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SOKA-SATANA- The Dispelling of Grief by Thakura Bhaktivinoda

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(The Dispelling of Grief)

13 songs-by HG Dasaratha-suta Pr




This chapter consists of thirteen songs describing one pastime of Lord

Caitanya as follows:

Once, during an all-night kirtana performed by the Lord in Srivasa

Pandita's courtyard, one of the five sons of Srivasa died within the house due

to some disease. All the household ladies began to cry loudly in lamentation,

which was heard by Srivasa as he was chanting and dancing with Lord Caitanya

out in the courtyard. Entering the house, he pacified the distressed ladies

with sweet spiritual instructions and then returned to the kirtana as if

nothing had happened. In the morning the kirtana finally stopped, and Lord

Caitanya inquired if anything was wrong in the house, for He was not getting

the usual ecstasy from His all-night kirtana. Being informed of the fate of the

boy, the Lord became severely afflicted with loving separation and asked that

the body be brought out into the courtyard. Then asking the dead boy why he had

died, The Lord manifested the jiva soul back into the body, and the boy spoke

many transcendental truths very similar to those spoken by the dead son of King

Citraketu in the 16th chapter of the 6th canto of the Srimad Bhagavatam.

Afterwards Lord Caitanya, accompanied by all the devotees, celebrated the

funeral ceremony of the boy in great ecstasy, being joined by the personified

Ganges, Sri Jahnavi devi herself.

This pastime is mentioned only briefly by Srila Krsnadasa Kaviraja

Gosvami in the Caitanya-caritamrta, (Adi-lila 17. 227-229). However, it is

described more elaborately by Srila Vrndavanadasa Thakura in the

Caitanya-bhagavata, Madhya-lila chapter 25, entitled "The description of

transcendental truth by the dead body". Within this chapter the lila is

described in less than 70 verses, and the conversations are very brief, giving

basic outline to the whole story. However, Bhaktivinoda Thakura picks up and

expands all the detailed elements of the lila and philosophy in 13 songs,

totaling 91 verses. This greatly elaborates on the character of the Lord as

well as His dealings with the devotees through the format of simple Bengali

songs of varying meters. Thus the entire chapter is very wonderful for singing

in various ways, as well as for tasting a richly condensed version of Lord

Caitanya's transcendental character and teachings.

The individual headings to all the songs, also listed below, were

apparently not part of the original composition, but were added sometime later

during subsequent Gaudiya Math reprints of Gita-mala.



1) Lord Gaurahari's performance of congregational chanting in Srivasa

Pandita's courtyard; the death of Srivasa's son.


2) Srivasa gives solace to his family members.


3) Statement about dedication of the soul surrendered to Krsna.


4) Srivasa forbids th crying,being fearful of disrupting Mahaprabhu's



5) Manifestation of symptoms of separation by Bhakta-vatsala (Lord

Caitanya) due to the death of His dear devotee.


6) The affectionate inclinations of Sri Gaurahari towards His own devotee.


7) The manifestation of various absolute truths from the mouth of the dead



8) The bound soul takes different types of births according to its

different fruitive reactions.


9) Birth in the house of a devotee only by dint of one's great fortune


10) The Lord praises the glories of His devotees.


11) Remembrance of the Lord is actual wealth, and forgetfulness of Him is

actual calamity.


12) Sri Gaurahari performs the funeral ceremony along with His associates.


13) Prayer unto all the hearers of this story.

GITAMALA--- CHAPTER THREE "SOKA-SATANA" (The Dispelling of Grief),

"Sri-Gauranga-lila-caritra" (The Character and Activities of Lord Gauranga's

Transcendental Pastimes).


