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nava yauvanam

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Nava yauvanam


Everything in Krishnas nature is ever fresh and new, like Brahma is


adyam purana purusam nava yauvanam ca

"Although he is the eldest personality, he is ever fresh and new"


Because of this intrinsic reason we chant harinam (ever same and ever sweet)

And all the qualities of Bhagavan are to experience in Sri Harinam.


rajan samsmrtya samsmrtya

samvadam imam adbhutam

kesavarjunayoh punyam

hrsyami ca muhur muhuh


O King, as I repeatedly recall this wondrous and holy dialogue between Krsna

and Arjuna, I take pleasure, being thrilled at every moment. Bg 18.76



tac ca samsmrtya samsmrtya

rupam aty-adbhutam hareh

vismayo me mahan rajan

hrsyami ca punah punah


O King, as I remember the wonderful form of Lord Krsna, I am struck with

wonder more and more, and I rejoice again and again. Bg 18.77


vistarenatmano yogam

vibhutim ca janardana

bhuyah kathaya trptir hi

srnvato nasti me 'mrtam


O Janardana, again please describe in detail the mystic power of Your

opulences. I am never satiated in hearing about You, for the more I hear the

more I want to taste the nectar of Your words. Bg 10.18


brahman krsna-kathah punya

madhvir loka-malapahah

ko nu trpyeta srnvanah

sruta-jno nitya-nutanah


What experienced listener, O brahmana, could ever grow satiated while

listening to the pious, charming and ever-fresh topics of Lord Krsna, which

cleanse away the world's contamination? SB 10.52.20


vayam tu na vitrpyama


yac-chrnvatam rasa-jnanam

svadu svadu pade pade


We never tire of hearing the transcendental pastimes of the Personality of

Godhead, who is glorified by hymns and prayers. Those who have developed a

taste for transcendental relationships with Him relish hearing of His

pastimes at every moment.

SB 1.1.19


This is also Sandipani Munis blessing:


tusto 'ham bho dvija-sresthah

satyah santu manorathah

chandamsy ayata-yamani

bhavantv iha paratra ca


You boys are first-class brahmanas, and I am satisfied with you. May all

your desires be fulfilled, and may the Vedic mantras you have learned never

lose their meaning for you, in this world or the next. SB 10.80.42



And also a very sweet picture from Govinda lilamrta:


Eager to increase her son's small appetite by preparing different

sweetmeats, the Queen of Gokula desired to bring Sri Radha for cooking.

Accidentally, Kundalata, the wife of Upananda's son Subhadra, came along and

offered her obeisances to Queen Yasoda. Yasoda told her: "O Kundalate! One

day Durvasa Muni blessed Sri Radhika, saying: "Radha, may the grains You

cook taste sweeter than nectar and may anyone who eats them be blessed with

a long life span!" Because of this blessing of Durvasa Muni I call Radha

here every day to cook! Although my son is a small eater He gets great

appetite when He eats Radha's delicious preparations. So please appeal to

Her mother-in-law with these words of mine and quickly bring Radha here with

all of Her friends!"


Although Queen Yasoda daily engages Kundalata like this, it is always again

like the first time. There is no fault in this, for the residents of Vraja

are not aware of it. Intoxicated by passionate love for Krishna, they

experience this routine as ever-fresh. (Govinda Lilamrta 3.12-16)

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