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> Where did you get Sri Govardhana-Vasa-Prarthana-Dasakam? please send it to

> us?


Here are the ®r… Govardhana-v€sa-pr€rthan€-daaka & ®r… Govardhan€raya-daaka

from Srila Raghunatha Dasa Goswami which were the favourites of Srila

Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami. They have been translated by Kusakratha



®r… Govardhana-v€sa-pr€rthan€-daaka


Ten Appeals for Residence at Govardhana Hill


Text 1


nija-pati-bhuja-daŠac-chatra-bh€vaˆ prapadya


atula-pthula-aila-reŠi-bh™pa priyaˆ me

nija-nika˜a-niv€saˆ dehi govardhana tvam


nija-own; pati-of the Lord; bhuja-arm; daŠac-handle; chatra-of an

umbrella; bh€vam-the state; prapadya-attaining; pratihata-checked;

mada-arrogant; dh˜a-bold; uddaŠa-with raised wepons; devendra-the king of

the demigods; garva-pride; atula-incomparable; pthula-great; aila-mountain;

reŠi-series; bh™pa-king; priyam-dear; me-to me; nija-own; nika˜a-near;

niv€sam-residence; dehi-please give; govardhana-O Govardhana; tvam-you.



O Govardhana, O king of all incomparable great mountains, O hill that

became an umbrella with the arm of your own Lord as the handle and then

destroyed the pride of the deva king madly attacking with raised weapons,

please grant the residence near you that is so dear to me.


Text 2


pramada-madana-l…l€ƒ kandare kandare te

racayati nava-y™nor dvandvam asminn amandam

iti kila kalan€rthaˆ lagnakas tad-dvayor me

nija-nika˜a-niv€saˆ dehi govardhana tvam


pramada-passionate; madana-amorous; l…l€ƒ-pastimes; kandare kandare-in

every cave; te-of you; racayati-performs; nava-y™nor dvandvam-the youthful

divine couple; asminn-in this; amandam-great; iti-thus; kila-indeed; kalana-of

seeing; artham-for the purpose; lagnakaƒ-guarantee; tad-that; dvayoƒ-of the

two; me-of me.


O Govardhana, please grant to me the residence near you that will

guarantee the sight of the youthful divine couple as they enjoy passionate

amorous pastimes in your caves.



Text 3



ruha-jhara-dara-s€nu-droŠi-sa‰gheu ra‰gaiƒ

saha bala-sakhibhiƒ sa‰khelayan sva-priyaˆ me


nija-nika˜a-niv€saˆ dehi govardhana tvam

anupama-incomparable; maŠi-jeweled; ved…-courtyards; ratna-jeweled;

siˆh€sana-lion-thrones; ™rv…ruha-trees; jhara-waterfalls and swiftly-flowing

mountain brooks; dara

caves; s€nu-peaks; droŠi

valleys; sa‰gheu-in the multitudes; ra‰gaiƒ-with happiness; saha-with;

bala-Lord Balar€ma; sakhibhiƒ-with friends; sa‰khelayan-playing; sva-own;

priyam-dear; me-to me.



O Govardhana, O hill where Lord KŠa happily plays with Balar€ma and His

friends in the incomparable jeweled courtyards, jeweled lion-thrones, trees,

waterfalls, mountain-brooks, caves, peaks, and valleys, please grant the

residence near you that is so dear to me.



Text 4


rasa-nidhi-nava-y™noƒ s€kiŠ…ˆ d€na-keler

dyuti-parimala-viddhaˆ y€ma-vediˆ prakaya

rasika-vara-kul€n€ˆ modam €sph€layan me

nija-nika˜a-niv€saˆ dehi govardhana tvam



rasa-of nectar; nidhi-oceans; nava-y™noƒ-of the youthful divine couple;

s€kiŠ…m-the witness; d€na-keleƒ-of the d€na-keli pastime; dyuti-splendor;

parimala-fragrance; viddham-filled; y€ma-dark; vedim-courtyard;

prakaya-manifesting; rasika-vara-kul€n€m-of the best of those expert at

relishing transcendental pastimes; modam-happiness; €sph€layan-causing; me-of




O Govardhana, O hill that provides the dark courtyard that witnesses the

d€na-keli pastime of the nectar-treasure youthful divine couple, O hill that

brings great bliss to the best of they who relish transcendental nectar, please

grant to me residence near you.