--- Lord Gaurahari's Performance of Congregational Chanting

in Srivasa Pandita's Courtyard



pradosa-samaye, sribasa-angane,


sangopane goramani


sri hari-kirtane, nace nana-range,


uthilo mangala-dhvani


In the evening twilight, within the privacy of Srivasa Pandita's

courtyard, the cream-lustered jewel, Lord Gauramani, raised a most auspicious

vibration by His chanting of Hari-kirtana, which He personally accompanied by

dancing in various playful moods.



mrdanga madala, baje karatala,


majhe majhe jaya tura


prabhur natana, dekhi' sakaler,


hoilo santapa dura


Accompanied by the paying of the mrdanga drum and karatalas, and amidst

occasional victorious shouts of "Jaya! Jaya!", the dramatic dance of the Lord

dispelled the grief of all those who witnessed it.



akhanda premete, matala takhan.


sakala bhakata-gana


apana pasari, goracande gheri',


nace gaya anuksana


Then, becoming madly intoxicated in supreme ecstatic love, all the

assembled devotees completely forgot themselves and incessantly began to dance

and chant wildly, surrounding Lord Gauracandra.

The Death of Srivasa Pandita's son



emona samaye, daiva-vyadhi-joge


srivaser antahpure


tanaya-bijoge, nari-gana soke,


prakasalo uccoihsware


At this time, within the inner chamber of Srivasa's house, one of his

sons suddenly died due to some disease, as ordained by the will of Providence.

Due to separation from the boy, all the women of the household began to lament

and cry out in a loud voice.



krandana uthile, habe rasa-bhanga,


bhakatibinoda dare


sribasa amani, bujhilo karana,


pasilo apan ghare


Now Bhaktivinoda fears that the transcendental mellows of the Lord's

kirtana will be disturbed by the uprising of such loud crying sounds. However,

Srivasa Pandita has now understood the cause of this sound, and has personally

entered the house.

Song 2 --- Srivasa Gives Solace to His Family Members



prabesiya antahpure, nari-gane santa kore,


sribasa amiya upadese


suno pagalini-gana, soko koro akarana,


kiba duhka thake krsnabese


Entering into the inner chamber, Srivasa began to pacify all of the

women there by giving them spiritual instructions that were as sweet as nectar.

He said, "Look here, you crazy ladies, you all lament uselessly, for what kind

of unhappiness can there possibly be in ecstatic love for Krsna?"



krsna nitya suta ja'r, soka kabhu nahi tar,


anitya asakti sarva-nasa


asiyacho e samsare, krsna bhajibara tare,


nitya-tattve koroho vilasa


"Whoever has Krsna for his eternal Son never has to lament for

anything, although if one becomes attached to that which is temporary, then

everything is lost. You have all come into this material world for the purpose

of worshiping Krsna, so now you should all becomes situated again in the

eternal absolute truth.



e dehe javat sthiti, koro krsna-candre rati,


krsna jano dhana, jana, prana


e-deho-anuga jata, bhai bandhu pati suta,


anitya sambandha boli' mano


"As long as you are existing in this body, you should all cultivate

love and attachment for Lord Krsna, knowing Him to be your real wealth, real

friend and your very life and soul. All of the followers of this body namely

brothers, friends, husbands and sons should be accepted as being only temporary



keba ka'r pati suta, anitya-sambandha-krta,


cahile rakhite nare ta're


karama-bipaka-phale, suta ho'ye baise kole,


karma-ksaye ar raite nare


"Whoever wants to hold onto husbands or sons will not be able to keep

them, for all these relationships are only temporary. Even if your son is

sitting in your very lap, you still cannot protect him, for when his bad

fruitive reactions fructify, then his present karma is finished, and he will

not be able to remain here any longer."



ithe sukha duhkha mani', adhogati labhe prani,


krsna-pada hoite pade dure


soka sambariya ebe, namanande maja' sabe


bhakatibinoda-banca pure


"By accepting this type of temporary happiness and distress, many other

living entities are now being degraded into lower species of life, falling far,

far away from Krsna's lotus feet. Therefore you should all give up your

temporary lamentation right now, and just become absorbed in the bliss of the

Lord's holy names."

All of Bhaktivinoda's desires are now being fulfilled by hearing

Srivasa speak such nice eternal truths.

Song 3 --- Statement about Dedication of the Soul Surrender to Krsna



dhana, jana, deha, geha krsne samarpana


riacho, suddha-citte koroho smarana


"Offering all of your ealth, relatives, body and entire household unto

Krsna in dedication, just remember Him always with a purified heart."



tabe keno 'mama suta' boli' koro duhkha


sna nilo nija-jana tahe ta'r sukha


"So then why are you xclaiming, `my son, my son!' in grat sadness?

