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Damodarastakam (with tika) & Glories of Kartika (more)

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Tika by Sri Sanatana Gosvamipada


Srila Prabhupada's sannyasa guru, Srila Bhaki-prajnana Kesava Maharaja said,

"Due to the eternal nature of Sri Sri Damodarastaka, it is necessary to

study it every day during the month of Karttika (or Damodara)." The

following passages describing this bhajan are taken from Sri Sanatana

Gosvamipada's commentary on the DAMODARASTAKAM:


Kartik Vrata: What day was Damodara bound by Yasoda's rope? It was the day

of Govardhana Puja (Krsna sukla pratipat, the first day after Divalli, which

falls on Amavasya) when Krsna was four years old in Gokula lila. Later on

when Krsna was seven years old, He lifted Govardhana Hill on this same day

(Kartika month Krsna sukla pratipat). HBVilas says its a rule that one must

daily worship Radha Damodara with ghee lamp and chant the Damodarastakam.

HBV 16.95-96- "One who worships a deity of Radha Damodara for purpose of

Radhika's happiness, then Damodara Hari becomes very satisfied. One worships

Damodara by daily chanting Damodarastakam attracts the Supreme Lord Damodara



Introduction: The Prayer--- The stotra named Sri Damodarastaka is found in

the Padma P., spoken by Satyavrata Muni during conversation with Saunaka and

Narada. Sanatana Gosvami, "This prayer is nitya-siddha, eternally perfect.

It manifested through Satyavrata Muni and is capable of attracting Damodara



Verse 1: Mula sloka, opening prayer defines the spiritual position of

God-His transcendental form, sweet beauty and sweeter still pastime of

breaking Mother Yasoda's butter pot.




Namam== I bow down with love and devotion before commencing description of

the Supreme Lord's excellences (visesa) or attributes of tattva visesa, lila

visesa, guna and rupa visesa. When starting any function it is customary to

offer respects to the Isvara. This word serves as the Mangalacaran.


Isvara== an individual attributes or characteristics. This indicates tattva

visesa, an excellence of the truth of the Supreme Lord. Obeisances are

offered to the Supreme Controller in order to get the power to offer this

prayer and prove that only the Supreme Lord is worthy of such glorification.


Sac-cid anandam rupam==defines the Supreme Lord as one with a transcendental

form of eternity, knowledge, and bliss (rupa visesa) or a description of the

excellence of His beauty.


Lasanti Kundalam== Swinging earrings running in fear of Yasoda. Earrings

have a position above all other ornaments because always kissing Damodara's

cheeks. Lasanti=glistening because reflect the splendorous effulgence of

Krsna's bodily complexion. Therefore, Krsna's body is the ornament of all

ornaments. See Subala 3.2.12 vismapanam


Gokule Bhrajamanam== Parivara visesa, excellence of His family, the

Vrajavasis. Gokula, which is filled with gopas, gopis, cows, calves, Yamuna

and Govardhana Hill, is a befitting place wherein Krsna can manifest His

topmost pastimes.


Yasoda Bhiya== Lila visesa, excellence of Krsna's pastimes. Krsna displays

great fear of Mother Yasoda punishment for breaking her yogurt pots and

stealing the fresh butter.


Ulukhalat== Krsna stood on a large wooden grinding mortar to steal butter

hanging from the rafters.


Dhavaman==Krsna jumps down and runs away.


Details see SB 10.9.8-9


Paramrstam== saundarya visesa, excellence of Yasoda's beauty.=caught by the



Atyantato Drutya==Mother Yasoda running swiftly behind Krsna. Her beautiful

hips, full breasts, flowers falling from loosened hair, perspiring.




Gopya== Mother Yasoda.


Verse 2: Description of details of Damodara lila. The Supreme Lord, crying

in fear, can only be bound Mother Yasoda's love. Shows lila visesa.


Rudantam==Crying. Upon seeing the whipping stick of Mother Yasoda, Krsna

becomes terrified and starts crying.


Netra Yugmam Mrjantam== rubbing two lotus eyes again and again


Karambhoja Yugmena==with His lotus hands fearful Krsna rubs His eyes to make

the tears fall out.


