

everyone became filled with wonder.

94-95 Then the Lord's incarnation that resides in Svetadvipa also came and

merged into Lord Krsna's body. Then hastily came Lord Sankarsana, the

thousand-headed purusa-avatara, who was splendid like pure crystal and

effulgent like a hundred suns.

96 Seeing this incarnation of Lord Visnu everyone offered many prayers.

Then, with bowed head He Himself offered prayers to Lord Krsna, the husband of


97 O Narada, with His thousand heads He bowed down with devotion to Lord

Krsna. Then Nara and Narayana Rsi, the two sons of Dharma Rsi, also came.

98 Then I merged into Lord Krsna's lotus feet and Nara Rsi became Arjuna.

Then Brahma, Siva, Sesa and Yamaraja came to that place.

99 There the demigods saw a great chariot of gold and jewels,...

100 ...a chariot decorated with the kings of jewels, cloth pure as fire,

many white camaras and ten thousand mirrors,...

101 ...splendid with many jewel domes, beautiful with networks of parijata


102 ...beautiful, with a thousand wheels, fast as the mind, robbing the

splendour of the summer's midday sun,...

103 ...splendid with many pearls, rubies, and diamonds, wonderful with

paintings, designs, statues, flowers, lakes and forests,...

104 ...a chariot that was, O sage, the best of all chariots owned by

demigods or demons, a chariot Visvakarma carefully made for Lord Siva's


105 A chariot four hundred miles high and eight hundred miles across, and

splendid with a hundred palaces gracefully appointed with many beautiful

couches and beds.

106 Then they saw a goddess decorated with jewel ornaments, her splendour

robbing molten gold of its glory,...

107 ...a goddess who was very splendid, peerless, the root of material

nature, the controller of material nature, with a thousand arms holding many


108 ...gently smiling, overcome with compassion for her devotees, her

cheeks splendid with jewel earrings, splendid with tinkling anklets made of the

kings of jewels,...

109 ...decorated with jewel bracelets and armlets, her graceful waist

decorated with a jewel belt,...

110 ...her chest glorious with many mandara garlands, her thighs firm and

her raised breasts full,...

111 ...her beautiful face eclipsing the autumn moon's splendour, her autumn

lotus eyes splendid with graceful mascara,...

112 ...decorated with pictures and designs drawn in sandal, aguru, and

musk, her beautiful lips splendid like new bandhujiva flowers,...

113 ...her teeth robbing pearls of their splendour, her braids decorated

with blossomed jasmine flowers,...

114 ...an elephant pearl decorating the tip of her nose graceful like the

bird king's beak,...

115 ...a goddess splendid with garments pure as fire, and accompanied by

her two sons as she cheerfully rode on a lion's back.

116 Descending from the chariot, the goddess and her sons at once bowed

down before Lord Krsna, the perfect Supreme Personality of Godhead. Then she

sat on a great throne.

117 Ganesa and Karttikeya bowed down first to Lord Krsna, who is greater

than the greatest, and then to Siva, Yamaraja, Sesa, and Brahma.

118 The demigoddess rose. Seeing the two boys, the demigods blessed them,

had them sit in their midst, and happily began to talk with them.

119 As the goddess and the demigods stood before Lord Krsna in the

assembly, the many gopas and gopis became filled with wonder.

120 Then, His lotus face smiling, Lord Krsna said to Goddess Laksmi: Please

go to King Bhismaka's jewel palace.

121 Eternal goddess, please take birth in Queen Vidabhi's womb. O saintly

one, I will go to Kundina and take your hand in marriage.

122 Seeing Goddess Parvati, the demigoddess quickly rose and had her sit on

a beautiful jewel throne.

123 O king of brahmanas, Parvati, Laksmi and Sarasvati sat together and

talked among themselves.

124 the gopis happily talked with the three goddesses. Some gopis happily

sat by their side.

125 Then Sri Krsna, the master of the universes, said to Parvati: O

beautiful goddess, in an amsa incarnation please go to Nanda's Vraja.

