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disturbances and paramahamsas-how they counteract it.

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Dear Bhakti Vikash Swami and sara grahi vaisnava's ! Jaya Prabhupada.


> The Song of the Avanti Brahmana states that the mind is the cause of the

> > living entity's happiness and distress in this world. So it should

> > follow that if we just train the mind properly then we should not feel

> > material distress.

> >

> > Yet we see that even paramahamsas can be affected by material

> > circumstances (although their power to tolerate them is unlimited). An

> > example of this would be Srila Prabhupada's statement that "When I hear

> > a door slam, it makes cracks in my heart."

> >

> > So is it possible to avoid such suffering (i.e. my neighbors making

> > noise or doors slamming) through analysis of it as unreal, or engaging

> > the mind in service--or is it that mental disturbances will remain as

> > long as we are in the material world, even up to the point of

> > self-realization?


Here's good sloka's practicing nowfor mentally adjusting to such

disturbances. Since this SB verse 11..2.38 is about advanced devotees it

goes without saying, that Such ParamahamsA servants of Gauranga who live by

the Bhagavata are well versed and well practiced.


CC. Antya 5.131


"y€ha, bh€gavata paa vaiŠavera sth€ne

ek€nta €raya kara caitanya-caraŠe


y€ha-just go; bh€gavata paa-read rr…mad-Bh€gavatam; vaiŠavera sth€ne-from

a self-realized VaiŠava; ek€nta €raya kara-fully surrender;

caitanya-caraŠe-at the lotus feet of rr… Caitanya Mah€prabhu.


"If you want to understand Sr…mad-Bh€gavatam," he said, "you must approach a

self-realized VaiŠava and hear from him. You can do this when you have

completely taken shelter of the lotus feet of Sr… Caitanya Mah€prabhu."


Hope it helps.


BG. 5.20

na prahyet priyaˆ pr€pya

nodvijet pr€pya c€priyam

sthira-buddhir asamm™ho

brahma-vid brahmaŠi sthitaƒ

A person who neither rejoices upon achieving something pleasant nor laments

upon obtaining something unpleasant, who is self-intelligent, who is

unbewildered, and who knows the science of God, is already situated in



S. 11.2.38

avidyam€no 'py avabh€ti hi dvayo

dhy€tur dhiy€ svapna-manorathau yath€

tat karma-sa‰kalpa-vikalpakaˆ mano

budho nirundhy€d abhayaˆ tataƒ sy€t


Although the duality of the material world does not ultimately exist, the

conditioned soul experiences it as real under the influence of his own

conditioned intelligence. This imaginary experience of a world separate from

KŠa can be compared to the acts of dreaming and desiring. When the

conditioned soul dreams at night of something desirable or horrible, or when

he daydreams of what he would like to have or avoid, he creates a reality

that has no existence beyond his own imagination. The tendency of the mind

is to accept and reject various activities based on sense gratification.

Therefore an intelligent person should control the mind, restricting it from

the illusion of seeing things separate from KŠa, and when the mind is thus

controlled he will experience actual fearlessness.



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