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Srila Murari Gupta Thakura's Disappearance Day - 13th Oct

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Srivasa Pandita, Sri Candrasekhar Acarya and Sri Murari Gupta Thakura were born

in Srihatta, a district of what is now Bengal. Sri Murari was born in a Vaisya

community. He came to Navadvipa and lived near the house of Jagannatha Misra.

The names of his parents are unknown. He was older than Mahaprabhu.


Amongst others, Sri Murari Gupta, Sri Kamalakanta, Sri Krsnananda studied with

Mahaprabhu. Sri Gaurasundara enjoyed arguing about logic and grammar.

Sometimes He would start an argument which very often resulted in wild

mud-slinging fights. The entire place became so muddy that the women were

unable to bring water from the Ganges, and the brahmanas could not take their

baths. Thus Sri Gaurasundara relished his pastimes on the bank of the Ganges.


Within a few years Sri Gaurasundara excelled all in the school of Gangadasa

Pandita and thus all the students surrendered to Him. Murari, however, did not

accept defeat. For this reason Mahaprabhu was upset. He called Murari and

said, "Why are you studying here? It is better for you to treat patients with

creepers and herbal products. The mucus, gallbladder and indigestion are not

topics included in grammar" (CBh. Adi). Murari was internally agitated by

these words, but he never showed his irritation and simply gazed at Mahaprabhu

with a gentle look. Seeing the Lord's divine appearance everyone became quiet.


Sri Gaurasundara and Sri Murari Gupta would argue on grammar and rhetoric

sastras but Murari was never able to defeat the Lord, even once. Thus he began

to think that Mahaprabhu must be an extraordinary personality, as no common man

could display such genius. Very often they would have heated arguments, but

would later take bath together as friends.


When Mahaprabhu returned from Gaya and began revealing His ecstatic love,

Murari Gupta was astonished to find the Lord weeping at the house of Suklambara

Pandita. He then became Mahaprabhu's ardent devotee.


Sri Murari Gupta worshipped Sita Rama. One day Mahaprabhu entered his house in

the mood of the Boar incarnation and with a thundering voice lifted a pot full

of water from the ground with His teeth. Stunned, Murari fell prostrate before

the Lord.


Mahaprabhu ordered, "Murari! Begin chanting My glories." When Murari began

singing, the Lord was very happy and said, "Murari! I am telling you frankly

that I am the essence of all the Vedas. I have appeared to preach and spread

the sankirtana movement." In this way he explained many secrets about Himself

to Murari and then returned to His house.


Another day at the house of Srivasa, Mahaprabhu began granting boons to all of

the devotees. Then he said, "Murari! still you do not know who I am. Now

observe My real form." Murari then saw Sri Ramacandra sitting on a jewelled

throne, holding a bow and arrows in His hands. Sita was at His left side, and

Laksmana, also holding a bow and arrows, stood on His right side. In front of

Them the great warrior ape warriors were singing and praising the Lord. Murari

saw himself amongst that group of monkeys. Recognizing himself, Murari fell



The Lord said, "Murari! Get up and look at My divine form. Have you forgotten

that you are the Hanuman who burnt Ravana's Lanka. Get up and see your

favorite Laksmana whom you loved with he art and soul, and offer your respects

to Sita for whose sufferings you once wept bitterly." Murari immediately

regained consciousness and fell tearfully at the feet of the Lord. Seeing the

wonderful mercy bestowed upon Murari, all the devotees began chanting the holy

name joyfully.


One evening in the house of Srivasa, Murari came forward and bowed to the feet

of Gaurahari and then to Nityananda Prabhu. Prabhu corrected Murari saying,

"You have made a mistake by not bowing to Nityananda first. What can I say to

you as you are a layman." Murari replied, "But how could I know?" Prabhu

assured him, "Now you should go home but tomorrow you will understand

everything." Saying this the Lord dismissed him and happily began sankirtana in

the house of Srivasa.


The dejected Murari Gupta went home and fell asleep. In his dream he saw

Nityananda in His powerful form of Balarama, holding the plow in his attractive

strong hands. His beauty could defeat the pride of the glowing silver moon.

He was walking like a drunkard and behind him walked Visvambhara, looking

gorgeous in His form of Krsna, with blue complexion and wearing a peacock

feather on the tuft of his hair. Seeing this vision, Gupta was perplexed.

