Guest guest Posted December 14, 2000 Report Share Posted December 14, 2000 Prayers unto His Divine Grace Om Visnupada Paramahamsa Parivrajakacarya 108 Sri Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Maharaja Prabhupada, the most illustrious spiritual master of Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and the foremost scholar of Vedic knowledge in the modern age on the most auspicious occassion of his disappereance day 14th December 2000. Sri Sri Prabhupada-padma Stavakah 1 sujanarbuda-radhita-pada-yugam yuga-dharma-dhurandhara-patra-varam varadabhaya-dayaka-pujya-padam pranamami sada prabhupada-padam 2 bhajanorjita-saj-jana-sangha-patim patitadhika-karunikaika-gatim gati-vancita-vancakacintya-padam pranamami sada prabhupada-padam 3 atikomala-kancana-dirgha-tanum tanu-nindita-hema-mrnala-madam madanarbuda-vandita-candra-padam pranamami sada prabhupada-padam 4 nija-sevaka-taraka-ranji-vidhum vidhutahita-hunkrita-simha-varam varanagata-balisa-sanda-padam pranamami sada prabhupada-padam 5 vipulikrta-vaibhava-gaura-bhuvam bhuvanesu vikirtita-gaura-dayam dayaniya-ganarpita-gaura-padam pranamami sada prabhupada-padam 6 cira-gaura-janasraya-visva-gurum guru-gaura-kisoraka-dasya-padam paramadrta-bhaktivinoda-padam pranamami sada prabhupada-padam 7 raghu-rupa-sanatana-kirti-dharam dharani-tala-kirtita-jiva-kavim kaviraja-narottama-sakhya-padam pranamami sada prabhupada-padam 8 kripaya hari-kirtana murti-dharam dharani-bhara-haraka-gaura-janam janakadhika-vatsala-snigdha-padam pranamami sada prabhupada-padam 9 saranagata-kinkara-kalpa-tarum taru-dhik-krta dhira vadanya varam varadendra-ganarcita-divya-padam pranamami sada prabhupada-padam 10 parahamsa-varam paramartha-patim patitoddharane krita-vesa-yatim yati-raja-ganaih parisevya-padam pranamami sada prabhupada-padam 11 vrishabhanu-suta-dayitanucaram caranasrita-renu-dharas tam aham mahad-adbhuta-pavana-sakti-padam pranamami sada prabhupada-padam Prayer unto the Lotus Feet of my Lord and Master Srila Prabhupada 1 His lotus feet are served in devotion by multitudes of high, virtuous souls; he is the establisher of the religion of the age (as Sri Krsna-sankirtana); he is the presiding monarch (of the Visva Vaisnava-Raja-Sabha - the universal society of the pure devotees that are the true 'kings' or guides of all); and he is the fulfiller of the most cherished desires of those who dispel fear (for all souls). I make my obeisance unto the lotus feet of that illustrious great soul, worshippable by one and all - perpetually do I make my obeisance unto the radiance emanating from the toenails of the holy feet of my Lord. 2 He is the leader of the fortunate souls blessed with the treasure of internal pure devotion; he is greatly merciful upon the fallen souls, being their only shelter; and his inconceivable holy feet are the shelter for the deceivers, by deceiving them. I make my obeisance unto his lotus feet - perpetually do I make my obeisance unto the radiance emanating from the toenails of the holy feet of my Lord. 3 I make my obeisance unto his divine, charming yet commanding lofty form of golden hue. That beautiful figure shames the mad ecstasy of golden lotus stems. Venerated by tens of millions of Cupids, the moons of the toenails of my Worshipful Divine Master reveal the beauty of his lotus feet. Perpetually do I make my obeisance unto that effulgence emanating from the toenails of the holy feet of my Lord. 4 Like the moon that delights the stars, he is surrounded by his circle of personal servitors, making their hearts bloom in divine ecstasy. The malicious non-devotees are made to flee in panic by the sound of his thunderous roar, and the simple, inoffensive souls attain the ultimate fortune by accepting his lotus feet. I make my obeisance unto him; perpetually do I make my obeisance unto the brilliance emanating from the toenails of the holy lotus feet of