Krsna has simply taken His own devotee,just to suit His own happiness.



krsna-iccha-mate sab ghataya ghatana


tahe sukha-duhkha-jnana abidya-kalpana


"Krsna is causing all things to take place just according to His own

sweet will. In light of that, all your ideas of happiness and distress are

simply ignorant mental concoctions.



jaha iccha kore krsna, tai jano bhalo


tyajiya apan iccha ghucao janjala


"Whatever Krsna's desire is, you must accept only that as actually

good. Renouncing all of your separate personal desires, relieve yourselves of

this unnecessary botheration."


deya krsna, neya krsna, pale krsna sabe


rakhe krsna, mare krsna, iccha kore jabe


"Krsna gives you everything, Krsna takes everything away, Krsna

maintains everyone or kills everyone whenever He likes, according to His own

sweet will.



krsna-iccha-biparita je kore basana


tar iccha nahi phale, se pay jatana


"If someone maintains some desire that is contrary to Krsna's desire,

then her wish does not become fruitful. Indeed, she only gets trouble and




tyajiya sakala soka suno drsna-nama


parama ananda pabe, purna habe kama


"Therefore, rejecting all of your lamentation, just listen to the

chanting of Krsna's holy name which is going on now out in the courtyard. From

this you will get the topmost transcendental bliss, and all of your desires

will be fulfilled."



bhakatibinoda mage sribasa-carane


atma-nibedana-sakti jibane marane


Thus Bhaktivinoda begs at Srivasa Pandita's lotus feet for the power to

completely surrender his soul to Krsna in life or in death.

Song 4 --- Srivasa Forbids the Crying, Being Fearful of

Disrupting Mahaprabhu's Kirtana



sabu meli' balaka-bhaga bicari'


chodabi moha soka citta-bikari


Srivasa continued, " All of you together should consider the real fate

of the boy, and you should immediately discontinue any bewilderment and grief

that may be in your disturbed hearts."



caudda-bhubana-pati nanda-kumara


saci-nandana bhelo nadiya-abatara


"The Supreme Lord of all the fourteen worlds is the youthful Son of

Nanda Maharaja, and now He has become the Son of Mother Saci by personally

descending in Nadia."



sohi gokulacanda angane mor


nacai bhakta-saha ananda-bibhor


"This very same Gokula-canda is now dancing in my courtyard with His

most confidential devotees, all completely overwhelmed with ecstatic bliss."



sunata nama-gana balaka mor


chodalo deha hari-priti-bibhor


"My boy has given up his body while hearing the singing of the Lord's

holy names coming from the kirtana out in the courtyard. Therefore he certainly

has died while overwhelmed with love for the Lord."


aichana bhaga jaba bhai hamara


tabahun hao bhava-sagara-para


"If I would be so fortunate as to get such an auspicious death as this,

them I will certainly be able to easily cross over the ocean of material




tunhu sabu bichari ehi bicara


kanhe korobi soka citta-bikara


"All of you together just consider this one judgement ... what will

your lamentation and disturbed hearts do to help the situation?"



sthira nahi haobi jadi upadese


bancita haobi rase avasese


"If you all do not become pacified by these instructions, then you will

only cheat yourselves out of tasting transcendentally ecstatic mellows in the

long run.



pasibun hama suratatini-mahe


bhaktibinoda pramada dekhe tahe


"Not only will you cheat yourself, but you will induce me to leave this

world by plunging myself into the waters of Ganga."

Thus Bhaktivinoda is witnessing all this calamity in progress.

