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>From Gaura Gannodesa Dipika by Srila Kavi Karnapura:


67. The expansion of Lord Sankarsana known as Lord Ksirodakasayi Visnu appeared

in Lord Caitanya's pastimes as Viracandra Prabhu. Lord Viracandra was

non-different from Lord Caitanya Himself.


68. Lord Viracandra also entered the bodies of the two brothers Nisatha and

Ulmuka, who in this way were incarnations of Lord Visnu. Minaketana Rama dasa

and others were also incarnations of Lord Sankarsana in this way.


Cc Adi 11.8:


sri-virabhadra gosani--skandha-mahasakha

tanra upasakha yata, asankhya tara lekha



After Nityananda Prabhu, the greatest branch is Virabhadra Gosani, who also has

innumerable branches and subbranches. It is not possible to describe them all.



Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura writes in his Anubhasya, "Virabhadra

Gosani was the direct son of Srila Nityananda Prabhu and a disciple of

Jahnava-devi. His real mother was Vasudha. In the Gaura-ganoddesa-dipika (67)

he is mentioned as an incarnation of Ksirodakasayi Visnu. Therefore Virabhadra

Gosani is nondifferent from Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu. In a village of the

name Jhamatapura, in the district of Hugli, Virabhadra Gosani had a disciple

named Yadunathacarya, who had two daughters-a real daughter named Srimati and a

foster daughter named Narayani. Both these daughters married, and they are

mentioned in the Bhakti-ratnakara (Thirteenth Wave). Virabhadra Gosani had

three disciples who are celebrated as his sons-Gopijana-vallabha, Ramakrsna and

Ramacandra. The youngest, Ramacandra, belonged to the Sandilya dynasty and had

the surname Vatavyala. He established his family at Khadadaha, and its members

are known as the gosvamis of Khadadaha. The eldest disciple, Gopijana-vallabha,

was a resident of a village known as Lata, near the Manakara railway station in

the district of Burdwan. The second, Ramakrsna, lived near Maladaha, in a

village named Gayesapura." Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura notes that

since these three disciples belonged to different gotras, or dynasties, and

also had different surnames and lived in different places, it is not possible

to accept them as real sons of Virabhadra Gosani. Ramacandra had four sons, of

whom the eldest was Radhamadhava, whose third son was named Yadavendra.

Yadavendra's son was Nandakisora, his son was Nidhikrsna, his son was

Caitanyacanda, his son was Krsnamohana, his son was Jaganmohana, his son was

Vrajanatha, and his son was Syamalala Gosvami. This is the genealogical table

given by Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura for the descendants of Virabhadra



Adi 11.9

isvara ha-iya kahaya maha-bhagavata

veda-dharmatita hana veda-dharme rata


Although Virabhadra Gosani was the Supreme Personality of Godhead, He presented

Himself as a great devotee. And although the Supreme Godhead is transcendental

to all Vedic injunctions, He strictly followed the Vedic rituals.


Adi 11.10

antare isvara-cesta, bahire nirdambha

caitanya-bhakti-mandape tenho mula-stambha


He is the main pillar in the hall of devotional service erected by Sri Caitanya

Mahaprabhu. He knew within Himself that He acted as the Supreme Lord Visnu, but

externally He was prideless.


Adi 11.11

adyapi yanhara krpa-mahima ha-ite

caitanya-nityananda gaya sakala jagate


It is by the glorious mercy of Sri Virabhadra Gosani that people all over the

world now have the chance to chant the names of Caitanya and Nityananda.


Adi 11.12

sei virabhadra-gosanira la-inu sarana

yanhara prasade haya abhista-purana


I therefore take shelter of the lotus feet of Virabhadra Gosani, so that by His

mercy my great desire to write Sri Caitanya-caritamrta will be properly guided.


Adi 11.13

sri-ramadasa ara, gadadhara dasa

caitanya-gosanira bhakta rahe tanra pasa


Two devotees of Lord Caitanya named Sri Ramadasa and Gadadhara dasa always

lived with Sri Virabhadra Gosani.


Other villages, namely Viracandra-pura and Virabhadra-pura, are situated within

the area of the village of Ekacakra. In honor of the holy name of Virabhadra

Gosvami, these places are renowned as Viracandra-pura and Virabhadra-pura.

