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The elementary creation of the sixteen items of matter.


1) earth 1) nose 1) smell

2) water 2) tongue 2) taste

3) fire 3) eyes 3) sight

4) air 4) skin 4) touch

5) ether 5) ear 5) sound

6) mind

TOTAL = 16


The five gross elements, the five senses, the five sense objects and the

mind make up the sixteen items of matter. The creation of these elementary

manifestations is a result of the energies of Maha Visnu. All this is called

creation or sarga.


The interaction of the modes of nature is called visarga, recreation or

secondary creation. The secondary creation is a result of the original

ingredients and is performed by Brahma. (S.B. 2.10.3)


After manifesting the universes from the pores of His skin, Maha Visnu

expands as Garbhodakasayi Visnu and enters into each and every universe which

is half filled with water made from the perspiration from His transcendental

body. because He is the Supreme Person or Nara and the water from His body is

called Nara, because he lies on this water He is called Narayana.


While lying on His bed of mystic slumber the Lord desired to manifest

varieties of living entities from Himself alone.


The Lord divides His potency into three divisions;


1) Adhidaiva - controlling entities

2) Adhiyatma - controlled entities

3) Adhibhuta - material bodies or forms of matter


Verse 15


From the sky situated within the body of the manifesting Maha Visnu sense

energy, mental force and bodily strength are all generated, as well as the sum

total of the fountainhead of the total living force. (This explains how

everything originally comes from Maha Visnu).


Verse 16


When the total energy is in motion, all other entities move, and when the

total energy stops endeavouring, all other living entities stop sensual


The individual entities are completely dependent on the total energy of the

Lord, just as every electrical instrument depends of the power house.


Verse 17


Being agitated by the virata purusa, the living force generated hunger and

thirst and when He desired to eat and drink the mouth opened.


Verse 18


From the mouth the palate became manifested as well as the tongue. After

this all the different tastes came into existence.

The controlling deity Varuna also became manifest along with the tongue.


Verse 19


When the Supreme desired to speak, speeches were vibrated from the mouth.

Then the controlling deity of speech Fire (Agni) was generated from the mouth.


Verse 20


When the Supreme desired to smell odors, the nostrils and respiration were

generated, the nasal instrument and odors also came into existence, and the

controlling deity of air, carrying smell, also became manifested.


Verse 21


When the Lord desired to see the eyes, the Sun, the power of vision and the

object of sight all became manifested.


Verse 22


Because of the desire of the great sages to know, the ears, the power of

hearing, and the objects of hearing became manifested. The controlling deities

of directions also became manifested.


Verse 23


When there was a desire to perceive the physical characteristics of matter,

the skin, the skin pores and hairs on the body as well as their controlling

deities (the trees), were generated.


Verse 24


When the supreme Person desired to work, the hands and their controlling

deity Indra became manifested and acts dependent on the hands were also



Verse 25


Because of His desire to control movement the legs became manifested and the

controlling deity Visnu was generated.


Verse 26


Sexual pleasure and the genital organ along with the controlling deity

Prajapati developed.


Verse 27


When He desired to evacuate the refuse of eatables, the evacuating hole

developed along with the controlling deity Mitra.


Verse 28


When He desired to move from one body to another, the navel and the air of

departure and death (apana vayu) were created.


Verse 29


When He desired food and drink the abdomen, the intestines and arteries

became manifest. The controlling deities, the rivers and the oceans, are the

source of their sustenance and keep these organs healthy.


Verse 30


When there was a desire to think about the activities of his potent energy,

the heart, the mind, the moon, determination and desire all became manifested.

The minds activities begin only when the heart becomes manifested. The heart

becomes manifested when the Supersoul desires to remind the soul of his past

activities and to see His creation.

(S.B. 2.10.10-30)


The whole explanation and description given above is on the subject of the

absolute dependence of the living entities and absolute independence of the

Supreme Lord. Everything must first be desired by the Lord before the

subordinate living entity can act upon it. The living entity can only see when

the Lord sees. The living entity can only smell when the Lord smells, etc.

(S.B. 2.10.20)


The Visvarupa, the gigantic universal form of the Lord, is not an eternal

form. It is manifested after the ingredients of the material creation in each

universe by Garbhodakasayi Visnu.

