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Srila Jiva Goswami's Disappearance Day -28th Dec

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sri-rupa carana-dvandva

raginam vrajavasinam

sri-jivam satatam vande

mandesvananda dayinam


Bhakti Ratnakara Chp 4.289


sri-rupa - Srila Rupa Goswami; carana-dvandva - the two lotus feet; raginam -

strongly attached; vraja vasinam - the topmost resident of Vrindavan; sri-jivam

- srila jiva goswami; satatam -constantly; vande-I offer my obeisances;

mandesu-dull headed & lazy people; ananda-bliss; dayinam-the bestower


In Sadhana Dipika it is said: "I offer my repeated humble obeisances unto Srila

Jiva Gosvami whose heart is constantly attracted to the lotus feet of Srila

Rupa Gosvami. He is the crest-jewel of all Vrajavasis and due to his causeless

mercy, he bestows unimaginable joy to even the non-philosophical, dull-headed &

lazy people by his deep philosophical views."289


Rupa, Sanatana & Vallabha were three of Kumardeva's sons. And Jiva was the son

of Vallabha. He was born in 1511 AD in Ramakeli. Sri Jiva was a talented boy

even from his childhood andhad completed his studies in Vyakarana and other

subjects within a very short time.639

Sanatana and Rupa were pleased with their nephew Sri Jiva and treated him


Sri Jiva constantly remembered the beauty of Prabhu and he satisfied everyone

by his sincere endeavor to learn the scriptures.641-642

Some peopel considered he must be a partial incarnation of some deity for no

ordinary person could grasp thevast spiritual knowledge in such a short


People were enchanted to see Sri Jiva who was a beautiful and qualified as

Rupa, Sanatana and Sri Vallabha.644

I wish I could die taking away with me any misfortune which might befall Sri



The biography of Sri Jiva


Sri Jiva had grown very discontent in Gauda and he was pulled by his

attractions to his uncles in Vrndavana.684

The visit to Vrndavana by Sri Jiva was a peculiar incident.685

>From the day of Rupa Sanatana going t Vrndavana a peculiar feeling began to

grow in the mind of Sri Jiva who decided to give up all pleasures regarding

ornaments, beautiful dresses, comfortable beds and voraciousness etc.686-687

In discussions of royal affairs or worldly matters he simply felt bored.688

Observing Sri Jiva in his perturbed state of mind, someone commented, "O my

dear friend, from the sons of Kumeradeva three became great vaisnavas and

scholars of scripture: Sanatana; Rupa and Vallabha. I have never seen such

stocism and neutrality as exhibited by Sri Vallabha in his detachment from

worldly pleasures. When he died on the bank of the Ganges his young son Jiva

was stunned. But Sri Jiva also had no interest in wealth or riches. My heart

breaks when I think of him. One day I saw him in a lonely place crying


But another person replied, "My dear friend, this is natural. It is the

blessing of Lord Krsna which makes Sri Jiva behave like this. He has become

very reserved and does not think of anything but Srimad Bhagavatam, which has

become his very life. He loves to swim in that ocean of happiness created by

discussions about Krsna. No one dares speak anything to him but topics about

Krsna. He must have met Prabhu privately because I have seen him faint on the

ground after crying out the name of Sri Krsna Caitanya. My heart aches when I

see him rolling onthe ground crying so bitterly that his body is soaked with

tears. I cannot bare to hear his lamentation."696-701

"My dear friends, it is certain that Sri Jiva will soon leave his house for

ever." "But he is merely a boy," someone argued. 702

"How will he tolerate the troubles of travelling from place to place."703

"His love for Prabhu knows no bounds," commented another man. "He is the

light of the brahmin class," said another. "The whole village will sink into

utter darkness if he leaves."704

The discussion of Sri Jiva continued amongst the village gentlemen. They could