my Lord. 5 He has revealed the vast, magnificent beauty of Sri Gaura Dhama; he has broadcast the tidings of the supreme magnanimity of Sri Gauranga throughout the whole universe; and in the hearts of the fit recipients of his grace, he has firmly established the lotus feet of Sri Gaura. I make my obeisance unto him; perpetually do I make my obeisance unto the effulgence emanating from the toenails of the holy feet of my Lord. 6 He is the eternal shelter and the Universal Guru for the souls surrendered unto Sri Gauranga. Absorbed in the service of his Gurudeva, Sri Gaura Kisora, he wholeheartedly adores Sri Bhaktivinoda Thakura. I make my obeisance unto him; perpetually do I make my obeisance unto the effulgence emanating from the toenails of the holy feet of my Lord. 7 He is the illustrious personality to raise the flag that sings the glory of Sri Rupa, Sri Sanatana, and Sri Raghunatha. His glory is sung throughout the world as nondifferent from the powerful personality of brilliant erudition, Sri Jiva. And he has won the renown of being one with the hearts of Srila Krsnadasa Kaviraja and Thakura Narottama. I make my obeisance unto him; perpetually do I bow down to the brilliance emanating from the toenails of the holy feet of my Divine Master. 8 Bestowing his grace upon all souls, he is Hari-kirtana incarnate. As the associate of Sri Gaura, he relieves Mother Earth of the burden of offenses committed upon her. And he is so gracious that his endearance of all beings excels that of even a father. I make my obeisance unto him - the mine of all these qualities; perpetually do I bow down to the effulgence emanating from the toenails of the holy feet of my Divine Master. 9 Like a wish-fulfilling tree for his surrendered servitors (he fulfills their heart's aspirations), even a tree is shamed by his magnanimity and forbearance. And great personalities who are competent to confer boons - they, too, worship his lotus feet. I make my obeisance unto him; perpetually do I bow down to the radiance emanating from the toenails of the holy feet of my Divine Master. 10 The crownjewel of the paramahamsas, the Prince of the treasure of the supreme perfection of life, Sri Krsna-prema, he accepted the robes of a mendicant sannyasi just to deliver the fallen souls. The topmost tridandi sannyasis attend his lotus feet. I make my obeisance unto him; perpetually do I bow down to the effulgence emanating from the toenails of the holy feet of my Divine Master. 11 He is the dearmost intimate follower of the Divine Daughter of Sri Vrsabhanu, and I know myself as the most fortunate by taking the dust of his holy feet upon my head. I make my obeisance unto his invincible, wondrously purifying lotus feet - perpetually do I bow to the brilliance emanating from the toenails of the holy feet of my Divine Master. Sri Sri Dayita Dasa Dasakam 1 nite yasmin nisante nayana-jala-bharaih snata-gatrarbudanam uccair utkrosatam sri-vrsakapi-sutayadhiraya sviya-gosthim prthvi gadhandhakarair hrta-nayana-manivavrta yena hina yatrasau tatra sighram krpana-nayana he niyatam kinkaro 'yam 2 yasya sri-pada-padmat pravahati jagati prema-piyusa-dhara yasya sri-pada-padma-cyuta-madhu satatam bhrtya-bhrngan vibharti yasya sri-pada-padmam vraja-rasika-jano modate samprasasya yatrasau tatra sighram krpana-nayana he niyatam kinkaro 'yam 3 vatsalyam yac ca pitro jagati bahumatam kaitavam kevalam tat dampatyam dasyutaiva svajana-gana-krta bandhuta vancaneti vaikuntha-sneha-murteh pada-nakha-kiranair yasya sandarsito 'smi yatrasau tatra sighram krpana-nayana he niyatam kinkaro 'yam 4 ya vani kantha-lagna vilasati satatam krsna-caitanyacandre karna-krodaj-jananam kim u nayana-gatam saiva murtim prakasya niladri-sasya netrarpana-bhavana-gata netra-tarabhidheya yatrasau tatra sighram krpana-nayana he niyatam kinkaro 'yam 5 gaurendor asta-saile kim u kanaka-ghano hema-hrj-jambu-nadya