(S.B. 3.6.4)


The conception of the Visvarupa, the universal form is especially meant for

the neophytes who cannot understand the transcendental form of the Lord. For

them He manifests a material form or the universal form. (S.B. 1.3.3)


>From S.B.2.5.22-31:


Verses 22-24


After the incarnation of the first purusa (Karanadaksayi Visnu) the

mahat-tattva (sum total of material energy) becomes manifested. Then time is

generated and in course of time false ego appears and transforms into three



1) Goodness - vaikarika ahankara

2) Passion - taijasa ahankara

3) Ignorance - tamasa ahankara


Manifestations of false ego in ignorance.


Verses 24-29


From the darkness of false ego five elements are generated.


1) Sky becomes manifested first. Its subtle form is the quality

of sound.


2) Because sky is transformed air is generated with its subtle

quality of touch. (It also contains the quality of sound).


3) When air is transformed fire is generated with its subtle

quality of shape or form. (Fire also contains the qualities of

sound and touch).


4) When fire is transformed water is generated with its subtle

quality of taste. (Water also contains the qualities of sound,

touch and form).


5) When water is transformed earth is generated with its subtle

quality of smell. (Earth also contains the qualities of sound,

touch form and taste).


(S.B. 3.26.32 Purport)


It appears in this verse that the objects of the senses namely the five

gross elements and their subtle counterparts are all products of ignorance.




Sound is the subtle quality of sky

Touch is the subtle quality of air

Form is the subtle quality of fire

Taste is the subtle quality of water

Smell is the subtle quality of earth



(S.B. 3.5.36)


Each of the elements evolve from subtle to gross. The evolving element has

the quality of the previous element as well as its own. Hence the sky, the

subtlest of the five gross elements hs one quality. As the different elements

evolve they have the qualities of the previous elements and so earth, the last

element to manifest has all the qualities of all the elements.


Sky - sound

Air - sound, touch

Fire - sound, touch, form

Water - sound, touch, form, taste

Earth - sound, touch, form, taste, smell


(S.B. 2.10.31)


The construction of the whole material world is prominently made by three

elements, namely earth, water and fire. But the living force is produced by

sky, air and water. So water is the common element in both the gross and subtle

forms of the material creation. Water is the most prominent element and is

therefore the principle element of all the five.



Manifestations of false ego in passion.


Verse 31


From false ego in the mode of passion all of the sense organs are generated.


There are two kinds of senses;


Knowledge acquiring senses Working senses


1) ears 1) hands

2) skin 2) legs

3) eyes 3) voice

4) tongue 4) anus

5) nose 5) genitals


The intelligence and the living energy are also generated.


Manifestations of false ego in goodness.


Verse 30


From false ego in the mode of goodness the mind is generated and becomes

manifested. The ten demigods controlling bodily movements are also manifested.


The five knowledge acquiring senses and their controlling deities:


1) Ears - sense of hearing - controlling deities of directions

2) Skin - sense of touch - controlling deity of air, Vayu

3) Eyes - sense of sight - controlling deity the Sun god

4) Tongue - sense of taste - controlling deity of water, Varuna

5) Nose - sense of smell - controlling deity the Asvin



The five working senses and their controlling deities:


1) Voice - controlling deity - Agni

2) Hands - controlling deity - Indra, king of heaven

3) Legs - controlling deity - Lord Visnu

4) Anus - controlling deity - Mitra

5) Genitals - controlling deity - Brahma



ANIRUDDHA - mind - controlling deity - Moon god


PRADYUMNA - intelligence - controlling deity - Brahma


SANKARSANA - false ego - controlling deity - Siva




The sense of perception is of two kinds; touch and itching.


The controlling deity of air in the body is called Anila.


Anila also controls the sense of touch.


The controlling deity of hairs on the body is called Osadhya.

He also controls the itching sensation.


The controlling deities of the trees control the hairs on the body.


Vayu, the controller of air controls smell because smell is carried by air.


The controlling deities of the rivers control the nervous system.


The ocean is considered to be the controlling deity of the abdomen.


Yamaraja also presides over the anus and genitals because discharging semen

is the cause of a horrible death and he is the god of death.


Next the three Purusa Avataras and the three kinds of creation (Kalpas).

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