not even return to their homes leaving Sri Jiva in that condition.705

At the same time Sri Jiva sat wondering when he would leave his house.706

One evening, he sat alone crying and singing the holy name.707

Although he tried to control himself he finally broke down and cried out, "O my

Prabhu Sri Krsna Caitanya! O Nityananda! O my Prabhu Sri Advaita candra the

ocean of mercy! O dear associates of Prabhu! Please be kind to this wretched


Throughout the night his lamentation kept him from sleeping.711

Once before in Ramkeli Sri Jiva had had a dream in which he saw Prabhu and His

associates dancing in sankirtana and enchanting the world with a flow of love

unobtainable by Lord Brahma. Tonight he saw tht same scene in his


Lacs of people came forward to join that sankirtana, uttering the name of Hari

which filled the earth and the sky.715

Suddenly Prabhu disappeared and as the dream faded Jiva awoke up in a sorrowful


Again he fell asleep and a second wonderful scene appeared in his dream.717

I will tell you later what he saw in his dream, but now I want to acquaint you

with the former history ;of Sri Jiva.718

When Sri Jiva was only a boy, he avoided playing with his friends or other

activities which had no connection with Krsna.719

He would make images of Krsna and Balarama, worship them with flowers and

sandal paste and dress them with fine clothes and ornaments.720-721

When he would bow on the ground before them he would weep.722

He offered them various kinds of sweetmeats and then enjoyed eating the prasad

of the deities with his friends.723

He loved the deities of Krsna and Balarama so much that even when he was alone

he would play with them. At bed time he would clasp the deities tightly to his

chest and sleep. His parents could not separate their son from his deities

although they thought he was merely playing.724-725

Everyone was happy to see Jiva's love for Krsna and Balarama.726

Caitanya and Nitai were so bound by his love for them that they appeared to him

in a dream.727

Krsna and Balarama also appeared in a dream, and Sri Jiva was enchanted to see

Krsna in dark blue color and Balarama in white color.728

They looked like Kandarpa and enchanted the universe with their beautiful


Suddenly Krsna and Balarama were replaced by Gaura and Nitai and the universe

was perfumed by the scent of their bodies.730-731

Overjoyed with his vision Sri Jiva wept and fell at he feet of the two


Gaura-Nityananda Rai, the twin oceans of mercy put their feet on the head of

Sri Jiva and embraced him affectionately. Whatever they spoke fell like nectar

on the ears of Sri Jiva.734-735

In ecstatic love Sri Gaura sundara offered Jiva to the gracious feet of Sri


But Nityananda repeatedly instructed Sri Jiva, "Let my Gaura Prabhu be your

life and soul."737

When Sri Jiva bowed against their feet, they disappeared and Sri Jiva fell into

an abyss of disappointment.738

When he woke from sleep, the dawn was breaking and he prepared to leave for

Vrndavana on hte pretext of studying there.739

The people of Navadvipa knew he was going to Vrndavana.740

He bid farewell to his followers and left Fateya with only one servant.741

In the ecstasy of love, Sri Jiva wandered hypnotically arousing the curiouslity

of the other travellers on the road. "Who is this young man?" they wandered.

"He must be a prince with a complexion of gold like a champaka flower. What a

beautiful face! Just see his attractive wide eyes, nose, eyebrows, forehead,

ears and curly hair. See his neck, his chest and his nails and fingers on his

lotus like hands! How beautiful are his thighs, knees and legs."742-746

They all admired the tulasi garland hanging around his neck and the milk white

sacred thread lying across his chest.747

Someone said, "My dear friend, I cannot take my eyes off him. I wish I could

die carrying away all misfortune which might befall him.748-749

They said, "we cannot understand why we are feeling so perplexed to see him?