Text 5


hari-dayitam ap™rvaˆ r€dhik€-kuŠam €tma-

priya-sakham iha kaŠ˜he narmaŠ€li‰gya guptaƒ

nava-yuva-yuga-khel€s tatra payan raho me

nija-nika˜a-niv€saˆ dehi govardhana tvam


hari-to Lord KŠa; dayitam-dear; ap™rvam-unprecedented;

r€dhik€-kuŠam-R€dh€-kuŠa; €tma-own; priya-sakham-dear friend; iha-here;

kaŠ˜he-on the neck; narmaŠ€-playfully; €li‰gya-embracing; guptaƒ-hidden;

nava-yuva-yuga-of the youthful divine couple; khel€ƒ-pastimes; tatra-there;

payan-seeing; rahaƒ-in a solitary place; me-of me.



O Govardhana, O hill that, hiding as you playfully embrace the neck of

your dear friend, Lord Hari's dear, unprecedented R€dh€-kuŠa, secretly gazes

at the pastimes of the youthful divine couple, please grant to me residence

near you.


Text 6


sthala-jala-tala-apair bh™ruha-ch€yay€ ca

pratipadam anuk€laˆ hanta samvardhayan g€ƒ

tri-jagati nija-gotraˆ s€rthakaˆ khy€payan me

nija-nika˜a-niv€saˆ dehi govardhana tvam


sthala-land; jala-water; tala-surface; apaiƒ-with grasses; bh™ruha-of

trees; ch€yay€-with the shade; ca-and; pratipadam-at every step; anuk€lam-at

the right time; hanta-indeed; samvardhayan-nourishing; g€ƒ-the cows;

tri-jagati-in the three worlds; nija-own; gotram-name; s€rthakam-meaningful;

khy€payan-proclaiming; me-of me.



O Govardhana, O hill that by nourishing the cows with its water, grass,

and the shade of its trees declares to the three worlds the appropriateness of

its own name, please grant to me residence near you.



Note: Govardhana means "that which nourishes (vardhana) the cows (go)."



Text 7


surapati-kta-d…rgha-drohato go˜ha-rak€ˆ

tava nava-gha-r™pasy€ntare kurvataiva

agha-baka-ripuŠoccair datta-m€na drutaˆ me

nija-nika˜a-niv€saˆ dehi govardhana tvam


surapati-of the king of the demigods; kta-done; d…rgha-long;

drohataƒ-from the enmity; go˜ha-of Vraja; rak€m-protection; tava-of you;

nava-new; gha-house; r™pasya-in the form; antare-within; kurvat€-doing;

eva-indeed; agha-baka-ripuŠ€-by Lord KŠa, the enemy of Bak€sura;

uccaiƒ-greatly; datta-given; m€na-honor; drutam-quickly; me-of me.



O Govardhana, O hill that the enemy of Agha and Baka honored by

transforming into a new house to give Vraja protection from the sustained fury

of the sura king, please grant to me residence near you.


Text 8



mtam idam uditaˆ r…-r€dhik€-vaktra-candr€t

vraja-nava-tilakatve klpta-vedaiƒ sphu˜aˆ me

nija-nika˜a-niv€saˆ dehi govardhana tvam


giri-of hills; npa-the king; hari-of Lord KŠa; d€sa-of servants;

reŠi-of the multitudes; varya-the best; iti-thus; n€ma-name; amtam-nectar;

idam-this; uditam-spoken; r…-r€dhik€-of ®r… R€dh€; vaktra-of the mouth;

candr€t-from the moon; vraja-of Vraja; nava-new; tilakatve-as the tilaka

marking; klpta-conceived; vedaiƒ-by the Vedas; sphu˜am-manifested; me-of me.



O Govardhana, O king of mountains, O hill whose nectar name "the best of

Lord Hari's servants" flows from the moon of ®r… R€dh€'s mouth, O hill that

the Vedas declare to be the tilaka marking of Vraja, please grant to me

residence near you.



Text 9




agaŠita-karuŠatv€n maˆ ur…-ktya t€ntaˆ

nija-nika˜a-niv€saˆ dehi govardhana tvam


nija-own; jana-people; yuta-endowed; r€dh€-kŠa-of ®r… ®r… R€dh€-KŠa;

maitr…-friendship; rasa-nectar; €kta-anointed; vraja-of Vraja; nara-of the

people; pau-animals; paki-and birds; vr€ta-to the hosts; saukhya-of

happiness; eka-sole; d€taƒ-giver; agaŠita-immeasurable; karuŠatv€n-because of

mercy; mam-me; ur…-ktya-accepting; t€ntam-distressed.



O Govardhana, O philanthropist that gives transcendental happiness to

Vraja's people, animals, and birds, all anointed with the nectar of friendship

for ®r… ®r… R€dh€-KŠa surrounded by Their friends, out of Your immeasurable

mercy, please accept unhappy me and please grant me residence near you.


