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Inquiries into the Absolute: Digest 79

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Digest 79, January 21st, 2004

Answers by His Holiness Romapada Swami Maharaja

*** You are welcome to send in your questions to HH Romapada Swami at

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Regret and expression of gratitude to the Lord





I need your guidance. By the Grace and the Kindness of Krishna Almighty,

I have progressed in my life in terms of my standard of living, and have

acquired a respectable job that does not give me physical stress at all,

(though there is a considerable amount of mental stress). I am happy,

there is no doubt, but the drawback is, I have involved myself a lot into

materialistic attractions of this world - MAYA. And I can realize very

well that I have moved millions and millions of light-years away from my

Dear Lord, who gave me what I asked for, who answered my prayers, was

always by my side when I wanted Him to be, was my Guide, my Motivator,

my Consoler, my Counselor -- almost everything to me.


My question is: I feel like a very selfish and a self centered person,

who remembers his Lord only when he needs something from Him and when

I receive what I asked for, I just forget my Lord. This is a very

ungrateful attitude on my behalf. I know it's a terrible sin. I feel

so ashamed of myself that I am just not able to even join my hands, and

look up to my dear Lord anymore because of this terrible guilt. Please

guide me, what should I do? How could my Lord forgive me?




The fact that you are able to appreciate the many favors bestowed upon

you by the Lord and recognize the shortcoming in your own reciprocation

with Him, is in itself a very positive beginning step. Gratitude is

a key to furthering your spiritual progress. Now you just need to

act positively, in ways that further express your feelings of gratitude,

directing those actions as an offering of your gratitude and love to

Lord Sri Krishna. This is devotional service!


As you have very nicely expressed, the Lord has been your constant

companion and faithful friend, not just in this lifetime, but in

countless lifetimes in the past! Not only is He granting your prayers

and desires, but He is also providing everything for your sustenance -

all the basic necessities of everyday life that most of us take for

granted. Thus we basically owe Him everything we have. Therefore, just

as a child should serve the parents when he grows up and recognizes

the sacrifices of the parents in raising him, similarly now in this

human form of life, when we have the developed consciousness to recognize

the Lord's kindness, we should express our gratitude by serving Him.


In a sense, regret for not having done so in the past is a good sign,

because sincere feelings of regret and repentance burn away any residual

tendency to repeat those acts or tendencies that we regret; and they can

provide the impetus towards rectification. However, let those feelings

not magnify into shame and lamentation that hold you back you from coming

closer to the Lord. Anything that impedes the favorable cultivation of

our eternal relationship with Krishna is to be rejected as a product of

ignorance only. Instead we can come before the Lord, submitting our

repentance before Him as sincere expressions of our feelings for Him,

making a firm commitment to rectify the situation. Although we might have

ignored Him foolishly, Krishna does not feel reproachful. He is ever

merciful, and always willing and eager to forgive the sincerely repentant

souls and accept them back into His fold.


Expressing our gratitude towards the Lord is not very complicated. Krishna

simply wants our love and He is satisfied simply with a fruit or flower

or leaf offered with love and devotion. One can begin simply by regularly

coming before the Lord, as in the temple, or at one's own home before

one's place of worship, and offer before Him the fruits of one's labor

with sincere expressions of gratitude; make it a practice to offer all

food first to Krishna, and then only accept His prasadam; chant His Holy

names; and read / hear about His glories in the association of devotees.

These simple acts of devotion are not only most pleasing to the Lord, but

have the potency to revive the deep feelings of devotion dormant in our

hearts. You can also see that as these practices are taken up, all other

unwanted entanglements in one's life will gradually disappear without

much extraneous endeavor, and those material involvements that one does

have can easily be dovetailed in service to the Lord. I hope this is of

some help to you.


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----- Festivals over the next week ------

Jan 21 2004, Wednesday Ganga Sagara Mela

Jan 26 2004, Monday Appearance Srimati Visnupriya Devi

Appearance Sri Raghunandana Thakura

Appearance Sri Pundarika Vidyanidhi

Appearance Srila Raghunatha Dasa Gosvami

Disappearance Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura

Vasanta Pancami

Sarasvati Puja

Jan 28 2004, Wednesday Appearance Sri Advaita Acarya (Fast)

(Fasting till noon)


*** NOTE: All times are for Washington D.C, USA, EST ***

For festival information for your city please go to http://www.iskcondc.org and

click on 'Calendar'



** A brief biography of His Holiness Romapada Swami available at


** This and all previous digests are available on the internet, sorted by

topics and date. **

They can be accessed at: http://www.iskcondc.org -> Philosophy -> Inquiries

into the Absolute

You can also directly link to our Philosophy website by add the following URL

to you website:






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