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Founder-Acharya of the Golden Age

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A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada:

Founder-Acharya of the Golden Age



[ - Atmatattva Das ]



Definition and Activities of a Great Founder-Acharya


The Founder-Acharya is distinguished from all other acharyas and his qualities

and activites are outlined in the sastras:



'tabhyas sarvajana trata sarvasrestatamo dhruvam

dina abhaya pradanartham visadikrtya bhutale'


"Among all acharyas, certainly he who is the deliverer of all people, who

appears in this world for the purpose of removing the fears of the fallen souls

(dina-abhaya) is the most perfect."


'gitacaryokta tatvartha caramartha prakasanam

rsiproktapramananam krtva vyakhyanamuttamam'



"He sheds light on the ultimate meanining of the philosophical conclusions

spoken by Krishna, Who is the speaker of Bhagavad-gita. He also gives perfect

purports to the evidences given by the rsis."


'divyaprabandhan lokebhya sarakopadibhi paryantam

arthopadesa paryantam vardhayaitva ca sasvatah'



"He propagates everywhere the meanings and purports of the songs of the

previous acharyas."


'natharyadi gurunam ca satakopadi yoginam

ahrtya vyasa sutranam artham lokahitaya ca

sribhasyadi mahagrantham vidhaya karunarnaya

nirjitya sarvasamayan vadena sataso'subhan'



"He, the ocean of mercy, contributes great books for the welfare of the people

that explain the meaning of Vedanta strictly in line with the previous vaisnava

acharyas and devotees. In this way he conquers all, defeating hundreds of

different kinds of inauspicious philosophies by his arguments."


'ityadibhir yatisresta karye lokahite rata

nathadidesike tebhya pradhano bhavati dhruvam'



"Because of engaging in the welfare of the people of the world, that perfect

and topmost mendicant is certainly the most important Founder-Acharya,

(pradhana)." ...(Prapannamrta Tarpana - 62.47-53).


Srila Prabhupada - Founder-Acharya of the Golden Age


The Founder-Acharya has a special position for all time to come within the

organised mission. In the Vaisnava line the previous acharyas selected and

severly tested the earnestness and qualifications of their disciples. But among

the special characteristics of the Founder-Acharya is his infinite compassion.

He accepts all those who come and commands his disciples to do the same.


Harinama is the dharma of the Golden Age - 'kali kaler dharma nama sankirtana',

and one who preaches that dharma all over the world is the empowered Acharya -

'krsna sakti vina nahi tara pravatana'.


Srila Prabhupada exercised the basic principle of Krishna consciousness, as

envisioned by Srila Rupa Goswami (somehow or other), to engage everyone in the

Hare Krishna movement. The extent of his efforts are unprecidented in the

history of vaisnavism. Thus he is the Founder-Acharya who has accomplished the

objectives of the 'visva vaisnava rajya sabha', following in the footsteps of

Srila Rupa Goswami.


In the Sri Chaitanya Mangal by Locana das Thakur, Lord Chaitanya speaks of a

'senapati' (great general), who will come after Him to accomplish His mission.

It is clear that Lord Chaitanya's teachings were a preparation made by Himself

for the use of another preacher, personally empowered by Him, who would launch

His Sankirtana Movement on a global scale.


Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur yearned to see the day when fortunate non-Indian

vaisnavas would perform Harinama Sankirtan in different cities of the world

(Sajjana tosani 4\3,'nityadharma suryodoy'). In this article he announced that

Mahaprabhu's prediction would shortly be fulfilled. He foresaw that all the

vaisnava sampradayas will be unified. "In a short time, there will be only one

sampradaya and that will be the Brahma sampradaya. All other sampradayas will

find there conclusions in this sampradaya".


"All smaller dharmas will enter like rivers into the ocean of Hari Nama and

there will be only one religion - chanting the Holy Name of Krishna"; (Vani

Vaibhava Ch.6).


Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur spoke of the arising of a self-effulgent

acharya from among his disciples who would demonstrate his prominence by

preaching in a grand style. It is obvious from the predictions of the previous

acharyas mentioned above that Om Vishnupada Paramahamsa Praivrajakacharya

astottara sata Sri Srimad Abhaya Caranaravinda Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

is that self-effulgent Founder-Acharya.


The Acharya


"If one saw the personal characteristics and activities of Sri Chaitanya

mahaprabhu, one would certainly be convinced that He was the Supreme

Personality of Godhead. One can ascertain this by following in the footsteps of

the sastric injunctions. This sincere study and appreciation of Sri Chaitanya

mahaprabhu is also applicable to His authorized devotees, and it is clearly

stated in the Chaitanya-cariamrta (Antya-lila 7.11):


kali-kalera dharma - krsna-nama-sankirtana

krsna-sakti vina nahe tara pravartana


In this age of Kali, real religious propaganda should induce people to chant

the Hare Krishna maha-mantra. This is possible for someone who is especially

empowered by Krishna. No one can do this without being especially favored by

Krishna. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura comments in this regard in his

Anubhasya, wherein he quotes a verse from Narayana-samhita:


dvapariyair janair visnuh

pancaratrais tu kevalaih

kalau tu nama-matrena

pujyate bhagavan harih


"In Dvapara-yuga, devotees of Lord Vishnu and Krishna rendered devotional

service according to the principles of pancaratrika. In this age of Kali, the

Supreme Personality of Godhead is worshiped simply by the chanting of His holy

names." Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura then comments: "Without being

empowered by the direct potency of Lord Krishna to fulfill His desire and

without being specifically favored by the Lord, no human being can become the

spiritual master of the whole world. He certainly cannot succeed by mental

concoction, which is not meant for devotees or religious people. Only an

empowered personality can distribute the holy name of the Lord and enjoin all

the fallen souls to worship Krishna. By distributing the holy name of the Lord,

he cleanses the hearts of the most fallen people; therefore he extinguishes the

blazing fire of the material world. Not only that, he broadcasts the shining

brightness of Krishna's effulgence throughout the world. Such an acharya, or

spiritual master, should be considered nondifferent from Krishna - that is, he

should be considered the incarnation of Lord Krishna's potency. Such a

personality is krsnalingita-vigraha - that is, he is always embraced by the

Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna. Such a person is above the

considerations of the varnasrama institution. He is guru or spiritual master

for the entire world, a devotee of the topmost platform, the maha-bhagavata

stage, and a paramahamsa-thakura, a spiritual form only fit to be addressed as

paramahamsa or thakura."


Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu said, "A first-class Vaisnava is he whose very

presence makes others chant the holy name of Krishna."


"Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura says that if an observer immediately

remembers the holy name of Krishna upon seeing a Vaisnava, that Vaisnava should

be considered a maha-bhagavata, first-class devotee. Such a Vaisnava is always

aware of his Krishna conscious duty, and he is enlightened in

self-realization.He is always in love with the Supreme Personality of Godhead,

Krishna, and this love is without adulteration. Because of this love, he is

always awake to transcendental realization. Because he knows that Krishna

consciousness is the basis of knowledge and action, he sees everything

connected with Krishna. Such a person is able to chant the holy name of Krishna

perfectly. Such a maha-bhagavata Vaisnava has the transcendental eyes to see

who is sleeping under the spell of maya, and he engages himself in awakening

sleeping conditioned beings by spreading the knowledge of Krishna

consciousness. He opens eyes that are closed by forgetfulness of Krishna. Thus

the living entity is liberated from the dullness of material energy and is

engaged fully in the service of the Lord. The madhyama-adhikari Vaisnava can

awaken others to Krishna consciousness and engage them in duties whereby they

can advance. It is therefore said in Chaitanya-caritamrta (Madhya-lila 6.279):



lohake yavat sparsi hema nahi kare


tavat sparsa-mani keha cinite na pare


"One cannot understand the value of touchstone until it turns iron into gold."