Satanka Netram==fearful eyes glancing here & there


Muhuh Svasa==crying again and again


Kampa== trembling


Tri-rekhanka Kanta== three lines on His conchshell neck


Sthita Graivam== pearl necklace situated there


Bhakti Baddham==Bound by love. Bhakta vatsalya, Krsna's quality of coming

under control of His devotees. God can only be bound by a devotee's love and

nothing else.


Krsna was bound by the pure parental love of Yasoda. Damodara willingly

accepted the binding, although no rope has the power to bind the Supreme

Absolute Truth. The Srimad Bhagavatam 10.9.18-21 sva matuh gives proof that

Krsna is controlled by His devotees. Krsna performs this Damodara lila and

all His other pastimes because of His devotees's love.


Verse 3: This sloka glorifies Vraja madhurya maya bhakti over aisvarya jnana

bhakti. It describes Krsna's


Guna Visesa, the excellence of His qualities.


Itidrk==Srimad Bhagavatam 10.11.7-8 Damodara lila shows how Krsna under

control of His devotees.


Sva Lilabhir==His own transcendental sportive pastimes like this


Ananda Kunda==pool of ecstasy, full of deep mellows and rich rasas.


Sva Ghosam==His own family in Gokula; ghosh also means loudly proclaims His

glories and the sweet glories of His eternal Vraja bhaktas by this lila


Nimajjantam==immersed personally in pools of bliss


Akhyapayantam==let everyone see and understand My position by seeing this

lila of Me coming under the control of My pure madhurya bhaktas.


Tadiyesita Jnesu==tadiya (opulence, majesty) Isa= the master, controller.

Aisvarya jnana bhaktas who are the Vaikuntha vasis. Those attached to

knowledge of the Lord's majestic opulences (aisvarya).


Bhaktair Jitatvam==Krsna only conquered by love and devotion of His



Line three means: "I willfully submit to the control of My bhaktas, but I

never submit Myself to those fond of jnana.


Punah== repeatedly


Prematah== with an excellence of love and devotion


Tam==unto that Isvara, Lord Sri Krsna.


Satavrtti==100 times


Line four means: "I offer my obeisances hundreds and hundreds of times to

the process of pure devotion, Vraja bhakti. This type of divine love puts

the Supreme Lord Krsna under the control of His devotees.


Verse 4: Verse 4 & 5 mention Satyavrata Muni's cherished desire-to see the

transcendental form of Gopal manifested within his heart. He wants no other

boon than this. The muni is thinking, "Oh! If Your divine form of a bala

gopal would be manifested in my heart, then I would feel very very pleased;

nothing short of this will satisfy me." Verse four shows that the longing

for inner darsan of Krsna is the best of all goals.


Varam== boon


Deva== effulgent Supreme Lord


Moksam== Brahman liberation


Na== not want, reject


Moksavadhim== highest type of liberation to Vaikuntha planets


Na Canyam anya== reject all other things, not want anything else.


Vrne== pray


This verse rejects three Boons: 1-moksa=Brahman liberation

2-moksavadhim=Vaik. Liberation which is the zenith of all liberations 3-na

canyam= boons achieved by following nava vidha bhakti


Idam== this


Vapur== vani/vapuh divine form and words; instructions.


Natha==Lord. The are four famous Nathas that if one sees all then gets

liberation. Badri in north, Jagan in east, Dvaraka in west, Ranga in south

and Gopal Nathji in center. But if see only one Natha, Sri Nathji or Gopal

Nathji get full benefit of seeing other 4.


Gopal Balam== young cowherd boy


Sada==always sac-cid-ananda




Manasy==mind, heart


Avirastam==ever manifested (avirbhava)


Kim Anyaih==What good are they? What is the use of any other thing such as

moksa or the boons gained by performed devotional service?


Summary: This attitude, as stated by Sat. Muni above, comes from one

absorbed in thinking of Krsna's name, form, qualities and pastimes. If one

attains Krsna, then everything else in automatically and perfectly attained.

