Guest guest Posted May 22, 2006 Report Share Posted May 22, 2006 To All, The document "Kala Sarpa Yoga - Kala Amruta Yoga" is uploaded in the file section of the database. As Always, Uttara jyotish-vidya, David Andrews <andrews635> wrote: > > Dear Wendy ji, > Here's the article and you may have it loaded into the files section as I do not have the know how to have it done. > > David > > Shri. David: > > I thought I will include an article written by me and published in > EXpress Star Teller 3 years back on Kala Sarpa yoga or rather "Kala > amruta yoga", i.e. how KSY becomes benefic in some horoscopes. > > "KAALA AMRUTA YOGA - The nectar bestowed by the Nodes! > By Pandit. R.DAKSHINAMOORTHI. > > INTRODUCTION: Kaala Amruta Yoga is a variation of the dreaded Kaala > Sarpa Yoga. Whereas Kaala Sarpa Yoga gives rise to hardships, > struggles and failures in life of the native, Kaala Amruta Yoga > enhances the good luck of the native conferring upon him intelligence, > wealth and fame. It is a real challenge for an astrologer to determine > whether it is kaala sarpa yoga or kala Amruta yoga that is actually > operating in a nativity. Unless we properly understand the principle > behind Kaala Sarpa Yoga, Kaala Amruta Yoga can never be properly > understood. So we shall first analyse the rationale behind Kaala Sarpa > Yoga before discussing Kaala Amruta Yoga. > > Though there is no mention of either Kaala Sarpa Yoga or Kaala > Amruta Yoga in the classical works on astrology like Brihat Jatakam, > Satyachayeeyam, Jatakaabharanam, Jaataka Alangaram, Phaladeepika, etc > ., there are allegorical references to these in Nadi Astrological > works. The basic principle behind Kaala Sarpa Yoga is the well- known > astrological canon that a house or planet prospers if the house of > planet is hemmed in between benefics, and suffer if the planet or > house is hemmed in between malefics. Naturally, when all the planets > are hemmed in between malefics like Rahu and Ketu, the nativity is > spoiled as a whole! This is the logic behind the dreaded Kaala Sarpa > Yoga. > > Some astrologers are of the opinion that kala Sarpa yoga arises only > if all the planets are hemmed in between Raahu and Ketu (Check from > Rahu to Ketu in a clockwise fashion in South-Indian style charts) and > if all planets are hemmed in between Ketu and Raahu (check from Ketu > to Rahu in clockwise fashion) Kaala Amruta Yoga arises which is highly > beneficial. However, this view is not accepted by the notable > astrologer Dr.B.V.Raman (of revered memory - a renown astrologer and > the founder-editor of THE ASTROLOGICAL MAGAZINE) who opines that Kaala > Sarpa Yoga arises irrespective of whether the planets are hemmed > between Raahu and Ketu, or between Ketu and Raahu. Again, Dr.B.V.Raman > is of the opinion that if the ascendant is on the other axis while all > the planets are hemmed on one side of the axis, then the evil arising > out of Kala Sarpa Yoga almost gets neutralised! > > This writer also s to Dr.B.V.Raman's view for the following > reason: Rahu-Ketu axis indicates events in mundane life and Ketu - > Rahu axis indicates spiritual matters. If all the 7 planets are > concentrated on one side of the axis (i.e. between Rahu and Ketu, or > Ketu and Rahu) the result will invariably be a lop-sided development > of the individual which is not conductive for a healthy and normal > worldly life. If all the planets are hemmed between Rahu and Ketu (the > most commonly accepted version of Kaala Sarpa Yoga), the individual > faces much hardship in his mundane life and when he attains success in > life, he is so embittered that he becomes too materialistic or > revolutionary in his attitudes. On the other hand, if all the planets > are hemmed between Ketu and Rahu (which also gives rise to kala sarpa > yoga though of a lesser intensity), the individual's life struggles > urge him towards renunciation, impractical ideals and spirituality to > the exclusion of the normal routines of mundane life. In either case, > it will be a case of rags to riches and back to rags again partly due > to a strange twist of circumstances and partly due to the native's > stubborn and rash attitudes. Persons afflicted by Kala Sarpa Yoga > usually suffer a lot in their early years, invariably gain prominence > during the middle years by dint of hard efforts and usually suffer > from ill-health or even a sudden violent death in their later years. > > The horoscope of Benito Mussolini is a classic example of Kala Sarpa > Dosha arising out of Ketu-Rahu axis (all planets hemmed between Ketu > and Rahu). > Benito Mussolini (Born near Doria, Italy) > Jul 29,1883 > Time: 2:00PM Zone: 1:00 DST: 0 > > Longitude: 16E00 Latitude: 41N00 > Lahiri Ayanamsa: 22:14 365.25 Day Year > > As 00:59 Sc Vishakha Ju Su 13:48 Cn Pushya Sa Mo 16:51 Ta > Rohini Mo Ma 20:55 Ta Rohini Mo Me 13:18 Cn Pushya Sa > Ju 26:18 Ge Punarvasu Ju > Ve 29:20 Ge Punarvasu Ju > Sa 15:22 Ta Rohini Mo > Ra 14:56 Li Swati Ra > Ke 14:56 Ar Bharani Ve > > > Rashi Chart ********************************************************* > * *KE 14:56 *SA 15:22 *JU 26:18 * > * * *MO 16:51 *VE 29:20 * > * * *MA 20:55 * * > * * * * * > * * * * * > * * * * * > ********************************************************* > * * *ME 13:18 * > * * *SU 13:48 * > * * * * > * * * * > * * * * > * * * * > *************** *************** > * * * * > * * * * > * * * * > * * * * > * * * * > * * * * > ********************************************************* > * *AS 00:59 *RA 14:56 * * > * * * * * > * * * * * > * * * * * > * * * * * > * * * * * > ********************************************************* > > Navamsa Chart > ********************************************************* > * * * JU * MO * > * * * SA * VE * > * * * * * > * * * * * > * * * * * > * * * * * > ********************************************************* > * RA * * AS * > * * * MA * > * * * * > * * * * > * * * * > * * * * > *************** *************** > * * * KE * > * * * * > * * * * > * * * * > * * * * > * * * * > ********************************************************* > * * SU * ME * * > * * * * * > * * * * * > * * * * * > * * * * * > * * * * * > ********************************************************* > > The Kala Sarpa Yoga is not really strong because only Ketu- Rahu > axis is involved and lagna is not behind Rahu. But, the other > afflictions - such as > 1) The aspect of malefic Saturn on the political planet - Sun and , > > 2) the conjunction of the lord of ascendant with Saturn in the 7th > house gave a deep fall. > > > The end of Saturn Dasa gave a violent death and ignoble burial to the > native. The Ketu - Rahu axis involves the 6th and 12th houses, which > gives the astrological clue as to why he was betrayed by his own > trusted colleagues. > This is a classic case of rags to riches and again back to rags, and a > sudden end to life caused due to kala sarpa yoga. So, we cannot > presume that if all planets are hemmed between Ketu and Rahu, then the > native will enjoy highly auspicious results irrespective of other > afflictions. (This hyperbolic and fallacious assumption has somehow > gained currency among the lay-admirers of astrology!) > > > > There are certain conditions under which the Kaala Sarpa Yoga > mentioned above gets transformed into a benefic yoga (kaala Amruta > Yoga- also termed as Sweta Sarpa Yoga as opposed to kala sarpa yoga!). > > 1) When Rahu and Ketu are benefics to the ascendant of a native, or > are under the control of benefics to the ascendant, there is > transformation of kala Sarpa Yoga into Kala Amruta Yoga. We know that > Rahu is the duplicate of Saturn, and Ketu is the duplicate of Mars in > bestowing results. So whatever influences prevail on Saturn and Mars, > must be construed as prevailing on Rahu and Ketu respectively. Thus, > if Saturn and Mars are yogakarakas for the ascendant, or are under the > control of benefics for the ascendant, Kala Sarpa Yoga gets > transformed into Kaala Amruta Yoga. > > 2) Again if Rahu is in Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Virgo or Capricorn > then Rahu bestows auspicious results, provided these signs do not fall > in the 6th, 8th or 12th houses. Under these conditions, Kaala Sarpa > Yoga gets transformed to Kaala Amruta Yoga. > > The horoscope of the famous scientist and Nobel laureate Sir.C.V. > Raman is a classic example of a horoscope with Kaala Amruta Yoga. > > Sir.C.V.RAMAN > Nov 7,1888 > Time: Between 4-40a.m and 6-45a.m.