Text 10


nirupadhi-karuŠena r…-ac…nandanena

tvayi kapa˜i-a˜ho 'pi tvat-priyen€rpito 'smi

iti khalu mama yogy€yogyat€ˆ m€m aghŠan

nija-nika˜a-niv€saˆ dehi govardhana tvam


nirupadhi-boundless; karuŠena-with mercy; r…-ac…nandanena-by the son of

®ac…; tvayi-in you; kapa˜i-a cheater;; a˜haƒ-a rascal; api-although;

tvat-priyena-by your beloved; arpitaƒ-given; asmi-I am; iti-thus;

khalu-certainly; mama-my; yogya-suitability; ayogyat€m-or unsuitability;

m€m-me; aghŠan-not considering.



Although I am a cheater and a criminal, unlimitedly merciful Lord

®ac…nandana, who is very dear to you, has given me to you. O Govardhana, please

do not consider whether I am acceptable or not, but simply grant me residence

near you.



Text 11


rasada-daakam asya r…la-govardhanasya

kitidhara-kula-bhartur yaƒ prayatn€d adh…te

sa sapadi sukhade 'smin v€sam €s€dya s€k€c

chubada-yugala-sev€-ratnam €pnoti t™rŠam


rasada-nectarean; daakam-ten verses; asya-of this;

r…la-govardhanasya-®r…la Govardhana; kitidhara-of mountains; kula-of the

multitudes; bhartuƒ-the king; yaƒ-one who; prayatn€d-with care; adh…te-reads;

sa-he; sapadi-at once; sukhade-blissful; asmin-in this; v€sam-residence;

€s€dya-attaining; s€k€c-directly; chubada-auspicious; yugala-of the divine

couple; sev€-of the service; ratnam-the jewel; €pnoti-attains; t™rŠam-quickly.



One who carefully reads these ten nectar verses describing ®r…la

Govardhana, the king of mountains, will very soon reside near that blissful

hill and quickly attain the precious jewel of the service to the handsome

divine couple.


®r… Govardhan€raya-daaka


Ten Appeals for Shelter at Govardhana Hill


Text 1


sapt€haˆ murajit-kar€mbuja-paribhr€jat-kani˜h€‰guli-

prodyad-valgu-var€takoparimilan-mugdha-dvirepho 'pi yaƒ

p€thaƒ-kepaka-akra-nakra-mukhataƒ kroe vrajaˆ dr€g ap€t

kas taˆ gokula-bandhavaˆ giri-varaˆ govardhanaˆ n€rayet


sapta-seven; aham-days; murajit-of Lord KŠa; kara-hand; ambuja-lotus;

paribhr€jat-shining; kani˜ha-little; a‰guli-finger; prodyad-manifest;

valgu-beautiful; var€taka-lotus whorl; upari-above; milan-meeting;

mugdha-charming; dvirephaƒ-bumblebee; api-also; yaƒ-who; p€thaƒ-water;

kepaka-expelling; akra-of Indra; nakra-of the crocodile; mukhataƒ-from the

mouth; kroe-in the lap; vrajam-Vraja; dr€g-at once; ap€t-protected; kaƒ-who;

tam-that; gokula-of Gokula; bandhavam-the friend; giri-of mountains; varam-the




Who will not take shelter of Govardhana Hill, the best of mountains, the

friend of Gokula, the charming bumblebee that for seven days stood on the

graceful whorl of the lotus flower of Lord KŠa's hand and protected Vraja

from the mouth of the Indra-crocodile raining a great monsoon?



Text 2


indratve nibhtaˆ gav€ˆ suranad…-toyena d…n€tman€

akreŠ€nugat€ cak€ra surabhir yen€bhiekaˆ hareƒ

yat-kacche 'jani tena nandita-janaˆ govinda-kuŠaˆ kt…

kas taˆ go-nikarendra-pa˜˜a-ikharaˆ govardhanaˆ n€rayet


indratve-as king; nibhtam-in a solitary place; gav€m-of the cows;

suranad…-of the celestial Ganges; toyena-with the water; d…n€tman€-humble;

akreŠa-by Indra; anugat€-following; cak€ra-did; surabhiƒ-surabhi; yena-by

whom; abhiekam-bathing ceremony at the coronation; hareƒ-of Lord KŠa; yat-of

which; kacche-in the vicinity; ajani-was manifested; tena-by Him;

nandita-delighted; janam-the people; govinda-kuŠam-Govinda-kuŠa; kt…-pious

person; kaƒ-who?; tam-that; gaƒ-of the cows; nikara-of the herds; indra-of the

king; pa˜˜a-ikharam-whose peak is the place of pastimes.