One should judge by action, not by promises. A maha- bhagavata can turn a

living entity from abominable material life to the Lord's service. This is the

test of a maha-bhagavata. Although preaching is not meant for a maha-bhagavata,

a maha- bhagavata can descend to the platform of a madhyama- bhagavata just to

convert others to Vaisnavism. Actually a maha-bhagavata is fit to spread

Krishna consciousness, but he does not distinguish where Krishna consciousness

should be spread from where it should not. He thinks that everyone is competent

to accept Krishna consciousness if the chance is provided. A neophyte and

intermediate devotee should always be anxious to hear the maha-bhagavata and

serve him in every respect. The neophyte and intermediate devotees can

gradually rise to the platform of uttama-adhikari and become first-class

devotees. Symptoms of a first-class devotee are given in Srimad-Bhagavatam



When teaching Sanatana Goswami, the Lord further said:


sastra-yuktye sunipuna, drdha-sraddha yanra

'uttama-adhikari'se taraye samsara


"If one is expert in Vedic literature and has full faith in the Supreme Lord,

then he is an uttama-adhikari, a first-class Vaisnava who can deliver the whole

world and turn everyone to Krishna consciousness." -Chaitanya-caritamrita,

Madhya-lila 22.65


With great love and affection, the maha-bhagavata observes the supreme

Personality of Godhead, devotional service and the devotee. He observes nothing

beyond Krishna, Krishna consciousness and Krishna's devotees. the

maha-bhagavata knows that everyone is engaged in the Lord's service in

different ways. He therefore descends to the middle platform to elevate

everyone to the Krishna conscious position." (Cc. Madhya 16.74)


"Everyone was engaged in material enjoyment, whether sinfully or virtuously. No

one was interested in the transcendental service of the Lord, which can give

total relief from the repetition of birth and death."


"Seeing the activities of the world, the Acharya felt compassion and began to

ponder how he could act for the people's benefit." (Cc. Adi-lila Ch 3 97-98)


This sort of serious interest in the welfare of the public makes one a bonafide

acharya. An acharya is a confidential servitor of the Lord, his heart always

full of compassion for humanity in its suffering. He knows that all suffering

is due to the absence of devotional service to the Lord, and therefore he

always tries to find ways to change peoples activities, making them favorable

for the attainment of devotion. This endeavour makes him a very dear devotee of

the Lord, who says clearly in the Bhagavad-gita that no-one in human society is

dearer to Him than a devotee who constantly engages in His service by finding

ways to preach the message of Godhead for the real benefit of the world."

(purport C.C. Adi 3.98)


"Here is an important point. Lord Chaitanya wanted to invent a way to capture

the Mayavadis and others who did not take interest in the Krishna Consciousness

movement. This is the symptom of an acharya. an acharya who comes for the

service of the Lord cannot be expected to conform to a stereotype, for he must

find the ways and means by which Krishna consciousness may be spread. Sometimes

jealous persons criticize the Krishna consciousness movement because it engages

equally both boys and girls in distributing love of Godhead. Not knowing that

boys and girls in countries like Europe and America mix very freely, these

fools and rascals criticize the boys and girls in Krishna consciousness for

intermingling. But these rascals should consider that one cannot suddenly

change a community's social customs. However, since both the boys and girls are

being trained to become preachers, those girls are not ordinary girls but are

as good as their brothers who are preaching Krishna consciousness. Therefore,

to engage both boys and girls in fully transcendental activities is a policy

intended to spread the Krishna consciousness movement. these jealous fools who

criticize the intermingling of boys and girls will simply have to be satisfied

with their own foolishness because they cannot think of how to spread Krishna

consciousness by adopting ways and means which are favorable for this purpose.

Their stereotyped methods will never help spread Krishna consciousness.