Prabhu then explained that He was younger than Nityananda and then both of Them

disappeared. Now Murari understood that Nityananda was the elder brother of

Prabhu. Overwhelmed in joy he rushed to the house of Srivasa. There he found

Prabhu Gauracandra sitting on the celestial throne with Nity

ananda standing by His right side. This time he bowed first to the feet of

Nityananda and then to Prabhu. Gaurahari smiled and asked Murari, "Oh Gupta,

what are you doing?" Murari said, "As you have told me." In a joyful mood,

Prabhu offered his own chewed betel leaf to Murari who ate it and then wiped

his hand on his own head.


One day Murari Gupta told his wife, "I shall take my food now." That virtuous

lady cooked rice and brought it to her husband who first offered it to Krsna

and then respected the prasada. On the following morning Prabhu paid a visit

to the house of Gupta who asked Prabhu, "How kind of you to come to my house.

Why have you come so early in the morning?" Prabhu replied, "I want to be

treated for indigestion."


Gupta asked, "What did You eat yesterday?" Prabhu replied, "Certainly you know

as well as I. Yesterday you offered Me so much rice and insisted that I eat it

all, so how could I avoid it. Now, as a result of eating too much, I have

indigestion. It can be cured by drinking lots of much water." Saying this

Prabhu drank water from Murari's glass. Having received such mercy from the

Lord, Murari and all the members of his family began to weep in joy. Prabhu

cordially embraced Murari and returned home.


One day, in the house of Srivasa, Gauracandra revealed His four-handed Visnu

form, holding His sanka, cakra, gada and padma. At that time Murari became

Garuda, the chief of the birds and stretched out his big wings. Prabhu climbed

on his back and wandered around the compound of the house. How fortunate were

the associates of Prabhu to witness such a beautiful scene.


One day Murari thought, "Who knows what Prabhu has in mind. So I shall die

first." Thinking in this way he decided to kill himself that night and thus

found a sharp weapon and hid it. The Supreme Lord Gaurahari who could

understand the mind of His devotee, came to Murari's house and searched out the

weapon which he had concealed. How can I describe what Prabhu then said to

Murari to whom Prabhu Himself was bound by love.


After taking sannyasa Mahaprabhu went to Puri. Every year Murari Gupta, along

with his wife and the other devotees from Bengal, came to visit the Lord at the

time of the Rathayatra. At that time Mahaprabhu's servant, Govinda, would

serve the Lord varieties of foodstuff brought by Murari Gupta. (GGD. 91, CC.

1.10.49, CBh. 2.3.24-52, 2.10.7-20, 2.20.17-21, 2.20.53-71, 2.20.81-102.


Madhya 15.137

TEXT 137

murari-guptere prabhu kari' alingana

tanra bhakti-nistha kahena, sune bhakta-gana


Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu then embraced Murari Gupta and began to speak about his

firm faith in devotional service. This was heard by all the devotees.


TEXT 138

purve ami inhare lobhaila bara bara

parama madhura, gupta, vrajendra-kumara


Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "Previously I induced Murari Gupta again and

again to be allured by Lord Krsna. I said to him, `My dear Gupta, Lord Sri

Krsna, Vrajendra-kumara, is the supreme sweetness.


TEXT 139

svayam bhagavan krsna--sarvamsi, sarvasraya

visuddha-nirmala-prema, sarva-rasamaya


"`Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the origin of all incarnations

and the source of everything. He is pure transcendental love itself, and He is

the reservoir of all pleasure.


TEXT 140


vidagdha, catura, dhira, rasika-sekhara


"`Krsna is the reservoir of all transcendental qualities. He is like a mine of

gems. He is expert at everything, very intelligent and sober, and He is the

summit of all transcendental humors.


TEXT 141

madhura-caritra krsnera madhura-vilasa

caturya-vaidagdhya kare yanra lila-rasa


"`His character is very sweet, and His pastimes are melodious. He is expert in

intelligence, and thus He enjoys all His pastimes and mellows.'


TEXT 142

sei krsna bhaja tumi, hao krsnasraya

krsna vina anya-upasana mane nahi laya


"I then requested Murari Gupta, `Worship Krsna and take shelter of Him. But for

His service, nothing appeals to the mind.'