What pious person will not take shelter of Govardhana Hill, whose peak is

the place of pastimes for Lord KŠa, the master of the surabhi cows, and near

which is blissful Govinda-kuŠa, where a surabhi cow, followed by humbled Indra

bearing the waters of the celestial Ganges, bathed Lord KŠa and secretly

crowned Him king of the surabhi cows?


Text 3


svar-dhuny-€di-vareŠya-t…rtha-gaŠato hdy€ny ajasraˆ hareƒ

s…ri-brahma-har€psaraƒ-priyaka-tat-r…-d€na-kuŠ€ny api

prema-kema-ruci-prad€ni parito bhr€janti yasya vrat…

kas taˆ manya-mun…ndra-varŠita-guŠaˆ govardhanaˆ n€rayet


svar-dhuni-the celestial Ganges; €di-beginning with; vareŠya-best;

t…rtha-of sacred places; gaŠataƒ-of multitudes; hdy€ni-charming;

ajasram-always; hareƒ-of Lord KŠa; s…ri-to Lord Balar€ma; brahma-to Lord

Brahm€; hara-Hara; apsaraƒ-Apsaraƒ; priyaka-Priyaka; tat-that; r…-d€na-®r…

D€na; kuŠ€ni-lakes; api-also; prema-love; kema-happiness; ruci-love;

prad€ni-giving; paritaƒ-everywhere; bhr€janti-shine; yasya-of which; vrat…-a

pious person; kaƒ-who?; tam-that; manya-great; muni-of sages; indra-by the

best; varŠita-described; guŠam-virtues.



What pious person will not take shelter of Govardhana Hill, which is

glorified by the great sages, and which is encircled by the lakes S…ri-kuŠa,

Brahma-kuŠa, Hara-kuŠa, Apsaraƒ-kuŠa, Priyaka-kuŠa, and ®r…-d€na-kuŠa,

which are splendid with the happiness of pure love and more dear to Lord Hari

than the celestial Ganges and a host of other sacred places?



Text 4



g€ndharv€di-sar€ˆsi nirjhara-giriƒ ‰g€ra-siˆh€sanam

gop€lo 'pi hari-sthalaˆ harir api sph™rjanti yat-sarvataƒ

kas taˆ go-mga-paki-vka-lalitaˆ govardhanaˆ n€rayet


jyotsn€mokaŠa-jyotsn€mokaŠa; m€lya-M€lya; h€ra-H€ra; sumanaƒ-Sumanaƒ;

gaur…-Gaur…; bal€ri-Bal€ri; dhvaj€-Dhvaja; g€ndharva-G€ndharva; €di-beginning

with; sar€ˆsi-lakes; nirjhara-with swiftly moving streams; giriƒ-the mountain;

‰g€ra-of amorous love; siˆh€sanam-the lion-throne; gop€laƒ-Lord KŠa;

api-also; hari-of Lord KŠa; sthalam-the place; hariƒ-Lord KŠa; api-also;

sph™rjanti-is manifested; yat-sarvataƒ-everywhere; kaƒ-who?; tam-that;

gaƒ-cows; mga-deer; paki-birds; vka-trees; lalitam-charming.



Who will not take shelter of Govardhana Hill, which is charming with cows,

deer, birds, and trees, and which is the place where the lakes

Jyotsn€mokaŠa-kuŠa, M€lya-kuŠa, H€ra-kuŠa, Sumanaƒ-kuŠa, Gaur…-kuŠa,

Bal€ridhvaja-kuŠa, G€ndharv€-kuŠa, many other lakes, many swiftly-moving

mountain streams, many lion-thrones for amorous pastimes, many places for Lord

Hari's other pastimes, and the cowherd boy Lord Hari Himself, are all

splendidly manifest?


Text 5


ga‰g€-ko˜y-adhikaˆ bak€ri-pada-j€ri˜€ri-kuŠaˆ vahan

bhakty€ yaƒ iras€ natena satataˆ prey€n iv€d apy abh™t

r€dh€-kuŠa-maŠiˆ tathaiva murajit-prauha-pras€daˆ dadh€t

preyaƒ-stavyamano 'bhavat ka iha taˆ govardhanaˆ n€rayet


ga‰g€-of Ganges Rivers; ko˜i-than millions; adhikam-greater; bak€ri-of

Lord KŠa; pada-from the foot; ja-born; ari˜€ri-kuŠam-®y€ma-kuŠa;

vahan-carrying; bhakty€-with devotion; yaƒ-who; iras€-on the head;

natena-bowed; satatam-always; prey€n-dearer; iv€d-than ®iva; api-even;

abh™t-became; r€dh€-kuŠa-R€dh€-kuŠa; maŠim-jewel; tath€-still; eva-certainly;

murajit-of Lord KŠa; prauha-great; pras€dam-mercy; dadh€t-manifested;

preyaƒ-stavyamanaƒ-the most glorious of the dear devotees; abhavat-became;

ka-who?; iha-here; tam-that.