Therefore, what we are doing is perfect by the grace of Lord Chaitanya

Mahaprabhu, for it is He who proposed to invent a way to capture those who

strayed from Krishna consciousness." (purport C.C Adi 7.31-32)


yena tena prakarena manah krsne nivesayet

sarve vidhi-nisedha syur etayor eva kinkarah

- Sri Rupa Goswami


"An acharya should devise a means by which people may somehow or other come to

Krishna consciousness. First they should become Krishna conscious, and all the

prescribed rules and regulations may later be introduced. In our Krishna

consciousness movement we follow this policy of Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

For example, since boys and girls in the western countries freely intermingle,

special concessions regarding their customs and habits are necessary to bring

them to Krishna consciousness. The acharya must devise a means to bring them to

devotional service. Therefore, although I am a sannyasi I sometimes take part

in getting boys and girls married, although in the history of sannyasa no

sannyasi has personally taken part in marrying his disciples." (purport C.C Adi



"The complete path of bhakti-yoga is based upon the process of becoming humble

and submissive.......We are propogating the Krishna consciousness movement

simply by following in the footsteps of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. We may not

be very well versed in the Vedanta-sutra codes and may not understand their

meaning, but we follow in the footsteps of the acharyas, and because of our

strictly and obediently following in the footsteps of Lord Chaitanya

Mahaprabhu, it is to be understood that we know everything regarding

Vedanta-sutra." (ext, purport Adi 7.148)


"A pure devotee who has firm faith in the words of the Supreme Personality of

Godhead is to be considered a most learned scholar, the topmost aristocrat and

the richest man in the whole world. All godly qualities automatically exist in

such a devotee. In the preaching work of the Krishna consciousness movement,

we, as the servant of the servant of the servant of the servant of the Supreme

Personality of Godhead, fully believe in the words of Krishna and His servants,

the disciplic succession. In this way we are presenting the words of Krishna

throughout the world. Even though we are neither a rich man nor a very learned

scholar, and even though we do not belong to any aristocracy, this movement is

still being welcomed and is very easily spreading all over the world. Although

we are very poor and have no professional source of income, Krishna supplies

money whenever we need it. Whenever we need some men, Krishna supplies them.

Thus it is stated in Bhagavad-gita (6.22): yam labdhva caparam labham manyate

nadhikam tatah.


Actually, if we can attain the favor of the Supreme Personality of Godhead,

Krishna, we do not need anything else. We certainly do not need those things

which a mundane person considers to be material assets." (purport Cc. Madhya,



Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu asked Ramananda Raya, "Out of all glorious activities,

which is the most glorious?" Ramananda Raya replied, "That person who is

reputed to be a devotee of Lord Krishna's enjoys the utmost fame and glory."

(Cc. Madhya, 8.246)


"In this age of Kali, the fame of one who is known as a great devotee is very

rare. However, such a position is superior to that of the great demigods like

Brahma and Mahadeva. This is the opinion of all spiritual masters."


"It is said that out of thousands of brahmanas, one is qualified to perform

sacrifices, and out of thousands of such qualified brahmanas expert in

sacrificial offerings, one learned brahmana may have passed beyond all Vedic

acknowledge. He is considered the best of all these brahmanas. And yet, out of

thousands of such brahmanas who have surpassed Vedic knowledge, one person may

be a visnu-bhakta, and he is most famous. Out of many thousands of such

Vaisnavas, one who is completely fixed in the service of Lord Krishna is most

famous. Indeed, a person who is completely devoted to the service of the Lord

certainly returns home, back to Godhead." (Garuda Purana)


"If one is true to Gaura-Nitai's service in the disciplic succession, he can

even excel Nityananda Prabhu's service. This is the process of disciplic

succession. Nityananda Prabhu delivered Jagai and Madhai, but a servant of

Nityananda Prabhu, by His grace, can deliver many thousands of Jagai's and

Madhai's. That is the special benediction of the disciplic succession. One who

is situated in the disciplic succession can be understood by the result of his

activities. This is always true as far as the activities of the Lord and His

devotees are concerned.