126 O beautiful one, O goddess of material nature, O creator and destroyer

of the worlds, please take birth in Yasoda's womb from Nanda's seed.

127 I will arrange that in every village and city on the earth the people

will worship you with devotion.

128 Offering you many splendid gifts, the people will worship you as their


129 O auspicious wife of Lord Siva, the moment you touch the earth My

father will take you from the maternity room and place Me in your stead.

130 For a moment you will see Kamsa and then you will return to Lord Siva.

Then I will remove the earth's burden and return to My own abode.

131 After speaking these words, Lord Krsna said to Karttikeya: Child, in an

amsa incarnation you will go to the earth.

132 O great demigod, then you should take birth in Jambavati's womb. All

the demigods should go in amsa incarnations to the earth. Then I will remove

the earth's burden.

133 O Narada, after speaking these words, Lord Krsna, the husband of Radha,

sat on His beautiful throne, and the demigods, demigoddesses, gopas and gopis

also sat in His company.

134 Then Brahma stood up and with folded hands humbly addressed Lord Krsna,

the master of the universes.

135 Sri Brahma said: O Lord, please hear Your servant's request. O great

one, how and where we should descend to the earth? Please give us Your


136 A proper master always maintains, protects and rescues his servants. A

proper servant always devotedly follows his master's commands.

137 What demigods and demigoddesses in what forms, in what incarnations,

with what names, and performing what actions, should descend to the earth?

138 Hearing Brahma's words, Lord Krsna, the master of the universes,

replied: Now I will tell you all of this.

139 Sri Krsna said: Kamadeva will become Rukmini's son Pradyumna. Rati

will be reflected in Sambarasura's house as saintly Mayavati.

140 You will become Pradyumna's son Aniruddha. Sarasvati will go to

Sonitapura and become Banasura's daughter Usa.

141 Lord Sesa, the master of the universes, will go to Devaki's womb. Then

Yogamaya will pull (sankars) Him into Rohini's womb. For this reason He will

be called Sankarsana.

142 Ganga will come to the earth in a partial incarnation as Yamuna.

Tulasi will appear in a half-incarnation as princess Laksmana.

143 Saintly Savitri, the mother of the Vedas, will be named Nagnajiti.

Vasundhara will become Satyabhama. Goddess Sarasvati will become Saibya.

144 Rohini will become Princess Mitravinda, and the sun-god's wife will

partially appear as Ratnamala.

145 Svaha will partially appear as Susila. In this way, beginning with

Rukmini, I will have nine wives. Goddess Durga will partially appear as

Jambavati. Including her, I will have ten queens.

146 One day on Mount Kailasa, Lord Siva ordered Parvati: By a partial

incarnation Parvati must go to Jambavan's house.

147 Beloved, you must embrace Lord Visnu, who stays in Svetadvipa, and who

once came to Mount Kailasa. Because I command you to do this, there will be no

sin on your part.

148 Sri Brahma said: O Krsna, O husband of Radha, why did Lord Siva give

this command to Parvati, that she should approach Lord Visnu, who resides in


149 Sri Krsna said: When all the demigods came to see the newborn infant

Ganesa, on Lord Siva's request Lord Visnu also came from Svetadvipa.

150 Lord Visnu happily saw Ganesa and then sat on a comfortable seat. Then

all the demigods blissfully gazed on Lord Visnu, whose form enchanted the three


151 ...who wore yellow garments, a crown and earrings, whose youthful dark

forms was very handsome,...

152 ...who was anointed with sandal, aguru, musk and kunkuma, who was

decorated with jewel ornaments, whose lotus face smiled,...

153 ...who sat on a jewel throne, who was surrounded by His associates, to

whom all the demigods offered obeisances, to whom Lord Siva offered worship and


154 When Parvati saw Lord Visnu she became filled with a happiness that

showed in her face and eyes. Embarrassed, chaste Parvati covered her face with

her sari.

155-6 Her face covered, with unblinking crooked eyes chaste Parvati gazed

again and again at Lord Visnu's very handsome, wonderfully dressed form. The

hairs of her body erect,, she became plunged in an ocean of bliss.