Who will not take shelter of Govardhana Hill? He who with always devotedly

caries on his bowed head the lake known as ®y€ma-kuŠa, which is millions of

times greater than the Ganges, and which was born from the foot of Lord KŠa,

becomes more dear to the Lord than even the demigod ®iva. He who in the same

way carries the jewel known as R€dh€-kuŠa attains the full mercy of Lord

KŠa. He becomes the most dear and glorious of devotees.



Text 6


yasy€ˆ m€dhava-n€viko rasavat…m €dh€ya r€dh€ˆ tarau

madhye cañcala-keli-p€ta-valan€t tr€saiƒ stuvaty€s tataƒ

sv€bhi˜haˆ paŠam €dadhe vahati s€ yasmin mano-j€hnav…

kas taˆ tan nava-dam-pati-pratibhuvaˆ govardhanaˆ n€rayet


yasy€m-where; m€dhava-Lord KŠa; n€vikaƒ-the boatman; rasavat…m-sweet;

€dh€ya-taking; r€dh€m-R€dh€; tarau-on the boat; madhye-in the middle;

cañcala-restless; keli-pastime; p€ta-valan€t-because of the violent waves;

tr€saiƒ-with fear; stuvaty€ƒ-prayed; tataƒ-then; sv€bhi˜ham-own desire;

paŠam-the price; €dadhe-took; vahati-carries; s€-She; yasmin-in which;

mano-j€hnav…-the M€nasa-ga‰g€; kaƒ-who?; tam-that; tan-that; nava-young;

dam-pati-of the divine couple; pratibhuvam-place.



Who will not take shelter of Govardhana Hill, where the divine couple

enjoy Their rescue-fee pastimes, and where the M€nasa-ga‰g€ flows? In the

M€nasa-ga‰g€ the pilot M€dhava took sweetly beautiful R€dh€ on His boat, and

when She, frightened by a great storm, prayed that He calm it, He claimed from

Her as a rescue-fee the fulfillment of His amorous desires.


Text 7


r€se r…-ata-vandya-sundara-sakh… vnd€ñcit€ saurabha-

bhr€jat-kŠa-ras€la-b€hu-vilasat-kaŠ˜h… madhau m€dhav…

r€dh€ ntyati yatra c€ru valate r€sa-sthal… s€ par€

yasmin sa sukt… tam unnatam aye govardhanaˆ n€rayet


r€se-in the r€sa dance; r…-of goddesses of fortune; ata-by hundreds;

vandya-worshiped; sundara-beautiful; sakh…-of friends; vnda-by multitudes;

añcit€-accompanied; saurabha-fragrant; bhr€jat-glistening; kŠa-of Lord KŠa;

ras€la-nectar; b€hu-arm; vilasat-splendid; kaŠ˜h…-neck; madhau-in spring;

m€dhav…-dear to Lord KŠa; r€dh€-R€dh€; ntyati-dances; yatra-where;

c€ru-beautiful; valate-moves; r€sa-sthal…-the arena of the r€sa dance; s€-She;

par€-transcendental; yasmin-in which; sa-he; sukt…-pious; tam-that;

unnatam-exalted; aye-ah!



Ah, what pious person will not take shelter of lofty Govardhana Hill, the

beautiful and transcendental place of the r€sa dance, where ®r… R€dh€,

accompanied by Her beautiful friends worshiped by hundreds of goddesses of

fortune, and the splendid, nectar arm of Lord KŠa playfully resting on Her

neck, dances in the springtime r€sa-l…l€?



Text 8


yatra sv…ya-gaŠasya vikrama-bht€ v€c€ muhuƒ phullatoƒ

smera-kr™ra-dg-anta-vibhrama-araiƒ avan mitho viddhayoƒ

tad y™nor nava-d€na-s˜ija-kalir bha‰gy€ hasan jmbhate

kas taˆ tat-pthu-keli-s™cana-ilaˆ govardhanaˆ n€rayet


yatra-where; sv…ya-gaŠasya-of Her own friends; vikrama-bht€-bold;

v€c€-with words; muhuƒ-continually; phullatoƒ-blossoming; smera-smiling;

kr™ra-cruel; dg-eyes; anta-corners; vibhrama-moving; araiƒ-with arrows;

avan-always; mithaƒ-together; viddhayoƒ-pierced; tad-that; y™noƒ-of the

youthful couple; nava-new; d€na-of the d€na-keli pastimes; s˜ija-manifested;

kaliƒ-quarrel; bha‰gy€-by the crooked words; hasan-laughing; jmbhate-becomes

manifested; kaƒ-who?; tam-that; tat-of that; pthu-great; keli-pastimes;

s™cana-indication; ilam-nature.