By the grace of Lord Vishnu, a Vaisnava can render better service than Vishnu;

that is the special prerogative of a Vaisnava." (purport C.C. Mad 16.65)


"When someone heard the chanting of the holy name from the mouth of Sri

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, and someone else heard this chanting from that second

person, and someone again heard this chanting from the third person, everyone

in all countries became a Vaisnava through such disciplic succession. Thus

everyone chanted the holy name of Krishna and Hari, and they danced, cried and



".........If one is a pure devotee, hundreds and thousands of men can be

purified by this vibration. When a pure devotee chants offenselessly, another

person will become a Vaisnava, and from him another Vaisnava will emerge. This

is the parampara system." (Cc. Madhya, 17.48-49)



"For Ten Thousand Years My


Books Will Guide the World"


Srila Prabhupada is not just an acharya; not just the founder of a society; he

is the Founder-Acharya of the Krishna Consciousness Movement, which is a

dynamic spiritual reality - the Yuga Dharma. Therefore, Srila Prabhupada is to

be appreciated not merely as the acharya of a few intimate servants or even the

acharya of a single generation of disciples. Rather, as the Founder-Acharya of

ISKCON, he established the standard of Krishna consciousness to be practiced by

all sincere followers for ten thousand years to come.


The scriptures predict that although the present age is continually becoming

more inauspicious, unfortunate and degraded, a 'Golden Age' of Krishna

consciousness will appear for a period of ten thousand years, following the

advent of Sri Chaitanya, despite the force of Kali Yuga.


Srila Prabhupada should not be limited by describing him as a founder within

the drama or the one who started or only started the ISKCON. He was empowered

by Krishna to do what no other spiritual master has ever done, or would ever do

in the future - 'na ca bhuto na bhavisyati sa ca pujyo Prabhupada: He is the

Founder-Acharya for spreading Lord Chaitanya's sankirtana movement worldwide,

for ten thousand years within the midst of Kali.


It is important to note that Srila Prabhupada himself, repeatedly emphasised

that he was Founder-Acharya. It is noted in the Lilamrta (IV-p93), that he

became deeply annoyed when an ISKCON publication described him as "acharya of

ISKCON", even though at that time there was no question at all of the existence

of another acharya.


There have been many acharyas and there will be many more after him, but His

Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada is the sole Founder-Acharya of the Golden Age,

known synonymously as ISKCON.


In his discussion with historian Arnold Toynbee, in London, Srila Prabhupada

said; "I have started this Krishna Conscious Movement among the Indians and

Americans and for the next ten thousand years it will increase. Then there will

be a gloomy picture of Kali-Yuga. Ten thousand years is not a short time. It is

our duty on behalf of Krishna." (Lilamrta Vol. V Ch. 6 p161).


Anyone who wants shelter from the evil effects of the present Godless age may

have it by taking to devotional service under the guidance of Lord Chaitanya's

teachings, as given by Srila Prabhupada in his books. The dynamic preaching and

realisations of Srila Prabhupada reveal the sublime teachings of Lord

Chaitanya, which otherwise have been neglected, misused or kept secret within

the confines of India. Srila Prabhupada prepared his translations and

Bhaktivedanta purports on the essential Vaisnava scriptures - Bhagavad-gita,

Srimad Bhagavatam, Chaitanya-caritamrta and Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu - with the

plan for forming the foundation of the Krishna Consciousness Movement for the

next ten thousand years; (Books Are The Basis).


He says in the Chaitanya-caritamrta; "In our Krishna Conscious Movement we have

limited our study of Vedic literatures to Bhagavad-gita, Srimad Bhagavatam,

Chaitanya-caritamrta and Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu. These four works are

sufficient for all preaching purposes. They are adequate for understanding the

philosophy and spreading the missionary activities all over the world. That is

the principle."


Krishna Has Taken Shelter in the Womb of ISKCON.


"Krishna has taken birth or shelter in the womb of the Krishna Consciousness

Movement!" - (SB 10.2.20).


When Srila Prabhupada met C. Rajagopal Acharya (known as Rajaji), who was the

first Governor General of 'free India' and famous as a religious politician and

friend of Gandhi, in Madras. Rajaji expressed his only doubt: "Srila Prabhupada

has created such a huge institution that now his disciples might identify with

ISKCON rather than Krishna. If that were to happen, then by identifying with

ISKCON they would fall into the same type of materialism or false

identification as before."