(Tula lagna) Zone: 5:30 DST: 0 > Chart calculated for the time 4-40a.m. > Longitude: 78E42 Latitude: 10N50 > Lahiri Ayanamsa: 22:18 365.25 Day Year > > > As 00:29 Li Chitra Ma > Su 22:42 Li Vishakha Ju > Mo 04:33 Sg Mula Ke > Ma 18:31 Sg P.Shadya Ve > MeR 10:29 Li Swati Ra > Ju 17:56 Sc Jyeshtha Me > Ve 23:20 Sc Jyeshtha Me > Sa 27:32 Cn Aslesha Me > Ra 01:24 Cn Punarvasu Ju > Ke 01:24 Cp U.Shadya Su > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Rashi Chart > ********************************************************* > * > * * * * > * * * * * > * * * * * > * * * * * > * * * * * > ********************************************************* > * * *RA 01:24 * > * * *SA 27:32 * > * * * * > * * * * > * * * * > * * * * > *************** *************** > *KE 01:24 * * * > * * * * > * * * * > * * * * > * * * * > * * * * > ********************************************************* > *MO 04:33 *JU 17:56 *AS 00:29 * * > *MA 18:31 *VE 23:20 *MER10:29 * * > * * *SU 22:42 * * > * * * * * > * * * * * > * * * * * > ********************************************************* > Navamsa chart: > ********************************************************* > * SA * SU * MO * * > * * * * * > * * * * * > * * * * * > ********************************************************* > * VE * * RA * > * * * * > * * * * > * * * * > * * * * > * * * * > *************** *************** > * MER * * * > * KE * * * > * * * * > * * * * > * * * * > * * * * > ********************************************************* > * JU * * AS * MA * > * * * * * > * * * * * > * * * * * > * * * * * > * * * * * > ********************************************************* > > > > Note that all the planets are hemmed between Rahu and Ketu. So, many > astrologers will decide that Kaala Sarpa Yoga afflicts this horoscope > . However, the ascendant in this nativity is Tula (Libra) for which > Saturn is the Yogakaraka. Rahu conjuncts Saturn and hence comes under > the influence of a benefic for this horoscope. Mars conjuncts Moon > which is a benefic to this Lagna. As Moon is stronger than Mars (by > nisarga strength and also due to its navamsa position in exalted sign) > and hence Ketu - the agent of Mars is also under control of the > benefic Moon. So, in this case the encirclement of all planets by Rahu > and Ketu has greatly added to the auspiciousness of the horoscope. > Though on a cursory glance one may conclude that the nodes have > swallowed all the planets, this is actually Kaala Amruta Yoga and not > Kaala Sarpa Dosha, because of the benefic nature of Rahu and Ketu to > this nativity. Combined with the other strong points in the horoscope > like Mercury attaining Dig Bala (Directional strength due to its > placement in the Lagna Kendra), Parivarthana Yoga (planetary exchange > between Mars and Jupiter) and the lord of 4th house (indicating > educational pursuits) - Saturn being aspected by Jupiter, the native > enjoyed an unusually keen intellect that helped him attain world > renown. He was also a rebel in his thinking though this aspect of his > personality is not so well known. > > > "Great advances in knowledge came through questioning the orthodox > view" > -SIR CV RAMAN > > This rebellious intellect was due to the influence of the nodes which > encourage divergent thinking which is very essential for scientists, > occultists and those engaged in research. > > CONCLUSION: From the above discussion, it is clear that neither Kaala > Sarpa Yoga nor kaala Amruta Yoga can make or mar the destiny of an > individual on their own merit. So, undue importance need not be given > to these. For best or for worst, they contribute to the progress or > detriment of a native in combination with other benefic/malefic > aspects of a horoscope. Their presence in the horoscope guarantees > single-minded determination to an astounding degree. So, if these > individuals turn to mysticism, meditation or constructive research, > they have the potential to scale great heights. Again, these persons > must consciously strive for all-round development of their personality > avoiding dogmatic views and over-fixation upon a single agenda in life > if they are to be accepted by others. > > > > > > > Another interesting fact that comes to light on perusal of nadi > readings of horoscopes with either kaala sarpa yoga or kaala amruta > yoga is that many of these individuals are born with a heavy karmic > burden or karmic merit accumulated over the past three births! This > probably explains why events seem to unfold beyond the conscious > control of these individuals for better or for worse." > > Hope that this article may be throw useful pointers regarding the > yoga. > > > > How low will we go? Check out Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call rates. > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 22, 2006 Report Share Posted May 22, 2006 Dear Uttara, I am sorry I did not see your message before I wrote to Wendy ji with regard to the article. I am sure you would have done the needful so far as the charts are concerned. You deserve a big thank you from all of us. David Sneak preview the all-new .com. It's not radically different. Just radically better. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 22, 2006 Report Share Posted May 22, 2006 I do not think the native is having Kaal Sarpa dosha, as lagna is out. In KS dosa all the planets including lagna are between rahu & ketu. Their is nothing like partial KS dosa. The native has saturn & rahu in 9th house which is not good, has 3 planets in bhadhak sthan, mars in 6th & mer.. & jup. in 8th house. The native needs to seriously do some prayers to overcome the obstacles. Harry mrityunjay pathak <mrityu_kec > wrote: Name:" mrityunjay pathajk I myself is kaal sarpi date of birth 14-july-1979 time 17:10 place DEORIA(INDIA) please have a look Wendy Vasicek <jyotish (AT) optusnet (DOT)> wrote: Dear Mrtyunjay, There's a lot of confusion because this (yoga?) is not mentioned in any classical literature. The nodes, rightly so, have not been given the same status as the physical planets. The sages tell us simply that the influence of these non-physical/shadowy planets is confined to the house they occupy and the planet(s) they conjoin. If you (or anyone else) have some example charts with this yoga we could take a look at them. It's much easier to explain a point with an example, don't you think? Best Wishes, Mrs. Wendy ______________________________ - mrityunjay pathak jyotish-vidya Thursday, May 18, 2006 12:31 PM querry about KAAL-SARPA yog Hi all if any one tell me about the kaal sarpa yoga (full and partial) and also the consequences because there is allot of confusion regarding this regards mrityunjay Mrityunjay kumar pathak just a look on this!!!!!!!!!!!