Who will not take shelter of Govardhana Hill where, blossoming with

happiness at the outrageous joking words of Their friends, perpetually wounded

by the swift arrows shot from the corners of Their cruel, smiling eyes, and

laughing at the crooked words of the ever-new d€na-keli quarrel, the youthful

divine couple displayed so many transcendental pastimes?


Text 9


r…d€m€di-vayasya-sañcaya-vtaƒ sa‰karaŠenollasan

yasmin go-caya-c€ru-c€raŠa-paro r…r…ti g€yaty asau

ra‰ge g™ha-guh€su ca prathayati sm€ra-kriy€ˆ r€dhay€

kas taˆ saubhaga-bh™it€ñcita-tanuˆ govardhanaˆ n€rayet


r…d€ma-®r…d€m€; €di-beginning with; vayasya-friends; sañcaya-multitudes;

vtaƒ-surrounded; sa‰karaŠena-with Balar€ma; ullasan-playing; yasmin-in which;

gaƒ-of cows; caya-herds; c€ru-beautiful; c€raŠa-herding; paraƒ-devoted; r…r…

iti-r… r…; g€yati-sings; asau-He; ra‰ge-in the arena; g™ha-hidden; guh€su-in

caves; ca-and; prathayati-manifests; sm€ra-amorous; kriy€m-pastimes;

r€dhay€-with ®r… R€dh€; kaƒ-who?; tam-that; saubhaga-with auspiciousness;

bh™ita-decorated; a{.sy 241}cita-graceful; tanum-form.



Who will not take shelter of graceful and auspicious Govardhana Hill,

where, accompanied by ®r…d€m€ and His other friends, playing with Sa‰karaŠa,

and carefully herding the cows, Lord KŠa happily sings r… r…, and where Lord

KŠa enjoys amorous pastimes with R€dh€ in the r€sa dance arena and deep in

the hidden caves?



Text 10


k€lind…ˆ tapanodbhavaˆ giri-gaŠ€n aty-unnamac-cekhar€n

r…-vnd€vipinaˆ janepsita-dharaˆ nand…varaˆ c€rayam

hitv€ yaˆ pratip™jayan vraja-kte m€naˆ mukundo dadau

kas taˆ ‰gi-kir…˜inaˆ giri-npaˆ govardhanaˆ n€rayet


k€lind…m-the Yamun€ River; tapana-of the sun-god; udbhavam-the daughter;

giri-of hills; gaŠ€n-the multitudes; ati-very; unnamac-lofty; cekhar€n-crowns;

r…-vnd€vipinam-®r… Vnd€vana; jana-by the people; …psita-desire;

dharam-fulfilling; nand…varam-Nand…vara; ca-and; €rayam-shelter;

hitv€-abandoning; yam-which; pratip™jayan-worshiping; vraja-kte-for the sake

of Vraja; m€nam-respect; mukundaƒ-Lord KŠa; dadau-gave; kaƒ-who?; tam-that;

‰gi-of mountains; kir…˜inam-the crown; giri-of mountains; npam-the king.



Who will not take shelter of Govardhana Hill, the crowned king of all

mountains? For the people of Vraja's sake Lord Mukunda neglected the sun-god's

daughter Yamun€, a host of other lofty hills, the wish-fulfilling forest of

Vnd€vana, and the town of Nand…vara, and respectfully worshiped Govardhana



Text 11


tasmin v€sadam asya ramya-daakaˆ govardhanasyeha yat

pr€durbh™tam idaˆ yad…ya-kpay€ j…rŠ€ndha-vaktr€d api

tasyodyad-guŠa-vnda-bandhura-khaŠer j…v€tu-r™pasya tat-

to€y€pi alaˆ bhavatv iha phalaˆ pakvaˆ may€ mgyate


tasmin-in this; v€sa-residence; dam-granting; asya-of this;

ramya-charming; daakam-ten verses; govardhanasya-of Govardhana Hill; iha-here;

yat-which; pr€durbh™tam-manifested; idam-this; yad…ya-of which; kpay€-by the

mercy; j…rŠa-an old; andha-blind man; vaktr€d-from the mouth; api-even;

tasya-of that; udyad-manifesting; guŠa-of virtues; vnda-multitudes;

bandhura-charming; khaŠeƒ-of the mine; j…v€tu-the life; r™pasya-in the form;

tat-that; to€ya-for satisfaction; api-also; alam-greatly; bhavatv-may be;

iha-here; phalam-the fruit; pakvam-ripened; may€-by me; mgyate-sought.