157 For a moment she gazed at splendid Lord Siva, more handsome than ten

million Kamadevas, grasping a trident and axe, and three eyes on each of his

five faces.

158 In the next moment she gazed at dark Lord Visnu, wearing yellow

garments,, decorated with a forest garland, with one face and four arms.

159 Gazing at the one Supreme Lord who appears in many forms, Goddess

Parvati, the controller of material bewilderment, fell under the control of

Lord Visnu's spiritual power of bewilderment. She became filled with

passionate desire.

160 She thought: The three demigods Brahma, Visnu, and Siva, are my partial

incarnations. Still Visnu is best, for He is in the mode of goodness.

161 Parvati gazed at Lord Visnu and in her thoughts devotedly worshipped

Him, the Supreme Personality of Godhead and the Supersoul in everyone's heart.

162 Lord Siva, who was also the Personality of Godhead, the master of the

universes, and the Supersoul in everyone's heart, knew what Parvati was


163 Taking her to a secluded place, Lord Siva spoke to Parvati. He taught

her all that was auspicious and true.

164 Sri Siva said: O Parvati, please understand my words. You must become

the passionate lover of Lord Visnu, the all-pervading Supersoul and Supreme

Personality of Godhead.

165 Visnu, Brahma, and I are the one eternal Supreme Lord. We are not

different. We are the one Lord manifest in different forms.

166 You are the potency of the Supreme Lord. You are the mother of all.

You appear in many forms. You are Brahma's wife Sarasvati. You are Goddess

Laksmi who rests on Lord Narayana's chest.

167 O saintly one, you are also Parvati, who rests on my chest.

After hearing Lord Siva's words, Parvati, the queen of the demigods,

spoke to him.

168 Sri Parvati said: O friend of the poor, O ocean of mercy, why have you

no mercy for me? For a long time I performed austerities to attain you, the

master of the universes.

169 Lord, you cannot reject a servant like me. O Siva, please do not speak

these improper words to me.

170 Lord, I will obey your command. I will take birth in another body.

Then I will become Lord Visnu's lover.

171 Hearing these words, Lord Siva burst into laughter. In this way he

reassured Parvati and removed her fears.

172 To keep her word chaste Parvati will take birth in Jambavan's house. O

Brahma, she will be named Jambavati.

173 Sri Brahma said: On the earth there are many different kinds of kings.

Why will Parvati take birth in the home of a bear?

174 Sri Krsna said: In Treta-yuga, during the incarnation of Lord Rama, the

demigods incarnated on the earth. At that time the king of the Himalaya's

incarnated as the bear Jambavan, a great servant of Lord Rama.

175 Because of a boon from Lord Rama, Jambavan is long-lived, handsome, and

strong like ten million lions.

176 In this way Parvati will go to the earth and take birth in the house of

Jambavan, who is an incarnation of her father, the king of the Himalayas. Now

please hear more explanations from My mouth.

177 All the demigods should partially incarnate on the earth. O Brahma, as

warrior-princes they will assist Me in battle.

178 Goddess Laksmi will partially incarnate as 16 000 princesses who will

become My queens.

179 Yamaraja will partially incarnate as Pandu's son Yudhisthira. Vayu

will partially incarnate as Bhimasena. Indra will partially incarnate as


180 The Asvini-kumaras will partially incarnate as Nakula and Sahadeva.

Surya will partially incarnate as the heroic warrior Karna. Yamaraja will

personally appear as Vidura.

181 Kali will partially incarnate as Duryodhana. Varuna will partially

incarnate as Santanu. Siva will partially incarnate as Asvatthama. Agni will

partially incarnate as Dronacarya.

182 Candra will partially incarnate as Abhimanyu. Vasu will partially

incarnate as Bhisma. Kasyapa will partially incarnate as Vasudeva. Aditi will

partially incarnate as Devaki.