(Cc Adi 13)


Near the Bhadisvara temple of Hadai Pandita (father of Lord Nityananda) is a

place named Amalitala (Imlitala), which is so named because of a big tamarind

tree there. According to a party named the Nedadi-sampradaya, Virabhadra

Prabhu, with the assistance of twelve hundred Nedas (Buddhist monks), dug a

great lake of the name Svetaganga.


He was the son of Lord Nityananda and was also known as "Viracandra" and

"Jagatdurlabha." He was born of Vasudha. In his past incarnation he was

Payodhisayi, Nisatha, Ulmuka (GGD. 67. He was a disciple of Jahnava Mata.


According to BRK. 9.420, Viracandra, at the desire of Jahnava, married both the

daughters of Yadunandana Acarya, a resident of Jhamatpura near Rajabalahat.

His wives were named Srimati and Narayani. Jahnava gave diksa to these two

women, while Viracandra gave diksa to his father-in-law, Yadunandana.


Viracandra had three sons namely Gopijanavallabha, Ramakrsna and Ramacandra.

All three were ardent devotees.


Viracandra once left Khardaha on a pilgrimage to Vrndavana passing through

Saptagrama, Santipura, Amvika, Navadvipa, Srikhanda, Yajigrama, Kantakanagara

and Kheturi. Right through he was warmly received by devotees and he performed

and danced ecstatically in love of God.


In Vrndavana his presence was a great pleasure for the devotees there such as

Bhugarbha, Jiva Gosvami, etc. who showed him great respect. Viracandra and his

devotees visited Dvadasa Vana and met Kaviraja Gosvami at Radhakunda. Kaviraja

Gosvami accompanied Viracandra from Radha Kunda to Vrndavana.


On the occasion of the installation ceremony of Radhavinoda in the house of

Govinda Cakravarti, a disciple of Srinivasa Acarya and a resident of Borakuli

village, Viracandra charmed the audience by his ecstatic dancing in harmony

with the kirtana sung by Narottama Thakura.


Viracandra zealously took up the task of preaching and maintaining the sanctity

of the faith. There was a person named Jayagopala belonging to the Kayastha

caste who lived in the village of Kandra in the land of Radha. He was

extremely proud of his erudition. Since Jayagopala's guru was not very learned

the former never spoke about and his guru and when specifically asked to

mention who his guru was Jayagopala referred to his parama-guru.


Once, out of vanity, Jayagopala showed disrespect to the prasadam. Thereafter

Viracandra cut off all relations with Jayagopala and informed the rest of the

Vaisnava community of it. Thus the entire community also threw Jayagopala out.


In CC. 1.11.8 it is stated that Virabhadra was the trunk and from him sprang

numerous branches.


Viracandra's third and youngest son Ramacandra lived at Khardaha and his

family-descendants settled in the following places: Vrndavana, Navadvipa,

Khardaha, Calcutta, Dhaka, Butni, Uddharanapura, Saptagrama, etc. Viracandra's

second son Ramakrsna settled at Maldaha and his family descendants lived at

Vrndavana, Gayespura, Sodpur, Kanaidanga, Gorabajar, Mado, etc. Viracandra's

eldest son Gopijanavallabha lived at Lata. His family descendants spread and

settled in the following places: Latadaha, Nupuravallabhapura, Purunia in

Bankura district, Kodala, Moktarpur, Agartala, Jessore, etc. The genealogical

line descends as follows:





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Ramadeva Krsnadeva Radhamadhava Visnudeva



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Gopikanta Raghava Ragendra Yadava Balarama



(migrated from Khardaha to Butni village in Dhaka)



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Sarvesvara Vangesvara Nandesvara



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Laksmikanta Gopikrsna Ratnakrsna








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Candramohana Atlokamohana



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Krsnagopala Pranagopala




It is said that Viracandra converted 1,200 Nedanedi into Vaisnavism. They were

possibly Sahajiya Buddhists.