If Krsna is not attained, then all other boons are useless


Verse 5: This verse, describing the beauty of Krsna's face, is a prayer to

see the sweet lotus face of Krsna.




Mukhambhojam==lotus face. Krsna's face resembles a fully blossomed lotus



Avyakta==un manifested , dark




Vrtam==surrounded; lotus face surrounded by bumblebee like curly locks of



Kuntalaih==curly dark blue hair


Snigdha==soft, glossy


Raktais==red tint


Gopya==a gopi, = that face kissed by either Radhika or Yasoda


Muhuh==again and again




Bimba==like a bimba fruit


Raktadharam==lips cherry red




Avirastam==avirbhava, manifested. May this lotus face that is kissed by that

fortunate gopi, Srimati Radhika, be manifested within my mind.






Labhaih==greed; attainment of other boons and benedictions


Summary## IN deep meditation on the Damodara lila, one will see the divine

lotus face of Krsna as described in this verse five.


Verse 6: Is a prayer for saksat darsan; the boon of seeing Krsna face to





Deva==divine, beautiful Supreme Lord


Damodara==bound by the affection of Yasoda. Indicates his param bhakti

vatsalya visesa. Therefore, there is nothing He cannot do


Ananta==Full of inconceivable sakti and unlimited mercy


Visno==all-pervading Supreme Lord Visnu is living everywhere


Prasida==show mercy, be pleased with one


Prabho==master, controller, astonishing power to reveal Yourself to me


Dukha==suffering, natural miseries














Ati Dinam==very fallen




Grhana==uplift, accept


Esa==independent Lord, controller






Aksi Drsyah==give Your darsana, become visible to me


Summary Verse Six: Explains how to see Krsna?


1. Must fix Krsna in the mind and by pure bhakti will see Him


2. Attain pure bhakti by chanting Nama Sankirtan with love and devotion and

sorrowful prayers. (verse six full of Krsna's names-Deva, Prabho, Damodara,

Visnu, Ananta)


3. There are no fixed rules governing the appearance of the Lord. It is His

free will only.


What happens if one gets the direct darsana of Supreme Lord Krsna?


In Hari-bhakti Sudhodaya says Prahlada M. Saw the Lord by the sea one day.

Narada, Dhruva, Kardama Muni and Bilvamangala all received direct darsana,

saksat darsana, of the Lord.


BRHAD BHAGAVATAMRTA chap. 3 179-182: "1. Seeing Lord Krsna in person direc

tly with the eyes is the final reward for practicing nava vidha bhakti. One

will experience profound bliss that surpasses all other forms of darsana

such as seeing the Lord in meditation. 2. The ignorance and Maya covering

the soul is destroyed. 3. Bhava increases 4. Devotee becomes overwhelmed

with bliss and exhibits different sattvika bhavas, such as shivering,

crying, hair standing erect. Prema vikaras, ecstatic symptoms.


Verse 7: Describes Prema visesa, the excellence of Krsna prema. It is a

prayer to attain prema bhakti, which is the only means for attaining darsana

of Lord Krsna as described in verse 6. Verse 7 also rejects moksa,



Kuveratmaja==sons of Kubera, Nalakuvara, Manigriva


Baddha==bound with ropes


Murtyaiva==Sri Vigraha, divine form


Yat vat== curse birth as trees






Bhakti bhajau==performance of devotional service. Never give up practice of



Krtau==gave, made them, Krsna awarded them prema bhakti




Prema bhaktim==pure devotion


Svakam==Your own, shelter Your lotus feet


Prayaccha==give intense, profuse


Graho==enthusiasm, have no eagerness for any other type of liberation




Damodara==Lord Damodara who is bhakta vatsala


Iha==this or here in Vrndavana, please bestow prema bhakti.