avirbhutah pravarsair nikhila-jana-padam plavayan dava-dagdham gauravirbhava-bhumau rajasi ca sahasa samjugopa svayam svam yatrasau tatra sighram krpana-nayana he niyatam kinkaro 'yam 6 gauro gaurasya sisyo gurur api jagatam gayatam gaura-gatha gaude gaudiya-gosthy-asrita-gana-garima dravide gaura-garvi gandharva gaura-vatyo giri-dhara-parama-preyasam yo garistho yatrasau tatra sighram krpana-nayana he niyatam kinkaro 'yam 7 yo radha-krsna-namamrta-jala-nidhinaplavayad-visvam etad amlecchasesa-lokam dvija-nrpa-vanijam sudra-sudrapakrstam muktaih siddhair agamyah patita-jana-sakho gaura-karunya-saktir yatrasau tatra sighram krpana-nayana he niyatam kinkaro 'yam 8 apy asa vartate tat purata-vara-vapur lokitum loka-sandam dirgham nilabja-netram tila-kusuma-nasam ninditarddhendu-bhalam saumyam subhramsu-dantam sata dala-vadanam dirgha-bahum varenyam yatrasau tatra sighram krpana-nayana he niyatam kinkaro 'yam 9 gaurabde sunya-bananvita-nigamamite krsna-pakse caturthyam pause mase maghayam amara-gana-guror-vasare vai nisante daso yo radhikaya atisaya-dayito nitya-lila-pravisto yatrasau tatra sighram krpana-nayana he niyatam kinkaro 'yam 10 ha-ha-karair-jananam guru-carana-jusam puritabhur-nabhas ca yato 'sau kutra visvam prabhupada-virahad-dhanta sunyayitam me padabje nitya-bhrtyah ksanam api viraham notsahe sodhum atra yatrasau tatra sighram krpana-nayana he niyatam kinkaro 'yam Prayer unto Sri Sri Dayita Dasa (after the manifest pastimes of Sri Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakura) 1 At the end of the night of Sri Sri Vrsabhanunandini, She suddenly took him to her entourage, withdrawing him from the company of throngs of grief-stricken souls. A great cry of lamentation arose, their bodies were bathed by their tears. When he was thus stolen away, this world was plunged into the deep darkness of one whose eyes have been stolen away (hrta - stolen away; nayana-mani - jewel of the eye - the internal name of Saraswati Thakura is 'Nayana-mani'). (Bereft of the vision of my Divine Master,) O my sorrowful eyes (dina-nayana), (or, O savior of the fallen [Dina-nayana],) wherever that great soul may be, please quickly take this servitor there! (Although he is my Master named 'Nayana,' or 'one who brings us near,' in his mercy he shows the miserliness of not taking me unto his company.) 2 From his lotus feet, the nectarine river of divine love flows throughout the universe; his servitors, like bees, maintain their lives drinking the honey that falls from his lotus feet; and the pure devotees in the shelter of the confidential mellows of Vraja revel in the bliss of singing the glories of his lotus feet: O Dina-nayana, wherever that great soul may be, please quickly take this servitor there. 3 Parental affection, so highly esteemed in the world, is a colossal hoax (as an obstacle to Hari-bhakti); socially recognized pure matrimonial love is nothing but dacoitry (in that it plunders away both the husband's and the wife's eagerness for the chance to acquire the treasure of love unadulterated by the superficiality of familial prejudice); and common friendship is merely deception: I have gleaned these thoughts from the rays of light that emanate from the toenails of the holy feet of that great personality, the embodiment of supramundane affection. O Dina-nayana, wherever that great soul may be, please quickly take this servitor there. 4 The divine message sung by Sri Krsna Caitanyacandra had its continuous play in the ears of the people. From the ear, did he, just to fulfill the purport of the name 'Nayana-mani,' reveal his form to the eye, making his advent in the mansion (temple) favored by the glance of Sri Nilacalacandra (at the time of the Rathayatra festival)? O Dina-nayana, wherever that great soul (Mahapurusa) may be, please swiftly take this servitor there. 