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 22, 2006 Report Share Posted May 22, 2006 Dear David, Not to worry. It's my pleasure. I did have trouble getting the charts to upload correctly. Hopefully they have transferred well for everyone. I am glad the article is here. It is clearly written with the pros and cons. i was going to respond today with Ernst Wilhelm's take along with Raman's but my Sunday unfortunately got really turned around. So, what little I can do this evening with the article is the least i can do. Thanks for providing it for the file section. I agree with Wendy on this yoga. From what I have read and researched along with Ernst Wilhelms view. There is more in a chart to suggest ease or difficulties other than the Nodes position ín relation to the other planets to be concerned about. The concentration on this Kala Sarpa yoga seems to be a stretch for some astrologers to make a big deal out of. i find it irresponsible for astrologers to scare the wits unnecessarily out of their clients. I will even say that it can be very exploited for greed too. As Always, Uttara David Andrews <andrews635 > wrote: Dear Uttara, I am sorry I did not see your message before I wrote to Wendy ji with regard to the article. I am sure you would have done the needful so far as the charts are concerned. You deserve a big thank you from all of us. David Sneak preview the all-new .com. It's not radically different. Just radically better. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 22, 2006 Report Share Posted May 22, 2006 Dear Patrice Going by the data provided by u for Margaret Thatcher, the chart shows kaala sarpa dosa as all the planets are between rahu & ketu, but only grace is a very strong & powerful jupiter as it is in its own kendra. This is how her chart looks like Rasi +--------------+ | \ Gk / \ Ma / | | \ Sk / \ Sy / | | \ / \ / | | \ / Bu \ / | |Md \ / \ / | |Gu HL x Lg x Ch | |AL / \ / \ | | / \ Sa / \ | | / \ / \ | | / \ 7 / \ | | / \ / \ | | Ke x Ra | | \ / \ / | | \ / \ / | | \ / \ / | | \ / \ / | | \ / \ / | | x GL x | | / \ / \ | | / \ / \ | | / \ / \ | | / \ / \ | | / \ / \ | +--------------+ Harry Wendy Vasicek <jyotish (AT) optusnet (DOT)> wrote: Dear Patrice, Still here :-) The data I have for Margaret Thatcher is: 13 Oct. 1925 (09:00) Grantham, England. I haven't yet had an in-depth look at the chart so can't vouch for the T.O.B. This isn't the site where I originally found her data, but it gives the same data: I'm sure you'll find more if you just type in (Google) 'Margaret Thatcher horoscope'. Best Wishes, Mrs. Wendy ______________________________ - Patrice Curry jyotish-vidya Friday, May 19, 2006 10:50 PM RE: querry about KAAL-SARPA yog Hi Dear Wendy and List, If you're still on here, do you have a time for Margaret Thatcher? I've done a search of the Internet, but have not come up with a time. Data I've found shows: October 13, 1925, Grantham, England. Best wishes, Patrice _____ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 22, 2006 Report Share Posted May 22, 2006 Dear Haresh and All, Providing the T.O.B. is correct, Mrs. Thatcher had just commenced Jupiter dasa at the time she lost her position as leader of the Conservative Party - effectively ending her political career. At the commencement of dasa, Jupiter, occupying 3rd, was transiting 10th (8th from 3rd) in nakshatra of 5th lord Saturn - 5th as 8th from 10th signifies 'fall from position'. Saturn himself was transiting dasa lord Jupiter's natal position. She rose to power during the preceding Rahu dasa. Here is what Braha says about Rahu in 10th: "The 10th house is one of the finest placements for Rahu, as the person will have a powerful and renowned career. He will be adept at influencing the masses or selling to the public. The person lives with insatiable career ambitions and his works greatly benefit society." We all know that Rahu in 10th can bestow great worldly benefits. We also know that what Rahu gives is usually lost at the end of his period...this was so for Mrs. Thatcher. Best Wishes, Mrs. Wendy ______________________________ - Haresh (Harry) Nathani jyotish-vidya Monday, May 22, 2006 2:44 PM Re: querry about KAAL-SARPA yog Dear Patrice Going by the data provided by u for Margaret Thatcher, the chart shows kaala sarpa dosa as all the planets are between rahu & ketu, but only grace is a very strong & powerful jupiter as it is in its own kendra. This is how her chart looks like Harry Wendy Vasicek <jyotish (AT) optusnet (DOT)> wrote: Dear Patrice, Still here :-) The data I have for Margaret Thatcher is: 13 Oct. 1925 (09:00) Grantham, England. I haven't yet had an in-depth look at the chart so can't vouch for the T.O.B. This isn't the site where I originally found her data, but it gives the same data: I'm sure you'll find more if you just type in (Google) 'Margaret Thatcher horoscope'. Best Wishes, Mrs. Wendy ______________________________ - Patrice Curry jyotish-vidya Friday, May 19, 2006 10:50 PM RE: querry about KAAL-SARPA yog Hi Dear Wendy and List, If you're still on here, do you have a time for Margaret Thatcher? I've done a search of the Internet, but have not come up with a time. Data I've found shows: October 13, 1925, Grantham, England. Best wishes, Patrice Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 22, 2006 Report Share Posted May 22, 2006 Dear Patrice and All, This is what I have found too. So thanks for the direction to look at Raman's work. When I found references in Ernst Wilhelm's "Core Yogas" and then read more from his "Vault of Heavens" book on Rahu and Ketu; here too, Kala Sarpa Yoga is defined in a more contemporary light but keeps his definition within boundaries of reason. Ernst Wilhelm: "Many astrologers consider this yoga to destroy all good effects and to give a life of misery and sorrow, but this is not necessarily so. The actual effect of this yoga is that the native is much more restricted by the results of their previous karmas; the native caught by the "serpent of time." Kalasarpa Yoga, however, has nothing to say about what the native will achieve or possess in life. Other yogas will indicate that. Kalasarpa Yoga indicates that life is more fated and less directed by the native's personal volition....Essentially, Kalasarpa yoga amplifies the intensity of all other yogas in the horoscope." "Rahu in its retrograde motion is moving towards all the other planets. this indicates that Rahu is transforming all things in the native's life. the gaol of life is to bring things to a karmic balance through the initiation of those things the native is not yet comfortable with, in control of, secure with.....This form of Kalasarpa Yoga is generally experienced more stressfully; there is more confusion, and less comfort and familiarity in life......Ketu in its retrograde motion is moving towards all the other planets. Here, Ketu is transforming all things in the native's life. The goal of life is the completion and resolution of all things in the native's life." This version is generally less stressful than the other, and gives a feeling of familiarity with the things the native has in his or her life, however, it gives discontentment with what the native does have as well as longings for the things that the native cannot put their finger on." "The effects of Kalasarpa Yoga are not as significant when the lagna is not caught between the nodes along with the other planets" However, Wilhelm goes on to explain that the 7th hse cusp from the nodes does fall into the western horizon and "should be considered effective even if the lagna is not between the nodes, in which case the 7th cusp will be." Also he goes on to say that "If Kalasarpa Yoga is present, the houses and rasis occupied by Rahu and Ketu become very significant. These houses and rasis indicate the nature of the transformational theme of the Kaasarpa Yoga." "In the event that Kalasarpa Yoga is almost present, but is not due to only one planet being on the other side of Rahu/Ketu axis, then that planet becomes a very significant planet in the native's life. this is the planet of "free will" with which the native makes their success. p.p. 125-127 "Prash Trivedi in his book The Key of Life - Astrology Of The "Lunar Nodes" Only talks about Kala Sarpa Yoga as one when all planets are hemmed