Verse 8: This verse summarized things the prayer stands for






Dipti dhamne==effulgent abode


Tvadiya-udaraya==unto your belly




Radhikayai priyayai==dearest beloved Radha




Nanta lila==unlimited sportive pastimes






Summary: The rope around Krsna's belly represents the Brahman effulgence

surrounding the spiritual world. His belly supports all the universe in

creation. One lotus flower growing from His navel or belly sustains the 14

worlds (planetary systems). Krsna showed His universal form to Mother

Yasoda. By binding this waist Mother Yasoda has single-handedly bound the

whole universe and brought the entire creation under her control by the

strength of Her vatsalya prema. For anyone else it would be totally

impossible to bind the all pervading unlimitedly potent Supreme Lord; but He

willingly accepts Mother Yasoda's binding as an attribute of His bhakta

vatsalya visesa, excellence of His being controlled by the love of His



Radhika is also engaged in Krsna's aradhana or worship only for His

pleasure. Eternally Radhika is Krsna's dearmost beloved nitya priya or



Namo Nanta Lilaya==Satyavrata Muni is herein glorifying the topmost

unlimited pastimes of Krsna such as rasa lila which Krsna performed with His

beloved Priyaji, Sri Radhika. Such confidential pastimes are hinted at and

offered respects to with the word (Namo). Namo nanta lilaya refers to ananta

lila, Ananta Bhagavan Sri Krsna who continually enjoys limitless pastimes.

Satyavrata Muni is offering obeisances to Radha-Krsna unlimited pastimes of

rasa lila.


Word LILA== root L i means lingita or embrace. La means to accept.

Therefore, word lila means those playful pastimes wherein Krsna accepts the

embraces of the gopis. Thus Satyavrata Muni is ending his prayer on a sweet

note (madhurena samapayet, a sanskrit rule of drama meaning that everything

should end on a sweet note) by offering respectful obeisances unto the

topmost transcendental pastime of Krsna's rasa lila and other such

confidential pastimes in Vraja Dhama.





(rules and regulations for observing Kartik plus additional explanation of

Damodarastakam Prayer which should be sung and deeply meditated upon

everyday during Radhika's holy month.



sarvatha saranapatti kartikadi-vrata, 'catuh-sasti anga' ei parama-mahattva


SYNONYMS sarvatha-in all respects; sarana-apatti-surrender;

kartika-adi-vrata-to observe special vows in the month of Karttika;

catuh-sasti anga-sixty-four parts; ei-this; parama-mahattva-very important



TRANSLATION "Thirty-four: One should surrender to Krsna in all respects.

(35) One should observe particular vows like kartika-vrata. These are some

of the sixty-four important items of devotional service. (Sri

Caitanya-caritamrta Madhya 22.128)


Performing Devotional Service in Karttika


"One of the most important of these ceremonial functions is called

Urja-vrata. Urja-vrata is observed in the month of Karttika

(October-November); especially in Vrndavana, there is a specific program for

temple worship of the Lord in His Damodara form. "Damodara" refers to

Krsna's being bound with rope by His mother, Yasoda. It is said that just as

Lord Damodara is very dear to His devotees, so the month known as Damodara

or Karttika is also very dear to them.


"The execution of devotional service during Urja-vrata in the month of

Karttika is especially recommended to be performed at Mathura. This system

is still followed by many devotees. They go to Mathura or Vrndavana and stay

there during the month of Karttika specifically to perform devotional

services during this period. In the Padma Purana it is said, "The Lord may

offer liberation or material happiness to a devotee, but after some

devotional service has been executed, particularly in Mathura during the

month of Karttika, the devotees want only to attain pure devotional service

unto the Lord." The purport is that the Lord does not award devotional

service to ordinary persons who are not serious about it. But even such

unserious persons who execute devotional service according to the regulative

principles during the month of Karttika, and within the jurisdiction of

Mathura in India, are very easily awarded the Lord's personal service."

(Srila Prabhupada in NOD chap. 12)


How to Observe????


(Srila Prabhupada Conversation with a disciple)


Devotee (2): Srila Prabhupada, today is the beginning of urja-vrata (the

Kartik vrata). Can you describe what that is, urja-vrata, how it should be



Prabhupada: Urja-vrata, you chant Hare Krsna twenty-four hours one month

(laughter) That's all.


Gurudasa: Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna...