5 Drawing up the pure golden waters of the Jambu River mentioned in Srimad-Bhagavatam, has this golden cloud arisen on the mountain where the golden moon (Sri Gauracandra) descended (set), just to shower down torrents of rain upon the whole countryside that was scorched by the forest fire (of threefold sufferings), then suddenly conceal himself in the dust of the land of the Advent of Sri Gauranga? O Dina-nayana, wherever that Great Master may be now, please quickly take this servitor to that place. 6 He is of the same hue as Sri Gaura, and although he, who sings the tidings of Sri Gaura, is the (natural) Guru of the whole universe, he accepted discipleship to a great devotee called Sri Gaura Kisora ('adolescent Gaura'). In the whole Gaura-mandala he is the repository of the glory of those who grant entrance into the fold of the pure Gaudiya Vaisnavas. He proudly ascended the lofty throne of preaching the glories of the gift of the Golden Lord Sri Gaura (the service of Sri Radha-Govinda in Vraja) to the Vaisnavas of Dravida (the devotees in South India, who are generally worshippers of Laksmi-Narayana). The glory of his dignity shines even in the group of Sri Gandharva, and he holds a pre-eminent position in the intimate circle of Sri Giridhari, that is, he is the most beloved of Lord Mukunda. O Dina-nayana, where that great soul is now, please swiftly take this servitor there. 7 He inundated the whole universe of countless living beings - whether brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra, less than sudra, and even mleccha - with the oceanic nectar of the holy name of Sri Radha-Krsna. Although unapproachable by the liberationists and yogic perfectionists, he is known as the friend of the fallen, the mercy potency of Sri Gauranga. O Dina-nayana, wherever that great soul may be, please swiftly take this servitor there. 8 Do I have a hope to ever see that beautiful golden personality who makes everything auspicious for the world? Do I have a hope to ever behold that tall figure once again, his blue lotus eyes, his nose that excels the charm of the Tila flower, his forehead that shames the half-moon, his graceful lotus face, his gleaming pearl-white teeth, his long arms extending to his knees? O Dina-nayana, wherever that great soul has gone, please swiftly take this servitor there. 9 In the year of our Lord Gauranga 450, in the month of Pausa, on the fourth day of the dark fortnight of the moon in the star of Magha, at the closing of the night of Brhaspativara (5.30 a.m., 1st January, 1937), that most beloved attendant of Srimati Vrsabhanunandini entered into the eternal pastimes. O Dina-nayana, wherever that great soul may be, quickly take this servitor there to him. 10 The entire earth and skies were filled with the cries of anguish of the people, and of the disciples devoted to the service of Sri Gurudeva's lotus feet. Where has that Great Master gone? Alas! today the whole universe seems empty, in the separation of Prabhupada. The servitor of Gurudeva cannot endure even a moment of his separation. O Dina-nayana, wherever, wherever that great soul may be, please quickly take this servitor there to him. Sri Dayita Dasa Pranati Pancakam 1 bhayabhanjana jayasamsana-karunayatanayanam kanakotpala janakojjvala-rasasagara-cayanam mukharikrta-dharanitala-harikirtana-rasanam ksitipavana-bhavatarana-pihitaruna-vasanam subhadodaya-divase vrsaravija-nija-dayitam pranamami ca caranantika-paricaraka-sahitam 2 saranagata-bhajanavrata-cirapalana-caranam sukrtalaya-saralasaya-sujanakhila-varanam harisadhana-krtabadhana janasasana-kalanam sacaracara-karunakara-nikhilasiva-dalanam subhadodaya-divase vrsaravija-nija-dayitam pranamami ca caranantika-paricaraka-sahitam 3 atilaukika-gatitaulika-ratikautuka-vapusam atidaivata-mativaisnava-yati-vaibhava-purusam sasanatana-raghurupaka-paramanugacaritam suvicaraka iva jivaka iti sadhubhiruditam subhadodaya-divase vrsaravija-nija-dayitam