TEXT 143

ei-mata bara bara suniya vacana

amara gaurave kichu phiri' gela mana


"In this way, he heard from Me again and again. By My influence, his mind was a

little converted.


TEXT 144

amare kahena,--ami tomara kinkara

tomara ajnakari ami nahi svatantara


"Murari Gupta then replied, `I am Your servant and Your order-carrier. I have

no independent existence.'


TEXT 145

eta bali' ghare gela, cinti' ratri-kale

raghunatha-tyaga-cintaya ha-ila vikale


"After this, Murari Gupta went home and spent the whole night thinking how he

would have to give up the association of Raghunatha, Lord Ramacandra. Thus he

was overwhelmed.


TEXT 146

kemane chadiba raghunathera carana

aji ratrye prabhu mora karaha marana


"Murari Gupta then began to pray at the lotus feet of Lord Ramacandra. He

prayed that death would come that night because it was not possible for him to

give up the service of the lotus feet of Raghunatha.


TEXT 147

ei mata sarva-ratri karena krandana

mane soyasti nahi, ratri kaila jagarana


"Thus Murari Gupta cried the entire night. There was no rest for his mind;

therefore he could not sleep but stayed awake the entire night.


TEXT 148

pratah-kale asi' mora dharila carana

kandite kandite kichu kare nivedana


"In the morning Murari Gupta came to see Me. Catching hold of My feet and

crying, he submitted an appeal.


TEXT 149

raghunathera paya muni veciyachon matha

kadhite na pari matha, mane pai vyatha


"Murari Gupta said, `I have sold my head unto the lotus feet of Raghunatha. I

cannot withdraw my head, for that would give me too much pain.


TEXT 150

sri-raghunatha-carana chadana na yaya

tava ajna-bhanga haya, ki karon upaya


"`It is not possible for me to give up the service of Raghunatha's lotus feet.

At the same time, if I do not do so I shall break Your order. What can I do?'


TEXT 151

tate more ei krpa kara, dayamaya

tomara age mrtyu ha-uka, yauka samsaya


"In this way Murari Gupta appealed to Me, saying, `You are all-merciful, so

kindly grant me this mercy: Let me die before You so that all my doubts will be



TEXT 152

eta suni' ami bada mane sukha pailun

inhare uthana tabe alingana kailun


"Hearing this, I became very happy. I then raised Murari Gupta and embraced



TEXT 153

sadhu sadhu, gupta, tomara sudrdha bhajana

amara vacaneha tomara na talila mana


"I said to him, `All glories to you, Murari Gupta! Your method of worship is

very firmly fixed-so much so that even upon My request your mind did not turn.


TEXT 154

ei-mata sevakera priti cahi prabhu-paya

prabhu chadaileha, pada chadana na yaya


"`The servitor must have love and affection for the lotus feet of the Lord

exactly like this. Even if the Lord wants separation, a devotee cannot abandon

the shelter of His lotus feet.



The word prabhu, or master, indicates that the Lord is to be continuously

served by His devotee. The original prabhu is the Lord, Sri Krsna. Nonetheless,

there are many devotees attached to Lord Ramacandra, and Murari Gupta is a

vivid example of such unalloyed devotion. He never agreed to give up Lord

Ramacandra's worship, not even upon Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's request. Such is

the chastity of devotional service, as stated in the Antya-lila of Sri

Caitanya-caritamrta (4.46-47):

sei bhakta dhanya, ye na chade prabhura carana

sei prabhu dhanya, ye na chade nija-jana

durdaive sevaka yadi yaya anya sthane

sei thakura dhanya tare cule dhari' ane

In a firm relationship with the Lord, the devotee does not give up the Lord's

service under any circumstance. As far as the Lord Himself is concerned, if the

devotee chooses to leave, the Lord brings him back again, dragging him by the



TEXT 155

ei-mata tomara nistha janibara tare

tomare agraha ami kailun bare bare


"`Just to test your firm faith in your Lord, I requested you again and again to

change your worship from Lord Ramacandra to Krsna.'