Prabhupada: Yes. Don't sleep, don't eat. This is urja-vrata. Can you



Devotee (1): I don't know. (laughter)


(Srila Prabhupada lecture 18/10/72 in Vrndavana RadhaDamodaraMandir)


Quotes from Mathura Mahatyam by Srila Rupa Gosvami


Residing in Mathura During the Month of Karttika


In the Karttika-mahatmya, Narada says: By bathing in sacred places and

giving charity during the month of Karttika, a person in any country attains

piety equal to an agnihotra-yajna.


Text 168


krsna-salokya-do masah puja-snanais ca karttikah


anyah puryas tat-samana bhavanti mathuram vina


In Mathura bathing and worship during the month of Karttika place one on the

same planet as Lord Krsna. No other holy place is equal to Mathura.


Text 169


damodaratvam hi hares tatraivasit yatah kila


mathurayam tatas turjo vaikuntha-priti-vardhanah


karttiko mathurayam vai paramavadhir isyate


The month of Karttika, when Lord Hari enjoyed His Damodara-pastime in

Mathura, delights Lord Vaikuntha. The month of Karttika spent in Mathura

brings the supreme destination.


Text 170


yatha maghe prayagah syad vaisakhe jahnavi tatha


karttike mathura sevya tatrotkarsah paro na hi


As Prayaga should be served in the month of Magha, and the Ganges in the

month of Vaisakha, so Mathura should be served in the month of Karttika.

Nothing is better than that service.


Text 171


mathurayam narair urje snatva damodaro 'rcitahkrsna-rupa hi te jneya natra

karya vicarana


They who, after properly bathing, worship Lord Damodara in Mathura during

Karttika, attain forms like that of Lord Krsna. Of this there is no doubt.


Text 172


durlabhah karttiko vipra mathurayam nrnam iha


yatrarcitah svakam rupam bhaktebhyah samprayacchati


O brahmanas, residence in Mathura during Karttika is a rare attainment for

humans. To they who worship Him there and then the Lord gives their original

spiritual forms.


Text 173


bhuktim muktim harir dadyad arcito 'nyatra sevinam


bhaktim tu na dadaty eva yato vasya-kari hareh


When He is worshiped in any other place, Lord Hari gives only liberation or

sense-gratification to His servants. He does not give them pure devotional

service, for that service brings Him under their dominion.


Text 174


sa tv anjasa harer bhaktir labhyate karttike naraih


mathurayam sakrd api sri-damodara-sevanat


By once serving Lord Damodara in Mathura during Karttika, the people can

easily attain pure devotional service to Lord Hari.


Text 175


mantra-dravya-vihinam ca vidhi-hinam ca pujanam


manyate karttike devo mathurayam mad-arcanam


They who, even without proper mantras and offerings, and without properly

following the rules, worship Him in Mathura during Karttika, the Lord

considers His true devotees.


Text 176


yasya papasya yujyeta marananta hi niskrtih


tac-chuddhy-artham idam proktam prayascittam su-niscitam


karttike mathurayam vai sri-damodara-pujanam


The perfect atonement to purify the sins of a lifetime is: worship Lord

Damodara in Mathura during Karttika.Text 177


sulabha mathura loke pratyabdam karttikas tatha


tathapi samsarantiha nara mudha bhavambudhau


Although Mathura is easy to visit in this world, and although Karttika comes

every year, the fools still swim in the ocean of repeated birth and death.


Text 179


yani sarvani tirthani nada nadyah saramsi ca


karttike nivasanty atra mathure sarva-mandale


All holy places and all holy rivers, streams, and lakes reside in the circle

of Mathura during Karttika.


Text 180


Sparopahasam uddisya karttike hari-sevaya


mathurayam labhed bhaktim kim punah sraddhaya narah


They who as a joke serve Lord Hari during Karttika in Mathura will attain

pure devotional service, what to speak of they who serve the Lord with faith

and devotion.