183 Vasu will partially incarnate as Nanda-gopa. Vasu's wife will

partially incarnate as Yasoda. Laksmi will partially incarnate as Draupadi,

who was born from a yajna pond.

184 Agni will partially incarnate as noble and powerful Dhrstadyumna.

Satarupa will partially incarnate as Subhadra, born from Devaki's womb.

185 In this way the demigods must go, by their partial expansions, to the

earth and help to remove its burden. The demigods' wives must also go, by

their partial expansions, to the earth.

186 At that point Lord Krsna stopped speaking. O Narada, Brahma stood

there, listening.

187 Sarasvati was at Lord Krsna's left and Laksmi at His right. Parvati

and all the demigods were before Him.

188 The gopis and gopas were before Him. Sri Radha rested on His chest.

At that moment Sri Radha, the queen of Vraja spoke to Lord Krsna.

189 Sri Radha said: O Lord, please hear the words of Your maidservant. My

life has become a blazing fire that burns without stop. My mind trembles,

swinging to and fro.

190 When I look at You I cannot even blink. O Lord, how can I go to the

earth without You?

191 O friend, how much time must pass before I will meet You again in

Gokula? O master of My life, please tell the truth.

192 An eyeblink without You will be a hundred yugas for Me. What will I

look on? Where will I go? Who will protect Me?

193 O master of My life, how can I for a moment think of mother, father,

relatives, friends, brother, sister, or children when You are gone?

194 O master of illusions, please promise me that when I am on the earth

You will not cover Me with illusion and make Me forget Your glories.

195 O Krsna, please turn My mind into a bumblebee always wandering among

the nectar lotus-flowers of Your feet.

196 Wherever I may be born, please give Me service to You and remembrance

of You.

197 You are Krsna and I am Radha. When I am on the earth may I never

forget the glory of Our love. O Lord, please give Me this benediction.

198 As breath always stays with the body and as the body always stays with

its shadow, may We two always stay together when We take birth. O Lord please

give Me this benediction.

199 When We are on the earth let Us not be separated for even an eyeblink.

O Lord, please give Me this benediction.

200 Who was it that used My life-breath to create Your body, feet, and


201 How many glorious kinds of women are there? How many kinds of glorious

men praised again and again? No woman is attached to her lover as I am to You.

202 How is it that I was created from half of Your body? There is no

difference between Us. That is why My mind always thinks of You.

203 How is it that My mind, heart, and life were placed in Your body. And

Your mind, heart and life were placed in Mine?

204 That is why an eyeblink's separation from You brings a great

catastrophe to My mind. That is why, when it hears that We may be separated,

My life-force burns in an unending fire.

205 After speaking these words in the assembly of demigods, again and again

Sri Radha grasped Lord Krsna's lotus feet and loudly wept.

206 Then, placing Her on His lap and with His own garment wiping the tears

from Her face, Lord Krsna spoke many true and beneficial words.

207 Sri Krsna said: Goddess, please listen and I will describe to You the

yoga of the Supreme, a yoga even the kings of the yogis cannot understand, a

yoga that cuts grief into many pieces.

208 O beautiful one, consider this: The entire universe is constructed of

two things: resting places and things that rest in them. It is not possible

for a resting thing to be separated from its resting place.

209 For the fruit the resting place is the flower. For the flower the

resting place is the twig. For the twig the resting place is the branch. For

the branch the resting place is the tree itself.

210 For the tree the resting place is the sapling. For the sapling, which

is manifest from the seed, the resting place is the seed. For the seed the

resting place is the earth.

211 For the earth the resting place is Lord Sesa. For Lord Sesa the

resting place is the great tortoise beneath Him. For the tortoise the resting

place is the wind. For the wind the resting place is I Myself.

212 For Me the resting place is You. I always rest in You. You have all

powers. You are the root from which the material nature has sprung. You are

the Supreme Goddess.

213 You are the resting place of all bodies. You are the resting place of

the three mode of nature. You are the resting place of Me, for I am Your

heart. Without You I cannot act. Only by Your grace have I the power to act.

