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Srila Prabhupada-Kripastaka

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Let's break the ice with this prayer at Prabhupada's lotus feet...


Srila Prabhupada-Kripastaka

offered on Vyasa-puja day, 1997 by HG Dravida Prabhu


(Inspired verse-by-verse by the Gurv-astaka, by Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti




Trapped within samsara’s all-devouring, blazing fire,

We had no hope of rescue till, by Krishna’s strong desire,

You boldly sailed across the sea to spread His Holy Name

And teach the truths of bhakti so some souls would be reclaimed.


O Prabhupada, your mercy is my only treasure now;

Unto your soothing lotus feet I bow.



Patiently you taught us how to chant the Holy Name,

And how to dance, and how to sing, and what was life’s true aim.

And thus you gave us Lord Caitanya’s teachings unalloyed,

And saved us from the all-devouring Mayavadi void.


O Prabhupada, your mercy is my only treasure now;

Unto your soothing lotus feet I bow.



When Krishna-bhakti spread and you had centers here and there,

You introduced the worship of the Deities so fair.

And soon throughout the world Their Lordships smiled upon your crew

And nourished strong devotion to Themselves, and unto you.


O Prabhupada, your mercy is my only treasure now;

Unto your soothing lotus feet I bow.



Prasadam was your special weapon, no one could resist;

Once the Sunday Feast had started, no one could desist.

Halva, sweet rice, crisp pakoras, subjis, puris, rice—

With these and other preps you did our tongues and hearts entice.


O Prabhupada, your mercy is my only treasure now;

Unto your soothing lotus feet I bow.



The books you showered down upon the masses and on us

Taught scripture’s sacred essence: bhakti pure and nectarous.

And while you wrote you relished Sri-Sri Radha-Krishna’s name

And form and pastimes, qualities, and everlasting fame.


O Prabhupada, your mercy is my only treasure now;

Unto your soothing lotus feet I bow.



While managing your ISKCON, with the whole world as your stage,

Meeting, preaching, trav’ling like a man of half your age,

You served Their Lordships Sri-Sri Radha-Krishna in your heart,

Arranging for Their pastimes in Vrindavan’s secret part.


O Prabhupada, your mercy is my only treasure now;

Unto your soothing lotus feet I bow.



“The guru is as good as God,” you said, and some were shocked.

But you had simply quoted scripture: you did not concoct.

And sure enough, for those who worship you as they would God,

The path of bhakti opens wide and joyfully is trod.


O Prabhupada, your mercy is my only treasure now;

Unto your soothing lotus feet I bow.



If you bestow your mercy, then Sri Krishna gives His too;

But if your mercy’s lacking, then there’s nothing we can do.

So every day we should reflect upon your life sublime

And vow to serve you always with our body, words, and mind.


O Prabhupada, your mercy is my only treasure now;

Unto your soothing lotus feet I bow.



I pray that my small hymn, though lacking literary worth,

Presented on this day of your appearance on this earth,

May find some favor both with you and with your devotees,

Who hover ’round your lovely lotus feet like maddened bees.


O Prabhupada, I pray that you bestow your mercy now;

Unto your soothing lotus feet I bow.

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