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(S.B. 3.10.7-9)


Sitting on top of the lotus, which was spread throughout the universe,

Brahma contemplated on how to create all the planets. Brahma then entered in

the whorl of the lotus and divided it into three divisions and then into

fourteen divisions.


The seeds of all the planets in the universe were impregnated in the lotus by

the Supreme Lord. The material world and the living entities were already

generated in seedling forms by the Lord and Brahma was to disseminate the

seedlings all over the universe.

(S.B. 3.10.7 purport)





(S.B. 3.12.2-57)


Verse 2


Brahma first created the nescient engagements which are five in number.


1) Self-deception - Moha

2) The sense of death - Andha Tamisra

3) Anger after frustration - Tamisra

4) The sense of false ownership - Maha Moha

5) Forgetfulness of one's real idendity - Tamas

(S.B. 3.20.18)


Before creating the living entities in their different species of life, the

conditions under which they live were created by Brahma.


Verse 3


Brahman then gave up his body and began a new term of creation.


Verse 4


In the beginning Brahma created the four Kumaras; Sanaka, Sananda, Sanatana

and Sanat Kumara.


Verses 5-20


Brahma asked his four sons to generate progeny. The Kumaras declined, which

made Brahma very angry. He tried to control his anger but it came out from

between his eyebrows in the form of a child in a mixed colour of red and blue.

The child was crying and was therefore called Rudra. He was given eleven places

to reside, Rudranis. Rudra then began to increase the progeny of the universe

with offspring resembling himself in every way. They attempted to devour the

universe, which made Brahma very afraid. He told Rudra to go and perform

penance and wait for the time of dissolution, when his services would be called



Verses 21-29


Brahma then created ten sons;


1) Narada - born from Brahma's deliberation.

2) Vasistha - born from Brahma's breathing.

3) Daksa - born from Brahma's thumb.

4) Bhrgu - born from Brahma's touch.

5) Kratu - born from Brahma's hand.

6) Pulastya - born from brahma's ears.

7) Angira - born from Brahma's mouth.

8) Atri - born from brahma's eyes.

9) Marici - born from Brahma's mind.

10) Pulaha - born from Brahma's navel.


Verse 25


Religion was manifested from his breast.

Irreligion was manifested from his back.


Verse 26


Lust and desire became manifest from his heart

anger from his eyebrows

greed from his lips

the power of speaking from his mouth

the ocean from his genitals

abominable activities from his anus


Verse 27


Kardama was manifested from his shadow.


Verses 28-32


Brahma had a daughter named Vak born from his body. His mind was attracted

sinfully to her and his sons prayed to the Supreme Lord for the good sense of



Verse 33


Brahma gave up his body of sinful thought which became the dangerous fog of



Verses 34-48


The four Vedas, the four principles of religion, the four social orders,

medical science, military art, musical art, architectural science all emanated

one after another. The fifth Veda (Purana) as well as histories all became

manifest from his different mouths in systematic order. The eight varieties of

fire sacrifice, the four divisions of retired life, the four divisions of

renounced life, the science of logical argument, law and order, and moral codes

all became manifest from his mouth.

The pranava omkara was manifested from his heart. The art of literary

expression usnik was generated from his hair. The principle Vedic hymn, gayatri

from his skin, tristup from the flesh, anustup from the veins, and jagati from

his bones. The art of writing verse, pankti, came from the bone marrow and

brhati, another type of verse was generated from the life-breath. Brahma's soul

was manifested as the touch alphabets (sparsas), his body as the vowels, his

senses as the sikilant alphabets, his strength as the intermediate alphabets

and his sensual activities as the seven notes of music.


Verses 49-57


When Brahma saw that in spite of the presence of the sages their was no

sufficient increase in the poulation, he seriously began to consider how the

poulation could be increased. While he was thus contemplating, two forms were

generated from his body. They were Svayabhuva Manu and Satarupa. In due course

of time Manu begot two sons, Uttanapada and Priyavrata, and three daughters,

Akuti, Devahuti and Prasuti. Manu gave Akuti to the sage Ruci, Devahuti to

Kardama and Prasuti to Daksa. From them, all the world filled with poulation.


(S.B. 3.20.18-53)


Verse 18


Brahma first created the five kinds of ignorance from his shadow. (tamisra,

andha-tamisra, tamas, moha and maha-moha).


Verses 19-21


Out of disgust, Brahma threw off the body of ignorance, which became the

night. The Yaksas and Raksasas took possession of that body. Night is the

source of hunger and thirst. Overpowered by hunger and thirst they ran to

devour Brahma and Brahma became very afraid and asked to be spared.


Verse 22


He then created the cheif demigods. he dropped before them the form of

daytime and the demigods sportingly took possession of it.



Verses 23-37


Brahma then gave birth to the demons from his buttocks. They were very fond

of sex and even approached him for copulation. Brahma first laughed at their

stupidity, but seeing their determination grew indignant and ran away

approached the Lord for protection. The Lord ordered him to give up that body,

which took the form of the evening twilight. The demons became bewildered and

took the twilight to be a beautiful woman and seized her.


Verses 38-39


Brahma then evolved the Gandhavas and Apsaras.


Verses 40-41


Brahma then evolved from his sloth the ghosts and goblins. The ghosts took

possession of the body thrown off in the form of yawning by Brahma. (This is

the sleep that causes drooling. Ghosts attack such unclean people who are

subject to be haunted or to go insane).


Verses 42-43


Brahma then evolved th Sandhyas and Pitas from his own invisible form, from

his navel.


Verse 44


Brahma then evolved the Siddhas and Vidyadharas and gave his form known as

Antardhana. (Antardhana means that these living creatures can be perceived to

be present, but they cannot be seen by vision.)


Verses 45-46


Seeing his reflection in the water and admiring himself, Brahma evolved the

Kimpurusas as well as the Kinnaras out of that reflection.


Verse 47


Brahma once layed down with his body at full length. In a sullen mood he

gave up that body which transformed into snakes.


Verses 48-50


>From his mind Brahma evolved the Manus who promote welfare activities and

Brahma gave them his own human form.



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