214 From the man the seed is manifest. From the seed children are

manifest. The resting place of both seed and children is the woman, who is

manifest from material nature.

215 How can the spirit soul exist without the body? How can the body exist

without the spirit soul? They are both the first cause. O goddess, how can

the creation be manifest without them both?

216 O Radha, We are not different. We are the seed and the world grown

from the seed. I am the soul and You are the body. Where the soul is present,

there also is the body. We are not different. Why must You be so humble?

217 As whiteness is present in milk, as heat is present in fire, as

fragrance is present in earth, and as coolness is present in fire, so I am

always present in You.

218 As milk and its whiteness, fire and its heat, earth and its fragrance,

and water and its coolness are one and cannot be separated, We are one also.

We cannot be separated.

219 Without Me, You are lifeless. Without You, I am invisible. O

beautiful one, without You I cannot exist.

220 Without clay a potter cannot make a pot. Without gold a goldsmith

cannot make a gold ornament.

221 As the spirit soul is eternal, Your are also eternal. You are the

material nature. You are all powerful. You are the eternal resting place of


222 Laksmi, all-auspicious Sarasvati, Brahma, Siva, Sesa, and Yamaraja are

dear as life to Me. But You are more dear than life to Me.

223 If this were not so, then why do the demigods and demigoddesses stay

nearby, but You rest on My chest, O Radha?

224 O Radha, give up Your tears. I saintly one, give up this fruitless and

mistaken worry and go to King Vrsabhanu's house.

225 O beautiful one, use Your powers to create an artificial pregnancy in

Kalavati. For nine months fill her womb with air.

226 When the tenth month comes leave Your natural form behind, accept the

form of an infant girl and go to the earth.

227 At the time of giving birth, place Your form of a naked infant on the

ground by Kalavati and cry like a newborn child.

228 O saintly one, in this way, without entering a mother's womb, You will

appear in Gokula. I also will appear without entering a mother's womb. You

and I do not enter a mother's womb.

229 The moment I come to earth Vasudeva will carry Me to Gokula.

Pretending to fear Kamsa, I will go there for Your sake.

230 I will be Nanda's son in Yasoda's house. O beautiful one, again and

again You will happily see me and tightly embrace Me.

231 O Radha, because of the benediction I give You, You will remember

everything. Following My own wish, I will enjoy pastimes with You in Vrndavana

forest again and again.

232 Therefore, accompanied by thirty three virtuous friends and twenty one

billion gopi-associates, please go to Vraja.

233-4 O Radha, after comforting with eloquent nectar words the numberless

gopas and gopis left behind in Goloka, I will go to Vasudeva's home in Mathura


235 The ten million gopas most dear to Me should take birth in the homes of

the gopas. To enjoy pastimes with Me they should go to Vraja.

236 O Narada, then Lord Krsna stopped speaking. The demigods,

demigoddesses, gopas and gopis were silent.

237 Then Brahma, Siva, Yama, Sesa, Parvati, Laksmi and Sarasvati joyfully

offered prayers to Lord Krsna.

238 Overcome with love and burning in the flames of imminent separation,

the devoted gopas and gopis offered prayers to Lord Krsna and bowed down before


239 Burning in the flames of imminent separation even though Her desires

were all fulfilled, Sri Radha devotedly offered prayers to Her lover Krsna, who

is more dear to Her than life.

240 Seeing that Sri Radha was weeping many tears of distress, Lord Krsna

spoke to Her truthful words of enlightenment.

241 Sri Krsna said: O goddess more dear than life, please be peaceful.

Give up You fears. What You feel I also feel. Why should You be unhappy while

I am with You.

242 However, I will tell You something that is not good. You will be

separated from Me for a hundred years.

243 O beautiful one, I will go to Mathura and because of Sridama's curse,

We will be separated.

244 In Mathura I will remove the earth's burden, release My parents from

bondage and give liberation to a florist, a tailor and a hunchback girl.

245 Then I will kill Kalayavana, deliver Mucukunda, build the city of

Dvaraka, and see a Rajasuya-yajna.