By the mercy of Govardhana Hill these ten beautiful verses about

Govardhana Hill, which grant residence at Govardhana Hill, have come from the

mouth of a blind old man. The pleasure of Govardhana Hill, which is my life and

soul, and which is a beautiful jewel-mine of transcendental virtues, is the

ripe fruit I seek from my labor in writing these verses.


Chaoter 3 of Vraja-riti-cintamani


Chapter 3

1 Govardhana Hill is like a flag of intense sweetness placed in the

opulent land of Vrndavana. As the king of mountains Govardhana Hill offers

very pleasing royal service to the young prince of Vraja.

2 The rocks of Govardhana Hill are many kinds of splendid jewels that

provide thrones, couches, and other kinds of furniture for Sri Krsna, the

supreme monarch of all nectar mellows.

3 Govardhana Hill's beautiful forests and caves are Krsna's nectar

pastime palaces, each one perfect for the supreme good fortune of His beloved

and Her friends.

4 Govardhana Hill's trees and vines serve Sri Krsna by offering Him

blossoming branches with sweet fruits, and flowers filled with honey, nectar

and fragrant pollen.

5 The red, vermilion, yellow and other coloured pigments of Govardhana

Hill decorate Lord Krsna's transcendental body for the pleasure of His beloved


6 The musk left by deer, as well as the kunkuma, camphor, and aguru

naturally produced by Govardhana Hill, were all used to give a sweet fragrance

to the transcendental body of Lord Krsna.

7 There is a pleasant grove of sandalwood trees on Govardhana Hill.

Although snakes generally flock to sandalwood trees, no snakes ever come here,

or if sometimes a snake may come it is not poisonous, or if sometimes a

poisonous snake may come its poison is automatically counteracted, and it can

do no harm. As the best servant of Lord Hari, Govardhana Hill has made this

wonderful arrangement for the Lord's pleasure.

8 One time a contrary fawn-eyed gopi left Sri Krsna. A short time

afterwards She saw a snake on the road. Frightened, She took shelter of Lord

Krsna, embracing Him and begging for protection. As Lord Hari's best servant,

Govardhana Hill made all these nectarean arrangements for His pastimes.

Note: This verse may also be translated in the following way:

Rejected by a certain contrary fawn eyed gopi, Sri Krsna said: "I have

just been bitten by one of Govardhana Hill's snakes". When the gopi heard

this, she became repentant and came before the Lord with many apologies. As

Lord Hari's best servant, Govardhana Hill made all these arrangements for His


9 The rocks of Govardhana Hill are all precious gems. Some are

sapphires, some emeralds, some rubies or crystals. They provide the perfect

backdrop for Lord Krsna's pastimes.

10 If, while walking on Govardhana Hill, Krsna's elder brother Balarama

sees a series of golden stones, He thinks: 'the daughter of King Vrsabhanu must

have just now walked before Me', and He changes course to avoid an awkward

situation. In the same way, if She sees a series of crystal stones, She

thinks: 'Balarama must have just now walked before Me', and She changes Her


11 If, on Govardhana Hill, which is the best of Lord Hari's servants, Sri

Krsna sees a golden stone, He takes it to be His beloved. In the same way, His

beloved sees a sapphire, She assumes it is Her lover.

12 The gopis' necklaces, ornaments, red foot cosmetic, betelnuts, and

other paraphernalia gaze on the beauty of Govardhana Hill's groves and caves.

Who would not become enchanted by the beauty of Govardhana Hill?

13 Sri Krsna is the sapphire and the gopis the golden necklaces

ornamenting Govardhana Hill. The pastimes of Krsna and the gopis are the sons

and daughters of Govardhana Hill. Who is able to describe the glories of

Govardhana Hill?

14 The peacocks dance enthusiastically, the bees and cuckoos sing

melodiously and may other birds chirp a rhythmic accompaniment, as they all

gaze on the serve to Lord Hari done by Govardhana Hill, the best of Lord Hari's


15 The land around Govardhana Hill in all directions is filled with many

lakes, groves, and other charming places of Lord Krsna's pastimes. Many lovely

streams flow from Govardhana Hill onto these lands in all directions.