We wish we can get ourselves initiation to him.750

Although the people talked, Sri Jiva continued his journey rapt in ecstasy.751

When he entered Navadvipa, everyone acknowledged him as he was the nephew of

Rupa Sanatana.752

Being overwhelmed by Sri Jiva's scholarship and devotional practices, the

brahmans questioned him.753

Sri Jiva was enchanted by the beauty of Navadvipa.754

That holy dhama covered sixteen krsoa of land with many beautiful flower

gardens, tanks, forests, groves, cottages and the banks of the Ganga.755-756

As he wondered, Sri Jiva saw many Vaisnavas who were happy to meet him and took

him directly to the cottage of Srivasa Pandita where Nityananda Prabhu and his

associates were sitting.757-759

Nityananda had already foretold Sri Jiva's arrival to Srivasa and Srivasa

gladly informed Prabhu when Sri Jiva was waiting outside the cottage door.


Nityananda was glad to hear it and requested someone to call him in.762

Sr Jiva's eagerness to meet Nityanada made him cry uncontrollably and he fell

humbly at the feet of Prabhu.763-764

Nityananda Prabhu affectionately placed his feet on the head of Sri Jiva. 765

He raised Sri Jiva from the ground, embraced him warmly and said, "I have come

here from Kardaha simply to meet You."766-767

In this way he pacified Sri Jiva in various ways and asked Srinivasa and other

Vaisnavas to favor him.768

He kept Sri Jiva in his association for some days and then requested him to go


At the time of his departure Sri Jiva bowed at the feet of Nityananda in the

sadness of their intimate separation.770

By placing his feet of the head of Sri Jiva he affectionately embraced him and

said, "Go to Vrndavana soon because it is the order of Mahaprabhu that your

family should be settled at that place."771-772

Sri Jiva offered his respects to the feet of all the Vaisnavas and then left

for Vrndavana.773

Srivasa and other devotees blessed Sri Jiva in various ways.774

>From Navadvipa Sri Jiva went to Kashi where he met Sri Madhusudana Vachaspati,

the professor of all Sastras who was as great as Brihaspati.775-776

The scholar was pleased to eet Sri Jiva and kept him at his place for a long

time during which he gave him lessons on Vedanta and other sastras.777

Sri Vachaspati was s impressed by the scholarly capabilities of Sri Jiva that

he glorified him throughout Kashi andhe soon became respected as the foremost

scholar of Nyaya Vedanta and other scriptures.778-779

>From Kashi, Sri Jiva went to Vrndavana and got the mercy of Rupa and



The twenty five books of Sri Jiva Gosvami

The books written by Sri Jiva Gosvami were namely the Vyakarama named Sri

Harinama mrta, its notes Sutra Malika and its metallurgical analysis,

Krsnacarana dipika, Gopala Viru davali, the last portion of Rasamrta, Sri

Madhava Mahatsava, Samkalpa-Kalpabriksha, Bhavartha Suchaka-Champu,

Gopala-Tapani Tika, Vramha Sanhita Tika, Rasamrta Tika, Ujjala Nilmoni Tika,

Yagosara Stava tika, Sri Gayatri Vashya of Agnipurana, the narrative of the

foot prints of Sri Krsna of Padma Purana, the collective records of the hands

and foot prints of Sri radhika, the former position of Gopala Champu, the last

portion of Gopala Champu, the famous seven treasties of Srimad Bhagavata namely

Tatta Sandarva, Bhagavata Sandarva, Bhakti Sandarva, Preeti Sandarva and Krama

Sandarva, Krsna Sandarva and Paramatma sandarva. 833-851


The orders of Sri Rupa Sanatana to Sri Jiva and Sri Gopala Bhatta

"Previously I told you that on the 20th day of the month of Vaisakh you will

obtain wonderful association.234


"That devotee will reach Vrndavana today, and after meeting him you will become

very happy.235


"At the time of the arati of Govinda deva, when the crowd is thin, you should

search for him.236