246 Then I will marry 16 100 princesses and defeat many enemies.

247 Then I will help My friends, burn Varanasi, make Siva yawn and cut

Banasura's arms.

248 I will forcibly take the Parijata tree, see many saintly sages when I

go on pilgrimage, and perform many other activities.

249 While on pilgrimage I will speak with My friends and relatives, help My

father perform a yajna, and, at an auspicious moment, see You again.

250 There I will also see the gopis and again I will teach You the truth of

spiritual philosophy.

251 From that time We will never really be separated for even a moment of

the day or night. Then, after some time, I will return to Vraja.

252 Beloved, during the hundred years We are separated We will meet in Our

dreams again and again.

253 In My Narayana form I will go to Dvaraka for those hundred years. In

that way I will enjoy My pastimes there.

254 Then I will return to live with You in the forest. Then I will wipe

away all the sufferings of My parents and the gopas and gopis.

255 When I have removed the earth's burden I will return to Goloka with the

gopas, gopis and You.

256 O Radha, in My form as eternal Lord Narayana I will return to Vaikuntha

with Laksmi and Sarasvati.

257 My various incarnations will return to Svetadvipa, the home of

religion, and the partial incarnations of the demigods and demigoddesses will

all return to their respective abodes.

258 Then You and I will again live in Goloka. Beloved, now I have told You

everything both good and bad. Who can stop from happening what I have


259 After speaking these words, Lord Krsna had Radha rest against His

chest. All the demigods and their wives were astonished.

260 Then Lord Krsna said to the demigods and demigoddesses: O demigods,

please return to your homes and prepare for your mission.

261 O Parvati, please go to Mount Kailasa with your husband and sons. At

the proper time you will execute the mission I have given you.

262 As I have said, you will take birth as a partial incarnation. You will

not be accompanied by Ganesa, who is the lord of the great and the small.

263-4 Bowing down before Lord Krsna, the demigods happily returned to their

homes. Then, bowing again before Lord Krsna and before Laksmi and Sarasvati,

they went, eager to execute their mission, to the earth. Then Lord Krsna

described Sri Radha's mission, a mission beyond what the demigods can attain.

265 Lord Krsna said to Sri Radha: Accompanied by the many gopas and gopis I

have already named, please go to King Vrsabhanu's home.

266 Beloved, first I will go to Vasudeva's home in Mathura, and then, on

the pretext of fearing Kamsa, I will go to Gokula, where You will be.

267 Radha bowed down before Lord Krsna. Tormented with the thought of

being separated from Her love, She wept, Her eyes now red lotus flowers, again

and again.

268 She began to go and then She returned. Again and again and again and

again She left, returned, and gazed and gazed at Lord Krsna's face.

269 With the cakora birds of Her unblinking eyes saintly Radha drank the

nectar moonlight of Lord Krsna's face.

270 Seven times the supreme goddess Radha circumambulated Lord Krsna.

Seven times She bowed down and respectfully stood before Him.

271 Then twenty-one billion gopis and ten million gopas came there.

272 O Narada, accompanied by the multitudes of gopas and gopis, Sri Radha

bowed down before Lord Krsna and respectfully stood before Him.

273 Accompanied by Her thirty-three close friends and by the many gopas and

gopis, beautiful Radha bowed down before Lord Krsna and then went to the earth.

274 Then Radha-gopi went to Vrsabhanu-gopa's home, the place Lord Krsna

arranged for Her in Nanda's Gokula.

275 When Radha went with the gopas and gopis to the earth, Lord Krsna

became eager to go there also.

276 After speaking to the gopas and gopis and giving them their various

duties, Lord Krsna, the master of the universes, travelling as fast as the

mind, went to Mathura.

277 Before all this Vasudeva and Devaki had six sons and Kamsa killed each

one as soon as they were born.

278 By Lord Krsna's order, Yogamaya pulled from Devaki's womb the seventh

embryo, who was an incarnation of Lord Sesa, and place it in Rohini's womb in


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