pranamami ca caranantika-paricaraka-sahitam 4 sarasitata-sukhadotaja-nikatapriyabhajanam lalitamukha-lalanakula-paramadarayajanam vrajakanana-bahumanana-kamalapriyanayanam gunamanjari-garima-guna-harivasanavayanam subhadodaya-divase vrsaravija-nija-dayitam pranamami ca caranantika-paricaraka-sahitam 5 vimalotsavam amalotkala-purusottama-jananam patitoddhrti-karunastrti-krtanutana-pulinam mathurapura-purusottama-samagaurapuratanam harikamaka-haridhamaka-harinamaka-ratanam subhadodaya-divase vrsaravija-nija-dayitam pranamami ca caranantika-paricaraka-sahitam Homage unto Sri Dayita Dasa 1 He (of divine form) came forth from the birthplace of the golden lotus - the ocean of the mellow of divine consorthood. His large, merciful eyes dispel (the suffering souls') fear and proclaim (the surrendered souls') victory. His tongue (constantly) vibrates the whole Earth planet with Sri Krsna-sankirtana, his beauty resplendent in the robes of the sun's radiance (saffron) that purifies the universe and dispels the suffering of material existence. On his Holy Day of Advent, I (again and again) bow down unto that beloved associate of Sri Vrsabhanunandini, and the servitors of his lotus feet. 2 The devotees surrendered in pure devotion are eternally protected at his lotus feet. He is worshippable by the pure souls endowed with sincerity and good fortune, and he accepts (even) those who obstruct the service of Sri Hari, just to rectify them. As the very fountainhead of mercy upon all mobile and immobile beings, he crushes the inauspiciousness of the whole universe. On his Holy Day of Advent, I (again and again) bow down unto that beloved associate of Sri Vrsabhanunandini, and the servitors of his lotus feet. 3 Like a miracle, his body moves with a joyful elegance and charm beyond the world's understanding, fulfilling the artist's aspiration. (Or, dancing in pastimes transcendental to the world, his artistic form incites divine love's hankering). His intellect surpasses that of (even) the demigods, and he is nobility incarnate as the commander in-chief of the Vaisnava sannyasis (tridandi-yatis). The sadhus of profound intellect describe the nature of his personality as meticulously in the line of Sri Sanatana, Sri Rupa, and Sri Raghunatha, and they speak of him as being on the same plane as Sri Jivapada (being superbly replete in perfect theistic conclusions). On his Holy Day of Advent, I (again and again) bow down unto that beloved associate of Sri Vrsabhanunandini, and the servitors of his lotus feet. 4 On the bank of Sri Radha Kunda at Svananda Sukhada Kunja, he is devoted to the service of his Beloved, and (furthermore) he is greatly endeared to the divine damsels of Vraja headed by Lalita. He is most favorite to Kamala-manjari who is pre-eminent in Vrndavana, and with the glorious qualities of Gunamanjari he builds the residence of Sri Hari. On his Holy Day of Advent, I (again and again) bow down unto that beloved associate of Sri Vrsabhanunandini, and the servitors of his lotus feet. 5 He is immaculate joy incarnate, or, he is the graciousness or the joy of Vimala Devi. He manifested the pastimes of his Advent at Purusottama Ksetra in the holy land of Orissa, and he revealed his pastimes of delivering the fallen souls and extending his mercy upon them (by awarding them the gift of divine love) at the 'new isles,' or Navadvipa. Circumambulating Gaura Dhama in the same way as traditionally done at Vraja Dhama and Purusottama Dhama, he continuously propagates - the loving desire of Vraja, the divine abode of Vaikuntha, and the holy name of Krsna. On his Day of Holy Advent, I (again and again) make my obeisance unto that dear associate of Sri Vrsabhanunandini, and the servitors of his holy lotus feet. By HH B.R. Sridhar Maharaja Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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