"His complexion is like a golden champa flower and his is very thin. He is

young and tears constantly flow from his eyes.237


"In great pain he left Gauda and he has already gotten news of our



"He decided to give up his life but we appeared before him to console him.239


"We cannot describe his affliction but when you see him you will understand.240


"You should arrange his initiation from Gopala Bhatta Gosvami and when his

study is completed give him all the books.2410


sri gaude mandale sighra karaabe gamana

tinha vitaribe loke grantha ratna gana


"Send him to Gaudadesha where he will distribute the transcendental jewels of

literature to the masses.242


"What more can we tell you about him? Through this Srinivasa Sri Caitanya

Mahaprabhu will perform many activities."243


The happiness of Srinivasa knew no bounds and he fell ont he ground again and

again to offer obeisances to Jiva Gosvami. To his hearts content he observed

the beauty of Sri Radha Damodara, the life and soul of Sri Jiva Gosvami.283-285


Rupa Gosvami had mainfest the deity of radha Damodara and had offered it to

Jiva Gosvami in a dream.286


No one can describe the character of Sri Jiva Gosvami; his life, soul, and

everything was the lotus feet of Sri Rupa Gosvami.287


These aspects have been described elaborately in Sanskrit by a famous poet in

Sadhana Dipika.288


In Sadhana Dipika it is said: "Glory to Sri Jiva Gosvami who always keeps the

lotus feet of Sri Rupa Gosvami within his mind. He was a Vrajavasi who

conquered even the non-philosophical persons by his philosophical views."289


Sri Sri Radha Damodara became manifest through the mercy of Sri Rupa Gosvami

and the ocean of mercy, Rupa Gosvami, gave the deity to Sri Jiva for his



I have only briefly described the appearance of Sri Sri Radha Damodara, the

life and soul of Sri Jiva Gosvami.291


Svapnaadese sri rupa sri radha damodare

Sva haste nirman kari dila sri jivere


Radha Damodara Vilasa darsana by Sri Jiva

Seeing the pastimes of Sri Sri Radha Damodara, Sri Jiva Gosvami remained always

in an ecstatic mood.292


Sometimes the Lord would ask Sri Jiva for some food and Sri Jiva would watch

the Lord eat it.293


One day, when the Lord was playing his flute with a smile on his face, he

called Sri Jiva to come and watch.294


Sri Damodara was very young and was decorated with enchanting ornaments. Upon

seeing the Lord Sri Jiva Gosvami immediately fainted.295


When he gained consciousness his heart was filled with ecstatic love and his

long, large eyes overflowed with tears.296


I have told only a few of the activities, butthere were many episodes in the

pastimes of Radha Damodara which attracted everyone towards him.297


(Call him with his flute, tell him to cook delicious preparations, )


Sri Jiva bestowed the title of Acarya on Srinivasa

One day Sri Jiva took interest in explaining the verses of the book Uddipana



The following verse is from the book Sri Ujjvalanilmani Uddipana Vivaba:

"Addressing her friend, Sri Radhika said that once a young Kadamba plant with

only two leaves had been planted by lotus eyed Sri Krsna near the entrance of

Gokula. Th etree had now become full grown and was covered wtih countless

leaves and flowers. She complained that the full grown kadamba tree had become

the cause of pain of the Gopis who were already suffering from seperation of



Unfortunately, Sri Jiva Gosvami failed to explain this adequately and he asked

Srinivasa to make it clear.398


Srinivasa had been empowered by Sri Rupa Gosvami and explained the verse

successfully. Whoever listened to it became satisfied and happy.399


The commentator on the book Sri Ujjvalanilmani had given a beautiful and

elaborate explaination of that particular verse.