Text 181


tatraiva dhumrakesam prati yama-vakyam


tasman nrpatmaja sreyah param kincin na-not; vidyate


karttike mathurayam ca sri-damodara-pujanat


Yamaraja says to Dhumrakesa:


Therefore, O prince, nothing is better than to serve Lord Damodara in

Mathura during Karttika.


Residence in Mathura During Prabodhini tithi


In the Padma Purana, Karttika-mahatmya, it is said:


When Lord Visnu does not wake from His happy sleep on Prabodhini tithi, then

all the holy places roar with asvamedha-yajnas. Note: Prabodhini tithi is

the first ekadasi in the month of Karttika. On that day the Lord awakens

from His four-month-long nap.


Text 186


mathurayam tu kim vacyam jagare hari-sannidhau


karttike bodhinim prapya tatah sreyah param hi na


What can be said about approaching the Deity of Lord Hari when He awakens in

Mathura? No day is better than the Prabodhini day in the month of Karttika.


Text 187


rajyam anyatra santyajya sphitam nihata-kantakam


karttike mathurayam vai kaimutyam jagaram caret


One should leave any other great and peaceful kingdom, and in Mathura stay

awake through the night during Prabodhini in the month of Karttika. What

place is better than Mathura for this?


Residing in Mathura During Dvadasi in Karttika Month


In the Visnu Purana it is said:


A person who during the Sukla-dvadasi in the month of Karttika bathes in the

Yamuna and sees the Deity of Lord Hari in Mathura attains the supreme



Text 189


atha bhisma-pancake padme bhismam prati sri-krsna-vacanam


tvaya krte vrate pascat khyasyate bhisma-pancakam


ye tatra janma-bhumau me karisyanti maha-vratam


mathurayam tu gangeya tesam bhaktih kare sthita


Residing in Mathura During Bhisma-pancaka (goes from Utthana Ekadasi til



In the Padma Purana, Sri Krsna says to Bhisma:


O Gangeya, this vow you have followed will henceforth be known as

Bhisma-pancaka. They who follow this great vow in My birthplace, Mathura,

find pure devotional service resting in their hand.


Text 191


durlabho bhakti-yogo me mama vasya-vidhayakah


karttike mathurayam ca vratenanena labhyate


Pure devotional service to Me which, becausae it places Me under My

devotee's dominion, is very difficult to attain, is easily attained by

following this vow in Mathura during Karttika.


Text 192


puranantare ca sarvabhista-pradam proktam


mathure bhisma-pancakam


In another place in the Puranas it is said: Following the vow of

Bhisma-pancaka in Mathura is said to fulfill all desires.


Text 193


yatha bhavisye bhisma-panca-dine prapte


mathura-mandale hareh nidra-ccheda-kare punye


paduke cavalokayet


In the Bhavisya Purana it is said: A person who observes Bhisma-pancaka and

Prabodhini tithi in Mathura will see Lord Hari's splendid sandals.


Srila Bhaktivinoda's article quoted in Bhakti-prajnan Kesava Maharaja's book

commenting on the Damodarastaka Prayers by Satyavrata Muni: "The observance

of the Karttika-vrata is one of the most important things for the Vaisnavas.

In accordance with these words, the vrata therefore begins on the waxing

ekadasi that comes the day after Vijaya-dasami in the month of Asvina. And

the vrata will be concluded on Utthana-ekadasi. That vrata which is observed

during the month between these two dates is called niyama-seva. The rules of

niyama-seva are: every day during this month, one must rise upon the last

hour of the night, purify oneself and perform the mangala-arati of Sri

Krsna. Then, after bathing in the morning, one should worship Lord Damodara.

At night, one should light brilliant lamps filled with either ghee or

sesame-seed oil, and place them in these places - in the Lord's temple,

around the base of tulasi plants, and in the sky. During the month of

Kartika, one should eat only vegetarian foodstuffs and Bhagavan's prasad

remnants. One should renounce excessive eating and sleeping, plus avoid

using oil, wine, and bell-metal utensils. After honouring prasad, one should

hear or recite scriptures headed by Srimad Bhagavatam in the company of

Vaisnavas. There should be incessant harinama-kirtana and smarana. Thus

passing the entire month in observance of such regulations, on the final

Utthana-ekadasi day one should fast from everything including water and stay

awake all night absorbed in Krsna-katha. On the next day, after first

purifying oneself and engaging in hari-kirtana, one should serve the Lord's

prasad to one's dearmost intimate Vaisnava associates, and when they are

finished one may then honour prasad. That day, at the end of the night, the

vrata will be completed.