Song 5 Manifestation of Symptoms of Separation by Bhaktavatsala

(Lord Caitanya) due to the Death of His Dear Devotee



sribasa-bacana, srabana koriya,


sadhwi pati-brata-gana


soka parihari', mrta sisu rakhi',


hari-rase dilo mana


Hearing these words of Srivasa Pandita, all those chaste and faithful

ladies gave up their lamentation for the dead son, because Srivasa had

satisfied their minds by informing them of the transcendental mellows of Lord




sribasa takhan, anande matiya,


angane ailo punah


nace gora-sane, sakala pasari,


gaya nanda-suta-guna


Then Srivasa again came out into the courtyard and, overwhelmed with

joy, resumed dancing with Lord Caitanya and loudly sang the glories of the Son

of Nanda Maharaja, completely forgetting about what had just happened.



cari danda ratre, marilo kumara


angane keho na jane


sri-nama-mangale, trtiya prahara,


rajani atita gane


The boy had expired only 1-1/2 hours after dark, but out in the

courtyard no one had known anything due to the loud kirtana. Then for 9 hours

there was continuous chanting of the auspicious holy names. Thus the entire

night had elapsed in this ecstatic singing.


kirtana bhangile, kohe gaurahari,


aji keno pai duhkha


bujhi, ei grhe, kichu amangala


ghatiya harilo sukha


Then the kirtana stopped, and Lord Gaurahari said, "Why am I feeling

some unhappiness today? i can understand that something inauspicious has

happened in this house which has robbed Me of My bliss."



tabe bhakta-jana, nibedana kore,


sribasa-sisur katha


suni' gora raya, bole, hay hay!


marame painu byatha


Then the devotees related to the Lord the story of the death of

Srivasa'son. Hearing this news, the Lord loudly exclaimed, "Oh no! What has

happened? Now the core of My heart has become pierced with so much unbearable




keno na kohile, amare takhan,


bipada-sambada sabe


bhakatibinoda bhakata-batsala-


snehete majilo tabe


"Why didn't you inform Me of this calamity when it had just happened?"

Now, Bhaktivinoda has completely lost himself in the affection that he Lords

shows to His own devotees.

Song 6) The Affectionate Inclination of Sri Gaurahari

Towards His Own Devotees.



prabhur bacana, takha suniya,


sribasa lotana bhumi


bole, suno natha! taba rasa-bhanga,


sahite na pari ami


Then, hearing these words of the Lord, Srivasa Pandita began rolling on

the ground, crying out, "Please hear me, oh Lord! I am simply not able to

tolerate any disturbance or interruption of the ecstatic mellows of Your




ekati tanaya, mariache, natha,


tahe mor kiba duhkha


jadi sab mare, tomare heriya,


tabu to' paibo sukha


"Only one of my sons has died, oh Lord, and has that really made me

upset? Even if all of my sons die, then I will certainly get more than enough

happiness by seeing You."



taba nrtya-bhanga hoile amar,


marana hoite hari


tai ku-sambada, na dilo tomare,


bipada asanka kori


"I would certainly die on the spot if I were to interrupt Your dancing,

oh Lord. That is why I did not inform You of this bad news. for I was dreading

the calamity of disturbing Your ecstasy."


ebe ajna deho, mrta suta lo'ye,


satkara karuna sabe


eteka suniya, gora dwija-mani,


kandite lagilo tabe


"Lord, if You will kindly grant us Your permission now, then we shall

all take the boy's body and perform the proper funeral rites." Hearing this

much from the mouth of Srivasa Pandita, the jewel of the twice-born, Lord

Gaurasundara, then broke down and began to weep piteously on the spot.



kemone e sab, chadiya jaibo,


parana bikala hoy


se katha suniya, bhakatibinoda,


manete pailo bhoy


Crying and crying, the Lord thought within Himself, "How could I

possibly abandon such loving servitors and go elsewhere by taking sannyasa? If

I were to do so, my heart would certainly split." Hearing this type of talk,

Bhaktivinoda's mind become somewhat fearful.

Song 7) The Manifestation of Various Absolute Truths from the

Mouth of the Dead Boy



goracander ajna peye grha-basi-gana


mrta suta anganete ane tataksana


Then the Lord ordered the household members to bring the boy's body out

into the courtyard, and they immediately complied.



kalimalahari gora jijnase takhan


"sribase chadiya, sisu jao ki karana?"