Everyone was astonished by the genius of Srinivasa and they admired him in

various ways.401


With the permission of everyone Sri Jiva delightedly gave Srinivasa the title

of Kaviraj.402


Although Sri Jiva saw that Srinivasa felt very humble in the midst of this

praise, he discarded that humility by addressing Srinivasa as Acarya.403


With the permissionof Sri Jiva, Acarya Srinivasa began to educate the Vaisnavas

of Vraja.404


Sri Jiva bestows the title of Thakura Mahasaya on Sri Narottama

Sri Gopala Bhatta and other devotees bestowed extensive mercy on Narottama, and

Sri Jiva Gosvami began to educate him.421


Within a short time Narottama completed his eduaction in the different

scriptures. The devotees were astonished by his capacity to comprehend the

scriptures and they began to admire him as a scholar.422


Because his ability to learn was far greater than anyone else's, Jiva Gosvami

gave Narottama the title of Thakura Mahasaya.423-424


Srinivasa Acarya and Thakura Narottama became the favorite pupils of Jiva


Everyone in Vrndavana happily observed the great affection Sri Jiva showed for

Srinivasa and Narottama.425


Srinivasa and Narottama lived so intimately with Sri Jiva that it seemed they

had become the two hands of Sri Jiva. With the memory of Sri Rupa and Sanatana

always fresh in his mind Sri Jiva Gosvami spent his days discussing religious

and devotional topics with Srinivasa and Narottama.426-427


Anyone who showed sincere interest in hearing these topics was sure to get the

blessings of Prabhu Visvambhara.428


Pg.181 Sri Raghava said that in a lonely place in Nandaghata Jiva Gosvami

lived for sometime in seclusion.


Once Sri Rupa was writing a book in a quiet place in Vrndavana. It was a hot

day, and to dry the sweat from Rupa's body Sri Jiva would stand beside him and

fan him. The beauty of both Sri Rupa and Sri Jiva was bright. At that time

Sri Vallava came to visit Rupa and when he looked at Rupa's book Bhaktirasamrta

Grantha Mangala Carana he told Rupa, "I shall edit it." When he went to bathe

in the Jamuna Sri Jiva followed on the pretext of taking water from the Jamuna.

Although he did not know Sri Vallava personally, Jiva asked him, "what is the

flaw in Mangala Carana?"


As Vallava mentioned each point he felt required correction Jiva refuted the

point by his knowledge of the scriptures. Unable to defeat Sri Jiva in a

discussion, Vallava went to Sri Rupa to enquire about the identity of Jiva.

Rupa told Vallava that the young Vaisnava was his nephew, and that he had

arrived from his village only a few days before. Vallava Bhatta praised Jiva

Gosvami and told Rupa the details of their discussion on the book. Then

Vallava left that place.


Meanwhile Sri Jiva returned from the river and Sri Rupa scolded him in a very

quiet voice, "It was very kind of Bhatta to visit me and for my own benefit he

wanted to edit my book. This much you could not tolerate by your Vaisnava

grace? Go back to your home and return to Vrndavana whem you will be able to

be patient."


At once Sri Jiva left the place and headed East towards his home. When his

mind became peaceful he decided to remain in a solitary place in the forest as

he did not have permission to return to the association of Rupa Gosvami. He

lived here in a hut made of leaves; sometimes he ate a little and sometimes he

ate nothing while he passed his time in great distress and lamentation. He

thought that if he gave up his life he would be able to obtain the lotus feet

of his Lord.


In the course of his travels Sanatana Gosvami came to that village. The

villagers came forward to welcome him and ask about his well being. They

informed him that one young and beautiful sannyasi had been living in the

forest for a long time, eating only a small quantity of fruits or roots or

drinking water mixed with atta (flour).


Knowing that this sannyasi must be Sri Jiva, Sanatana went to see him

affectionately. Seeing Sanatana within his patched Sri Jiva could not control

himself and fell flat on the ground at Sanatana's feet. The villagers were

quite astonished. Sanatana asked Sri Jiva to explain his difficulty and Jiva

very lovingly explained everything. After consoling the villagers Sanatana

left Sri Jiva in his hut and went to see Rupa in Vrndavana.


Pg.182 Hearing of Sri Sanatana's arrival in Vrndavana, Sri Rupa went out to

meet him. He asked about the book Bhaktirasamrta sindhu and Rupa said that he

had finished writing the book but the editing was incomplete because of Sri

Jiva's absence.


Sanatana explained the situation to Sri Rupa and said, "Jiva is alive, but he

is so weak that even the breeze can rock his body." At once Sri Rupa brought

Jiva back to Vrndavana and nursed him affectionately. Everyone was happy with

SRi Jiva's recovery and Rupa Sanatana bestowed all responsibility on him. By

their mercy the greatness of Sri Jiva's knowledge spread throughout the world.


