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Dhruva Maharaja

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Bhadra Govinda Prabhu wrote:


> Nayana Ranjana Prabhu's understanding that Diksha is not essential or

> necessary and quoting Dhruva Maharaj's example as the one who attained

> perfection without Diksha is not correct, as far as my understanding goes.


Please stop it! Where have I quoted Dhruva Maharaja's example for proving that

diksha is not necessary. I was answering Sucharya mataji's second question

regarding whether one can progress at all without diksha by refering to Cc

Madhya 15.108. I also said in Dhruva Maharaj's case that Prabhupada said that

normally the siksha guru goes on to become the diksha guru and I added that if

one has a siksha guru one cannot take diksha from then one should search out

the diksha guru.


Your comment shows that you have not read the messages you are so

'emphatically' & quickly commenting on. Please prove before making public

allegations against me. I have felt very offended by such baseless allegations.

I think you are just passing comments seeing a few sentences and have not cared

to read the whole message and the thread of messages. Please be careful is

doing so in the future.


It is not me who has said that diksha is not necessary for chanting the holy

name, becoming liberated (translation) & chanting offenselessly (purport) but

it is Srila Krsnadas Kaviraja Goswami and Srila Prabhupada himself. Please

explain the quotes below, before putting down in black & white that so & so is

wrong and I am right. Otherwise I demand a public apology. Because by saying

that I am wrong, you are saying that Krsnadas Kaviraj is wrong and Prabhupada

is wrong etc.


Cc Madhya 15.108


diksa-purascarya-vidhi apeksa na kare

jihva-sparse a-candala sabare uddhare


"One does not have to undergo initiation or execute the activities

required before initiation. One simply has to vibrate the holy name with

his lips. Thus even a man in the lowest class [candala] can be delivered.


Purport (extarcts)


In other words, the chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra is so

powerful that it does not depend on official initiation, but if one is

initiated and engages in pancaratra-vidhi (Deity worship), his Krsna

consciousness will awaken very soon, and his identification with the

material world will be vanquished.


"It is Srimad-Bhagavatam's opinion that the process of Deity worship is

not actually necessary, just as the specific prescriptions of the

Pancaratra and other scriptures do not have to be followed. The

Bhagavatam enjoins that even without practicing Deity worship one can achieve

the complete success of human life by any of the other devotional

processes, such as simply offering oneself at the Lord's feet for His

protection. Nonetheless, Vaisnavas following the path of Sri Narada and

his successors endeavor to establish a personal relationship

with the Lord by receiving the grace of a bona fide spiritual master

through initiation, and in this tradition the devotees are obliged at the time

of initiation to begin engaging in Deity worship.


The offenseless chanting of the holy name does not depend on the

initiation process. Although initiation may depend on purascarya or

purascarana, the actual chanting of the holy name does not depend on

purascarya-vidhi, or the regulative principles. If one chants the holy name

even once without committing an offense, he attains all success. During

the chanting of the holy name, the tongue must work. Simply by chanting the

holy name, one is immediately delivered. The tongue is sevonmukha-jihva-it is

controlled by service.


I demand an explanation for the above sastric statements.


I have simply presented the way Prabhupada presents this point in the purport.

I repeated the words of Prabhupada & Krsnadas Kaviraja that for chanting the

holy name & getting liberated (translation of the verse), diksha is not



I did not leave it that though and I explained that infact diksha is very

important and a very powerful means for a conditioned soul to get pure love of

Godhead and it speedens up the whole process of sadhana-bhakti when you perform

it under the direction of a bonafide spiritual master. This is how Prabhupada

explains this point also in the purport. So diksha though not necessary for

chanting the Hare Krishna mantra, is essential for rapid progress back home

BTG. This was my explanation which is as per guru, sadhu, sastra and the

previous acaryas. SBSST quote was also given.


But now you are publicly passing a judgement on me that I am wrong and you are

right. I don't understand on what basis.


Your servant,

Nayana-ranjana das

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