TEXT 156

saksat hanuman tumi sri-rama-kinkara

tumi kene chadibe tanra carana-kamala


"In this way, I congratulated Murari Gupta, saying, `Indeed, you are the

incarnation of Hanuman. Consequently you are the eternal servant of Lord

Ramacandra. Why should you give up the worship of Lord Ramacandra and His lotus



TEXT 157

sei murari-gupta ei--mora prana sama

inhara dainya suni' mora phataye jivana


Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu continued, "I accept this Murari Gupta as My life and

soul. When I hear of his humility, it perturbs My very life."


Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu delightfully ordered Sri Murari Gupta (none other than

Hanuman) to recite some poems composed by Sri Gupta himself. Sri Murari Gupta

began to recite Ramastaka and the Lord, who was greatly pleased, at once

regarded himself as Ramacandra. With a sweet smile Prabhu wrote the name

"Ramadasa" on the forehead of Murari Gupta.


By the order of Mahaprabhu, Murarigupta recited his own composition "Sri



(1) "I adore the Supreme Lord Ramacandra who is worshipped by the residents

of the three worlds; Whose face is as beautiful as a spotless moon, Whose ears

are adorned with beautiful kundalas, shining more brilliantly than the stars

named Brhaspati and Sukra; and whose crown is bedecked with the gleaming

Kiritamani jewel which glows like the shining rays of the sun."


(2) "I worship Sri Ramacandra, the only guru of the three worlds, Whose

eyes are as beautiful as blossoming lotus', Whose lips are like beautifully red

bimba fruit. His nose is charming and His smile defeats the soft rays of the



(3) "I worship the only guru of the three worlds, Sri Ramacandra, whose

neck is as charming as a conch, and Whose complexion is like that of a blue

lotus. His effulgent necklaces of pearl and gold are likened to the sky, where

lightening flashes next to white swan-colored clouds."


(4) "I praise Sri Ramacandra, by whose side is seated the bright golden

complexioned Sita who holds a lotus flower in Her raised hand. That lotus

clasped by Her five beautiful fingers is possessed of morethan five hundred



(5) "I sing the glories of Sri Ramacandra, the only guru throughout the

three worlds, in front of whom stands the great archer Sri Laksmana, formerly

known as Shesha (or Great Spirit), whose beautiful golden complexion is

enhanced by numerous ornaments and who is known as a devout servant of his

elder brother."


(6) "I glorify Sri Raghava, the killer of the demons Ravana, Khara, Trisira

and Kavandha. He is the destroyer of the corruptor's of Sri Dandakaranya: the

killer of Vali: and the friend of Sugriva."


(7) "I worship the only guru of the three worlds, Sri Rama, who has taken

the hand of Sita after breaking the Haradhanu. While one his way from Mithila

to Ayodhya, Sri Ramacandra, for the pleasure of his father, destroyed the pride

of Parasaurama. "


(8) Missing _________________


Being pleased to hear the glories of Sri Raghunandana Rajasimha, the

Supreme Lord Gaurasundara, placed his feet on the head of Sri Murari Gupta and

wrote on his forehead, "It is My desire that henceforward you shall be known as


Murari Gupta was overwhelmed with joy and gratitude. In the morning

Prabhu and all the devotees returned to their own houses. Who can understand

the hidden meaning and true intentions behind the Lord's transcendental



>From Bhati Ratnakara by Narahari Dasa


[if any devotee can post the 8th verse (it may have been included in the 7)

and their sanskrit from Bhakti Ratnakara (Bengali Edition) then we can chant

this Ramastaka during Rama navami next year]


>From Gaura Gannodesa Dipika:


91. The devotee named Murari Gupta in Lord Caitanya's pastimes had previously

been Hanuman. In the same way Sri Purandara had previously been Angadam and

Govindananda had been Sugriva.


92. The devotee named Ramacandra Puri in Lord Caitanya's pastimes had

previously been Vibhisana.


93. Rcika Muni's son Brahma Mahatapah, and Prahlada Maharaja combined to

appear as Haridasa Thakur in Lord Caitanya's pastimes.


94/95. In the book Caitanya-carita, Murari Gupta explains that one morning

Mahatapah gave an unwashed tulasi leaf to his father, who became so angry at

him for this that he cursed him. Because of this Mahatapah took birth in a

yavana family as the great devotee Haridasa Thakura.

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