A Digvijayi (world conquering scholar) once came to Vrndavana and asked Jiva,

"If you will compete with me in debate, then send my Jaya patra, (a written

paper acknowledging his defeat by the Digvijayi)." Sri Jiva sent him back the

Jaya patra, but the Digvijayi accepted defeat after reading it. The glory of

Sri Jiva is beyond description. Then Sri Raghava showed them the hut of Sri



His devotion gave immense pleasure to Sri Jiva Gosvami. One day Sri Jiva and

the other Vrndavana Gosvamis assembled happily at the Govinda temple.222-223


They prayed to Sri Govinda, "O Lord, please bestow on Srinivasa the strength he

will require to distribute these books."224


eka dina sri jiva adi govinda mandire

haila ekatra sabe ullasa antare


sri govindadeve kahe sumadhura bhase

grantha vitarana shakti deha srinivase


eta kahitei govindera kantha haite

chindiya padila mala srinivasa dite


The moment they finished their prayers, a garland dropped from the neck of Sri

Govinda for Srinivasa.225


With tears of love in his eyes the priest quickly took it and respectfully

handed it to Srinivasa.226


He received the garland with utmost respect and affection for the Lord and as a

beheld the beautiful face of Sri Govinda he became impatient.227


He worshipped the deity again and again by touching himself to the ground and

he could not stop the tears which flowed from his eyes.228


Everyone who saw the grace bestowed on Srinivasa from Sri Govinda praised both

the Lord and his devotee.229


Sri Jiva and the others then settled the day that Srinivasa would leave for



It was agreed that the fifth day of the bright moon night of the month of

Agrahayana was the appropriate date for the commencment of the journey.231


Sri Jiva Gosvami sent Srinivasa to take leave of Dasa Gosvami.232


Simply by the grace of Sri Jiva, one can understand the truths of his



Srinivasa next went to the temple of Radha Damodara - the life of Sri Jiva

Gosvami - to take leave his leave. Srinivasa got the favor of Sri Radha

Damodara, the source of divine rasa.309-310


How kindly Sri radha Damodara gave him permission to leave is beyond anyone's

ability to describe. Sri Jiva gave Srinivasa the mala prasad.311


When he realised the mercy of Sri Radha Damodara on Srinivasa, Sri Jiva's heart

filled with ecstatic joy.312


Sri JIva, Srinivasa and the others reached his house. They bowed to Sri

Gosvami and Sri Jiva requested Sri Gosvami, "Please infuse Srinivasa with your

complete strength."405-406


"Place your feet on Srinivasa's head so that he can easily reach



"Bless him so that by curbing the pride of the hearetics he can easily

distribute the books there."408


pasandi ganera darpa kariya khandan

svachande karena yena grantha vitarana


While considering Sri Jiva's request Gopala Bhatta prayed to Sri Radha



It cannot be described how Sri Radha Raman gave his mercy to Srinivasa and then

permitted him to leave.410


Seeing the mercy which Radha Raman had bestowed on Srinivasa, Gopala Bhatta

Gosvami affectionately brought mala prasad to Srinivasa.411


Sri jiva goswami dina-dukhira jivana

Punah ki dekhibe ami tanra sri carana


Thereafter Sri Acarya bega to study nce again under Sri Jiva Gosvami, and Sri

Jiva was pleased by the Acarya's intent. From Sri Jiva, Srinivasa learnt the

book Sri Gopala Champu and other books and was happy to study under Sri Jiva.


The sweet words of Jiva Gosvami could soothe the mind of anyone. After reading

the letter the king said that Prabhu's companions were certainly kindhearted

for they had blessed such a worthless person as himself. The king cried with

gratitude and thereafter he showed very cordial and affectionate care towards

the two mesengers.