The chief aim of observing this Urjja-vrata is to please Sri Radha-Damodara.

Srimati Radharani is called Urjjesvari (the Queen of the Urjja-vrata). Only

because of this, in order to establish the pleasure of Sri Sri

Radha-Damodara, the sage Satyavrata Muni uttered (in the eight verse of

Damodarastaka) the words namo radhikayai tvadiya priyayai - "My obeisances

unto Radhika, You most beloved." By this statement, he indicated that the

sole activity to be done during the observance of Damodara-vrata is the

worship of Sri Sri Radha-Damodara.


Among the 64 branches of bhakti followed by our Gaudiya Vaisnavas, we see

that the observance of Urjja is listed. It is to be understood that one

follows the Catur-masya-vrata completely only if one honours Urjja during

it. Some devotees are of the opinion - "Because Catur-masya-vrata is not

listed among the 64 branches of devotion, we will only follow the (one-month

long) vow of Urjja; we will not undergo the difficulty of observing the

entire four-month-long vow." In this way, those persons who attempt

performing bhajana, but who are unaware of the deep meaning of the sastras,

thereby remain in the indulgences of in discipline. Sriman Mahaprabhu

Himself observed the Catur-masya-vrata while situated in many different

places, and has thereby taught the practice by His own example. We cannot

consider such persons, who are unable to follow the instructions that were

enacted and preached by Mahaprabhu, to be part of the lineage of pure



At this point, we would like to mention that the principle of atma-nivedana

is listed as one of the nine types of devotion (which are counted among the

six types of surrender, saranagati). Is it understood, then, that by

performing atma-nivedana (offering one's soul), the other five types of

surrender are therefore unnecessary? The ultimate surrender among the six

processes of saranagati is atma-nivedana - by this being listed as such, it

is understood that engaging in the other forms of surrender are also

recommended for the sadhaka. Thus it is accepted that a single sadhana takes

the form of several different aspects.


Due to the eternal nature of Sri Sri Damodarastaka, it is necessary to study

it every day during the month of Karttika (or Damodara).



PADMA PURANA ON KARTIKA VRATA quoted by Srila Sanatana Gosvami in his

Hari-bhakti Vilasa (the standard lawbook for all Gaudiya Vaisnavas)


Intro-if one neglects to perform the Kartika Vrata all his pious merits

amassed in the passed are burned to ashes; his study of the Vedas becomes

futile; and his performance of japa, charity, and austerity becomes



Glories of Kartika Vrata-Kartik is the best, the purest of purifiers, and

most glorious of all months. Kartika month is particularly dear to Lord Sri

Krsna. This month is full of bhakta vatsalya. Any vrata, even the smallest,

will yield huge results. The effect of performing a Kartika Vrata lasts for

one hundred lifetimes, whereas ordinary vratas only last for one lifetime!

As Krsna says in Gita that He is the month of Nov-Dev, similarly, Srimati

Radhika is the holy month of Kartik which precedes His month. Rupa Gosvami

and others refer to Radharani as the Kartika-devata or Kartika Devi, in

other words, Radhika is the goddess or presiding Deity of the Kartika Vrata.


Daily Offer-tulsi arotik, ghee lamp to Krsna and sing Damodarastakam, bathe

in Yamuna if possible, give charity to pure devotees.


Dont Eat: grains given by others, honey, sesame seeds, oils, hing, eggplant,

loki, tasty foods like sweets and fried foods, samosas, pakoras.


Dont Do: cut hair, nails, use things of others, criticize Vaisnavas, Vedas

or anyone, no oil on body, do not find faults in others or be envious.


Prayer before beginning: "O gopikas! By your mercy may Radha and Krsna be

pleased with my Kartika Vrata."