Then the merciful Lord Gaura, Who removes the gloomy, dirty influence

of the age of Kali, began to question the body by saying, "Please tell Me, my

dear boy, what ever prompted you to leave here so suddenly, thus giving up your

loving father Srivasa Pandita?"



mrta-sisu-mukhe jiba kore nibedana


"loka-siksa lagi'" prabhu tab acarana


Being thus questioned by the Lord, the soul again manifested in the

dead body by the mercy of the Lord, and he began to offer very nice prayers

which were meant to be instructive to all persons.



tumi to' parama tattwa ananta adwaya


para sakti tomar abhinna tattwa hoy


The dead boy said, " My dear Lord, You are without a doubt the Supreme

Absolute Truth, unlimited and one without a second. Since You are the Supremely

energetic, all of Your transcendental energies are certainly non-different from




sei para sakti tridha hoiya prakasa


taba icchamata koraya tomar bilasa


"This transcendental potency of Your manifests itself in three

different ways, and it assists in the performance of Your eternal pastimes in

different ways according to Your own sweet will."


cicchakti-svarupe nitya-lila prakasiya


tomare ananda dena hladini hoiya


"The original form of the cognizant potency (cit-sakti) is manifesting

Your eternal pastimes in the spiritual world, and just to give You pleasure it

becomes the pleasure-giving potency known as hladini."



jiba-sakti hana taba cit-kiranacaye


tatastha-swabhave jiba-gane prakataye


"Secondly,becoming the jiva-sakti, the potency produces the multitudes

of fine, conscious particles which make up the glowing effulgence of Your

transcendental body. All of these souls are thus manifest with a natural

marginal characteristic of minute independence."



maya-sakti ho'ye kore prapanca srjana


bahirmukha jibe tahe koroya bandhana


"Thirdly, becoming the maya-sakti, the potency crates the innumerable

material universes, and within them she captures and binds all the souls who

choose to remain averse to You, dear Lord."



bhakatibinoda bole aparadha-phale


bahirmukha ho'ye achi prapanca-kabale


Hearing these prayers offered to Lord Caitanya by the dead boy,

Bhaktivinoda says at this point that he himself has also become averse to the

Lord due to his offences, and has become swallowed up by maya in the material


Song 8) The Bound Soul Takes Different Types of Births

According to its Different Fruitive Reactions



purna-cidananda tumi, tomar cit-kana ami,


swabhavatah ami tuwa dasa


parama swatantra tumi, tuya paratantra ami,


tuwa pada chari' sarva-nasa


The dead son continued: "You, dear Lord, are completely full in

transcendental bliss. I am simply a tiny conscious particle of You; therefore

by nature I am Your eternal servant. Only You are supremely independent,

whereas I am totally dependent on You. Indeed, neglecting Your lotus feet, I

have now become completely ruined."



swatantra ho'ye jakhan, maya prati koinu mana,


swa-swabava chadilo amaya


prapance mayar bandhe, padinu karmer dhandhe,


karna-cakre amare phelaya


"As soon as I chose to be independent of Your Lordship, I became

inclined toward maya's illusory benefits. Thus I have given up my natural

spiritual characteristics. Falling down due to the dazzling bewilderment of

fruitive gain, I have become captured by maya within this mundane world. Now as

a result I am being forcibly thrown into the revolving wheel of binding

fruitive actions and reactions."



maya taba iccha mate, bandhe more e jagate,


adrsta nirbandha lauha-kare


sei to' rirbandha more, ane sribaser ghare,


putra-rupe malini-jathare


"Thus I am bound up by Maya in this world according to Your will, being

firmly clenched in the iron-like grip of my predestined fate. And according to

this fate, I have now come into Srivasa's home by taking birth as the son of



se nirbandha punaraya, more ebe lo'ye jaya,


ami to' thakite nari ar


taba iccha su-prabala, mor iccha su-durbala


ami jiba akincana char


"Now, again according to my predestined fate, I must leave this place;

I cannot remain here any longer, even if I wanted to. Your desire is most

powerful, dear Lord, whereas my desire is most feeble, for I am simply an

insignificant, humble soul."



jathaya pathao tumi, abasya jaibo ami,


ka'r keba putra pati pita


jader sambandha sab, taha nahi satya-laba,


tumi jiber nitya palayita


"Wherever You send me next, oh Lord, I must certainly go to become

someone's son or husband or father. However, I know that all these material

relationships do not possess even one speck of eternal truth, for only You,

dear Lord, are the eternal friend and guardian of all souls."



samjoga-bijoge jini, sukha-duhkha mane gani,


taba pade chadena asraya


mayar gardabha ho'ye, majena samsara lo'ye,


bhaktibinoder sei bhoy


"Only one who foolishly neglects the eternal shelter of You two lotus

feet considers the union and separation of all these temporary family

relationships to be separation of all distress. This just shows how much one

has actually become absorbed in the bodily concept of life, being crammed and

stuffed into the womb of illusion."