Sri Ramacandra Kaviraja in Vrndavana


As Ramacandra travelled hurriedly to Vrndavana people who observed him remarked

that they had never seen such a person. They thought he was probably the son

of a king from Gauda. Some people thought he not even a human being but rather

a deity. When he arrived in Vrndavana someone informed Sri Jiva Gosvami that a

beautiful person, with skin as bright as gold, had come from Gauda. They told

Sri Jiva that thy were charmed by the sight of that man who was wandering

aimlessly in Vrndavana, crying as he enjoyed the beauty of of the holy dhama.

Sri Jiva asked Srinivasa if he knew who the man was and Srinivasa said that it

must be Ramacandra.


Srinivasa had preciously told Jiva Gosvami about Ramacandra, so Sri Jiva

ordered his followers to bring Ramacandra to his place. When Ramacandra

arrived he bowed at the feet of Sri Jiva and Srinivasa Acarya and both of them

lovingly embraced Ramacandra. They asked him questions about the places which

he had visited on his trip and Ramacandra first reported what Khandavasi Sri

Raghunandana had told him. He also repoted what he had heard from other

Vaisnavas and he told them the progress of his own study and the result of the

long tour which he had completed to Gaya, Kashi, Ayodhya and Prayaga.


>From this report Sri Jiva Gosvami could understand the condition of those holy

places since the disappearance of Mahaprabhu and his beloved companions.

Ramacandra informed them that the inhabitants of Gauda wanted Srinivasa to

return and both Srinivasa and Sri Jiva took the request seriously. Thereafter

they took Ramacandra with them to visit the temple of Radha Damodara.


While observing the deities of Radha Damodara Ramacandra fell on the ground

crying and while visiting the Samadhi of Rupa Gosvami he was moved with

emotion. When he cried loudly, calling out the name of Sri Rupa, Sri Jiva took

him on his lap and pacified him.


Sri Jiva Gosvami announced that Srinivasa would return to Gauda and on the day

after the full moon Sri Jiva one again entrusted Syamananda to Srinivasa. He

also gave Srinivasa some books which had been revised by him. The Gosvamis of

Vrndavana gathered in the temple of Sri Govinda to bid farewell to Srinivasa.

The Acarya bowed at their feet and then went to see the moon-like face of Sri

Govinda. Ramacandra and Syamananda also bowed at the feet of the Gosvamis.


He appointed his favorite disciple Ramacandra Kaviraja to teach the king, and

told the king how Sri Jiva Gosvami had been satisfied by Ramacandra's scholarly

abilities and how Sri Jiva had called him Caitanya Dasa. The king shed tears

of joy and fell at the feet of Srinivasa Prabhu he humbly offered his respects

to Acarya and by the mercy of his guru the king got everything he wanted.


Sri Jiva had already selected a beautiful house for her and he took her there

with her follwers. After their worship fo Sri Govinda, Gopinatha and Madan

Mohana, the Vaisnavas came to visit Sri Isvari at her house. The residents of

Vrndavana also came in ahuge crowd to meet her. While she spoke privately with

Gopala Bhatta, Lokenatha and others, Sri Jiva waited patiently to meet her.

When she expressed the desired to visit the temples of Vrndavana they gladly

took her to Sri Govinda, Gopinatha, Madan Mohana, Sri Radha Vinoda, Sri Radha

raman and Sri Radha Damodara.


Sri Jiva also affectionately met Govinda Kaviraja and requested to take news to

Srinivasa. Sri Jiva ordered to send his book Gitamrita and other new books

which he might write and in return Sri Jiva would send letters. Gopala Bhatta

gave Govinda the book Vrindava which he had written in a dream according to the

order of Sri Rupa.


Sri Virachandra prabhu's visit to forests of Vraja.


Virachandra first took permission to visit the forests of Vrndavana

from Sri Bugarba and Sri Jiva Gosvami, then started out along with Yadava

Acarya and others to visit the forests of Madhu, Tala, Kumuda and Bahula. He

also went to Radha Kunda where he relished the association of Sri Jiva and





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