in between the Nodes. Whether it is in an eastern direction (Solar) or a western direction (Lunar)affects the person's karma as to being more Solar or Lunar. He states that a lot of people have this combination and it does not impeded their success or upward climb in life.. Rather, it is a matter of balancing the opposite of a stronger Solar or Lunar with the other. There is no mention of almost Kala Sarpa Yoga and he does not include the outer planets for western users. Prash Trivedi: "The Yoga would be now of two types. The first type is where all the planets are hemmed within the Eastern half. Such a native will show predominantly Solar qualities like assertiveness, self assurance, self reliance etc. but would to quite an extent lack Lunar qualities like gentleness, compassion, fostering etc. Such natives are usually harsh and insensitive like a hot midday Sun......The second type of this combination would occur when all the planets are hemmed within the Western half. Such a native will show predominantly well developed Lunar nature but would have a poorly developed Solar nature. Such natives are usually too soft, timid, inconstant, moody and changeable in their approach unless the Sun is naturally strong in their charts." "A native can rise high in life with this combination if the nodes are strong and the other indications in the chart allow for it." However, there are some ancient seers that see this yoga as a negative combination, almost a certain kind of fatedness that effects one's free will. However, others like Prash feel "the only way for climbing the evolutionary ladder for such souls is to make a conscious effort to develop the missing side of their personality and fulfill their duty in the present life." p.p. 189 - 192 BV Raman says in his book "Three Hundred Combinations" as Patrice noted, that his conclusion on KSY is as follows. IT occurs to me that undue importance need not be given to KSY. the view held by some astrologers that KSY affects longevity and adversely affects the operation of other yogas favoring rise in life achievement and accomplishment is not tenable. the overall assessment of the horoscope is important. No single yoga, including KSY, is capable of marring or making a horoscope. In our view Kalasarpa Yoga plays an important role in mundane astrology and is not of much importance in individual charts." p.p. 329 I would think then, that the placement of the Nodes in and of themselves, their rasi and house rulers and the nakshatra rulers along with any conjunction to other planets and their aspect to the opposite seventh house/ruler from themself, would take greater importance on the influence of ones Karma to be worked out in this life time along with how the rest of the chart is set up in its strength and weaknessness. As Always, Uttara Patrice Curry <patricecurry (AT) adelphia (DOT) net> wrote: Dear Krishna and Mrityunjay, I have located the book - Raman does speak of the opposite direction with Ketu at the front of this, but doesn't give this a different name. He also states as important factors to note: that in this Yoga, it is intensified if the Lagna is included between Rahu and Ketu, and that the yoga can be considered as defunct even if a single planet is with Rahu or Ketu, or outside the axis. He uses an example in this book where it is a situation of all planets included, and Ketu in front, and states this is not really strong due to this Ketu-Rahu axis and Lagna is not included. Raman is offering this information, as you said Krishna, in the Appendix versus in the main text. He also says these are ".his observations in light of my own humble experience." Raman offers that KSY has its bright shades. And that Rahu-Ketu axis favous rise in mundane life while Ketu-Rahu axis indicates elevation in spiritual matters. His final words on this are: "The overall assessment of the horoscope is important. No single yoga, including KSY, is capable of marring or making a horoscope. In our view Kalasarpa Yoga plays an important role in mundane astrology and is not of much importance in individual charts." Kindest wishes, Patrice _____ jyotish-vidya [jyotish-vidya] On Behalf Of Patrice Curry Saturday, May 20, 2006 1:57 PM jyotish-vidya RE: querry about KAAL-SARPA yog Dear Krishna, Thank you for this post and direction to this book. I have just found a place on the internet that also lists this book as giving information regarding the opposite, Ketu, Rahu direction. I will look for my book here soon. (Following our move, and still without shelves, I don't have full and easy access to all my books.) Best wishes, Patrice _____ jyotish-vidya [jyotish-vidya] On Behalf Of Krishnamurthy Seetharama Saturday, May 20, 2006 1:17 AM jyotish-vidya RE: querry about KAAL-SARPA yog For more details om KSY please refer to Appendix I of "Three hundred important combinations" by Shri. B V Raman. I have not found more info. anywhere else. Regards, Krishna _____ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 23, 2006 Report Share Posted May 23, 2006 Dear Harry and Wendy, Thanks for sending this chart Harry and for the birth time Wendy. I had found one place giving the time of 9:00 but it gave a different date. So thank you to both of you. Kindest regards, Patrice _____ jyotish-vidya [jyotish-vidya] On Behalf Of Haresh (Harry) Nathani Monday, May 22, 2006 2:45 AM jyotish-vidya Re: querry about KAAL-SARPA yog Dear Patrice Going by the data provided by u for Margaret Thatcher, the chart shows kaala sarpa dosa as all the planets are between rahu & ketu, but only grace is a very strong & powerful jupiter as it is in its own kendra. This is how her chart looks like Rasi +--------------+ | \ Gk / \ Ma / | | \ Sk / \ Sy / | | \ / \ / | | \ / Bu \ / | |Md \ / \ / | |Gu HL x Lg x Ch | |AL / \ / \ | | / \ Sa / \ | | / \ / \ | | / \ 7 / \ | | / \ / \ | | Ke x Ra | | \ / \ / | | \ / \ / | | \ / \ / | | \ / \ / | | \ / \ / | | x GL x | | / \ / \ | | / \ / \ | | / \ / \ | | / \ / \ | | / \ / \ | +--------------+ Harry Wendy Vasicek <jyotish (AT) optusnet (DOT)> wrote: Dear Patrice, Still here :-) The data I have for Margaret Thatcher is: 13 Oct. 1925 (09:00) Grantham, England. I haven't yet had an in-depth look at the chart so can't vouch for the T.O.B. This isn't the site where I originally found her data, but it gives the same data: I'm sure you'll find more if you just type in (Google) 'Margaret Thatcher horoscope'. Best Wishes, Mrs. Wendy ______________________________ - Patrice Curry jyotish-vidya Friday, May 19, 2006 10:50 PM RE: querry about KAAL-SARPA yog Hi Dear Wendy and List, If you're still on here, do you have a time for Margaret Thatcher? I've done a search of the Internet, but have not come up with a time. Data I've found shows: October 13, 1925, Grantham, England. Best wishes, Patrice _____ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 23, 2006 Report Share Posted May 23, 2006 Dear David and Uttara, Thanks for sending this article David - and Uttara for uploading it to our files. Best wishes, Patrice _____ jyotish-vidya [jyotish-vidya] On Behalf Of David Andrews Sunday, May 21, 2006 2:04 AM jyotish-vidya RE: querry about KAAL-SARPA yog Dear Patrice, I have an article by Pandit R. Dakshinamoorthi about Kala Sarpa Yoga and its variant, the Kala Amrita (or Amruta) Yoga with example charts which runs to about 6 to 7 pages. If Wendy ji has no objection I could have that forwarded to the list so that everyone can have the benefit of studying same. David Talk is cheap. Use Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. Great rates starting at 1¢/min. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 23, 2006 Report Share Posted May 23, 2006 Dear Wendy Yes I do agree with u but one thing noticiable in this chart is that even though the chart shows Kaala Saarpa Dosa, all the 9 planets are evenly distributed in the other top five houses, which is very rare in KSD. Rahu being a loner gave her the power to rule. That was the biggest benefit she had. Even Moon suppoerted her as being a loner & in Leo rasi gave her the recognition. But what other thing is also to be noticed is that rahoo was in cancers house and rahoo was in enemies house, rahoo in enemies house is known to disturb and bring obstacles in one's life, but she still could rule for over to sessions of parliament. Harry Wendy Vasicek <jyotish (AT) optusnet (DOT)> wrote: Dear Haresh and All, Providing the T.O.B. is correct, Mrs. Thatcher had just commenced Jupiter dasa at the time she lost her position as leader of the Conservative Party - effectively ending her political career. At the commencement of dasa, Jupiter, occupying 3rd, was transiting 10th (8th from 3rd) in nakshatra of 5th lord Saturn - 5th as 8th from 10th signifies 'fall from position'. Saturn himself was transiting dasa lord Jupiter's natal position. She rose to power during the preceding Rahu dasa. Here is what Braha says about Rahu in 10th: "The 10th house is one of the finest placements for Rahu, as the person will have a powerful and renowned career. He will be adept at influencing the masses or selling to the public. The person lives with insatiable career ambitions and his works greatly benefit society." We all know that Rahu in 10th can bestow great worldly benefits. We also know that what Rahu gives is usually lost at the end of his period...this was so for Mrs. Thatcher. Best Wishes, Mrs. Wendy ______________________________ - Haresh (Harry) Nathani jyotish-vidya Monday, May 22, 2006 2:44 PM Re: querry about KAAL-SARPA yog Dear Patrice Going by the data provided by u for Margaret Thatcher, the chart shows kaala sarpa dosa as all the planets are between rahu & ketu, but only grace is a very strong & powerful jupiter as it is in its own kendra. This is how her chart looks like Harry Wendy Vasicek <jyotish (AT) optusnet (DOT)> wrote: Dear Patrice, Still here :-) The data I have for Margaret Thatcher is: 13 Oct. 1925 (09:00) Grantham, England. I haven't yet had an in-depth look at the chart so can't vouch for the T.O.B. This isn't the site where I originally found her data, but it gives the same data: I'm sure you'll find more if you just type in (Google) 'Margaret Thatcher horoscope'. Best Wishes, Mrs. Wendy ______________________________ - Patrice Curry jyotish-vidya Friday, May 19, 2006 10:50 PM RE: querry about KAAL-SARPA yog Hi Dear Wendy and List, If you're still on here, do you have a time for Margaret Thatcher? I've done a search of the Internet, but have not come up with a time. Data I've found shows: October 13, 1925, Grantham, England. Best wishes, Patrice Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 23, 2006 Report Share Posted May 23, 2006 Dear Harry, //But what other thing is also to be noticed is that rahoo was in cancers house and rahoo was in enemies house, rahoo in enemies house is known to disturb and bring obstacles in one's life// Because Moon, occupying 2nd from Rahu is a temporary friend, his relationship with Moon (in this instance) is neutral. Please see BPHS Ch.3: 57-58. COMPOUND RELATIONSHIP: Should two planets be naturally and temporarily friendly, they become extremely friendly. Friendship on one count and neutrality on another count make them friendly. Enmity on one count combined with affinity on the other turns into equality. Enmity and neutralship cause only enmity. Should there be enmity in both manners, extreme enmity is obtained. The astrologer should consider these and declare horoscopic effect accordingly. Best Wishes, Mrs. Wendy ______________________________ - Haresh (Harry) Nathani jyotish-vidya Tuesday, May 23, 2006 3:44 PM Re: querry about KAAL-SARPA yog Dear Wendy Yes I do agree with u but one thing noticiable in this chart is that even though the chart shows Kaala Saarpa Dosa, all the 9 planets are evenly distributed in the other top five houses, which is very rare in KSD. Rahu being a loner gave her the power to rule. That was the biggest benefit she had. Even Moon suppoerted her as being a loner & in Leo rasi gave her the recognition. But what other thing is also to be noticed is that rahoo was in cancers house and rahoo was in enemies house, rahoo in enemies house is known to disturb and bring obstacles in one's life, but she still could rule for over to sessions of parliament. Harry Wendy Vasicek <jyotish (AT) optusnet (DOT)> wrote: Dear Haresh and All, Providing the T.O.B. is correct, Mrs. Thatcher had just commenced Jupiter dasa at the time she lost her position as leader of the Conservative Party - effectively ending her political career. At the commencement of dasa, Jupiter, occupying 3rd, was transiting 10th (8th from 3rd) in nakshatra of 5th lord Saturn - 5th as 8th from 10th signifies 'fall from position'. Saturn himself was transiting dasa lord Jupiter's natal position. She rose to power during the preceding Rahu dasa. Here is what Braha says about Rahu in 10th: "The 10th house is one of the finest placements for Rahu, as the person will have a powerful and renowned career. He will be adept at influencing the masses or selling to the public. The person lives with insatiable career ambitions and his works greatly benefit society." We all know that Rahu in 10th can bestow great worldly benefits. We also know that what Rahu gives is usually lost at the end of his period...this was so for Mrs. Thatcher. Best Wishes, Mrs. Wendy ______________________________ - Haresh (Harry) Nathani jyotish-vidya Monday, May 22, 2006 2:44 PM Re: querry about KAAL-SARPA yog Dear Patrice Going by the data provided by u for Margaret Thatcher, the chart shows kaala sarpa dosa as all the planets are between rahu & ketu, but only grace is a very strong & powerful jupiter as it is in its own kendra. This is how her chart looks like Harry Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 23, 2006 Report Share Posted May 23, 2006 Dear Patrice, //Thanks for sending this chart Harry and for the birth time Wendy. I had found one place giving the time of 9:00 but it gave a different date. So thank you to both of you.// The official British Government site (10 Downing Street) gives Margaret Thatcher's birth details as: 13 Oct. 1925... See here: Best Wishes, Mrs. Wendy ______________________________ - Wendy Vasicek jyotish-vidya Friday, May 19, 2006 11:32 PM Re: querry about KAAL-SARPA yog Dear Patrice, Still here :-) The data I have for Margaret Thatcher is: 13 Oct. 1925 (09:00) Grantham, England. I haven't yet had an in-depth look at the chart so can't vouch for the T.O.B. This isn't the site where I originally found her data, but it gives the same data: I'm sure you'll find more if you just type in (Google) 'Margaret Thatcher horoscope'. Best Wishes, Mrs. Wendy ______________________________ - Patrice Curry jyotish-vidya Friday, May 19, 2006 10:50 PM RE: querry about KAAL-SARPA yog Hi Dear Wendy and List, If you're still on here, do you have a time for Margaret Thatcher? I've done a search of the Internet, but have not come up with a time. Data I've found shows: October 13, 1925, Grantham, England. Best wishes, Patrice _____ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 23, 2006 Report Share Posted May 23, 2006 Dear Harry, //Yes I do agree with u but one thing noticiable in this chart is that even though the chart shows Kaala Saarpa Dosa, all the 9 planets are evenly distributed in the other top five houses, which is very rare in KSD.