Hearing all these truths about the fate of the bound soul has now made

Bhaktivinoda become extremely frightened.

Song 9) Birth in the House of a Devotee by Dint of

One's Great Fortune



bandhilo maya, jedina ho'te,




aneka janma, labhinu ami,


phirinu maya-ghore


The dead boy continued, "Thus I have been captured and bound by maya.

Due to being tied tightly by her ropes of ignorance and bewilderment, I have

undergone many, many births since that time, simply wandering here and there in

the ghastly darkness of maya's illusions."



deba danaba, manaba pasu,


patanga kita ho'ye


svarge narake, bhutale phiri,


anitya asa lo'ye


"Sometime I become a demigod, sometimes a demon, and sometimes I get

the body of a man, an animal, a bird or an insect. Sometimes i wander up to

heaven, sometimes down to hell, and sometimes on earth, being carried away the

whole time by innumerable materialistic hopes and aspirations."



na jani kiba, sukrti bale,


sribasa-suta hoinu


nadiya-dhame, carana taba


darasa-parasa koinu


" I have no idea of what kind of wonderful pious credit I have earned

to be born here in this life as the son of Sri Srivasa Pandita within the holy

abode of Navadvipa. Thus I myself am amazed that I have had the great fortune

of actually being able to see and touch Your lotus feet, oh Lord."


sakala bare, marana-kale,


aneka duhkha pai


tuwa prasange, parama sukhe,


ebara ca'le jai


"Usually, whenever I have to die, I always experience great pain and

distress upon leaving the particular body I happen to be in. But this time, I

am only experiencing great happiness by discussing all these topics related to

Your glories. However, my time is now up, so I must take Your leave."



icchaya tor, janama jadi,


abara hoiu, hari!


carane taba, prema-bhakati,


thake, minati kori


"If it is Your desire that I should take another birth, oh Lord, I pray

and humbly request Your Lordship to kindly allow me to be always situated in

the transcendental loving service of Your divine lotus feet."



jakhan sisu, niraba bhelo,


dekhiya prabhur lila


sribasa-gosthi, tyajiya soka,


ananda-magana bhela


Saying this, the boy then fell silent. Seeing this wonderful pastime of

Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Srivasa Pandita's whole family gave up all of their

lamentation and became absorbed in grat transcendental happiness.



gaura-carita, amrta-dhara,


korite korite pana


bhaktibinoda, sribase mage,


jaya jena mor prana


Thus the transcendental character and activities of Sri Caitanya

Mahaprabhu are just like a continuous shower of ambrosia. Bhaktivinoda is

thereby losing his vital life force simply begging Srivasa Thakura to allow him

to drink more of this nectarean ambrosia.

Song 10) The Lord Praises the Glories of His Devotees



sribase kohena prabhu, tunhu mor dasa


tuwa-prite bandha ami jagate prakasa


Then Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu began to speak to Srivasa with very

affectionate and sweet words. He said, "My dear Srivasa, you are actually My

very old servant. Indeed, i am staying in this world only due to your unalloyed

love for me."



bhakta-gana-senapati sribasa pandita


jagate ghusuka aji tomar carita


"You, Srivasa Pandita, are factually the commander-in-chief of all of

My devotees. Today your glorious character will be acclaimed throughout the

three worlds."



prapanca-kara-raksini mayar bandhana


tomar nahiko kabhu, dekhuk jagajjana


"You are never subject to the imprisoning bondage of Mayadevi, the

proprietress of this prison-like material world. Indeed, this fact is attested

to by all the people of the world."