The following is taken from GPC:


Srimad Viracandra or Sri Virabhadra was born in the month of Kartika (Oct-Nov),

on the 9th day of the black fortnight. He was the manifestation of Sri

Sankarsana. He was the inseparable vigraha-svarupa of Sri Caitanya. In

Bhaktiratnakara, Sri Narahari Cakravarti has written that Viracandra prabhu was

the son of Sri Nityananda and Srimati Vasudha. He was the disciple of Jahnava

Mata. Sri Yadunandana Acarya was the disciple of Sri Viracandra and his two

daughters Sri Sat and Sri Narayani were initiated by Sri Jahnava Mata. The

daughter of Sri Vasudha and sister of Sri Viracandra--Sri Ganga devi was the

manifestation of the Ganges. She was married to Sri Madhava Acarya and he was

the manifestation of King Santanu. VV. mentions the name of Sri Madhava



After receiving his mother's permission, Sri Viracandra prabhu proceeded to Sri

Vrndavana. He first reached the house of Sri Uddharana Datta Thakura in

Saptagrama. Srinivasa Thakura, the son of Sri Uddharana Thakura, entertained

him with much honor for two days. From there Viracandra prabhu came to Sri

Advaita Bhavan in Santipura and was received and treated with much care by Sri

Krsna Misra, the son of Advaita Acarya. From Santipura he reached Amvika-Kalna

and stayed at Sri Gauridasa Pandita's house. Sri Hrday Caitanya prabhu

entertained him nicely. When he reached Jagannatha Misra's house in Navadvipa

a hearty reception was given to him by the relatives of Mahaprabhu.. He then

went to Srikhanda where Sri Raghunandana and Kanai Thak

ura showed him great respect and embraced him. After spending a few days, Sri

Viracandra prabhu reached the house of Srinivasa Acarya in Yajigrama. Acarya

prabhu worshiped him with deep respect. There he participated in a grand

sankirtana festival and afterwards went to Kantakanagara. He stayed for one

day and then went on to Sri Govindaraja's house in Budhari. Sri Govinda

Kaviraja worshiped him along with his many associates. Sri Viracandra was very

pleased with their devotion and stayed there for two days. After that he went

to Kheturi. There he spent time with Sri Narottama Thakura, performing

sankirtana with great delight and then left for Sri Vrndavana.


On his way to Vrndavana, many degraded and fallen persons came under his

influence and were completely rectified. When he reached Vrndavana all the

Gosvamis of Vrndavana came forward to welcome him. They were Sri Jiva Gosvami,

Sri Krsna dasa Kaviraja, Sri Ananta Acarya, Sri Haridasa Pandita-Sri Madana

gopala deva's priest, Sri Gopinatha Adhikari, Sri Madhu Pandita and his brother

Sri Bhavananda--the priest of Sri Gopinatha, Sri Kasisvara and his disciple Sri

Govinda Gosvami and Sri Yadavacarya and others (BRK).


Then Sri Viracandra prabhu was permitted by Sri Bhugarbha Gosvami and Sri Jiva

Gosvami to visit the forests of Vrndavana. He visited the twelve forests in

Mathura, Sri Radhakunda and Syamakunda and Govardhana hill, etc. Many people

who saw him were charmed by his display of devotional ecstacy. After spending

some time in Vrndavana, he returned to Gauda and his fame spread far and wide.

Like Sri Nityananda Prabhu, he was enriched with divine wealth.


Srila Bhaktisiddhanta SArasvati Prabhupada has written in CC. Anubhasya that

Gopijanavallava, Ramakrsna and Ramacandra were his three sons, and also his

disciples. Ramacandra, the youngest one lived in Khardaha. The eldest, Sri

Gopijanavallava lived in Latagrama near Manakara, and the second son Ramakrsna

lived in Ganesapura near Maladaha.


Virabhadra efficiently organized the Vaisnava community in Gaura Vanga. He

showed great respect to Srinivasa Acarya and Narottama Thakura. The authority

which Virabhadra exercised over the Vaisnava community can be understood from a

letter extracted in BRK.


Jayagopala dasa, a Kayastha and a resident of Kanda slighted his guru, being

puffed up with the arrogance of erudition hence Viracandra socially

excommunicated him and forbid all the devotees to associate with him.


Jayagopala dasa was not a person of insignificant stature. He received the

grace of Sundarananda Thakura, a companion of Nityananda. Jayagopala wrote

Sanskrit books such as: Haribhaktiratnakra, Bhaktibhavapradipa, Krsnavilasa,

Manovuddhisandarbha, Dharmasandarbha, and Anumanasamanvaya and in Bengali



It is clear from the story of Jayagopala that thereafter a hostile grouped

turned against Viracandra. The associates of Nityananda were accustomed to

wear the dress of a cowherd and a Cuda on the head. Viracandra forbade them to

wear a Cuda. When one refused to abide by his order, Viracandra excommunicated

him also. People following this dissenting group are known to belong to the

Cuda-dhari sampradaya.

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