Benefits Observing Kartik Vrata: All sins flee from the heart. Perform other

vratas one hundred times not equal to one performance of Kartik Vrata. All

the holy places will live within your body. Proper performance of Kartik

Vrata gives one a million times the result of chanting mantras, do yatras

and other types of vratas. Those who worship Damodara in Vrndavana even once

easily attain Krsna bhakti. Dhruva Maharaja attained Hari darsana by

worshiping Krsna in Mathura during the Kartika month.


Summary of How to Follow the Kartika Vrata:


Remember--Kartika Vrata is a special time to worship Radha Damodara, and

especially get the mercy of Radhika, since it is Her month, and She is very

very easily pleased this month if one worships Her along with Her beloved



Srila Prabhupada on When to Start Kartika Vrata: "In Vrndavana we should

have Kartika Vrata, Urja Vrata, for one month beginning on Ekadasi

(Pasanukusa) (Srila Prabhupada Tape 10/6/72)


Pasanukusa Ekadasi Morning: Offer prayer-"O Janardana, O Damodara, O Devesa

who are accompanied by Radhika. During the month of Kartika, I will bathe

early every morning for Your satisfaction."


1. Rise early every day by Brahma Muhurta, bathe, chant japa offer Mangala



2. Hear Srimad Bhagavatam, especially Radha and Krsna pastimes in Vrndavana,


daily in association of exalted Vaisnavas, if possible. By regularly reading

Srimad Bhagavatam during Kartika month, one gets the benefit of reading all

the eighteen 18 Puranas. All other duties should be given up in favor of

hearing the scriptures from sadhus during this month.


3. Chant continually in japa and kirtan, Krsna nama, do extra rounds and

more kirtana with family.


Must maintain celibacy for entire month


Give up favorite food article for entire month (sweets, salties) Try to eat

only once in a day. *if you can do and carry on ordinary works*


Eat your meals only on palasa leaves (if possible, will give tremendous



No oil on body and NO EATING honey, eggplant, portal, pickles, red rajma

beans, or sesame seeds, or urad dahl (no kichoris)


Daily sing the Damodarastakam, meditating on meaning


Daily offer a ghee lamp to Krsna Deity or photo (no need Yasoda-Damodara



Daily offer arotik and prayers to Tulsi devi praying for eternal residence

in Vrndavana and eternal service of the lotus feet of Radha and Krsna.


Daily chant the Radha-krpa katakasam, and Krsna krpa kataksam in Giti Guccha



Also chant other prayers to Radha and Radha Krsna Yugala from the Giti

Guccha songbook


ON Ekadasi, Dvadasis, and Purnima chant the one-thousand names of Radha


On the three Ekadasis in Kartik try to observe Nirjala Vrata and stay awake

chanting hari nam, especially on the last one, Uttana Ekadasi, when Lord

Visnu and all the demigods awake after four months slumber.


Donate charity to pure devotees


Offer special nice foods to Krsna for entire month. For example every day

make sweet rice,(khira) which is the favorite food of Krsna.


BAHULASTAMI BATH IN Radha KUNDA- "Anyone who bathes in Radha-kunda on

Bahulastami becomes a dear devotee of Lord Krsna, because this act highly

pleases Him." (Hari-bhakti-vilasa)


BREAKING THE Kartika Vrata FAST: After sunrise and within the paran breaking

period on the Dvadasi day after Uttana Ekadasi (if you started your Kartik

Vrata on Pasanukusa Ekadasi),-offer arotik to Krsna and dedicate your vrata

to Radha and Krsna for Their pleasure, worship the Vaisnava brahmanas by

offering them presents plus a prasadam feast including the items that you

fasted from during Kartika (sweets, milk products etc.) After honoring the

brahmanas then break your Kartika Vrata fast by honoring the foods you

abstained from (such as urad dahl, sweets, or whatever items.) Chant Hare

Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare

Hare and Radhe Radhe Govinda, Govinda Radhe.....and taste the sweet feeling

of spending the entire month absorbed in pleasing Radha and Krsna. Jai Srila


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