dhana, jana, deha, geha, amare arpiya


amar sebaya sukhe acho sukhi hana


"You have dedicated unto Me all of your wealth, followers, body and

household paraphernalia, and thus you have become most joyful by being so

nicely situated in My eternal service."


mama lila-pusti lagi' tomar samsara


sikhuka grhastha jana tomar acara


" The whole of your existence in this world is only for the purpose of

nourishing My eternal pastimes. Thus your ideal behavior as a transcendental

family man is exemplary for instructing all the materialistic householders."



taba preme baddha achi ami, nityananda


ama dunhe suta jani' bhunjaha ananda


"Sri Nityananda Prabhu and I are so much obliged to you due to your

pure love for Us. Indeed, We know that you enjoy great happiness by considering

Us to be your very own sons."



nitya-tattwa suta jara anitya tanaya


asakti na kore sei srjane pralaye


"We are truly your eternal sons, for We see that you are not at all

attached to your temporary sons, who are allsubject to the material conditions

of creation and destruction."



bhaktite tomar rni ami cirodina


taba sadhu-bhave tumi ksama mor rna


"Because of your pure devotion i am eternally indebted to you. And

because of your saintly character you are also quite deserving of My




sribaser paya bhaktibinoda kujana


kakuti koriya mage gauranga-carana


Hearing these loving words of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, this rascal

Bhaktivinoda now begs at the feet of Srivasa Thakura in humble supplication to

receive the lotus feet of Lord Gauranga.

Song 11) Remembrance of the Lord is Actual Wealth, and

Forgetfulness of Hid is Actual Calamity



sribaser prati, caitanya-prasada,


dikhiya sakala jana


jaya sri caitanya, jaya nityananda,


boli' nace ghana ghana


Seeing Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu show such favorable grace to Srivasa

Pandita, all the devotees present there began to dance ecstatically, and they

repeatedly shouted, "Jaya Sri Caitanya! Jaya Nityananda!" with resounding




sribasa-mandire, ki bhava uthilo,


taha ki barna hoy


bhava-yuddha sane, ananda-krandana,


uthe krsna-preme-maya


It is simply not possible to describe the ecstatic mood that arose in

Srivasa's house at that time, indeed, it was just like a great war of

transcendental emotions was taking place within the battlefield of tears of

joy, all arising due to ecstatic love for Krsna.



cari bhai padi', prabhur carane,


prema gadgada svare


kandiya kandiya kakuti koriya,


gadi' jaya prema-bhare


Then the four brothers of the dead boy came over and fell down at Lord

Caitanya's lotus feet and began weeping and wailing with piteous voices choked

with ecstatic love. Then they began rolling on the ground, overflowing with

pure love while humbly petitioning the Lord as follows.


ohe praneswara, e heno bipada,


prati-dina jeno hoy


jahate tomar, carana-jugale,


asakti badite roy


They said, "Oh Lord of our lives! If calamities like this would happen

every day, then that would only increase our deep loving attachment to Your

lotus feet!"



bipada-sampade, sei dina bhalo,


je dina tomare smari


tomar-smarana- rohita je dina,


se dina bipada, hari


"This calamity of losing our brother today is actually our great

fortune, for on this day we are remembering Your Lordship. If, on some other

day, we are bereft of Your remembrance, then that day is actually the real

calamity for us, oh Lord."



sribasa-gosthir, carane padiya


bhakatibinoda bhane,


tomader gora, krpa bitariya,


dekhao durgata jane


Falling down at the feet of Srivasa Pandita's entire family,

Bhaktivinoda thus narrates how their Lord Gaurasundara is bestowing His

causeless mercy upon all distressed souls.

Song 12) Sri Gaurahari Performs the Funeral Ceremony

Along with His Associates



mrta sisu lo'ye tabe bhakatabatsala


bhakata-sangete gaya sri-nama-mangale



gaite gaite gela jahnavir tire


balake satkara koilo jahnavir nire


Lord Caitanya, Who is so affectionate to His own devotees, then took

the dead boy and, along with all the devotees, began to chant the most

auspicious sound vibration of the holy names. Thus singing and singing, they

all arrived on the bank of the Ganga (the Jahnavi). Then they performed the

proper funeral rites with some water from the Ganga.



jahnavi bolena, mama saubhagya apara


saphala hoilo brata chilo je amara


The personified Gangamayi, Sri Jahnavi-devi, then appeared herself and

said, "Such unlimited auspicious fortune has become mine today! Now I have

achieved the successful fruits of all the vows and penances I had undertaken!"



mrta sisu dena gora jahnavir jale


uthali' jahnavi devi sisu loy kole


Then Lord Caitanya personally put the boy's body into the river.