16 To the east is Dana-nivartana-kunda. When Sri Radhika's handsome

beloved remembers it, He begins to tremble, and the hairs on His body stand


17 To the east of that is Candra-sarovara, where the divine couple enjoyed

many rasa dances. The memory of this place makes Them dance in ecstatic love.

18 Southeast of Govardhana Hill is Sanksarsanananda-sarovara, and to the

east of that is Gauri-tirtha, which is scrupulously avoided by Gauri's husband,

Lord Siva.

19 The nectar flood of supreme good fortune rising from His eternal

pastimes with Her has made Her beloved supremely learned in the philosophy of


20 In between Sankarsana-sarovara and Dana-nivartana-kunda is

Anandaraja-tirtha, where the Mahanna-kuta festival delighted the young prince

of Vraja.

21 West of that are two splendid places in the mouth of Krsna's pastimes.

They are Sri Dhana-ghata and Sri Sumani-ghata, where the divine couple

playfully talked and joked.

22 At this place the divine couple enjoyed the playful quarrel pastimes

known as dana-keli. Who would not be astonished by this pastime? When this

pastime enters the ears it makes both the body and mind dance.

23 Govardhana Hill resembles a gigantic peacock that has Govinda-kunda as

its tail. The Manasa-ganga, where the divine couple eternally enjoys

boat-sailing pastimes, enters into the waters of Govinda-kunda.

24 If one hears about the divine couple's boat-sailing pastimes, he will

become stunned in ecstasy and it will not be possible for him to stop hearing

about them.

25 On the Manasa-ganga's shores are many madhavi-vine pavilions with

nectar beauty that shines in the three worlds. There the divine couple enjoys

splendid pastimes that are eternally remembered in the world's hearts.

26 With its nearby forest groves and the limitless nectar-trickling

flowers in its waters, Kusuma-sarovara shines with great splendour. Is it the

handsome face of Govardhana Hill, the king of mountains?

27 This lake is known as Kusuma-sarovara because of the many blossoming

flowers, destined to become gopis in the future, that grow in its waters.

Simply by one bathing in this Kusuma-sarovara, Narada Muni attained a

gopi-form. This fact is directly confirmed in the words of the enchanting

Supreme Personality of Godhead.

28 The Supreme Personality of Godhead eternally enjoys pastimes on

Govardhana Hill. He personally lifted Govardhana Hill with His own hand to

protect His cowherd associates. Who is able to describe the glories of

Govardhana Hill, the best of Lord Hari's servants?

29 Radha-kunda and Syama-kunda are Govardhana's two love-filled eyes.

Because it nourishes the gopas, gopis, and surabhi cows with Lord Madhava's

sweetness, it shines with the name 'go-vardhana'.

30 Syama-kunda and Radha-kunda are two great floods of the nectar of

beauty. They are two great oceans of splendour. They are two beautiful roots

from which sweet devotional service grows.

31 They are two jewel-mines of love. They are two seeds from which grow

the jewel-vines of transcendental pastimes. How did they become two splendid

and nectar-sweet lakes?

32 By seeing these two lakes, Radha and Krsna believe They are present in

them. It is as if They directly see each other there. The wise say that by

approaching these lakes one directly approaches Radha and Krsna.

33 Longing to meet, but forced to remain separate, Radha and Krsna assumed

the forms of Radha-kunda and Syama-kunda. In this way They becomes splashed

with the nectar of meeting each other.

34 I think that when Radha saw Krsna She melted with ecstasy and thus

assumed the liquid state of the waters of Radha-kunda, and in the same way when

Krsna saw Radha He also melted in ecstasy and became the waters of Syama-kunda.

In this way these two lakes bear the names and qualities of the divine couple.

35 Out of great kindness to the people, so they could directly taste Their

sweetness, Radha and Krsna have become these two lakes. Shining with

happiness, the devotees bathe in these two lakes.

36 I think these two lakes are the divine couple's love. They who are

fortunate bathe there. Because bathing there is like bathing in Their

transcendental love, these two lakes bear the names of the divine couple.

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At 08:47 13/09/00 +0630, you wrote:

>Where did you get Sri Govardhana-Vasa-Prarthana-Dasakam? please send it to

>us? Do you have Visvanath's Govardhana astakams and rupa's prathama and

>dvitiya astakams? What about Vraja-riti chintamani 3rd chapter (Govardhana)?




Haribol prabhus,




Does anyone have Sri Madhurya Dham of Srila Vishvanath Chakravarty Thakur

on disk they can send me - size of the file is not important to me.


Thank you in anticipation, yhs, JTCd

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