Srila Prabhupada replied, "Because Krishna is absolute, Krishna and ISKCON are

non-different. To identify with Krishna's ISKCON was to identify with Krishna

directly." Rajaji was satisfied; - (Lilamrta Vol. V Ch.2).



ISKCON - the Golden Age:


Predictions Revealed in the Sastras


In the Pratisarga part of the Bhavisya Purana, Chapter 20 verses 71-73; we find

the following prediction:


"Lord Jagannath, the Supreme Lord Sri Hari Himself, spoke these attractive

words for the welfare of all: The mlecchas who are born from mixed countries

ruled by descendants of Kasyapa (demons) and the sudras will become brahmanas

by initiation. They will wear sikhas and brahmana threads and will become well

versed in the uncontaminated fruit of the Vedas (Srimad Bhagavatam). They will

worship Me by the Yajna prescribed by the Lord of Lords, the protector of Saci

(Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu)."


Forty-six years before the beginning of Kali-yuga, Vishnuchittha, one of the

twelve great Vaisnava saints of the Sri Sampradaya predicted: "There will come

a race which will tread the Earth with raised hands and vertical tilaka on

their foreheads, who will chant the names of Hari; this will destroy the

influence of Kali." (Divyaprabhanda 1:10).


Sripada Ramanuja predicted: "The pure devotion to Sri Hari devoid of karma and

jnana will grow and grow like a banyan tree covering the whole world, teaching

everyone who takes shelter." (Prapannamrta tarpana - last chapter).


It is interesting to note in this connection how Srila Prabhupada's ISKCON is

preaching 'jnana karmady anavrtam' to 'jare dekho tare' in every town and



Sripada Madhvacharya predicted: "The real knowledge of the difference between

jiva and Sri Hari and the service of Sri Hari will spread all over the world

very shortly." (Anu madhva vijaya - last chapter).


Srila Prabhupada roared, "I am not God! You are not God! We are all servants of

God, Krishna!"


Srila Prabhupada's System for the Golden Age


"If the conditioned soul becomes Krishna conscious by the mercy of saintly

persons, who voluntarily preach scriptual injunctions and help him become

Krishna conscious, he becomes liberated from the clutches of Maya, who

voluntarily gives him up." (Cc. Madhya, 20-120)


"This is the test by which one can tell whether he is advancing in devotional

service. One must be detached from material enjoyment. Such detachment means

that Maya has actually given the conditioned soul liberation from illusory

enjoyment." (SB 11.2.42 quoted in TLC)


We ordinarily understand 'maya' as illusion, but the spiritual master reveals

its more confidential meaning as also 'mercy'. (SB 1.13.25).


Thus Srila Prabhupada gave shelter to those who joined by establishing -



1) SAMBANDHA - their relationship as servants of Krishna;



2) ABIDHEYA - their materially conditioned senses engaged in pure devotional




3) PRAYOJANA - the resultant transformation of material consciousness into

Krishna consciousness, leading them back home back to Godhead.



The actual essence of all the esoteric knowledge of the vast body of Vedic

literature has been rendered in a simple term by Srila Rupa Goswami as 'yukta

vairagya'. Srila Prabhupada's system is strictly in that line - 'Utility is the

Principle'. His books teach this as follows:


Bhagavad-gita As It Is - yukta vairagya in Upanisadic form.


Srimad Bhagavatam - yukta vairagya in Puranic and Vedantic form.


Nectar of Devotion - yukta vairagya in Pancaratric form (rules).


Chaitanya Caritamrta - yukta vairagya in Final Perfection (prema).


Sri Chaitanya gives paramount importance to five out of sixty-four principles

of devotional service:


a) Associating with devotees - Sadhu sanga;

b) Chanting the Holy Names - Nama kirtana;

c) Hearing Srimad Bhagavatam - Bhagavad sravana;

d) Living in a Holy Place - Mathura vasa;

e) Worshiping the Deity - Sri murtira sraddhaya sevana.

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