// GrahaMalika Yoga (planetary garland) is formed when all nine planets (including the Nodes) occupy seven consecutive houses. Some say the garland should start from lagna, others say from Sun. My thoughts (at this time) is that if the garland commences from 10th house (a kendra), the great fortune it's said to bestow will reveal itself through one's career, bringing recognition, worldly power etc.. Many people have Rahu in 10th house and, although this is a good placement for Rahu, few achieve anywhere near the level of success Margaret Thatcher did. She was the longest serving Prime Minister for more than 150 years and was the first woman ever to take the role. As leader of the government of Great Britain, Margaret Thatcher was undoubtedly the most powerful woman in the world for 11 years. Best Wishes, Mrs. Wendy ______________________________ - "Haresh (Harry) Nathani" <haresh1405 > <jyotish-vidya> Tuesday, May 23, 2006 3:44 PM Re: querry about KAAL-SARPA yog Dear Wendy Yes I do agree with u but one thing noticiable in this chart is that even though the chart shows Kaala Saarpa Dosa, all the 9 planets are evenly distributed in the other top five houses, which is very rare in KSD. Rahu being a loner gave her the power to rule. That was the biggest benefit she had. Even Moon suppoerted her as being a loner & in Leo rasi gave her the recognition. But what other thing is also to be noticed is that rahoo was in cancers house and rahoo was in enemies house, rahoo in enemies house is known to disturb and bring obstacles in one's life, but she still could rule for over to sessions of parliament. Harry Wendy Vasicek <jyotish (AT) optusnet (DOT)> wrote: Dear Haresh and All, Providing the T.O.B. is correct, Mrs. Thatcher had just commenced Jupiter dasa at the time she lost her position as leader of the Conservative Party - effectively ending her political career. At the commencement of dasa, Jupiter, occupying 3rd, was transiting 10th (8th from 3rd) in nakshatra of 5th lord Saturn - 5th as 8th from 10th signifies 'fall from position'. Saturn himself was transiting dasa lord Jupiter's natal position. She rose to power during the preceding Rahu dasa. Here is what Braha says about Rahu in 10th: "The 10th house is one of the finest placements for Rahu, as the person will have a powerful and renowned career. He will be adept at influencing the masses or selling to the public. The person lives with insatiable career ambitions and his works greatly benefit society." We all know that Rahu in 10th can bestow great worldly benefits. We also know that what Rahu gives is usually lost at the end of his period...this was so for Mrs. Thatcher. Best Wishes, Mrs. Wendy ______________________________ - Haresh (Harry) Nathani jyotish-vidya Monday, May 22, 2006 2:44 PM Re: querry about KAAL-SARPA yog Dear Patrice Going by the data provided by u for Margaret Thatcher, the chart shows kaala sarpa dosa as all the planets are between rahu & ketu, but only grace is a very strong & powerful jupiter as it is in its own kendra. This is how her chart looks like Harry ! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 23, 2006 Report Share Posted May 23, 2006 Good Observation Wendy. My two cents: Rahu, in addition being in the 10th house would give more positive results as Sani is exalted (going by "Sanivad Rahu"). Regards, Krishna --- Wendy Vasicek <jyotish (AT) optusnet (DOT)> wrote: > Dear Harry, > > //Yes I do agree with u but one thing noticiable in > this chart is > that even though the chart shows Kaala Saarpa Dosa, > all the 9 planets > are evenly distributed in the other top five houses, > which is very > rare in KSD.// > > GrahaMalika Yoga (planetary garland) is formed when > all nine planets > (including the Nodes) occupy seven consecutive > houses. Some say the > garland should start from lagna, others say from > Sun. My thoughts (at > this time) is that if the garland commences from > 10th house (a > kendra), the great fortune it's said to bestow will > reveal itself > through one's career, bringing recognition, worldly > power etc.. > > Many people have Rahu in 10th house and, although > this is a good > placement for Rahu, few achieve anywhere near the > level of success > Margaret Thatcher did. She was the longest serving > Prime Minister for > more than 150 years and was the first woman ever to > take the role. As > leader of the government of Great Britain, Margaret > Thatcher was > undoubtedly the most powerful woman in the world for > 11 years. > > Best Wishes, > Mrs. Wendy > > ______________________________ > > - > "Haresh (Harry) Nathani" > <haresh1405 > > <jyotish-vidya> > Tuesday, May 23, 2006 3:44 PM > Re: querry about KAAL-SARPA > yog > > > Dear Wendy > > Yes I do agree with u but one thing noticiable in > this chart is > that even though the chart shows Kaala Saarpa Dosa, > all the 9 planets > are evenly distributed in the other top five houses, > which is very > rare in KSD. Rahu being a loner gave her the power > to rule. That was > the biggest benefit she had. Even Moon suppoerted > her as being a > loner & in Leo rasi gave her the recognition. But > what other thing is > also to be noticed is that rahoo was in cancers > house and rahoo was > in enemies house, rahoo in enemies house is known to > disturb and > bring obstacles in one's life, but she still could > rule for over to > sessions of parliament. > > Harry > > Wendy Vasicek <jyotish (AT) optusnet (DOT)> wrote: > Dear Haresh and All, > > Providing the T.O.B. is correct, Mrs. Thatcher had > just commenced > Jupiter dasa at the time she lost her position as > leader of the > Conservative Party - effectively ending her > political career. At the > commencement of dasa, Jupiter, occupying 3rd, was > transiting 10th > (8th from 3rd) in nakshatra of 5th lord Saturn - 5th > as 8th from 10th > signifies 'fall from position'. Saturn himself was > transiting dasa > lord Jupiter's natal position. > > She rose to power during the preceding Rahu dasa. > Here is what Braha > says about Rahu in 10th: > > "The 10th house is one of the finest placements for > Rahu, as the > person will have a powerful and renowned career. He > will be adept at > influencing the masses or selling to the public. The > person lives > with insatiable career ambitions and his works > greatly benefit > society." > > We all know that Rahu in 10th can bestow great > worldly benefits. We > also know that what Rahu gives is usually lost at > the end of his > period...this was so for Mrs. Thatcher. > > Best Wishes, > Mrs. Wendy > > ______________________________ > > - > Haresh (Harry) Nathani > jyotish-vidya > Monday, May 22, 2006 2:44 PM > Re: querry about KAAL-SARPA > yog > > > Dear Patrice > > Going by the data provided by u for Margaret > Thatcher, the chart > shows kaala sarpa dosa as all the planets are > between rahu & ketu, > but only grace is a very strong & powerful jupiter > as it is in its > own kendra. This is how her chart looks like > > > Harry > > > Tired of spam? Mail has the best spam protection around ! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 23, 2006 Report Share Posted May 23, 2006 Dear Krishna, Indeed! And not forgetting exalted Sani, Rahu's nakshatra lord, aspects 10th from lagna. Best Wishes, Mrs. Wendy ______________________________ - "Krishnamurthy Seetharama" <krishna_1998 > <jyotish-vidya> Tuesday, May 23, 2006 9:44 PM Re: querry about KAAL-SARPA yog Good Observation Wendy. My two cents: Rahu, in addition being in the 10th house would give more positive results as Sani is exalted (going by "Sanivad Rahu"). Regards, Krishna Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 23, 2006 Report Share Posted May 23, 2006 Dear Wendy I had seen the same but preferred to present the facts in a simple way as there could be many on this group who may not be able to understand the technical terms which are their in astrology. But good I appreciate your technical qualities. Harry Wendy Vasicek <jyotish (AT) optusnet (DOT)> wrote: Dear Harry, //Yes I do agree with u but one thing noticiable in this chart is that even though the chart shows Kaala Saarpa Dosa, all the 9 planets are evenly distributed in the other top five houses, which is very rare in KSD.