Immediately thereafter, Jahnavi Devi picked up the body and took him on her



uthaliya sparse gora-carana-kamala


sisu-kole preme devi hoy talamala


Bringing the dead boy out of the water, she touched the lotus feet of

Lord Gaura. With the body still on her lap, she began to tremble in ecstatic

love for the Lord.



jahnavir bhava dekhi' jata bhakta-gana


sri-nama-mangala-dhwani kore anuksana


Seeing such an ecstatic mood being exhibited by Sri Jahnavi Devi, all

the assembled devotees there immediately began chanting the auspicious holy

names incessantly.



swarga hoite deve kore puspa barisana


bimana sankula tabe chailo gagana


From the heavens, the demigods began to shower flowers like rainfall.

They crowded in the sky, almost blocking out the sunlight with their

innumerable airplanes.



ei rupe nana bhave hoiya magana


satkara koriya snana koilo sarva-jana


In this way, everyone on all sides was absorbed in various ecstasies.

After performing the funeral rites, they all took their bath in the Ganga.



parama anande sabe gelo nija ghare


bhakatibinoda maje gora-bhavabhare


In great happiness, everyone then returned to their respective homes,

and Bhaktivinoda is now completely immersed in the transcendental ecstasies of

Lord Gaurasundara.

Song 13) Prayer Unto all the Hearers of This Story



nadiya nagare gora-carita amrta


piya soka bhoy chado, sthira koro cita


The activities and behavior of Lord Gaurasundara within the villages

around Nadia District are just like sweet ambrosial nectar. By drinkink this

nectar, just give up all of your material lamentations and fears, and make your

heart become thus fixed up.



anitya samsara bhai krsna matra sara


gora-siksa mate krsna bhaja anibara


Within this temporary material world, my friends, the only substantial

essence of Absolute truth is Lord Krsna. Therefore,kindly take heed of Lord

Caitanya's advice, and just worship Krsna constantly.



gorar carana dhori' jei bhagyavan


braje radha-krsna bhaje sei mor prana


Whoever understands this and thereby firmly grabs hold of Lord

Caitanya's lotus feet is most fortunate. And if he worships Sri Sri Radha-Krsna

in Vrndavana, then I will accept him as my very life soul.



radha-krsna goracanda na' de brndabana


ei matra koro sara pabe nitya dhana


Their Lordships Sri Sri Radha-Krsna are none other than the selfsame

Lord Gauracandra, and Sri Navadvipa-dhama is that very same Vrndavana-dhama. If

you consider this as the only essential point, then you will rightfully receive

some eternal treasures.


bidya-buddhi hina dina akincana chara


karma-jnana-sunya ami sunya-sadacara


Actually I am completely devoided of any real knowledge or good

intelligence. Indeed, I am most lowly, insignificant and contemptible. I am

also certainly without the slightest trace of good karma or philosophical

understanding, and I am completely bereft of any proper virtuous behavior.



sri-guru-baisnaba more dilena upadhi


bhakti-hine upadhi hoilo ebe byadhi


All the assembled Vaisnavas, who I consider to be just like my

spiritual master, have given me this title of Bhaktivinoda, but because I am

actually totally devoid of any trace of devotion, this title has simply become

like a painful disease for me.



jatana koriya sei byadhi nibarane


sarana loinu ami baisnaba carane


Taking great care to chekck the spreading of this disease, I have taken

refuge at the lotus feet of all the Vaisnavas.



baisnaber pada-raja mastake dhoriya


e soka-satana gaya bhaktibinodiya


Taking the dust of the lotus feet of all the Vaisnavas upon my head,

this lowly Bhaktivinoda thus sings this story called soka-satana, (The

Dispelling of Grief).



of Grief).

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