// GrahaMalika Yoga (planetary garland) is formed when all nine planets (including the Nodes) occupy seven consecutive houses. Some say the garland should start from lagna, others say from Sun. My thoughts (at this time) is that if the garland commences from 10th house (a kendra), the great fortune it's said to bestow will reveal itself through one's career, bringing recognition, worldly power etc.. Many people have Rahu in 10th house and, although this is a good placement for Rahu, few achieve anywhere near the level of success Margaret Thatcher did. She was the longest serving Prime Minister for more than 150 years and was the first woman ever to take the role. As leader of the government of Great Britain, Margaret Thatcher was undoubtedly the most powerful woman in the world for 11 years. Best Wishes, Mrs. Wendy ______________________________ - "Haresh (Harry) Nathani" <haresh1405 > <jyotish-vidya> Tuesday, May 23, 2006 3:44 PM Re: querry about KAAL-SARPA yog Dear Wendy Yes I do agree with u but one thing noticiable in this chart is that even though the chart shows Kaala Saarpa Dosa, all the 9 planets are evenly distributed in the other top five houses, which is very rare in KSD. Rahu being a loner gave her the power to rule. That was the biggest benefit she had. Even Moon suppoerted her as being a loner & in Leo rasi gave her the recognition. But what other thing is also to be noticed is that rahoo was in cancers house and rahoo was in enemies house, rahoo in enemies house is known to disturb and bring obstacles in one's life, but she still could rule for over to sessions of parliament. Harry Wendy Vasicek <jyotish (AT) optusnet (DOT)> wrote: Dear Haresh and All, Providing the T.O.B. is correct, Mrs. Thatcher had just commenced Jupiter dasa at the time she lost her position as leader of the Conservative Party - effectively ending her political career. At the commencement of dasa, Jupiter, occupying 3rd, was transiting 10th (8th from 3rd) in nakshatra of 5th lord Saturn - 5th as 8th from 10th signifies 'fall from position'. Saturn himself was transiting dasa lord Jupiter's natal position. She rose to power during the preceding Rahu dasa. Here is what Braha says about Rahu in 10th: "The 10th house is one of the finest placements for Rahu, as the person will have a powerful and renowned career. He will be adept at influencing the masses or selling to the public. The person lives with insatiable career ambitions and his works greatly benefit society." We all know that Rahu in 10th can bestow great worldly benefits. We also know that what Rahu gives is usually lost at the end of his period...this was so for Mrs. Thatcher. Best Wishes, Mrs. Wendy ______________________________ - Haresh (Harry) Nathani jyotish-vidya Monday, May 22, 2006 2:44 PM Re: querry about KAAL-SARPA yog Dear Patrice Going by the data provided by u for Margaret Thatcher, the chart shows kaala sarpa dosa as all the planets are between rahu & ketu, but only grace is a very strong & powerful jupiter as it is in its own kendra. This is how her chart looks like Harry ! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 23, 2006 Report Share Posted May 23, 2006 Dear Wendy and Krishna, Wendy, this is very interesting indeed! Thanks for pointing this out. Do you think this Yoga (planetary garland) could/would count from other houses as well and then gracing the significators of the house it commences from? Would this necessarily need to include the lagna as it does in this case of Margaret Thatcher? I see where you've said some say this garland should start from the lagna, and others from the Sun. I'm just wondering what your experiences have shown you as far as this Yoga working in other cases. Perhaps it wouldn't be as strong without including the lagna, etc.I don't know, but would be very interested in what you've seen in how you believe these might work in other cases. It certainly has been clear in the case of Margaret Thatcher. This along with what you and Krishna have written regarding her exalted Saturn giving aspect onto 10H Rahu. It's interesting too that then Aquarius, owned by both is in her 5H. Krishna, what does "Sanivad Rahu" mean? Kindest regards, Patrice _____ jyotish-vidya [jyotish-vidya] On Behalf Of Wendy Vasicek Tuesday, May 23, 2006 9:24 AM jyotish-vidya Re: querry about KAAL-SARPA yog Dear Harry, //Yes I do agree with u but one thing noticiable in this chart is that even though the chart shows Kaala Saarpa Dosa, all the 9 planets are evenly distributed in the other top five houses, which is very rare in KSD.// GrahaMalika Yoga (planetary garland) is formed when all nine planets (including the Nodes) occupy seven consecutive houses. Some say the garland should start from lagna, others say from Sun. My thoughts (at this time) is that if the garland commences from 10th house (a kendra), the great fortune it's said to bestow will reveal itself through one's career, bringing recognition, worldly power etc.. Many people have Rahu in 10th house and, although this is a good placement for Rahu, few achieve anywhere near the level of success Margaret Thatcher did. She was the longest serving Prime Minister for more than 150 years and was the first woman ever to take the role. As leader of the government of Great Britain, Margaret Thatcher was undoubtedly the most powerful woman in the world for 11 years. Best Wishes, Mrs. Wendy ______________________________ _____ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 23, 2006 Report Share Posted May 23, 2006 Dear Wendy, I see answers to these questions in Ernst Wilhelm's book, 'Core Yogas'. So GrahaMalika Yoga does not need to include the lagna. Also in Wilhelms' book, he gives as an example of the GrahaMalika Yoga Alfred Hitchcock's chart, where 8 planets are in 6 houses commencing from the Sun. Hitchcock's chart also has a KSY. He writes as Uttara has said earlier, that the effects of KSY are not as significant when the lagna is not caught between the nodes along with the other planets. And in the cases not involving the lagna there is a bit more personal volition. Wilhelm's book also gives Margaret Thatcher as an example chart of Kalasarpa Yoga, and his thoughts on its effects concerning her and her life as Britain's Prime Minister. Well done and very interesting. Best wishes, Patrice ______________________________ Do you think this Yoga (planetary garland) could/would count from other houses as well and then gracing the significators of the house it commences from? Would this necessarily need to include the lagna as it does in this case of Margaret Thatcher? I see where you've said some say this garland should start from the lagna, and others from the Sun. I'm just wondering what your experiences have shown you as far as this Yoga working in other cases. Perhaps it wouldn't be as strong without including the lagna, etc.I don't know, but would be very interested in what you've seen in how you believe these might work in other cases. It certainly has been clear in the case of Margaret Thatcher. This along with what you and Krishna have written regarding her exalted Saturn giving aspect onto 10H Rahu. It's interesting too that then Aquarius, owned by both is in her 5H. _____ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 23, 2006 Report Share Posted May 23, 2006 What should I do to get success in life.seeing failures since long.. Please help. DOB- 3rd sept,1977 place off birth - srinagar-jammu and kashmir time - 3:54 a.m night Patrice Curry <patricecurry (AT) adelphia (DOT) net> wrote: Dear Wendy, I see answers to these questions in Ernst Wilhelm's book, 'Core Yogas'. So GrahaMalika Yoga does not need to include the lagna. Also in Wilhelms' book, he gives as an example of the GrahaMalika Yoga Alfred Hitchcock's chart, where 8 planets are in 6 houses commencing from the Sun. Hitchcock's chart also has a KSY. He writes as Uttara has said earlier, that the effects of KSY are not as significant when the lagna is not caught between the nodes along with the other planets. And in the cases not involving the lagna there is a bit more personal volition. Wilhelm's book also gives Margaret Thatcher as an example chart of Kalasarpa Yoga, and his thoughts on its effects concerning her and her life as Britain's Prime Minister. Well done and very interesting. Best wishes, Patrice ______________________________ Do you think this Yoga (planetary garland) could/would count from other houses as well and then gracing the significators of the house it commences from? Would this necessarily need to include the lagna as it does in this case of Margaret Thatcher? I see where you've said some say this garland should start from the lagna, and others from the Sun. I'm just wondering what your experiences have shown you as far as this Yoga working in other cases. Perhaps it wouldn't be as strong without including the lagna, etc.I don't know, but would be very interested in what you've seen in how you believe these might work in other cases. It certainly has been clear in the case of Margaret Thatcher. This along with what you and Krishna have written regarding her exalted Saturn giving aspect onto 10H Rahu. It's interesting too that then Aquarius, owned by both is in her 5H. _____ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 24, 2006 Report Share Posted May 24, 2006 Dear Patrice, //Do you think this Yoga (planetary garland) could/would count from other houses as well and then gracing the significators of the house it commences from?// I do believe so! GrahaMalika yoga simply means that the planets are arranged like a garland (necklace) around the horoscope. The important thing being that the garland is not broken (no house within this garland is empty). BTW an old Pundit spoke to me of this yoga many years ago and the pronunciation is such that the K in Malika seems to be silent. He pronounced it as Graha Maa-lee-ah. Pity we don't have voice on here, hey! //Would this necessarily need to include the lagna as it does in this case of Margaret Thatcher?// My opinion (and that of the old Pundit who taught me this) is that the garland can begin anywhere. However, as with everything in jyotish, we have to use our own common-sense. If the garland begins with a dusthana for instance - how would you interpret this?? Best Wishes, Mrs. Wendy ______________________________ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 24, 2006 Report Share Posted May 24, 2006 Dear Patrice, //I see answers to these questions in Ernst Wilhelm's book, 'Core Yogas'. So GrahaMalika Yoga does not need to include the lagna.// Ernst has done a good job in gathering all these yogas together. However, oftentimes his understanding (interpretation) of these yogas differs from mine. We must remember that what these authors are offering is their opinion, and only the most naive would take such opinions as gospel. //Also in Wilhelms' book, he gives as an example of the GrahaMalika Yoga Alfred Hitchcock's chart, where 8 planets are in 6 houses commencing from the Sun.// In this case Ernst has taken the yoga from Sun rather than from Ketu, and he's termed it as ShashtaGrahaMalika. However, by excluding Ketu, it can no longer be termed a GrahaMalika yoga (which technically means all nine planets must be in seven consecutive houses). Perhaps he should have called it simply ShashtaMalika yoga. Alfred Hitchcock's chart is interesting with the garland beginning with Ketu in 5th house of entertainment (amusements), creative expression of the mind etc... He, himself had no talent as an actor, singer, real talent in the fine arts. However he did had a very unusual ability to create a certain type of entertainment. In this regard he was the master of suspense and his movies were often described as horror movies. Note Ketu and Mars (in 8th) both in the sign of Mercury. The terms 'Rahu Vat Sani' and 'Ketu Vat Mars' refers (I believe) specifically to their co-ownership of Aquarius and Scorpio respectively. In Hitchcock's chart, Scorpio owns 10th house of Career. Saturn dasa, occupying 10th, was operating when he made his first movie...note; 10th lord Mars in 8th. Alfred Hitchcock Aug 13 1899 (20:00) London, England Best Wishes, Mrs. Wendy ______________________________ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 24, 2006 Report Share Posted May 24, 2006 Dear Parul, I do have your chart on file (from some time back). Currently you're undergoing dasa of MO-VE-JU. Lagnesh Moon in 10th disposits F/M Saturn who also aspects 10th from lagna. Currently Saturn transits his natal position in lagna (4th from Moon). This transit is known as Ardhaashtama Sani and is adding intensity to what is present nataly. Bhukti lord Venus (in lagna) is also under the influence of this Saturn. If you're not already doing so you should take steps to pacify Saturn. Best Wishes, Mrs. Wendy ______________________________ - "parul sharma" <booxer999 (AT) (DOT)> <jyotish-vidya> Wednesday, May 24, 2006 2:39 AM RE: querry about KAAL-SARPA yog What should I do to get success in life.seeing failures since long.. Please help. DOB- 3rd sept,1977 place off birth - srinagar-jammu and kashmir time - 3:54 a.m night Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 24, 2006 Report Share Posted May 24, 2006 dear parul, please spell out ur exact problem....... ur chart is not that bad.. nanavati Wendy Vasicek <jyotish (AT) optusnet (DOT)> wrote: Dear Parul, I do have your chart on file (from some time back). Currently you're undergoing dasa of MO-VE-JU. Lagnesh Moon in 10th disposits F/M Saturn who also aspects 10th from lagna. Currently Saturn transits his natal position in lagna (4th from Moon). This transit is known as Ardhaashtama Sani and is adding intensity to what is present nataly. Bhukti lord Venus (in lagna) is also under the influence of this Saturn. If you're not already doing so you should take steps to pacify Saturn. Best Wishes, Mrs. Wendy ______________________________ - "parul sharma" <booxer999 (AT) (DOT)> <jyotish-vidya> Wednesday, May 24, 2006 2:39 AM RE: querry about KAAL-SARPA yog What should I do to get success in life.seeing failures since long.. Please help. DOB- 3rd sept,1977 place off birth - srinagar-jammu and kashmir time - 3:54 a.m night Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 26, 2006 Report Share Posted May 26, 2006 Dear Parul (??), You Wrote: ///What should I do to get success in life.seeing failures since long.. Please help. DOB- 3rd sept,1977 place off birth - srinagar-jammu and kashmir time - 3:54 a.m night/// It's always best to be up-front with the particular concern you want addressed. Someone sent me this (below), wanting to know if it was from the same Parul Sharma...obviously it is! The question begs to be asked, why would you veil your concern here yet state it clearly somewhere else? For an astrologer to answer your concern satisfactorily he needs to know what your concern actually is. I think this sort of thing is dishonest to put it mildly. Sent to me by a curious member: ///Please help me out with this, I ,my husband and my brother are starting a business.Infact we have floted our construction company. We all are working hard for it but things are not working in our favour. Please suggest us few remedies that can help us to improve the business. my dob- 3rd sep,1977 time-3:54 a.m midnight place- srinagar-jammu and kashmir/// Best Wishes, Mrs. Wendy ______________________________ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 27, 2006 Report Share Posted May 27, 2006 check this link interesting Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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